Episode 56 - Rock and Chip
My‑re fell through the air. She tried to grab onto something, anything, but the smooth side of the grounded Unsinkable III flying ship’s...

Episode 55 - The Big Smelly
“They’re gaining on us!” The wind shredded My‑re’s words. She glanced over her shoulder. Numerous crag wolves pursued her, Aphasia and...

Episode 54 - Crag Wolves
“Get back to the ship! Run!” My‑re carried the goat, Joey, and ran through the flowery field back to the flying ship, the Unsinkable...

Episode 53 - Joey
“The mere dragons are not coming back. Probably lost in the wild,” My‑re said to herself. She shifted her battle axe across her back and...

Episode 52 - The Mermaid
“Why is the crew looking at me all weird?” My‑re asked Vomarian over the banging and hammering on the Unsinkable III. “I surely don’t...

Episode 51 - Any Landing You Can Walk Away From
“It’ll be a cold day in the nine hells before I permit another Shagornan Elf to crash my ship,” Havelock snarled and climbed out of his...

Episode 50 - The Storm Crags
“For such an ominous name as the Storm Crags, it’s not too bad sailing over them,” My‑re said to Vomarian. She looked out from the bow’s...

Episode 49 - Don't Go Over that Hill
“If you get sick one more time on my boat, I’m going to turn you into a mop and bucket,” the Archmage Havelock said. He then smiled in...

Episode 48 - Mere Dragons
“What in the nine hells are mere dragons?” My‑re asked hesitantly, taking a few steps back on the deck of the floating ship, the...

Episode 47 - Important Cargo
The following month… “My‑re, our most important cargo is here. Welcome aboard the Unsinkable III,” Vomarian Fae exclaimed, briskly...

Episode 46 - Kildo Hammerhand
“You can’t quit,” General Pol stammered, chasing My‑re across the Broken Sword tavern. “This isn’t up for debate. This is for...

Episode 45 - My World Stopped
My‑re stepped out from the Academy of the Eye building. She needed some fresh air and away from judgmental stares from people trying to...

Episode 44 - This is Just Getting Better by the Moment
“I was banished. What part of I will be executed if I step foot in the Rirorni Empire, do you not understand?” My‑re asked rhetorically,...

Episode 43 - Vomarian Fae
The following afternoon… Docking and finally securing the Unsinkable III, Vomarian Fae traveled inland into Willow Beach. He was glad to...

Episode 42 - Unsinkable III
“I’d give my right butt cheek to get out of work tonight,” My‑re mumbled to herself as she carried a tray of empty mugs. The din of...