“They’re gaining on us!” The wind shredded My‑re’s words. She glanced over her shoulder. Numerous crag wolves pursued her, Aphasia and Vomarian. She held onto the mere dragon, Koma, by two tufts of hair for dear life. Vomarian rode high behind his mere dragon, Kata’s, front leg joints. Aphasia also rode high on Kuki, but her condition worsened. She saw her legging soaked with blood and staining her left leg from the wolf’s vicious bite. She looked paler than usual for a Shagornan Elf.
Traveling across the flowery field in the Rirorni Plains, the three masts of the swordsman tri-master grew nearer. However, it proved not a welcoming site. A horde of crag wolves surrounded the grounded ship. They were ferociously looking for a way in. A few leaped, slid, and clawed at the wood, their scratches trailing down the side. The gaping hole on the port side of the ship’s hull was nearly repaired. From their distance, she saw numerous spear tips poking through, like a pincushion, keeping several wolves out. Sporadic arrow fire came from the main deck. A few wolves lay dead on the field. She had no idea how they were going to get on board.
She eyed Vomarian, who also understood the puzzle before him. With each moment, they grew closer to what seemed an unachievable prize. Wolves closed behind them, and even more wolves were before them. They would be spotted at any moment and be surrounded.
Vomarian made a hand signal, which My‑re perceived and followed him. She had no idea how to steer a mere dragon. Yet, Koma continued to follow Kata, the largest. They seemed well trained. Adjusting their course, the three headed to the ship's aft section. Specifically, toward a large trash mound growing over the past two weeks from the ship's refuse and crew waste. She called it the ‘Big Smelly’.
At Vomarian’s hand gesture, My‑re’s mount Koma and Aphasia’s Kuki formed behind Kata. She didn’t have any control. The wolves pursuing them began to howl. The crag wolves at the Unsinkable III turned and saw them. They broke off their attack and moved to intercept. The crew on the ship were also pointing at them. She saw frantic movement onboard.
The mere dragons unleashed a last burst of speed. They went in a wide circle away from the approaching creatures and toward the Big Smelly. Vomarian’s dragon scrambled and hopped up the refuse pile. It leapt. Both sailed through the air. Claws sunk into the Unsinkable III’s hull. Dangling on the side momentarily, the dragon scrambled up and over to the deck. Aphasia and Kuki followed and boarded.
Koma made a mad dash up the mass heap. The crag wolves closed. My‑re gripped tightly around its neck. One front leg fell through a soft spot. Its head crashing into filth.
“Go! Don’t stop!” screamed My‑re, kicking with her heels.
Koma sprang with its back legs and freed itself but landed, stopping close to the apex of the trash heap. There wasn’t enough room or momentum to make the jump. A few crag wolves began to follow up the mound. There was no retreat.
The mere dragon turned and charged back down the garbage pile. Wolves waited at the bottom, and dozens more closed on all sides.
“No, you stupid-”
Koma unleashed an unearthly, ear-piercing shriek, cutting the air like a scimitar.
The wolves cowered. Others scrambled back. My‑re’s ears rang, and a stench filled her nostrils. Koma skidded through the muck at the bottom and turned around. The dragon charged back up the hill. She hung on even tighter and closed her eyes. It leapt. The wind rushed her face and hair. She felt a solid, jolting impact. Her grip gave, and she slid down its back. One foot caught the dragon’s hindquarters. She planted the other. Koma grunted in pain. They clung to the ship's side, but Koma’s filth-covered claws gripping into the wood were slipping.
“Get her up! Get her up!” Vomarian shouted. “Grab the rope!” A Shagornan Elf had thrown a knotted cord over the side.
She reached, but it was too short. Koma slid. Doom waited below. The crag wolves barked, snarled, and clawed at them. My‑re hampered Koma's hind legs and weighed down the mere dragon. She would kill them both.
“Don’t you let go!” Vomarian shouted. “Hang on!”
My‑re cursed in Rathiri. She released her grip. As she fell, she smiled, satisfied to see Koma, free of her burden, scamper onto the deck of the Unsinkable III.