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Episode 48 - Mere Dragons

“What in the nine hells are mere dragons?” My‑re asked hesitantly, taking a few steps back on the deck of the floating ship, the Unsinkable III. At least a dozen Lord Protectors in full plate armor and heavily armed made their way from the Stronghold Academy toward its docks. They were escorting three wagons, each transporting a large, metal-reinforced crate. The containers seemed to roll slightly within the space available. The drivers looked back frequently at their cargo nervously and sat at the edge of their seats. It appeared they were ready to spring off at a moment’s notice.

“Ah, they finally be here,” Kildo Hammerhand, the renowned blacksmith of the Isle of the Eye, exclaimed, rubbed his thick hands together with glee, and proceeded toward the procession.

While the dwarf and the Shagornan Elf crew approached the railing to get a better look, My‑re continued to back away and almost bumped into Archmage Havelock.

“Should we be concerned?” My‑re asked.

“Oh yes. Mere dragons are dangerous beasts to be sure,” Havelock said and then continued. “However, I suspect these are highly trained and disciplined coming from the three noble families of the Drakenfell Mountains. I mean, who would knowingly send unbroken or untamed beasts to help us on their own funded expedition to find Araminth? That would be counterproductive, wouldn’t it?”

Vomarian approached with several elves and Kildo and helped roll the strongboxes off the wagons and across to the ship's deck. The armored Lord Protectors stayed on the docks. They didn’t seem keen to board the vessel.

Through the throng of people, My‑re could see movement within the containers. She could also smell the scent of old, wet hay with strands sticking out from the gaps. She couldn’t see any details, but the creatures inside each container were large.

“Get the dragons below and secured!” Vomarian shouted. The elves sprang into action. They opened a large gate on the ship’s deck, extended a ramp down, and carefully rolled the first crate below.

“Bah, I be hoping to get a good peek at the beasts,” Kildo snorted approaching My‑re and Havelock.

Placing her hands on her hips, My‑re asked, “So, we’re just going to keep dangerous creatures boxed up for weeks or months in the darkness below?”

“Well, yes,” Havelock scoffed. “I suspect we wouldn’t be thanked for them running around the top deck.”

As the second crate rolled below, My‑re questioned, “It seems cruel. Besides, don’t you think they might be a little cross when eventually released to track Araminth?”

“The lass has a point. It’s never be a good idea to be on a dragon’s sore side,” Kildo said. “Besides, I’d be liking to take a gander at them.”

Havelock looked to My‑re and Kildo, then the third crate coming onto the Unsinkable III. “You know what? I want to get a look-see too. Besides, every living creature, great and small, shouldn’t be denied some sunshine and fresh air.” The archmage then raised and waved his hands to get the attention of the Shagornan Elves, rolling the last container toward the ramp into the hull.

“Wait, wait, wait!” Havelock shouted, jogging to the last strongbox.

“Is there a problem?” Vomarian asked and motioned for the elven crew to stop.

“None at all. I think the mere dragons would like to stretch their legs from their long journey from the Drakenfell Mountains,” Havelock explained.  “Good time to change out the hay too.”

Concern crinkled across Vomarian’s forehead as he began, “I don’t think that’s a good-”

Before the captain of the Unsinkable III could finish his sentence, Havelock snapped his fingers, the top retracted, and the four sides of the crate fell.

The mere dragon inside was the size of a horse, four-legged and reptilian in appearance. It didn’t have any wings or scales, like My‑re expected. Its hide was coarse with some hair. Its face had a maroon color with green stripes along its body and light grey underneath. It had heavy claws and a long whip-like tail, making formidable fighting weapons. It had two long, top incisor fangs. The remaining teeth weren’t overly large but sharp.

The dragon yawned, then blinked rapidly from the morning sunlight and sniffed the air around it. The entire crew froze where they stood. The creature smelled a couple of nearby Shagornan Elves without incident. The Lord Protectors on the dock drew their weapons and went into a fighting stance. The civilians on the pier turned and walked away briskly.

My‑re’s eyes widened at Havelock’s actions and didn’t move a muscle. Out of the corner of her mouth, she whispered to Kildo, “What in the nine hells is that lunatic doing?”

“Lass, ye be the one who be telling him not to keep them lizards boxed up,” Kildo whispered back harshly.

“Oh, you think this is my fault?” My‑re retorted a little louder than expected.

The mere dragon’s maroon head shot in her direction. Havelock approached and attempted to pat it, but it slunk right past and toward her and the dwarf.

“No sudden movements,” Havelock said. “If you startle them, their bite is poisonous.”

The mere dragon approached Kildo and sniffed up and down his body. The dwarf balled his fists and tensed, ready to punch the beast. Snorting in irritation, it turned its attention to My‑re.

As the creature grew closer, My‑re cursed in Rathiri.

Smelling her short, dark hair several times, the mere dragon’s nose shifted to each of her armpits. She felt its hot, wet breath against her skin. The slimy dampness also squeezed through gaps in her clothing.

“Ugh, gross,” My‑re used her hands to push its face away gently. Its snout pushed hard into her chest, and she had to catch her balance. Sniffing her feet, its nose moved up her legs, stopped at her groin, sniffed around to her derrière, and then back to the front.

“I be thinking it be liking ya lass,” Kildo snickered.

“Shut up. Get this thing out of my crotch,” My‑re said forcefully, raising her arms and trying to squirm away.

“Alright, alright. No need to be impolite. Koma, go below,” Havelock said and slapped the mere dragon on the hind quarter. The dragon scampered down the ramp to the hull underneath.

“Koma? That thing has a name?” My‑re questioned.

“Of course it does. They all do. Koma, which just introduced itself to you. Kata is the largest one, and Kuki, not to be confused with a cookie.” Havelock said. “These are magnificent and proud creatures. It seems only fitting they each have a name.”

“All I know is the other two better stay away from my groin, or they might find my axe embedded in their skull,” My‑re stated.

“Once the mere dragons are secure, prepare the ship for take-off!” Vomarian shouted to the crew.

Ignoring her statement, Havelock left her and the dwarf, who giggled to himself in glee.

My‑re had severe reservations about this little adventure, regretting agreeing to it and succumbing to Lady Sheila Greywand's pressure. A ball of nervous energy began making a lovely little home in her gut.  “Having fun, are we?”

“Aye,” Kildo exclaimed, folding his thick arms across his broad chest as he breathed in deep.

My‑re’s eyes narrowed impatiently at the dwarf, waiting for his commentary.

“An untested flying ship on its maiden voyage. A mystery to find this Araminth in the heart of the Rirorni Empire and Alastari’s mortal enemy, and three dangerous mere dragons to keep ya all company. I be envious of ya lass,” Kildo said to her with enthusiasm.

“I know! What fun!” My‑re snapped.


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