D&D Beyond Scarlet Waves
About this site
This site is a supplemental blog centering on a group of friends that attended Creighton University in the early 1990s. When we weren't studying our group played Dungeon and Dragons with a group of characters called the Dragonriders of Ravenloft. After graduation and many decades later, Covid-19, if there was any silver lining, it brought us all back together again.
Additional content will post about every week to coincide with our gaming sessions. I'd like to thank Bill Preusser (aka The Dungeon Master), Dan Novogrodsky (aka Guo Gan the Monk), Dan Sivils (aka Scomatch - the Wizard), John Husmann (aka Kai the Paladin), Mark Berthold (aka Mufi the Druid), and myself Mark G. Manley (aka Kildo Hammerhand the Cleric) for all the fun over this unprecedented time and allowing me to play in their sand box. Enjoy and come back soon!
Now, let me tell you about the days of high adventure!
About the Emerald Eel
"Ahoy, Mateys! Me name is Quint Halfbeard and I'm your Captain aboard the Emerald Eel. Each of ye has signed on to the crew here for your own reasons, and those reasons don't matter to the rest of us. So long as you do yer jobs and follow orders, you'll do well aboard me ship. We'll be setting sail with the morning light tomorrow, so best be having your fun here in port while ye've got the chance. And someone best not be bringing any more crazy gear aboard me ship, there's no room for that nonsense - you know who you are! We got a mixed load for the next run, cargo and passengers - I'll introduce ye to them once we're under way. First mate will have duty rosters posted by the time you get back!"