“More bodies are over the hill. This was a slaughter.”
Vomarian looked toward Westwind, whose face was still badly swollen, arm in a sling and healing from his encounter with Varick two weeks ago. He then surveyed the carnage around him. On the road were the remains of an entire caravan wiped out. Some of the bodies, likely guards, had honorable wounds, but most were cut down from behind: civilians.
Turning one of them over, a woman, Vomarian saw a detailed piece of jewelry around her neck. It appeared authentic. Gem-encrusted bracers were on her forearms. Untouched.
“Why would the Rirorni slaughter their own? Bandits?” Westwind asked.
“No, not robbery. The Rirorni didn’t do this. This was done in pure malice.” Checking a few deeply imprinted footprints, Vomarian continued, “One man. An animal did this.”
“Varick,” Westwind cursed under his breath.
“Captain! Koma found a mine entrance in the valley below!”
Closing the woman’s eyes, Vomarian gripped his battle axe tightly to join the other fifty elves ahead. Three Shagornan Elves were pulling tight on a rope tethered to Koma as it attempted to continue downward toward a cave in the distance.
A voice called out, “I see I’m not the only one interested in Varick these days! Oh, thank Undgari’s ravens! You have the mere dragon too!”
Vomarian and Westwind turned and saw five Rirorni on horseback approach. The stocky leader's skin was sun-darkened. Like most Rirorni, his pitch-black hair was worn long but had an uncommon curl. Four deep scars, likely from a war flail, ran diagonally across his face.
The disfigured Rirorni looked past Vomarian and Westwind to the other Shagornan Elves and said, “Interesting that Varick returned back home to his fighting pits. My name is Warlord Bal’Taz, and I think you will need more men to capture Varick alive.”
“We don’t need him alive. I’m only interested in freeing Araminth, who he has as a prisoner,” Westwind said.
Vomarian folded his arm and said, “Besides, if you doubt fifty elves can capture him, I believe you overestimate the ability of just your four men.”
Expressing a haughty grin, Bal’Taz said, “Oh, I brought more than four men with me. See on the valley’s ridge above.”
Vomarian and Westwind turned. The sun rose high, the sky light blue, where a few clouds drifted. However, the range remained barren.
“Wait for it,” Bal’Taz said.
Several more heartbeats of awkward silence passed.
Huffing in annoyance, Bal’Taz continued, “Well, my timing appears to be a bit off.”
“Sir, on the ridge!” shouted a Shagornan Elf.
Turning back, they saw that yellow banners began to crest both sides of the hill. Then hundreds of Rirorni horseback riders appeared and circled the ridge above, surrounding the entire valley.
Another procession of horsemen came down the road. The Great Khan General Karameikos rode in the lead. He wore golden, plated armor surrounded by a thick, fur mantle. A large man, the leader of the Rirorni Empire, seemed not to have missed many meals. His head was clean-shaven, except for a tuft of black hair in the front of his forehead. He had piercing dark eyes with a keen intelligence behind them. He beamed with pleasure as his entourage approached.
“Well met again, Vomarian Fae of the Shagornan Elves. I see you also found my stolen mere dragon I purchased from you and My‑re, which you will turn over promptly,” Khan Karameikos said with a tone indicating a command not to be ignored.
Vomarian’s elves looked at him. Koma had tracked Varick and performed its duties well. Their quarry was holed up in a mining cave with nowhere to go. While he didn’t want to offer up the mere dragon, it didn’t serve any further use other than returning it to Sheila Greywand. Unfortunately, Karameikos had fifty men behind him and a few hundred more on the ridge. What choice did he have? He nodded to his men to turn over the reins.
“Warlord Bal’Taz. Excellent job tracking Varick and my mere dragon.”
“You are too kind, Great Khan.” Bal’Taz bowed.
“Excellent job?” Westwind commented. “Anyone could have tracked Varick. All they had to do was follow the blood trail and bodies.”
Vomarian shook his head for him to remain silent. No need to insult a man with an army behind him.
Khan Karameikos commanded, “Time to flush out our little, escaped bird. Send in my royal guard. Kill anything that moves, and bring me Varick’s head.”
“Great Khan, I must express caution. He has Araminth in there held prisoner.” Westwind explained.
Vomarian ordered, “Elves, form a phalanx. I need two rows of large shield bearers followed by another two rows of long spears behind them.”
Clearing his throat, Bal’Taz said, “I don’t think there’s a need for either approach.” He pointed to the valley below. From the cavern’s entrance, Varick emerged with several armed pit gladiators behind him. He stood there with his men. Waiting.
Khan Karameikos, surrounded by a dozen Royal Guard archers, urged his horse toward Varick. Vomarian followed on foot but motioned Westwind to stay. He didn’t want him to do anything rash and endanger Araminth’s life. The Shagornan Elf looked back. Bal’Taz stood there and didn’t seem inclined to join them.
“Warlord Bal’Taz, you have the honor of leading the procession,” Khan Karameikos said without turning around on his horse. “Varick escaped from your custody after all with my mere dragon. You can now restore your lost honor.”
Grumbling under his breath, Bal’Taz reluctantly led the entourage on horseback. They approached the cave entrance. Varick stood patiently. A great sword was strapped to his back. The lightly armored pit gladiators had weapons drawn and appeared eager for a fight.
Stopping at a respectable distance, Khan Karameikos announced, “I am the Great Warlord General Khan Karameikos. I am Ghea’s thunder, drinker of her rivers, and horse master of the vast Rirorni Empire. You have Araminth in your custody. Release her immediately.”
Nodding slightly toward the group, Varick said, “Welcome, Great Khan of Khans. Lady Araminth Goldeneye is my guest but is tied up at the moment. So, it is with great displeasure I can not grant your request. I would invite you to see her, but I am afraid my accommodations are not worthy of your presence.”
Scoffing, Karameikos said, “Varick, you are renowned and a skilled warrior, which is something the Rirorni admire and respect. Release Araminth Goldeneye. I will make you a warlord in my army and provide you with a company of Rirorni warriors to command.”
Bal’Taz added, “Release her, and your companions will be freed and no longer fight as pit gladiators.”
Varick nodded respectfully at both proposals and then turned to Vomarian. “So, Shagornan Elf. What will you offer Varick this day?”
“Death,” Vomarian replied in a muted tone.
Karameikos and Bal’Taz’s mouths dropped, and they slowly tilted their heads toward him, looking at each other with a stare of, ‘What in the nine hells are you doing?’
Vomarian continued, “I offer a Dark Arena match. If I win, Araminth goes free.”
“And when I win?” Varick retorted.
“The surety My‑re will come for you in a Blood Feud.”
Varick smirked haughtily at Vomarian’s comment and contemplated the offers. “So, I have three propositions set before me. One, join my enemy. Two, trust a liar. Or three, honorable combat that assures the object of my lifelong hatred is brought to me to face my vengeance.”
After a pause, Varick said, “I choose revenge.”