Kildo tossed and turned in his hammock. As he slept that night, he felt the dreams coalesce in his mind. Green flames flickered around the edges of his vision, then burst forth to obscure everything. They slowly receded, and he found himself on the sparsely used road leading out of his home town. Night was falling, and he looked for a place to rest. There was a small shrine to Rigga just ahead. He decided it looked like a reasonably safe place to rest. He set up a space along the backside of the shrine as the light faded, and quickly fell asleep.
As he slept that night, he felt dreams coalesce in his mind. Green flames flickered around the edges of his vision, and then burst forth to obscure everything. They slowly receded, and he found himself walking along a heavily used road in the Rolaran mainland. Night was falling, and he looked for a place to rest. There was a small shrine to Rigga just ahead. He decided it looked like a reasonably safe place to rest. He set up a space along the backside of the shrine as the light faded, and quickly fell asleep.
As he slept that night, he felt dreams coalesce in his mind. Green flames flickered around the edges of his vision, and then burst forth to obscure everything. They slowly receded, and he found himself walking along a sandy beach outside a busy port city. Night was falling, and he looked for a place to rest. There was a small shrine to Rigga just ahead. He decided it looked like a reasonably safe place to rest. He set up a space along the backside of the shrine as the light faded, and quickly fell asleep.
As he slept that night, he felt dreams coalesce in his mind. Green flames flicked around the edges of his vision, then burst forth to obscure everything. They slowly receded, and he found himself walking along the solid wooden deck of a crowded ship. Night was falling, and he looked for a place to rest. There was a small shrine to Rigga set up at the back of the boat. He decided it looked like a reasonably comfortable place to rest. He set up a space along the backside of the shrine as the light faded, and quickly fell asleep.
As he slept that night, he felt dreams coalesce in his mind. Green flames flickered around the edges of his vision, then burst forth to obscure everything. They slowly receded, and he found himself walking along a desolate wasteland. Night was falling, and he looked for a place to rest. There was a small shrine to Rigga just ahead. He decided it looked like a reasonably safe place to rest. He set up a space along the backside of the shrine as the light faded, and quickly fell asleep.
As he slept that night, he felt dreams coalesce in his mind. Green flames flickered around the edges of his vision, and then burst forth to obscure everything. They slowly receded, and he found himself walking along an empty void. He looked for a place to rest, but found none. Huge shadows werecreeping closer out of the void. "Nothing to hide behind tonight, little priest," a voice crackled out of the night, "Give yourself up to us." He felt himself pass out in the emptiness.
As he slept, he felt dreams coalesce in his mind. Green flames flickered around the edges of his vision, and then burst forth to obscure everything. They slowly receded, and he found himself waking up behind a shrine to Rigga, halfway up the old dirt road from his home town. Morning had broken him from the nightmare. Beside him was a small breakfast and a holy symbol of Rigga, an ankh, the one he still had to this day.
The flames surged before he could reply, devouring the scene of the past, replacing it with a view of the streets of Scarlet Peak. Copperlocks and several dwarven miners were walking down the street when there was a loud commotion nearby. She turned to see a group of Mephits swarming toward them. She and her crew lift their picks and moved forward to battle the mephits.
Another surge of the flames, faster this time, and he saw himself inside a dark chamber. The now familiar seven cloaked figures stood around the same table.
The Brown cloak shouted angrily, "This behavior is completely unacceptable!"
The Black cloak calmly responds, "My forces acted completely within the confines of the Covenant."
The Yellow cloak adds, "As have mine! Perhaps someone just doesn't know what we both know."
The Red cloak slams the table, "Your smug coyness is far too telling. We will reclaim the Abbey in the name of my Master!"
The Green cloak quickly reacts, "Are you mad, Vanifer?! We will destroy you on the beach!"
They begin to bicker loudly amongst themselves as the green fire swept over the scene in an instant.
As the green flames begin to fade, the flames take on a yellowish tone. The scene coalesces on Savra, standing on top of the Spire. A party of adventurers steps onto the platform.
"Made it through my minions, did you?" Savra began confidently, "Well, unlike the last group that came through here, I don't need to keep you lot around for anything. Once I've killed you I will finish bombing that shite hole of a town into dust."
"Bring me the book..."
Disoriented Kildo woke and after a few heartbeats realized he was back on the Emerald Eel in his quarters. Rising and dressing, he made his way to the galley. Kai, Guo Gan, and Scomatch were already there. The halfling had left a couple buttermilk biscuits in a basket on the table. Apple butter, was present, but almost down to the last. A plate had some cheese and salted pork to turn the biscuits into a breakfast toasty. Watered down, light beer was available to drink.
“…Lex Luthor was fighting mephits in Scarlet Peeks. He had put on a gauntlet and was mixing it up pretty well,” Guo Gan was heard saying as Kildo entered the room.
“Ye be having those dreams again?” Kildo asked sleepily.
Kai said, “Yes, we all have. I had a dream about taking my vows with a priest. He warned me to be careful of powerful beings causing me to stray from the righteous path. Only the true gods would have my interest at heart. I also saw Sheriff Eliander fighting mephits and the cloaks in conversation. I also saw Savra on the top of The Spire berating a group of adventures about killing them and bombing a town. Then the weirdest thing, someone, or something saying, ‘Bring me the book.’
Scomatch then paused mid chew, a rarity for the halfling when there was food in his mouth. He swallowed its contents hard, and then said, “I also dreamed about someone tell me to ‘bring me the book.’ I saw its image and I still have it, which was from the Ice Academy in Skorth to the far north.” The halfling then pulled it from his pack. It was brown with warped, raised ridges across its surface, an indication it was old. Triangular, ornate decorations were at its four corners in brass. In the middle was a lion’s head with a door knocker held in its mouth.
“What’s in it?” Kai asked.
“Well…it’s a manual about…stuff,” Scomatch stammered.
“So, you really don’t know what’s in it?” Guo Gan asked eyeing the mage.
“Yeah, I probably should read it closer to get a better understand what game we are playing,” Scomatch said, his face going red with embarrassment, as he put it back in his pack.
The Emerald Eel, Sea Ghost, and the sloop captured from the Howling Hatred sea fortress, which Kildo renamed the ‘Treasure of the Bay’, tied to the back, sailed into Scarlet Peeks harbor. While the Emerald Eel was damaged from the hippogriff bomb-storm and the Sea Ghost man-handled by the Howling Hatred, they were able to hobble back to town. Entering the bay, something was immediately off. Several of the smaller buildings were either knocked over or heavily damaged. The warehouses near the docks were pretty much intact with maybe some roof damage, but the mansions on Hillside Manor were untouched. There was considerable debris in the water, but there were a few places where the damage to the docks were less and they were able to pull in.
The four party members disembarked. The Dockmaster wearing a long, tan coat with a brown tricorn hat approached. “I’m so happy to see your ships. Things have been more than a little chaotic since you left. Some of the hippogriff riders from The Spiral dropped some magical, swirling storms on the town, which converged into a tornado. It caused untold havock. Several people died in the event.”
“When did this happen,” Kai asked.
“A couple days ago.”
Guo Gan asked, “Are the council members alright?”
“Yes, they are all fine.”
“How about the Howling Hatred? It be seen about?” Kildo asked.
“No, that ship hasn’t been seen, but there are a few of them blokes staying on the beach.”
Guo Gan turned his eyes up in thought and pulled out a coin, “That’s interesting. That information is worth a gold piece itself.”
After paying the docking fee, the party walked through the devastated town of Scarlet Peeks. People were cleaning up the mess, some women wept, as others began to get their lives back together. Looking up to the large housed on Hillside Manor, they stood majestically and untouched by the hardship of those below.
Making their way to Ander’s estate, after knocking, it took much longer than it used to in the past for an answer. It was as if the servants were away getting their own houses back in order within Scarlet Peeks. The door did open as a manservant answered.
“May I help you?”
“We’re here to see Anders,” Kai said.
“Follow me to the waiting room,” the man said and let them into another room filled with shelves of books and a few comfortable couches to sit. “Please wait here. Mr. Anders will arrive shortly.”
The party milled about, as Scomatch pulled a book here and there and thumbed through the pages.
“Hello guys!”
Turning at the announcement, Guo Gan asked, “Is Scaren here?”
Seeing disappointment appear on his face, Anders said, “Oh, I thought you wanted to see me. Scaren is down at the dry docks with the town council trying to help rebuild the town.”
“We have your blue box and the reward of 10,000 gold pieces,” Guo Gan replied.
“You got the box? Scaren is going to be so happy. As to the reward, I’m sure I have the amount written down somewhere,” Anders said looking around, as if the document was going to magically appear.
Scowling at the monk, Kai said, “It was 2,000. So, you might want to open the box to ensure everything is present.” The group then stepped a little closer to the blue object, except Kildo who remained and began to cover his eyes.
Noticing, the group turned towards him. Kildo replied, “Woit? Someone be needing to raise ye from the dead in case that box be melting yer faces off.”
“Oh, I don’t know how to open it. Scaren will, he knows everything,” Anders said.
“Do you mind trying?” Kai asked and winced at seeing the cautionary dwarf.
“Sure.” Anders went over to the blue box and after examining, tried to open it, but nothing happened. After a moment of shaking hard, he huffed in resignation and said, “I’m sure Scaren will know.”
“Do you know what’s in it?” Guo Gan asked.
“Some old family air looms, so just sentimental items. So, it was 2,000 gold. I’ll have my manservant retrieve it for you. Thank you again.”
After being paid and escorted out of the mansion, the party agreed to make their way back through the town towards the dry docks to speak with the council about recent events. Walking down the stone street there was a large ship resting on several massive tree logs and under repair. A wench held the main mast in its pulley system. A north-south bridge built above the bow and front of the vessel, led to the other side, which quickly sloped into the harbor. Crates, barrels, and building materials were scattered throughout the area. On the bridge, they saw Scaren give instructions to a group of six dwarven workers with thick leather clothing and belts laden with various tools. Nearby was the rest of the town council, Copperlocks, Lex Luthor, the ex-adventurer Lady Cameal, and Sherriff Eliander. They were in deep conversation pointing to various damaged areas along the docks, likely discussing where repairs were needed most.
Heading towards the town folk, a man in a hooded brown robe rounded the corner from the east. He stood there with his hands within the folds. Four puddles of mud were bubbling up from the ground in front of him and began to form a creature, like a cross between a small, wing imp with the head of a mosquito with a long thin proboscis, all sculpted out of two elements, earth and water. They were mud mephits.
The brown robed figure bellowed, “Kill them and retrieve the Gem!”
Then another robed figure, this one in a red robe, rounded a corner from the west. With him were four molten flying creatures. They were like a cross between a small, wing imp with the head of a mosquito with a long thin proboscis, all sculpted out of two elements, earth and fire. They glowed a dull red color as they perspired beads of molten lava, which sizzled as they hit the bricked road. They were magma mephits.
The red robed figure bellowed, “Kill them and retrieve the Gem!”
“Right, before we be getting started, there be any more of ye coming?” Kildo bellowed out bringing his warhammer and shield to bear.
The red and brown robed figures glared animosity at each other. They both then shouted in unison, “Kill them and retrieve the Gem!”
“I’ll kill you!” Scomatch called back towards the brown robed figure and the four mud mephits. A bright streak flashed from his pointed finger. There was a low roar then a 20’ dimeter ball of fire detonated in their midst. The robed cultist was incinerated. The mud mephits were flash burnt and their outline turned into dry dirt. They then crumpled in on themselves.
“That makes things easier,” Guo Gan commented in amazement at the halfling mage. He charged the magma mephit, between him and the red cultist, and like a bat, struck the fourth one with his quarterstaff. It exploded into a glop of magma.
“Foolish monk, if you strike me down-”
Interrupting the red cultist, Guo Gan swept his leg, knocking him to the ground, hard. Spinning back to his feet, the elf smashed his foot into his neck and grinded his spine into dust. “Whoooo- Whaaaaaa!”
Kai moved up and slashed striking the second magma mephit, knocking off a chunk of magma.
Kildo then began casting; Toll the Dead. The sound of a dolorous bell filled the air around the same mephit. Its form began to shake and then it exploded. Magma drops landed harmlessly on the ground.
The third magma mephit moved up and slashed its claws striking Guo Gan. The first mephit moved to the side and inhaled and then breathed out a 15’ cone of fire.
“Look out!” Kildo bellowed, placing his shield between him and the blast. The magical shield pushed the flame over the dwarf, but it flew into the face of Scomatch. Most of his eyebrows were singed, as they smoldered.
Lashing out with his quarterstaff, Guo Gan smashed the third magma mephit, as he was hit with droplets of burning fire.
The last magma mephit fluttered around, alone, not sure what to do with itself. Kai sighing, thrust his longsword through the creature. It too exploded striking himself and some remains hitting the dwarf.
“Ye could have warned me, so I could be getting out of the way,” Kildo snorted patting out an ember caught in his red beard.
Gathering themselves, the party headed towards the council members, Copperlocks, Lex Luthor, Lady Cameal, and Sherriff Eliander, in the middle of the stone bridge.
“What was that?” Sherriff Eliander asked in amazement. “All that fire!”
Kai said, “It seems to keep happening to us. Random mephit attacks, like mosquitoes.”
“Have there been any mephit attacks on Scarlet Peeks?” Guo Gan asked.
“Yes, indeed,” Sherriff Eliander answered. “There have been a lot of attacks around town. We are very glad you are back, as we could use some help around here.”
“It seems you’ve suffered wind attacks, like us,” Kai said. “The hippogriffs riders from The Spiral were responsible.”
“Someone saw hippogriffs right before the attack. Very rude of them too, so we are slowly getting things back together,” Sherriff Eliander said. “We sent some people over there to see what was going on.”
“Someone you didn’t like,” Kai snorted under his breath.
“Dexy’s Midnight Runners.”
“Aw, not them,” the party collectively bemoaned.
“Things probably didn’t go well for them,” Kai commented.
“Anything else you found out while you were out to sea?” Sherriff Eliander asked.
“Yes, the Howling Hatred is working with the sahuagin, so you might want to be careful about welcoming them to port,” Guo Gan said. “Have you seen any around?”
“In general, they did seem to be rude people in the first place. However, there were some that were helping around town,” Sheriff Eliander said.
“Not to jump to conclusions, but maybe there was a reason,” Guo Gan stated.
As the groups were talking, one of the six dwarven workers called out, “Oi! We be having a problem back here!”
Everyone turned and over the heads of the dwarfs, thirty-eight humanoid creatures were rising up from the waves.
As the forms lurch into clearer view, they were all clearly dead. Most of the creatures were dragging an appendage, leg, foot, or broken hand. Once appearing as they did in life, some showing the wounds that killed them. Some were dead warriors, eviscerated and bloated, while others were covered in barnacles, as creatures of the sea were in the process of eating them. Above them all towered a 10’ ogre in zombie form. Grey in death, it held a massive, spiked mace. Multiple and grievous wounds covered its form. Innards had spilled from its stomach, multiple slashes exposed muscle tissue beneath, and even a sword stuck in its side.
It was then that the stench assaulted their nostrils, the reek bodies submerged in the water for weeks. A gurgling moan was heard as they all opened their jaws, as one, the creatures that still had them, and spoke in a choir, “Give me the Gem!”
“By the gods, there are men, elves, dwarves, and even a halfling among them,” Guo Gan said.
“Zombies don’t discriminate,” Kai said flatly, his eyes focused on the hoard.
The undead converged toward the southern end of the bridge.
“Get behind us!” Kai shouted in alarm.
Lex Luthor then bellowed, “I’m going to go get help!” Both he and Scaren fled to the north. The speed in which they left was astonishing.
“I think the dwarves should stay,” Scomatch exclaimed holding up the miners as they approached him.
“No, they aren’t lawful stupid,” Kai replied readying his glaive. He casted; protection from evil on himself. The area around his head began to glow, giving him a sanctified appearance.
Kildo touched his holy symbol of Rigga. He wanted to run from the massive undead army. The paladin Kai stood to his right holding his ground. He’d never retreat in the face of this evil. Guo Gan went into a fighting stance to his left. He had no intention of leaving. It gave the dwarf courage standing beside his friends knowing they’d do everything in their power to keep him alive. He would never dishonor himself in front of them, death would be preferred.
“Soggies suck,” Kildo commented to lighten the mood, stepping next to Kai and pointing his chin towards the waterlogged undead. The cleric then began casting; spirit guardians. A low, rhythmic pulsing began to emanate from the ground. White light came from cracks in the stone. Fog rolled out approximately 15’ from the cleric. Small wisps of air arched out. Longer tendrils began to form and race about, almost playfully among the party.
As the undead approached, six emaciated, roughly humanoid creatures with an almost-hairless, decaying hide that stretched tight over their bones broke from the pack in a frenzy. Charging, each had sharp teeth of a carnivore and sunken eyes that burned as if they were hot coals from a furnace, in their sunken sockets. They flexed long, filthy claws and fangs. The stench of decaying and rotting meat lingered around their clearly undead forms. It was strong enough to immediately cause nausea to churn in the party’s stomachs. These were ghouls.
A fire bolt from Scomatch arched over and into the first approaching ghoul. It slammed into its chest, but the flame quickly extinguished on its wet, moist skin.
Two arrows ‘thunked’ into the second ghoul from Guo Gan. The monk then dropped his bow and readied his quarterstaff. Kai and Kildo standing next to him braced for the first wave.
The six ghouls entered the spirit guardian’s space. The angelic specters turned at their presence. They entered the ghouls, blasting large bits of flesh from their undead corpses, as they exited. Kai cut the first one down, as it came into range of his glaive.
Kildo smashed with his warhammer snapping the left leg bone of the second ghoul.
Crippled, Kai lunged with his bladed weapon through its chest and wrenched upwards destroying the undead. The sixth ghoul moved in. Spinning around, Kai muttered words of prayer, as it glowed with radiant light, the momentum of the heavy bladed cut the creature in half at the waist. Both parts collapsed, as black ichor flew. For extra measure, he thrusted the butt end of the glaive into the third ghoul’s stomach, which pressed in.
Guo Gan became a blurred whirlwind, as his staff smashed into the third and then fourth ghoul destroying what was left of the creatures.
A fire bolt sailed over the party and blasted into the fifth ghoul. Its entire front was scorched. The spirit guardians then swarmed the last ghoul, shredding it to pieces.
“Hey, we have reinforcement!” Scomatch shouted.
Glancing over his shoulder, Kildo saw five armed humans, four men and a woman, running across the bridge to the north, weapons drawn. He recognized their white dragon patch on their front. They were one of the teams from the scavenger hunt, the Ice Dragons. His impression was they were cold, pretentious murder hobos. He welcomed them just the same. Turning back, thirty shambling zombies were lumbering their way. The cleric casted; spiritual hammer. A ghostly blue war hammer materialized next to the dwarf. It twirled in the air, leaving a blue glow.
“Not bad for a triton and an elf. Ye be ready for round two?” Kildo snorted.
A wall of deformed undead approached, zombies. Eyes white, like hard-boiled eggs and lifeless, flesh rendered and slimy, but had clawed hand designed to kill. They couldn’t be reasoned with as they had one purpose was to retrieve the gem. Fear of death wouldn’t deter them; they were already dead. Three held the front line, but there were gaps. None could be let through. Their courage had to hold. Twelve of the shambling zombies moved carelessly into the spiritual guardian’s zone. The angelic figures swarmed angrily and blasted chunks from their bodies. Caring little for their bodies they rushed the last few feet.
Heavily damaged by the time they reached the line, Kai dispatched two and Kildo crunched one into a pile of rot with his warhammer as they came into range of their melee weapons.
“Incoming!” Scomatch bellowed.
As Guo Gan was ready to attack, a brilliant flash blinded the three. The bridge shook as a massive fireball detonated in the midst of the undead horde. Encompassed by fire, the remains of skin melted leaving only bones, which flashed black before turning into brittle and charred remains. Adjusting their eyes, only four of the second undead wave remained. Two zombies were badly marred and it was impossible to tell its former race. The other two on either side of the bridge were different. These were armored with weapons and bows strapped to their backs. They were unusual and twisted reflections of the forms they had in life. They seemed to exist in a state between being alive and being dead. Their eyes glowed like white-hot embers, while mummified flesh covered their twisted skeleton with hands ending in deadly claws. Their teeth were sharp and jagged like needles and faces twisted into expressions of revulsion and hatred. These were wrights.
Beyond the blast zone was the zombie ogre lumbering forward, which skin had also been blasted black by Scomatch’s fireball. In the far back was a vaguely humanoid entity draped in black cloth, but had a crown on its head. It drifted through the air, leaving a dark haze in its wake. There was nothing beneath its hood except glowing red eyes. The rest was total blackness. It had no visual features or appendages. The thing’s haunting tone spoke, “Give me the gem!”
The last two zombies recklessly and with no thought to their own wellbeing, pushed into the spirit guardians. The angelic spirits tore through the undead destroying what remained of their bodies. They collapsed before reaching the trio.
“We crunched those soggies,” Kai said as he grinned down at Kildo. The dwarf smiled before an arrow slammed into his shoulder knocking him hard to the ground. The poor quality of the arrowhead failed to penetrate the dwarf’s chain mail shirt, but it was sure to leave a nasty bruise. Glancing up, one of the wrights had pulled a longbow and had fired at the cleric. The spirit guardians wailed for a moment, before dissipating into the air. The spell was broken. The paladin didn’t have time to help his companion, as the ogre zombie advanced through the charred bones of the other undead kicking up soot. The triton stuck it with his glaive, but didn’t deter the creature’s advance.
“Look out!” Scomatch called out. A ball of fire was arching from the wraith and over their heads. It landed in the group’s midst. A flash of light, proceeded flame as it spread out from the center of the blast. The front line was singed, but the majority of the damage was concentrated behind them. Five out of the six dwarves, held up by Scomatch were dead. Lady Cameal, Sherriff Eliander, and Copperlocks, who was helping the last dwarf up and whose beard had mostly been burned off, were also caught in the blast. However, a scene of horror was behind them. The five members from the Ice Dragon were also affected, as well as their opponents, as they were fully engaged and facing off against eight squat, maw demons with enormous sharp, toothy slavering jaws split from the top of their heads. Their mouths made up over half the length of its body, which traveled into a giant gullet. Their ugly hides were a shade of blue and purple. It had four stubby arms ending in three talons and four squat legs ending in four sharp toes.
Driving the maw demons on was an unholy creature from the abyss. It had a broad, muscular body, standing 15’ tall. It had a physically bewildering feature of two pairs of arms, each with a different extremity. While their main arms were monstrous limbs that ended in powerful pincers, the smaller humanoid pair ended in clawed hands and protruded from the stomach. Goat horns adorned the top of their canine heads and numerous fangs rested in their muzzles. Their skin was wrinkly and ranged in tone from deep russet to pitch black. A pair of cold, purple, piercing eyes hinted at their great intelligence, contrasting with their bestial appearance. It was a glabrezu.
The Ice Dragons, as well as Sheriff Eliander and Lady Cameal squared off against them. Scomatch joined the battle in the north and began casting; thunderwave. A thunderous force swept out from the halfling, knocking all the maw demons back 10 feet, except one. It was quickly dispatched by the fighters. However, the mouth demons quickly recovered and charged. One of the Ice Dragons rushed out to meet them, but was quickly surrounded and was torn apart by the claws. One of the creatures then began to rip flesh and cram it into its split mouth. Like sharks, it started a feeding frenzy as the others began to tear into the deceased fighter and gorged themselves. They ripped leg meat, like chicken and slurped down large and small intestines alike, like spaghetti. Soon there’d be nothing left, but a blood splatter of their former companion.
Horrified, the remaining Ice Dragons and council members stabbed, slashed, and thrusted their weapons into the distracted maw demons as they feasted on the bloody flesh. They fell five of the creatures who were more interested in feasting, than protecting themselves from attack.
On the southern side of the bridge, Kai squared off against the zombie ogre. The beast swung its mace downward with a ‘whooshing’ sound. It missed the paladin, as the impact cracked the stone.
“Go! Guo Gan and I be taking this beast! Stop that wraith!” Kildo called out stepping in front of the undead to protect the triton and ward off the ogre’s blows with his shield. His spiritual hammer smashed into the undead from behind.
The monk continued to bat at the giant, breaking bones and tearing flesh, but the massive brute wouldn’t go down and seemingly immune to pain. It was a creature designed for one purpose, to absorb damage.
Charging down the bridge, Kai engaged the first wright, which had shot the cleric. Bow still in hand, it was defenseless as he brought down the heavy glaive. It glowed with radiant light, as the paladin smited the creature. The blade passed through the undead like hot butter, destroying it.
However, the ogre zombie was fixated on Kai. It stepped over the dwarf and lumbered after the paladin and swung its colossal mace. The triton was able to stay out of reach of the slower moving undead’s deadly weapon, as he advanced towards the wraith.
The other wright charged, reaching out with its clawed hands attempting to grab Kildo. The dwarven cleric threw up his shield blocking the blows. There was a horrible screeching sound, as the sharp nails scraped down it.
Knowing that he didn’t want to be touched by any undead, especially a wright, Kildo mentally commanded his spiritual hammer to engage the creature. Missing, the weapon did its job and kept the undead in check. Turning back towards the zombie ogre, the dwarf rushed in and smashed his warhammer into the creature’s knee, destroying it. The mound of flesh fell to one knee, as he brought his weapon back around and smashed its spike into its brain. Black ichor blew out as the zombie slumped to the ground, its body falling in on itself, dead again.
The wraith advanced across the bridge. It reached out its smoke-like hands toward Guo Gan. The monk backpedaled not wanting that foul creature touching him.
Distracted by the elf, Kai approached from behind. His glaive continued to glow with radiant light, as it slashed through the smoke monster. Its form reeled back from the attack, it was hurt.
Understanding his quarterstaff was likely useless against a smoke creature, Guo Gan turned his attention to the wright Kildo was fighting. Striking the undead twice in quick succession, it was difficult to tell if he was doing much, if any damage, against its armor and undead form underneath. However, before they could help against the demons, the issue of the undead would need to be resolved.
Back on the north end of the bridge, Scomatch was battling on two fronts. His attention remained on the demons as he casted; thunderwave. Two of the maw demons were pushed back as a wave of thunderous force struck them. Taking advantage, the members of the Ice Dragons pursued and slew the tooth filled, mouth creatures. However, their victory was short lived, as the 15’ tall glabrezu demon grabbed two of the men, one in each pincer. They struck their weapons against its hardened skin, but they bounced. The creature grinned at the human’s helplessness. It slowly flexed its muscles and closed its claws. The men screamed in agony as their bodies snapped in two. Blood splashed on the ground, like being dropped from a large bucket. The top half of the men simply fell away.
“Back to the abyss with you,” Scomatch roared as he extended his hands and casted; witch bolt. A beam of crackling, blue lightning lanced out towards the demon, electrifying the creature.
“More reinforcements!” Kildo shouted.
To the south, another group of adventures arrived behind and to the west of the undead. They had a red colored, spider on their armor. It was another group from the scavenger hunt, the Ruby Spiders. While the dwarf considered them devious and greedy murder hoboes, he welcomed their presence the same. Weapons drawn, they were heading towards the bridge, but they had a panicked expression on their face, they were being chased by a massive lobtrosity.
The enormous yellow-green lobster-like aberrations like a horrible mix of crustacean, insect, and serpent, standing 8’ tall. It had four long legs, two large claws, a strong protective exoskeleton, a fan-like tail, and a mass collection of tentacles worming around its mouth. It was a chuul.
The latest arrival would need to wait, as Kildo and Guo Gan continued to battle against the wright. The cleric was able to fend off the undead’s attacks, but was unable to land any blows itself. Guo Gan struck the creature with his staff a couple of times, but it did nothing to deter the undead.
However, the wraith now focused its attention on the dwarf. “Give me the Gem!” it said in a hollow voice. As it passed, Kai slashed it with his glaive, as the radiant light dissipated a portion of the undead creature. Smoke evaporated into the air, but it pressed on. Kildo threw up his shield, but the wraith passed straight through and encompassed the dwarf. As the undead merged with him, his skin went cold and numb. The icy sensation spread through his body, like he’d never be warm again.
“Get out of there!” Kai bellowed in panic.
Kildo was unable to move. He was so cold and wanted to do nothing but go to sleep. It’d be peaceful. He looked to his weapon and hand holding it. A very deep, and very ugly bruise was forming on his skin, but it had not been pierced. The wraith was draining his essence. Roaring in rage at the sight, it sparked fire in his heart. The cleric hurled himself away and out from the dark cloud that was the wraith. He fell to the ground and cried out casting; bless. “Life is death. Death is rebirth. Rebirth is life. Lets’s fight!” Kai, Guo Gan, and himself began to glow from the spell.
Bellowing a war cry, “Munch a bunch a munch a munch!” Kai weapon glowed with the cleric’s bless spell, as it glaived the wraith right down the middle. The undead issued a piercing shrieked as it dissolved into a wisp of smoke. As the last bit vanished, the wright Guo Gan was fighting went stiff, as its white-hot embers of eyes faded to nothing. It fell off the bridge, its body lifeless again.
The undead threat adverted, Kai, Kildo, and Guo Gan turned to the approaching Ruby Spiders.
Kai began as the former scavenger hunt participants approached, “You are a most welcome sight. We’ll make short work of that lobster and-”
The five Ruby Spiders, made up of two humans, an elf, a halfling, and a devil-horned tiefling, didn’t stop and ran right past the three to the north end of the bridge where the battle with the demons was occurring.
Watching them flee in disbelief, Kai ordered pointing to the north, “Guo Gan, go help Scomatch with the demons. Kildo and I will take care of our lunch approaching to the south.”
Nodding, Guo Gan followed the fleeing Ruby Spiders. The monk saw Scomatch firing blue electricity into the demon glabrezu, while the remaining two Ice Dragons, Lady Cameal, and Sherriff Eliander battled the last maw demon. The elven warrior smashed his quarterstaff into the electrified glabrezu with each end. Striking hardend skin, his hands rang, as pain coursed up his arm. He wasn’t even sure if he was causing any damage.
Snarling in rage, the glabrezu lunged with one of his pinchers snatching the Ice Dragon woman across her chest. Screaming in pain, it was quickly cut off, as the demon snapped her in half. Blood flew is all directions.
The carnage caused anger to swell into the halfling. Scomatch thrusted his finger forward as more electricity coursed into the demon. It roared in pain.
Guo Gan continued to batter away at the glabrezu, but it didn’t seem to be doing much, if any damage.
The last Ice Dragon lunged with a spear. The tip went through the last maw demon and in effect, sutured the creatures mouth shut, as it died. However, his victory and revenge of his comrades was short lived. The glabrezu lashed out with a pincer and hewed the man’s head clean off. It went straight up and bounced on the ground. The Ice Dragons were no more.
Lady Cameal, Sherriff Eliander, Guo Gan, and Scomatch converged on the glabrezu. While their weapons did little damage, the lightning from the mages witch bolt was starting to char its skin. From the south, another group of adventures, the Ruby Spiders closed in. They drew missile weapons and began to fire on the demon. The creature from the abyss pincers snapped wildly, confused by so many targets, decided enough was enough. It magically launched itself into the air. A series of missile weapons pelted the demon, as Scomatch continued to blast lightning into the creature, until it was out of range.
Meanwhile, the battle of the south bridge continued.
Kai and Kildo held their ground and the Chuul chittered towards them with amazing speed. The paladin sliced with his glaive striking the crustacean’s exoskeleton, cracking it. Kildo followed up, as both his spiritual hammer and warhammer smashed into the lobster-like aberration. Two more fissures appeared in its carapace.
A pincer clasped Kai around the midsection. His plate armor was the only thing preventing him from being cut in half. Still able to breathe, the triton continued to swing his glaive striking the creature, which glowed due to Kildo’s bless spell. However, the crustacean’s carapace held, as it brought Kai closer to its tentacle mouth. They were trying to worm their way under his steel armor.
Kildo continued to hammer away at the creature’s claw holding Kai with both hammers, spiritual and other wise, but even with the extra damage, it held the paladin fast. Drawing its attention, it also lunged with incredible speed and snatch the dwarf in its other claw. The chain mail bore the brunt of the pincer’s strength.
The two party members trapped in the Chuul’s pincers flailed about trying to break free, but the lobster’s strength was immense. Bringing in the triton and dwarf close, the tentacles continue to squirm towards their exposed flesh. One appendage slithered into Kai’s mouth. Biting down hard was the only thing keeping it from going further down his throat. Another appendage attempted the same with Kildo, but it became entangled in his thick beard.
Kai thrusted his glaive between two overlapping carapaces on the Chuul’s neck, but the weapon became stuck. Twisting and pulling, the paladin lacked the leverage and strength, by being held by the lobster and preventing its tentacles from penetrating him.
Kildo saw what kai was doing. Commanding the spiritual hammer, it slammed into the butt end of the glaive. The weapon was now more wedged, but a little deeper in the creature’s carapace.
Like a lobster in a boiling pot of water, it squealed from the pain. It couldn’t do anything about pulling the weapon out due to holding two party members. It wrenched Kai away and tore the paladin’s hands away from the glaive. Dangling in mid-air, the triton changed tactics. He slammed his foot, again and again, kicking the end of his glaive. The weapon went in deeper into the neck of the Chuul. White, foamy water, sprayed from the wound. Its claws went slack, dropping both the triton and dwarf. Recovering, Kai grabbed the end of the glaive and rammed it deeper through to the other side of its neck. Twisting with all of his strength, it wedged open a large section of it carapace, causing a torrent of bile like water to spew from the dying creature.
Rising up from the ground and backing away from the pooling Chuul ichor, Kildo commented, “I be thinking we be eating that for lunch, but somehow it be smelling worse on the inside.”
Guo Gan, Scomatch, along with Lady Cameal, and Sherriff Eliander, crossed the bridge from the north towards Kai and Kildo in the south. The Ruby Spiders also followed, but were more strutting as they approached.
Kicking the carapace of the dead lobster, Kai asked, “Where in the nine hells did that huge Chuul come from?”
Pointing out to the bay, the devil-horned tiefling said, “It came out from the water. It wanted to put its tentacles in me. Good job killing it.”
“No thanks to you Ruby Slippers, who be leaving us to our fate at that things tentacles,” Kildo spat as he stared at the tiefling. The dwarf didn’t care for the lot as tieflings had an unsettling air about them. This one retained the physical characteristics derived from their ancestors complete with curved horns, a non-prehensile tail, pointed teeth, and cloven feet. The tiefling skin color extended past normal human color into a reddish hue with hair a dark blue. He had eyes were solid orbs of black. This one definitely had fiend blood in his veins, likely because some ancestor of his was ‘scoodly- pooping’ with one or multiple demons or devils. Sniffing the air, it was most likely a devil, as this one had a sulfurous odor.
“It’s Ruby Spider,” the tiefling snarled, and seemingly the leader, as the other members gathered around him fists gripping tightly around their weapons.
Placing his hand on the dwarf’s shoulders to calm him down, Kai asked, “Sheriff, have you ever seen a Chuul come out of the water before?”
“No, but again I’ve seen a lot of things I haven’t seen before lately,” Sherriff Eliander replied.
Lay Cameal then added, “I saw a Chuul once in my adventuring youth. Struck it with a sword. It’s probably still in the creature’s shell.”
Sherriff Eliander stated, “The demons kept saying to give us the gem.”
“Yeah, lot of that has been going around,” Kai replied breathing out hard.
“The town’s been facing a lot of problems lately. We could use the help again of the Emerald Eels,” Sherriff Eliander said glancing at the party.
Lady Cameal said, “Agreed. For one, there is a cult of fake druids based on the far side of Kyrox Island acting as a front to attack Scarlet Peeks and do various other evil deeds. I believe your companion Zzee is there with the queen. Rumor has it she has taken him on as her mate. At least, until she finds a better one.”
Sherriff Eliander then spoke, “I disagree. You saw the undead just come out of the water and there is an almost limitless supply of bodies out in the ocean. They are Scarlet Peek’s gravest threat.”
The tiefling then proudly spoke, but it seems to be directed towards the Emerald Eels. “The Ruby Spiders! We would be more than willing to help you Sherriff Eliander with your undead problem.”
The Sherriff then nodded thanks to the group.
Lex Luthor then came across the bridge and said, “Are you talking about problems? Isn’t it obvious there’s a plan to destroy the economy of the town. We should be looking at the pirate groups hampering trade.”
Scaren then said, “While these are important, I think there is intelligence behind these attacks. My network has reported there is some evil person based at an abbey on Leostone Isle. I think they are demon worshipers and behind all of these attacks.”
Copperlocks said, “Nay, me mine needs to be secured first. From the silver from it, Scarlet Peeks can build up its defenses and be taking care of all of these problems itself.”
Scomatch motioned to Copperlocks and said, “I feel responsible for the death of those five dwarves. I would like to pay for their funeral. A proper one. How much would that cost.”
“That be very kind of ye mage. Fifty gold should be covering it. Us dwarves be having no family and little possessions. So, here on the island, space be at a premium, so we build a grand funeral pyre and burn them and their possessions, whatever they may be, to reunite them with their gods. Please be saying your peace and we take care of the rest,” Copperlocks said.
Nodding, the halfling went over to the dwarves’ bodies. They died where they stood when the fireball hit. Their bodies were burned pretty bad. Their clothes were simple. Bending down to pay his respect, he saw one of them had a leather money bag, which appeared full. Glancing around, the groups were still on the southern side of the bridge.
“It won’t do anyone any good having that gold burned up and melted in a pyre.” He reached out and pulled hard at the purse. It gave the slightest of resistance before pulling free. It was heavy with coin. He estimated the weight at seventy-five gold pieces. The halfling tucked it quickly in the folds of his robe.
“There he is!” came a shout to the north. “That’s the one!”
Scomatch’s eyes went wide at being caught stealing from the dead. He looked up and a mob of Scarlet Peek citizens were coming from everywhere crossing the bridge and bearing down on him. His spells all but spent, there would be too many to take on. He stood looking for a means of escape.
The horde ran the last bit and grabbed the halfling. Instead of being torn apart at his desecration, they lifted him up into the air.
“We all saw it! You took on mephits, undead, AND demons all by yourself! You’re a true hero!” came a call from the crowd.
“You’re so amazing!” Another shouted.
“I want to be a wizard when I grow up!” yelled a little girl.
“Let’s head to the tavern! Scomatch the hero of Scarlet Peeks drinks is free tonight!”
The crowd then began to chant a mantra as they carried him back into town on their shoulders.
“He’s here! He’s there! His spells are everywhere! Sco-match! Sco-match!”
“He’s here! He’s there! His spells are everywhere! Sco-match! Sco-match!”
* * *
The town people of Scarlet Peeks led the Emerald Eels to a familiar wooden building a little larger than the surrounding structures. Warm light illuminated the windows covered by canvas awnings. A large sign on the front entrance read “The Salty Miner Pub.”
The throng of people entered and the yeasty smell of ale and other hard liquors permeated the air. To the left of the room, a curved bar with recessed shelves held small kegs and bottles. To the right a burning hearth with a crossed shovel and mining pick mounted over it. A circular metal chandelier suspended by chains lit the room. Eighty percent of the customers were dwarves. The tavern was a burst of talk and laugher with the tinkling of plates and glasses. Copperlock personally purchased the group their first round of drinks.
Scomatch yelled over the din, “Bring me a drink every five minutes until I pass out. Then bring me one every ten minutes after I wake back up!”
“So, which offer do we take next,” Kai asked the group. “I think we’ll let the Ruby Slippers take care of Sherriff Eliander’s undead. In regards to the mines, the dwarves likely dug too greedily and too deep, so whatever they uncovered, they can deal with themselves.”
“I think we should take a look at the Sacred Stone Monastery on Hileigsteen,” Guo Gan said. “The hippogriff rider, Feathergale Society said they was an altercation with the Black Earth cult and they have a prisoner from there and to keep a close watch on them. Whoever is there is an enemy of theirs. Maybe the enemy of my enemy is our friend.”
“Nay, I don’t be liking that. That place be nothing but a potential war zone with two warring cultists. That doesn’t sound appealing,” Kildo said.
“Speaking of those hippogriff riders, that Feathergale Society needs some payback,” Kai said.
The rest of the party winced at that idea after the one-side pounding they received at the hands of the late Thurl Merosska who was then disposed by Savra.
“Then I be thinking the druid abbey on Leostone Isle be our best bet. It’s always be a good idea to take out a demon cult and its likely there is just one of them cultist groups there,” Kildo said.
The party all looked to each other at the dwarf’s suggestion and nodded in agreement.
“The druid abbey on Leostone Isle it is,” Kai said. “We’ll make for Ander’s estate early tomorrow morning and seek out Scaren.” The paladin then noticed Scomatch who was excitedly and quickly downing his second pint of beer. He was going to suffer the offer of free drinks tonight. “Maybe let’s make that tomorrow afternoon instead.”
* * *
“Life is death. Death is rebirth. Rebirth is life. Drink responsibly,” Kildo chanted and casted; lesser restoration.
Scomatch, wincing at the brightness in the room, began to straighten. “Hey, my head is feeling, soooo much better. Thank you.”
“That’ll be 1 gold.”
Scomatch glanced at the cleric confused. “It should be free.”
“Nope, cure poison. One gold. You be having it mage”
The halfling went over to a plaque on the dwarf’s wall. It read:
Kildo's Healing House Rules:
1) If you are hurt, rub some dirt in it.
2) If you are bleeding, drink two beers, take a long rest, and see me in the morning.
3) If you are injured, I will heal you. I take gold coins, golden ale, or good favors as payment.
Healing is free if you are fighting humanoids (ie goblins, kobolds, hobgoblins, gnolls, bugbears etc), especially orcs from the 'Proud Boys' Clan. Healing is also free when fighting undead, as I don't want anyone coming back as a zombie and biting me.
“There!” Scomatch exclaimed pointing to the last line under ‘exceptions’. “I was fighting undead.”
“Aye, but them undead didn’t be giving ye that hangover. Ye did that by your own hand,” Kildo replied.
“I fought the undead, I was given free drinks, and thus I have a headache. So, technically those undead caused my head to hurt and thus, healing is free,” Scomatch reasoned, folding his arms across his chest and smiled broadly.
Glaring at the halfling, and then turning to his plaque, and then back to the mage, Kildo grumbled, “Nerd.”
The door to his office opened and Kai stuck his head in, “Good you are both here. Come on, we’re heading to see Scaren.”
Heading to Ander’s estate, they were escorted to the waiting room and found Scaren waiting for them.
“Excellent, my friends. I’m glad you came to follow my lead,” Scaren said rising from his seat.
“What would you like to tell us about the mission?” Kai asked.
“Straight to business. I like that. So, there are these people out on the Abbey on Leostone Isle that struck me as odd. I did my own investigation and was told they were demon worshipers. So, since demons have shown up in Scarlet Peeks, I made the connection.”
Guo Gan asked, “Are they affiliated with the Feathergale Society on The Spiral?”
“No, they are not associated with the hippogriff riders.”
“There were also maw demons on the Emperor of the Waves where we retrieved the blue box of yours,” Guo Gan said.
“There were demons on the boat!?” Scaren stated surprised. Turning his eyes up in thought, he continued, “Well, that just reinforces my belief those people in the Abbey are involved.”
“So, what’s in the blue box?” Kai asked. Seeing Scaren reach for his money pouch, Kai added, “Anders already paid us for its safe return.”
“Oh, thank you for letting Anders take responsibility for something. I’m glad to have my belongings back,” Anders said.
“And those belonging be?” Guo Gan asked.
“Nothing. Some ledgers, a few artifacts, tableware, some valuable gems, jewelry, deeds for property etc.” Scaren replied.
Kai eyed Scaren as he spoke. From what he could tell, he was telling the truth.
“So, you said if we explore the Abbey, we would be well rewarded,” Guo Gan said.
“Yes, so the standard rate is 2,000 gold for assaulting this Abbey.”
“How about 3,000 gold?” Scomatch countered.
Thinking for a moment Scaren said, “Two thousand is the standard rate, but since I’ve employed you before and your efforts have been extraordinarily successful, 3,000 gold sounds fair.”
Scomatch beamed in pride and nodded proudly to his fellows in his accomplishment.
As the party turned to leave, Scaren asked, “Before you go, I’d be remiss if I didn’t ask about the blue gem. Is it safe?”
“Yes, the gem is safe,” Kai answered.
* * *
Back on the Emerald Eel, preparations were underway to sail to the Abbey on Leostone Island, northwest from Scarlet Peek. Kai, Guo Gan, Scomatch, and Kildo sat in the situation room. The blue gem was in the middle of the table. It continued to give off blue light.
“So, what happened when you attuned to it,” Scomatch asked.
“My body began to glow the same blue color as the gem. As I examined it, the gem seemed to be building up energy to a climax. After an hour, a thunder wave pulsed out me in all directions. It lit up the surrounding area,” Kai explained.
“Anything else?” Scomatch asked.
“Nope just the light.”
“Do you mind if I try to attune to it?” Scomatch asked.
“Knock yourself out.”
The halfling picked it up and examined it. Over the next half-an-hour passed and nothing interested happened. The gem just continued to glow blue. Snorting in annoyance, he began casting; identify. “Interesting,” Scomatch commented finishing his spell.
“What? What did you find out?” Kai asked.
“It’s just a blue gem with a light spell cast on it,” Scomatch said letting the bauble roll out of his small hand onto the table.
“It’s a fake.”
11/06/2021 – The Hero of Scarlet Peeks, Scomatch’s Treasure
· - 50 gp for paying for 5 dwarves funeral pyres.
· 75 gp for searching said dwarves before lighting the funeral pyre.
And then the Party Split
There is no ‘and then’.