“Follow me if you want to feather fall and live! Scomatch Thunderfire shouted as he jumped over the edge of the Spiral chasing after Savra of the Feathergale Knights.
Kildo grumbled, “This be the worst idea I’ve ever be agreeing to.”
The rest of the group glanced at each other, shrugged, and followed the mage over. A rush of air blasted their face as their stomach rammed into their lungs. They were free falling. Their limbs flailed frantically as they flew past the floating halfling. The crashing of waves and the jagged rocks, like a mouth, was eagerly waiting to devour them below.
A force, like a hand then grabbed them and slowed their descent. They gently floated vertically down the side of the Spiral.
“He went in that window!” Scomatch shouted and pointed to an opening coming up to the group.
Kildo flapped his hands, but there wasn’t any traction. He reached out and grabbed onto the window seal. Hauling himself in, he reached out and clutched Kai and Guo Gan, pulling them in.
A moment later, Scomatch’s form came in. “That was fun!”
Glancing around, they were in a bed chamber with two beds, chests and desks. The door to the room was flung open. There was a trail of Savra’s blood. Exiting they found themselves back in the 18’ foot tall ceilinged feast room. They could hear people rushing up the spiral staircase to the top where they just descended from.
“Let’s go down,” Guo Gan said. The party followed the monk down the dizzying staircase. Landing on the first level, there was a door open to a half circle room. There were boxed gardens used for growing food. Three large windows provided light. Inside, were three Feathergale squires, a red headed human with an orange sash across a heavily muscular frame. He wore orange themed, loose leggings with a thick leather belt around his waist with the image of a griffin head in the middle. His wrists and ankles were wrapped in heavy cloth, but his hands and feet were bare. They also saw a tall well build man in his 50s with greying-dark hair parted in the middle. He wore heavy armor with a two-handed sword sheathed at his side. It was Thurl Merosska.
Turning at the party coming down the stairs, the leader of the Feathergale Knights turned, saw who it was and bellowed, “Now, kill them! Properly this time!”
“Why won’t you die!” Guo Gan shouted back as he charged into the room. He swiped with his quarterstaff, but Thurl blocked it with his great sword.
“Life is death. Death is rebirth. Rebirth is life. Let’s fight!” Kildo chanted as Kai, Guo Gan, and himself glowed as he casted; Bless.
Scomatch also began casting; Color Spray. A dazzling array of flashing, colored lights sprang from his fingertips. They struck Thurl and the second Feathergale squire, who screamed as the light blinded him.
However, Thurl snorted as he said, “Your petty magic is no match for me.”
The red headed monk went into several high-speed hand and foot techniques in an elaborate kata.
“Hurricane, enough of the flash! Hit something!” Thurl roared at the monk.
Hurricane lashed out with his fits at Guo Gan, but the punch was quickly blocked. The two monks looked at each other, and then slightly nodded in respect.
“No, like this!” Thurl barked. He brought his two-handed sword downward in a cleaving motion. Kildo threw up his shield to block. The heavy weapon smashed through the parry and into the dwarf’s shoulder. It was a devastating blow. The dwarf grunted in pain.
Kai charged in to defend the cleric. He didn’t have a good angle and attacked with a wild swing, missing by several feet. However, this gave Kildo the moment he needed as he casted on himself; Cure Wounds.
Seeing the grave threat as Thurl was expertly wielding his great sword, Guo Gan needed to lessen the pressure. Taking advantage of the blind Feathergale squire, the monk expertly lashed out with his feet and hands. He struck two critical pressure points in the neck and temple. The human fell.
“Hey Thurl!” Scomatch shouted from the door way. “Ice to meet you!” As the Feathergale leader turned, the mage casted; Snilloc’s Snowball Swarm. A flurry of magical snowballs appeared. The halfling grabbed them one-by-one and flung the ice balls across the room. They hit the third squire, as well as Thurl in the face. The ice balls exploded on impact.
Wiping his wet face clear, Thurl advanced on the halfling as he retreated out of the room. Kai stepped in his way. “No matter,” he snarled as he lashed out with his great sword striking the paladin in the side.
Hurricane continued to close in with Guo Gan. His feet flew striking Guo Gan twice in quick succession. The wind ‘snapped’ in the monk’s ear as the blows landed.
However, instead of engaging the red headed monk, Guo Gan concentrated on the gravest threat in the room. He lashed out with his quarter staff, but it was parried by Thurl’s great sword. Two follow up punches landed, but bounced harmless off his heavy armor.
The first and second squire slashed their daggers at Kildo, but they each were deflected by his shield. The cleric then mumbled a healing prayer to Rigga. A wave of healing energy struck Kai and Guo Gan. While helping, it was a far cry from curing all of their wounds.
Scomatch returned to the door way and casted; Magic Missile. Three glowing darts appeared. One slammed the third squire in the chest. He went down hard. The other two blasted into Thurl’s armor.
The warrior turned slowly. “Ouch wizard. This was my father’s armor. The indignation.”
Again, Kai stood in between the mage and the outraged Feathergale leader. Swinging his great sword with tremendous force, all the paladin could do was throw his weapon in the way, as it smashed through the weak parry. Kai was struck hard. There was no way the halfling could survive such a hit. He had to protect their wizard. The triton feinted and then sprung viciously forward with his longsword. The blade bit into Thurl’s armor.
Hurricane continued to engage Guo Gan throwing several blurring attacks, but only managed to land one punch. While fending off the red headed monk, he continued to attack Thurl. His quarter staff was blocked, but he was able to get in an elbow strike hitting solid armor. The blow failed to penetrate deeply.
Kildo grabbed his holy symbol. A radiant light shown threw one of the windows and landed on the dwarf. “Foul one! Bow down and grovel in the glory that is Rigga, the Earthmother!”
Thurl’s head turned towards the cleric. “Rigga!? My master is more powerful than your puny god! When my master-”
The beginning of Thurl’s soliloquy was cut off as a fire bolt blasted the front of the warrior.
“Tee-hee!” Scomatch chuckled as he backed into, casted, and back out of the room.
“I’m tired of you peck!” Thurl roared and vanished in thin air.
“Where did he go!?” Kai asked as he spun his head looking for the leader. Taking advantage, healing energy formed around his hands. He began to move towards Kildo.
“No lad! I be spent! Use your healing on ye’self,” Kildo panted and waived him off.
Resigned, the paladin turned his hands upon himself. Healing energy coursed through his own body.
A moment later, Thurl appeared behind Scomatch. “Got ya!” His heavy two-handed sword descended and crunched into the halfling. The mage crumpled to the ground. “That’s how you do it! Now, finished them!”
The first squire stabbed with his dagger and struck Kildo in the back.
Hurricane continued to lash out at Guo Gan landing another punch. The elf then returned the favor and threw a rock-fisted punch landing smack in the middle of the red head’s nose. He stumbled back. Guo Gan then turned spinning and batted outward with his quarterstaff striking the first and last standing squire. It was an incredible attack and fell the human.
The nine hells, Kildo was out of healing. He was exhausted. They all were. He couldn’t do anything for Scomatch. Thurl was in the hallway. He could close the door and bar it, so they could deal with Hurricane. However, the mage would be at the Feathergale leader’s mercy, which he probably had none. Thurl could finish the halfling with a single blow. His options were limited. They only thing he could rely on was his shield and armor to keep him protected until they all could surround and finish Thurl off. His mind made up, he began casting; Toll the Dead. The sound of a dolorous bell filled the air around Thurl Merosska.
He shook his head in annoyance. “Dwarf, let me show you what true power is!” Thurl rushed forward.
Kai stepped in front of the charge. Thurl’s great sword came crashing down. The blow crunched into the paladin. He crumpled under the heavy weapon. Kildo took his place and raised his shield to block the blow. Again, the two-handed sword came down, smashing through the parry and smashed into his helm. The last thing the dwarf saw were stars exploding across his vision as his world went dark.
Guo Gan turned seeing three of his team mates down. He was the only one left. Gripping his quarter staff, a ‘crack’ was heard as Hurricane knocked his weapon away. In blinding speed, the red headed monk struck his chest, rapidly striking around his heart four times. He then struck in the center and twisted. His heart stopped. Guo Gan looked up at Hurricane. “You know that five point palm exploding heart technique?” A moment later, the elf’s world went dark.
* * *
An untold amount of time passed before Kildo felt the Hammer of the Gods pounding on his brain. He felt the beating pulse of blood through his veins. His entire body hurt. His muscles burned. His throat felt dry. He could even feel the pain of every strand of hair in his beard. It was the only thing telling him he wasn’t dead. He opened his eyes, but immediately closed them from the burning of the sun. Accustoming himself to the light, he looked around the room. He was laying on the ground, with Kai, Guo Gan, and Scomatch, who was snoring, next to him.
“Good you’re awake.”
Turning, Savra was in the half-circular room, along with Hurricane, and two Feathergale knights. Thurl Merosska was nowhere to be seen.
“Why ain’t we dead?” Kildo asked.
“To thank you for your fantastic work,” Savra said. “If it wasn’t for you and your recklessness and destructive exuberance, I wouldn’t have been able to get rid of that troublesome Thurl from the Feathergale Society. He had lost his way. So, as a reward, I’m letting you live on one condition. Leave, and never return.”
The party slowly pulled themselves onto their feet. To their surprise they retained all of their equipment, including their magical items.
“Oh, before you go. I have one piece of correspondence that the former leader had. It’s yours,” Savra said and handed Guo Gan the parchment.
Breaking the seal and opening it, it read.
* * *
Thurl Merosska,
We are pleased to hear about the outcome of your altercation with the Black Earth cult, and we praise you for the capture of one of their prisoners. This noblewoman has an interesting tale to tell, and we shall enjoy interrogating her further. Keep a close watch on the Sacred Stone Monastery. I want to know what our enemy is planning next.
Your beloved queen,
Aerisi Kalinoth
* * *
“May I be asking a question?” Kildo asked.
“No, this is the time when you should be leaving,” Savra explained placing his hand on his weapon’s hilt.
“That be exactly what we be doing. Lovely tower ye have. Too bad we can’t be staying,” Kildo replied and began to push the others out the room and towards the exit.
Making their way back across Spiral Island, they were glad there were not any additional mephits to manage. Finding their boat still at the docks, they rowed back towards the Emerald Eel and filled Captain Halfbeard in regarding their trip and the letter given to them by Savra.
“Well, I be glad ye all still be alive. This letter does be sounding somewhat mysterious,” Halfbeard said. He then continued, “I think there is a stone monastery on the small island of Hileigsteen to the southeast of Scarlet Peeks. It might be worth a look, but first we be needing to see how Ghald Fourarms be fairing with the Sea Ghost. Make ready to be sailing back to Scarlet Peeks!”
In a few hours, the Emerald Eel found itself back in the harbor. However, neither the Sea Ghost nor the Howling Hatred was in the bay. Captain Halfbeard, Kai, Guo Gan, Scomatch, and Kildo rowed to the docks. The dock master approached.
“That’ll be three silver to dock your boat.”
Captain Halfbeard asked, “Where be the Sea Ghost and the Howling Hatred.”
“They both left.”
Guo Gan asked, “Was the Sea Ghost blocking the Howling Hatred from leaving?”
“Yeah, but it was hard to say what they were doing, as they both sailed out. That’ll be three silver to dock your boat.”
“Alright, alright,” Halfbeard said and handed over the coins. “You lot go into town and see what ye be seeing. I’ll see if I be finding out more at the docks. I didn’t have any arrangements with Ghald, but he be a clever one. We’ll be giving him some time to show back up.”
The four party members entered the Broken Swords Tavern where they were waved over by one of the scavenger hunt teams calling themselves, Bear’s Brigade. All five were burly and hairy humans and maybe one step above a bunch of murder hoboes.
“Emerald Eels! Congratulations on your scavenger hunt win. Do you still have that gem with you?” their leader known as Bear asked.
“Yes. By chance did you see the Howling Hatred take off?” Guo Gan asked.
“Yup, it seemed they suddenly wanted to leave. One of their crew came in and then they all scattered out the door,” Bear said.
“What direction did they go?”
“I’m not sure. It’s hard to tell once they leave the bay. That’s all that anyone will probably be able to tell you,” Bear explained.
“Alright, thank you for the information,” Gao Gan said.
After a round of drinks, they returned to the docks where they found Captain Halfbeard chatting with Scaren.
“Arg, good ye be back. Mr. Scaren be here offering us employment in a little task. Why don’t you tell them what ye just be telling me,” Halfbeard said.
“Hello gentlemen and little fellow that I don’t know. What happened to Zzee?”
“He’s on pon farr with the lizard queen,” Guo Gan said.
“Eww,” Scaren shuttered. “Regardless, as you’ve noticed the bay has opened up a bit, so fishermen have been able to go out further. Soon afterwards, there were reports of a derelict ship out there called the Emperor of the Waves. It was a merchant vessel missing for many months. In fact, a ship Mr. Andrew’s expected. There was some precious cargo on board, which is addressed to him. It’s still on board, it would be greatly appreciated if it were retrieved. So, since the Emerald Eel is the only vessel here, Mr. Andrew’s would like to employ you to go find the Emperor of the Waves, board her, and retrieve the cargo.”
Guo Gan asked, “Who’s boat was it?”
“I don’t remember all the details, but I believe it was a merchant ship owned by a Mr. Aubreck.”
“What was on it?”
“A large, blue metal box.”
“How do we know it’s not empty?” Guo Gan asked.
“Only Mr. Anders is able to open it up. So, if you agree I’m prepared to pay 200 gold pieces down and 2,000 gold pieces upon return,” Scaren explained.
“2,000 gold each?” Kildo asked as his brow rose in excitement.
Halfbeard then said, “Yar, I agree. I’ll be leaving a note for Ghald to stay in port when he returns. Get the ship ready to sail.”
By late afternoon, the Emerald Eel was underway and out to sea. The sky was clear, the sea calm, and the taste of salt was in the air. It was a nice peaceful day on the water.
“Incoming from above!” came a shout from Chutney Vic in the crow’s nest.
“What critters them be?” Captain Halfbeard yelled from the steering wheel.
“Three armored knights mounted on hippogriffs! Approaching fast on an attack run!”
“Prepare to repel boarders!”
09/11/2021 – Treasure
· Experiencing a Total Party Kill