Chapter 97 - A Song of Fire and Ice and Acid
“Am I growing taller, or is the room shrinking?” Guo Gan asked the party as they finished loading the treasure hoard in the pocket...

Chapter 96 - The Dark One
“Velcome heroes of light. Vould you like to sacrifice yourself now?” the mistress vampire said in a foreign accent. Preternaturally...

Chapter 95 - Stag Party
“The stag is trapped within those tentacles,” Guo Gan explained, pointing with Qiekamis. The majestic emperor stag was large, with...

Chapter 94 - Swamp Life
“Open the portal to the Dark One,” Kai stated, gripping Wave tightly. “Wait…wait…wait!” Odium called out, as he entered the Space...

Chapter 93 - Fist of Furry
“Bad dog! Bad dog! Bad dog!” Scomatch yelled as he cast, Fireball. A bright streak flashed from the halfling’s fingertips. It ignited...

Chapter 92 - Hungry like the Dire Wolf
“I always choose the right door. As it’s the right one,” Scomatch commented. After exploring the two side passages off the main room of...

Chapter 91 - Duck, Duck, 7-Headed Goose - NKAG Addition
“Be telling us about the Dark One,” Kildo asked Empress Xedalli. The party had been guests of the crown after the defeat of the solar...

Chapter 90 - Never Ending Story
“We be losing,” Kildo muttered as he looked back. The coalition of the willing pirate armada was being overwhelmed by the Star Moths of...

Chapter 89 - The Battle of Xaryxispace
“Exiting hyperspace, Admiral Kai,” Major Warwick Blastimoff said, his voice tinged with excitement and trepidation. Kildo hung onto a...

Chapter 88 - Family Ties
“Bring it down! Bring it down! Bring it down!” Kai shouted across the arena sands in Vocath’s floating citadel. Qiekamis glowed from...

Chapter 87 - Get Ready to Rumble
“Just for good measure, I’m going to light up that mass of cancerous growths,” Scomatch informed as he cast, Immolation. As the magic...

Chapter 86 - Forget Me Now
Three Years Ago “Kildo Hammerhand at last. I’ve heard your community has had a spot of bother lately. Series of bad luck that seemed...

Chapter 85 - The Battle on Derp
“Princess Xedalli was the treasure I retrieved from one of the Astral Elves ship,” the undead vampirate Captain Gargenhale explained....

Chapter 84 - Voyage of the Damned
“Them vampirates be flying around on a vessel with more holes than a block of Swiss cheese. They’d be dead if they weren’t already...

Chapter 83 - Big Mamma
“Here we be floating in space deliberately looking for a shark called Big Mamma. It’s like we be ringing the dinner bell, and we be the...