“I would advise against flying the Unsinkable III into the midst of angry dragons, Captain.”
My‑re stopped at Havelock’s words to her. She then continued to pace the ship's bow. The lookouts in the crow’s nest scanned for any signs of Varick, Vomarian Fae’s party, or Araminth’s parents on a destructive course of action toward the Rirorni Empire. It seemed as though it had been two weeks since leaving the Twisted Lands when she failed in her mission to stop the two mere dragons from reaching their owners. Now, word had spread in the dragon community that Araminth had died, not true, and her parents, Feriale and Yrioth the Ancient, had likely set out to rain fire down on the entirety of the Rirorni Empire, true.
“Do you have any thoughts on how to find Vomarian Fae, Captain?” Archmage Havelock asked.
“I don’t know.”
“Do you have any thoughts on how to find Varick, Captain?”
“Vomarian is tasked with finding Varick. Not me,” My‑re retorted.
“Do you have any thoughts on how to find Araminth’s parents, Captain?”
“Yeah, search the sky or look for smoke on the ground. The nine hells Havelock, I know I’m flying us blind,” My‑re snapped. The Shagornan Elven crew’s eyes turned at her raised tone. She snorted. She hadn’t asked to be captain and didn’t desire the responsibility. An awkward silence fell. Cursing under her breath, My‑re then began pacing again.
“Captain! Starboard side! Dust high in sharp columns! Movement on the ground!”
My‑re ran to the right side of the ship. A large mass of men moved in the far distance. Pulling a spyglass from her belt confirmed that Rirorni cavalry were on the move. In addition, they were flying yellow banners, the color of the Great Khan Karameikos.
Rushing to the navigation wheel, My‑re told a Shagornan Elf, “Follow that group, but stay high with the sun above us. I don’t wish to be spotted.”
“Those Rirorni are not marching south. I do not think they are looking for dragons,” Havelock said, approaching her.
“Perhaps. However, they’re in a hurry to be someplace important and possibly somewhere we’ll want to be,” My‑re replied.
“Ah, you are using logic, young woman. You are beginning to sound like an archmage…,” Havelock commented.
My‑re smiled.
“…apprentice,” Havelock finished.
Scrunching her nose at the comment, My‑re said flatly, “Just keep the sun above us.”
Vomarian Fae left the Rirorni, Shagornan Elves, Bal’Taz, and the Great Khan Karameikos outside and followed Varick into the fighting mine pit. The entrance had an iron bar gate with two crossed war hammers. Opening it, Varick led him down a rock tunnel with wooden supports spaced every thirty paces. Torches provided a perpetual gloom, made noxious by the smells of animals and unwashed people, while any sound bounced off the walls. They passed small iron prison cells, all empty. The conditions were abysmal.
Varick’s head was right in front of him and within striking distance of his battle axe. He had no fear of being instantly killed. The dozens of pit gladiators he passed would ensure he wouldn’t last long afterward. It would also condemn Araminth to the same fate. His best course of action was still to slay Varick in their Dark Arena match.
Entering a large cavern, he saw a large circular pit lined with stone in the middle. The pit gladiators filtered around it, with about a dozen blocking the entrance they had just emerged from. At the far end was a straw-lined cage with escape-proof iron rods. Inside, a young woman gripped the bars.
“May I present Araminth Goldeneye, none the worse for wear,” Varick said, motioning for him to verify.
When Vomarian approached the enclosure, she pulled back her red hood. A fresh, pale face with the appearance of yesterday’s youth stared at him with light, golden brown eyes and a freckled nose. Long, silky, tawny hair reached past her shoulders.
“Lady Araminth Goldeneye. My name is Vomarian Fae. I’m glad to see you alive and unharmed,” Vomarian said, nodding respectfully.
“Oh, I am not a lady,” Araminth retorted.
“Don’t worry. I’m going to rescue you,” Vomarian whispered.
“I am not worried and do not need to be rescued. Why do males think they need to rescue someone? Though, I might add you Shagornan Elves are a tenacious lot. If not for you, I would not be in this cage. I would still remain in hiding and living in peace back in Shadowspire with Westwind. Now, you have gone and messed that all up,” Araminth snapped.
“Lady Greywand-” Vomarian began.
Interrupting, Araminth questioned, “Lady Greywand? Is she behind this? I might have known. Doing the bidding of my parents no less?”
“Westwind told me about you when you visited the Dragon’s Hoard looking for me. Now, where is your female companion, My‑re?”
“She’s traveling to the Twisted Lands and trying to stop the mere dragons Kata and Kuki from informing their owners of your passing,” Vomarian informed.
“Kata and Kuki? I do not know their names. However, I know the two families there. The whole lot is haughty, inbred drakes that have nothing better to do with their time than plan petty schemes. And it will be the nine hells before I am mated to one of them. So, My‑re is heading to the mad realm of the Twisted Lands? That was unwise,” Araminth said.
“Why? She’s trying to keep your parents from wrongly hearing about your death,” Vomarian replied.
“Yes, I dare say they would not be pleased to hear that. Nothing passes faster than gossip among my kind,” Araminth commented, but more out loud than to him.
“Yes, the entirety of the Rirorni Empire is at risk,” Vomarian said.
Shrugging in agreement, Araminth asked, “So, your plan?”
“I’ve challenged Varick to a Dark Arena match for your freedom,” Vomarian answered, nodding to his opponent by the stone-laid fighting pit in the ground.
“That was unwise,” Araminth said.
“You will not win.”