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Chapter 10 - The Spiral

“I should have thought this through a wee bit more,” Kildo Hammerhand commented shaking his head as he sat on a log with Guo Gan on the western beach of Scarlet Peeks. A fire pit had been formed with a three-pronged cooking caldron borrowed from the hermit calling himself the Gardner. It was late morning, and a cool breeze blew off the water. It was a beautiful day on the beach. The sky was clear with a few clouds, but no hippogriffs riders were visible. From the waves, Kai and Zzee had just emerged. The paladin held a single, large crab in his hand, while Zzee struggled with holding what appeared to be a slime eel.

As the four converged, Guo Gan said, “A single crab and an eel doesn’t seem to be a good start for a massive barbecue.”

“I be needing a beer,” Kildo remarked.

“Good idea Kildo. Let’s head back to town, since we know the hippogriff riders have visited asking about us and they used Johnny One Bags to hire the Tomb Raiders,” Guo Gan said.

Kai and Zzee looked to each other and nodded in agreement. The triton put the crab on the sand. It scuttled back towards the ocean. The lizardfolk threw his eel back into the water.

Later in the evening, they found themselves back at the Broken Swords Tavern. A post held the bar’s sign, which displayed two crossed-but-broken, long swords. Even before they entered, they heard the din of boisterous claims, drunken toasts, and unrestrained laughter.

Entering, smoky lamps lit the interior room with dingy yellow light, revealing a tavern full of patrons. A bartender and three barmaids weaved throughout to take and fill orders. Sweet smelling, thick wooden logs fueled the hearth, which also acted as an insect repellant. It was an expensive, but welcome commodity on the island.

Finding a table, ordering drinks, and settling down waiting for the hippogriff riders to show up, Kildo noticed another party from the scavenger hunt in the tavern. A human woman with brown hair wearing leather armor sipping from a slender wine glass kept glancing their way. She sat with four other humans who were looking at a sheet of parchment and seemed to be in a discussion as they pointed their way. Motioning to Kai and Guo Gan, they also saw the other group point at them.

“Zzee, stay at the table and wait for our drinks,” Guo Gan said as he motioned for Kai and Kildo to follow.

As the three party members approached, the woman with brown hair said, “The Emerald Eels. Congratulations on winning the tournament. “We’re Dexy’s Midnight Runners.” She then motioned to her companions, “I’m Dexy and this is Connie, Chasy, Wisdy, and Strongy.”

Guo Gan introduced the party and asked, “We couldn’t help but notice you staring at us and looking at what appears to be a wanted poster?”

“Yes, it is a wanted poster,” Dexy said and turning it pushed it across the table towards the party.

Picking it up, reading over each other’s shoulders, the parchment read. ‘Have you seen this half-dwarf, half-orc druid? Mufi Abercrombie wanted Alive! Reward offered!’

“So, do you know where he is?” Dexy asked eying the group. “However, I suppose you wouldn’t tell us even if you knew.”

Guo Gan countered, “What is your group still doing here. Why doesn’t everyone go home?”

“We’re looking for work, just like everyone else.”

“Speaking of work, have you seen the hippogriff riders?” Guo Gan asked.

“Yeah, they come by every so often. You should talk to Johnny One Bags. They talk to him a lot. In fact, I think he got the Tomb Raiders a job,” Dexy said.

“He did,” Guo Gan answered.

“Where are they?”

“They seem to have gotten themselves eaten by the lizardmen,” Guo Gan replied.

“Did your lizardfolk eat them?” Dexy asked as she looked around the monk and towards Zzee sitting at their table waiting for their drinks.

“No, not that I wouldn’t put it past him,” Guo Gan said. “However, we’ve bothered you long enough. Thank you for your time. The next round is on us.” He then placed 5 silver pieces on the table for Dexy’s Midnight Runners.

The party went back to their table and after a few rounds of drinks, a group of thuggish, looking pirates entered the Broken Swords Tavern. All human, they wore leather armor with bandanas on their heads. They all wore various jewelry, earrings, nose rings, and actual rings. Each sported a variety of tattoos depicting all sorts of designs. Most were of the feminine variety in various states of dress and undress. They headed to the bar and ordered drinks. Then for the next twenty or so minutes, they watched the customers and seemed to be sizing up the tavern as a whole.

As a barmaid passed, Guo Gan motioned to her. “I’d like to order a tea and give it to the biggest one of that bunch.” The monk then pointed to the pirate group at the bar.

Several minutes later, the barmaid handed a cup to the largest, scariest, and heaviest tattooed pirate. She pointed over to their table, signaling that Guo Gan had purchased it for him. He scowled, showing black and yellow teeth. He slowly tipped the cup, letting the contents spill on the wooden floor. Turning to one of his comrades and saying something, they both laughed.

“That’s my queue, come on,” Guo Gan said as he rose and left the Broken Swords tavern.

“What that monk be thinking? I haven’t finished me beer,” Kildo said holding the mug with both hands.

“I don’t know, but he’s wanting to pick a fight. We have to back him up otherwise it’ll be eight on one,” Kai explained as he also left following the monk out the door. Zzee also rose grinning.

Sighing heavily, Kildo chugged the remaining, wiped the foam from his beard, and placed several silver on the table. “No matter, it wasn’t much stronger than that tea anyway.”

Joining his fellows, the other pirates emerged shortly after and lined up in front of them and stared hard. The leader who had received the tea said to Guo Gan, “Anything I can do for you…boy?”

“You poured out the tea, so I’m assuming you are in need of some practice? A friendly match?”

Laughing at the comment, the pirate replied, “I don’t think the local authorities would appreciate me murdering you in the middle of town. I’ll see you Emerald Eels later.”

“Where are you from?” Guo Gan asked.

“From the finest ship in this harbor. The Howling Hatred.” The eight pirates then pushed their way through the party and headed for the docks.

The rest of the evening was uneventful with no hippogriff riders showing up. The next day the group let it be known around town that they were looking to meet up with them. This proved more successful, as a messenger delivered two letters to the ship while they were on the Emerald Eel. One for the captain and another for the party. Opening it, the invitation read.

* * *

To the Scavenger Hunt Tournament Victors of Scarlet Peeks, the Emerald Eels ,

Rarely, do individuals outside of our organization have the gracious opportunity to visit our home on the Spiral. Your presence is requested at our table at your earliest convenience for lunch.


Thurl Merosska, Esq.

The Feathergale Society

* * *

Captain Halfbeard read the letter over their shoulders and said, “Finally, ye have a buyer for that cursed blue gem.”

“Possibly,” Kai said in a hesitant tone and then continued. “However, if we leave the bay, the Howling Hatred might pursue once we are in open water.”

“Don’t ye be worrying about them boys on the Howling Hatred. Ghald Fourarms will be manning the Sea Ghost. He can be blocking the harbor if those pesky pirates be getting any ideas. However, I be needing Zzee to stay on board.” When the group looked on in curiosity, Halfbeard explained. “Ye see, it seems Zzee be making quite an impression with Queen Threz of them lizardfolk on Kyrox. She be wanting Zzee to visit in the next…” he reviewed the letter, mumbling as he read, and continued “…moon’s rotation.”

“The mating cycle,” Zzee explained, as a slight smile crept across his snout.


“Bah, what Zzee be doing on his own time be his own business. So, since Mufi be hiding, and Zzee be mating…”


“Ye be needing a replacement,” Halfbeard said and then shouted. “Scomatch Thunderfire!”

A halfling came scampering out of the hold towards the group. He had short, thick brown hair with a wayward strand crossing his forehead. Pointed ears curved back with a shadow of a beard starting to grow. Wearing simple clothing and barefoot with harry feet; Scomatch was the ship’s wizard, that is after he’d train up a bit.

“What’cha need boss?”

“I be needed your brain to go with this lot. Make sure they be staying out of trouble and be getting that blue gem sold,” Halfbeard explained.

“Gotcha boss.”

As the crew of the Emerald Eel prepared the ship for departure, the plan was signaled to the Sea Ghost. Within an hour they had left the bay, but there was no sign of the Howling Hatred readying to leave or pursue. Much to everyone’s relief. Traveling straight westward, in a few hours the Spiral came into view. The island was small compared to Scarlet Peeks. Maybe one-tenth its size. However, the area around it was extremely rocky, so they party had to use the row boat to access the island. Spotting a dock, Kai and Guo Gan struggled to keep the boat in line with it. Landing at the only safe place for a boat to land, Kai, Guo Gan, Scomatch, and Kildo disembarked. The wood creaked under their weight, but held. Waves splashed on the nearby rocks giving a soothing, rhythmic sensation. The air’s taste had a hint of salt. The Spiral had a gradual, sloping rise, as a series of rocks rose from the ocean growing in height the further in one would travel. There was a series of eleven hog-head barrels right off the docks.

Guo Gan examined the barrels very closely and said, “Wow, it looks like they’ve been here for centuries.”

“If centuries means recently, you’re right. They’ve just been delivered and someone had already opened them and looked inside,” Scomatch said as he started to knock off the lids one by one. As the group peered in, they contained various items like wrapped bread, swords, and bolts of cloth.

Determining the items were all mundane, the group began to follow a path ascending upwards around a cliff, which led to a small bridge across the water to the next island rising from the waves. A fall even at this height would prove fatal, as rocks jutted like daggers from the waters below.

As Kai reached the middle of the bridge and Kildo began to cross it, there was a sound of flapping of wings and the searing distortion of heat rising from beneath the wooden passageway. Two creatures came into view, like a cross between a small, wing imp with the head of a mosquito with a long thin proboscis, all sculpted out of two elements, earth and fire. They glowed a dull red color as they perspired beads of molten lava, which sizzled as they hit the water far below. They were magma mephits.

In a gurgling voice, one of the creatures bellowed, “Death to the gem holder!” Then they each stuck their thumb in their mount and blew on it. A rupturing sound uttered from behind each, like a large amount of air being pushed through muck. Out the back of the magma mephits birthed two more. They were now facing four of the molten flying creatures.

Kai immediately slashed with his longsword, striking the third creature, which knocked off some of its magma.

Scomatch began weaving his hands and casted; acid splash. He hurled a bubble of acid, striking the second mephit. Guo Gan followed up and smacked the creature with his quarterstaff. Kildo then began casting; Toll the Dead. The sound of a dolorous bell filled the air around the creature. The vibration shook its entire form. It stopped momentarily, before liquid fire exploded from its corpse. Remnants hit both Guo Gan and Kai.

The first mephit snorted and inhaled deeply, then unleashed a blob of lava, like a loogie. Its contents splashed Kildo and Scomatch. Laughing in amusement at his companion’s action, the third creature snorted too and spat flaming phlegm striking Guo Gan and Kai.

Flinging the hot-snot from his arm, Kai slashed the third mephit knocking off more of the material. Scomatch casted; acid splash. The bubble of acid struck it dead center. Its body melted before exploding fire in the paladin’s face.

“Uh, sorry Kai.”

“Just keep fighting!” Guo Gan called out as he bashed the fourth mephit with his quarterstaff and threw a roundhouse kick, knocking the flaming creature back. Kildo follow it and casted; toll the dead. As before, the creature vibrated and exploded in liquid fire. The monk took the full blast.

“Uh, sorry Guo Gan.”

Screeching in rage at the dwarf for killing two of his companions, the first mephit spat more magma snot, striking both the cleric and wizard.

The last creature fluttered out of melee range around looking for an opening to strike.

Sheathing his longsword and pulling his glaive, Kai made a lightning thrust striking the creature. A dagger from Guo Gan lodged into its leg a moment later. However, a crossbow bolt from Kildo slammed into the mephit’s chest. It detonated in a burst of liquid magma. The fragments fell harmlessly into the sea below.

Taking a short rest to bandage their burns and wounds, the party continued to walk upward and cross another bridge where the path turned and ended at a magnificent spiraling tower. The color of sandstone, there were five tiers with a top level with archways around. A bridge crossed a 20’ foot gap to the only opening. However, that gap dropped a few hundred feet below. Crossing, there was a brass bell with a cord at an arched door.

Pulling the cord, the door opened. It led to a long hallway of white stone. An eagle carved from ivory hung across from the entryway. Its head was fashioned of steel. Also, inside were three hippogriff riders dressed in fashionable attire. One approached the group. He had short black hair that went into a beard. He was dressed in fine armor. He had a surprised look about him as he peered at the group.

“Greetings! I’m Savra of the Feathergale Society and home of the Feathergale Knights. You must be the famed Emerald Eels, who won the Scarlet Peeks Scavenger Hunt this year. There’s been a lot of buzz about you.”

Kai nodded and handed Savra the invitation.

Glancing at it quickly, Savra said, “Ah yes. We’ll be serving brunch on the upper level. Please follow me.” He then opened another set of doors exposing a spiral staircase. Looking up, its structure had a dizzying effect.

Traveling up, Guo Gan said, “We noticed a set of barrels at the docks and they had been opened. Also, on the way up here we were attacked by magma mephits.”

“Oh!?” Savra glanced back in surprise as they climbed the stairs. “I will let Thurl Merosska know about both of these items. The barrels were just delivered and shouldn’t have been opened.”

Stopping at the first level, Savra showed them into a large circular room. As they filed in, tapestries of gallant knights on hippogriff fighting dragons and dueling in the sky was the typical theme. Around the room were trophy heads of various creatures; manticores, griffins, wyverns, and owlbears. Four windows provided light. In the center of the room, was a curved table set with different varieties of finger foods and pitchers of drinks.

“Please have a seat and enjoy. I’ll let Thurl Merosska know you are here,” Savra said and he continued up the stairs.

The group sat around the table. It was filled with bread, cheeses, as well as “Tide-Me-Overs” as the main dish. Smelling of beef and pork with a hint of cooked onions, these round meatballs had a smattering of seasoning and drenched in a sweet, light gravy with brown sugar, lemon and soy sauce. A cup was on the side with freshly crushed tart berries.

Looking over the plate, nudging to Kildo, and pointing to one of the trophies on the walls, Guo Gan questioned, “Does that Owlbear head look fresh?”

The dwarf glanced up as he stabbed two meatballs with his fork. He shrugged to the monk and plopped both in his mouth.

As they ate and drank, heavy footfalls were heard coming down the stairs. Savra and who must have been Thurl Merosska descended. Thurl was a tall well build man in his 50s with greying-dark hair parted in the middle. He wore heavy armor with a two-handed sword sheathed at his side. He walked with a cane, which seemed fashioned from the tusk of some massive beast.

“Emerald Eels thank you for coming. Savra tells me you were accosted on the way up, which I apologize. Now, regarding these mephits on my island. Did anyone know you were coming here?”

“Yeah, everyone,” Kai answered between bites.

“Yes, of course. Now, tell me more regarding the open shipment barrels at the docks. These were delivered this morning. Did you see any other boats on the way here?” Thurl asked.

“No, there was only one other ship in the harbor, the Howling Hatred. It didn’t follow us here,” Kai responded.

Guo Gan added, “Everything on the docks was gone through. Maybe some aquatic folk could have done it.”

Scratching his chin Thurl said, “Possibly, there have been difficulties in the area. Speaking of difficult, what happened to your lizard?”

“I don’t think we can call him our lizard,” Kai answered. “He’s pursuing his own interests.”

“Very good, very good. So, how has your time been since winning the scavenger hunt and why were you searching the Feathergale’s out?”

“Pretty busy. There seems to be no end to various threats on the island. Our primary interest in the Feathergales is your library to conduct some research,” Kai said.

“What are you looking to study?”

“We are not at liberty to say, but it involves magical research,” Kai replied.

“My library is open, but the contents revolve around recreational purposes and not magical items,” Thurl explained.

Scomatch said, “I’d like to look at your library, as I’m a scholar and all.”

Interrupting, Kai questioned, “So, your recreation consists of flying around and hunting beasts?”

“Yes, and speaking of trophies, what’s up with that glowing gem you won?” Thurl asked.

“We don’t know much about it,” Kai said. “There are quite a bit of questions unanswered about it and its abilities.”

“There does seem to be a lot of interest in the gem. I get the impression you’ve heard of some dark cults operating in Scarlet Peeks,” Thurl said.

“Yes, do you have something to share?” Kai asked.

“There are different groups on the island. Some islanders are members, but most are not. So, that’s the rub. Figuring out who is who. Some might even say we are a cult, but that is a false narrative, as we are a recreational society who enjoys flying and hunting monsters,” Thurl clarified. “So, what would motivate you to join a group?”

“We are part of a group. The Emerald Eels,” Kai replied.

“Yes, yes. However, there are bigger things than being part of a sailing crew. You are a paladin and the dwarf a cleric, so you know there are bigger things on this plane of existence.”

“At this point we are trying to assist the council members of Scarlet Peeks and help with their local problems,” Kai enlightened.

“And how many do you think are part of a cult?”

“Between zero and all.”

Chuckling at the reply, Thurl said, “A fine political response. You’d do well in politics. I’d say the number is in between.”

“Some might be smugglers or even pirates, but part of a dark cult? I don’t know,” Kai said.

“Look at Lex Luthor. His motivations go beyond making money. He’s ambitious and a strong characteristic of a cult member. Lady Cameal has run across cults in the past, but claims she hasn’t seen any in the town. Sherriff Eliander has been on Scarlet Peeks forever and on the Town Council and he too hasn’t found any cults. Something a cult member would say, so I’d put both of them very high on the list of being a cultist, possibly leaders. Then there is Copperlocks. They only recently came to the island and that was when all of these dark cultist whispers first began,” Thurl expounded.

Kai rubbed his chin and said, “Interesting, maybe there aren’t any cults.”

“Cults typically seek something. What have the town council members asked of you?”

“As a given, we haven’t established any of them are cultists,” Kai replied.

“That seems unlikely, doesn’t it?”

“Just as likely as a business man, the sheriff, or the town council leader being a member of a cult. However, the ways of the surface people are a mystery to me,” Kai said.

“Then we must agree to disagree regarding the cults. My theory is there are many of them and all of them likely are cultists, including Anders. I’m not buying his idiot act,” Thurl said.

Nodding his head, Guo Gan replied, “On that we can all agree.”

“Now, going back to the blue gem. We’d be more than happy to take the gem off your hands. It’ll be safe, as no one can come up that we don’t want,” Thurl explained.

“Except the magma mephits,” Scomatch stated.

“They didn’t make it up here,” Thurl glared down at the halfling.

“That’s because we killed them,” Scomatch riposted.

Kai then interrupted the exchange. “We’d like some time to discuss.”

Thurl glanced to Savra and then back. “We’d be glad to assist. By chance did anyone attune to it?” Seeing blank stares from the party, he continued, “I see you haven’t. If you’d like I can give you some time alone with the gem. We can take you to the grotto on the roof. There’s a lovely garden up there.”

“Yes, that would be nice,” Kai said.

“Savra will make arrangements. Please, finish your lunch.”

After eating their fill, Savra led the group up several more flights of spiral stairs to the top of the tower. Four walls surrounded the stairway down. They emerged in the middle of the garden with beautiful flowers of all shapes and colors around the center and outer most perimeters. The grass in the middle was a surreal, bright green color, which compared to grass they normally saw, appeared fake. To the north and south of the garden were two large vultures with Feathergale knights sitting on top of them. They turned as the party appeared.

Guo Gan asked, “Wait, I thought you only rode hippogriffs?”

“No, we are aerial enthusiasts, so any mount that we can tame will do. However, we will leave you alone to meditate,” Savra said and then he waived off the two vulture riders, who took off and flew out to sea, before he descended the stairs.

“This place is beautiful,” Scomatch said as he smelled the flowers and examined the foliage. “I don’t see any bees or other insects. I wonder how they keep them pollinated.”

“Focus hobbit,” Kildo said and reached in and brought out the blue gem from his hat-of-holding. He handed it to the halfling, who sat and began casting; Identify.

Over the next eleven minutes, magical energy surrounded and swirled around the wizard and the gem. Turning it over and over, Scomatch said, “It casts light, obviously. Ah, here we go. This is good. You can attune to it. So, it has another purpose. It has the ability to fuse with a powerful, spiritual weapon of great importance, making it better. However, not as good, once combined, it can then be used to open up a portal to another dimension or plane of existence. We might not want that to happen.”

“Here let me see it,” Kai said holding out his hand.

Scomatch placed the gem in the paladin’s hands. “What are you going to do?”

“Attune to it.”

Over the next hour, Kai sat and meditated holding the gem in a closed hand. The paladin’s body began to glow the same blue color as the gem. It seemed to be building up energy as time passed to a climax. Then a thunder wave pulsed out from Kai in all directions. It lit up the surrounding area.

Kai’s eyes opened and he stood pocketing the item.

A series of footfalls were heard running up the spiral staircase from below. Thurl Merosska, Savra, and another Featherfall knight in scale mail came up along with three other squires wearing leather armor.

“I saw the blue light. Who attuned to the gem?” Thurl asked looking to each of the party members.

Kai said, “No more games. Lay your cards on the table. There’s a good chance that we’ll say the gem is better with you than us.”

“It’s about time. To be perfectly honest, we’ll keep the gem. The Feathergale society ultimate goal is to make this world a better place.”


Thurl smiled with sinister delight and holding out his hand to take the gem and said, “There are other older beings in this universe than just the gods. So, your choice is how you are going to fit in our new world order.”

“I don’t think I like the sound of ‘new world order’ and I definitely won’t fit in it,” Guo Gan said as he lashed out smacking the Feathergale knight with his quarterstaff. He then side kicked him, knocking him to the ground.

“Life is death. Death is rebirth. Rebirth is life. Let’s fight!” Kildo chanted as Kai, Guo Gan and himself glowed with the power of his bless spell. The cleric then began casting; Spiritual Hammer. A ghostly blue war hammer materialized and the magical weapon took a tremendous swipe at the Feathergale knight smashing into his chest. He grunted in pain.

Kai also began chanting and channeling divinity, as his longsword began to glow a bright yellow.

“Kill them!” Thurl Merosska howled.

The Feathergale knight and the third squire slashed at Kildo, but their attacks were blocked by his shield.

As their opponents pushed up the stairs, the second squire slashed at Guo Gan, but the monk leaned away from the attack.

Scomatch weaved his tiny hands and casted; color spray. A dazzling array of flashing, colored lights sprang from his fingertips. They struck the Feathergale knight and the first two squires. They screamed as the light blinded them.

Thurl Merosska drew his two-handed sword and lashed out at Kai, striking him. His armor bore the blunt of the heavy blow. However, blood could be seen from where it hit. He was hurt.

Guo Gan took advantage of their plight. The monk went into a twirling, whirlwind of a mad whirling dervisher. He bashed the Feathergale knight with his quarterstaff and following up with a round house kick knocked him out of the way. His gaze then fell on their leader Thurl Merosska. The monk focused all of his skill and power into a series of blinding kicks. Thurl blocked and dodged the blow, but had to give precious ground to the relentless attacks. It was then the leader of the Feathergale knights understood the monk’s goal. He was pushing him towards the edge of the garden’s cliff. Realization set in as Guo Gan leapt into the air taking a vicious, bone-crushing flying kick of incredible power. Thurl was struck in the face and was sent careening backwards and over the side of the spiral tower to the jagged rocks and water below.

Kildo’s hammer and spiritual weapon lashed out at the Feathergale knight, but missed. However, it lined him up perfectly, as Kai thrusted with his longsword. The blade bit into his scale mail and he cried out as he fell to the ground dead.

Savra launched himself into the fray. He unleashed his longsword in a piercing accurate thrust striking Kai in the leg.

Scomatch started casting color spray. It struck Savra straight in the face.

“I’m blind! I can’t see!”

Guo Gan ran back across the garden. He batted murderously at the second squire with his quarter staff. The side of his head smashed in as he fell dead. Then using his momentum, his leg glowed from the cleric’s bless spell as he side kicked the third squire in the ribs. Air blew hard from his lungs.

Kildo mentally commanded his spiritual hammer to engage Savra, as he moved over to Kai. “Life is death. Death is rebirth. Rebirth is life. Heal up!” Restorative energy then flowed from the cleric into the paladin.

Rejuvenated, Kai nodded in thanks and lashed out with his long sword striking and killing the first squire.

Seeing his companion go down, the third squire slashed with is dagger cutting Guo Gan on the arm.

“You stupid gnome! I’ll kill you!” Savra raged as he slashed with his longsword missing Scomatch.

“I’m not a gnome!” Scomatch bellowed as he began casting; magic missile. Three glowing darts of magical force then materialized and slammed into Savra.

Like a spear, Guo Gan smashed the end of his quarterstaff into the third squire’s throat. There was a sickening cartilage crunching sound as he gripped his crushed throat and slumped dead.

Kai faced off against Savra. Their weapons sparked as they struck and parried one another. The paladin swept the tip of his blade under his defenses and thrusted into the side of his opponent. Radiant light blasted from the blade, as he was smited.

Savra back away and looked at his bleeding wound. He was clearly hurt by the sword thrust. “You are fools thinking that you’ll ever defeat the Feathergale Knights.” He turned and ran towards the edge of the tower and flung himself off.

“He can probably feather fall down!” Guo Gan shouted as he, Kai and Kildo ran towards the edge. Savra was indeed floating slowly down the side of the spiral tower.

Guo Gan and Kai pulled out bowl and launched two arrows, but each sailed past. Kildo also shot a bolt from his crossbow, but the Feathergale Knight was able to curve and dodge the blow in mid-flight.

Savra seeing the group reload their missile weapons, desperately reached out and grabbed onto a window seal. Pushing it open, he pulled his body inside. He then turned to the three party members looking down at him and he gave them a haughty smirk as he disappeared inside. He had escaped.

09/04/2021 – Treasure

· We know a little more about the blue gem




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