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Chapter 20 - Murder on the Emerald Eel

“Why in the nine hells is there a moose in here with us?” Kildo lamented as the enormous animal began to relieve itself in a corner with a loud ‘sploosh’.

“It’s a Great Elk,” Kai corrected. The elk’s body was tan with a darker brown around its head and underneath. It had slender legs ending in thick hoofs and a strong neck. The rump and very short tail were a light tan color. Like tree branches, its massive antlers scratched the room’s stone ceiling.

“Why in the nine hells is there a Great Elk in here with us then?” Kildo echoed.

“I’m surprised you aren’t complaining about the boar,” Kai commented. The animal was shaped like a typical domestic pig, a long, blunt snout, with razor-sharp tusks, small eyes, and large ears, it had a very coarse coat with thick, short hairs, with a tall, erect mane extending down the entire length of its body.

“The boar we can take and eat. I’m not about to be messing with that moose,” Kildo pointed with the end of his war hammer.

“Gua Gan’s grey bag of tricks is magical, so if we kill the creature to eat it, it’ll just disappear,” Kai informed.

Kildo eyed the paladin and huffed, “You bring on as much cheer as a bunch of dwarves who realized they drank all the beer.”

He and Kai sat in the 30’ by 30’ treasure room of the green cloaks. The rest of the party was asleep for the past hour, but their twitching and movements with the occasional groan indicated their dreams were troubled. Not surprising as the ground was stone and cold.

Odium was also asleep, but tied and gagged in a corner, as the party considered it too tempting for the worshiper of Bel to be free with the artifact keys and jade staff now discovered.


“That moose be taking another constitution? We haven’t even be feeding the blasted thing,” Kildo scoffed.

“No, that didn’t come from the elk or the boar. It came from outside the area,” Kai said and rose. There were two exits from the room, one from the north and the other to the east. The paladin motioned with his glaive for the dwarf to check the northern passage.

Huffing, Kildo heavily stomped and peered down the hallway. In the distance was a ghostly vision of horror. Three skeletal figures slowly floated down the corridor covered in a misty green haze. One appeared to be swimming towards him with an outstretched hand wanting to pull the dwarf to its death. “Lad, better wake the group.”

“Good idea,” Kai replied as Kildo glanced over to the east. More of the skeletal figures were emerging from the other entryway. The paladin quickly moved over to Guo Gan shaking him. “Awake, monk.

We are under threat.”

In reverie, the elven monk’s open eyes focused and snapped to the still tied Odium. Guo Gan then saw the floating skeletal forms emerge from the east. Rising effortlessly, he charged the first and bashed with his quarterstaff.


Guo Gan’s weapon impacted before connecting to the floating bones. The reality in front of the monk wavered and rippled, like a stone thrown into the water, but much, much thicker.

Kildo glanced in curiosity at the strike. The dwarf then noticed the floor and walls. They were clear of any sort of moss, fungi, or even plant roots growing from cracks. They were clean; too clean. He then realized it wasn’t the undead they were facing, it was the dead. Those souls were already in the belly of the beast.

“We be facing gelatinous cubes!”

The dwarf threw up his kite shield moments before the blob attempted to engulf him. Its strength knocked him back five feet.

However, Kai’s glaive provided little protection and the cube rolled into the paladin engulfing him in its green hazy mass. At the last moment, the triton slammed his glaive’s end into the stone and used it as leverage to pull himself out.

Odium’s eyes then slowly opened. Assessing the noise and realizing the immediate danger as the gelatinous cube wasn’t more than a few feet away. Muffled grunting and motioning in panic, the devil-like tiefling attempted to struggle against the bonds and move away, but the ropes held tight. He was then unceremoniously grabbed by the scruff of his robes and dragged across the floor to the southeast by Guo Gan.

“Jelly, I got your peanut butter right here!” Kildo bellowed as he slammed his warhammer into the mass causing it to ripple and followed up by bashing into the creature pushing it back 5’. Snorting in satisfaction, the dwarf only had a moment to savor his small victory, as the gelatinous cube rose and rolled over him like a wave. He was immediately submerged.

To the east, things didn’t fare better. Just as Kai used his glaive to pull himself free, the second cube surged forward and engulfed the paladin again. However, the triton continued to maintain a deathlike hold onto his weapon using it again to drag himself from the jelly-like creature. Dropping to the ground, he scrambled away on all four to the southwest and towards the sleeping Scomatch.

“Mage! Wake up!” Kai bellowed. “We need your mag-!” The paladin was cut off, as the second mass rolled and he was immediately overcome.

The second cube had also cornered the giant elk and boar. Pacing back and forth in panic, the massive elk rose and began to smash its powerful, front hoofs into the creature. It caused considerable damage, knocking off good-sized portions with its strikes.

Unaware of the battle raging, Kildo found himself swimming in the mass of the first cube and unable to gain any traction. It was like he was swimming, but the gelatin-like structure prevented him from making any progress. He held his breath for the last six seconds, but it felt more like sixty, as his lungs already threatened to spasm under the strain. Fighting his way out wasn’t an option, as he couldn’t get any strength behind a swing from the thickness. His vision was blurred and his eyes burned. Every inch of his exposed skin seared in pain. Flailing out with his hands, his fingers closed around something.

Grabbing it in desperation, he pulled it close. Even with his distorted vision, he knew it immediately, an ivory-colored skull of a prior victim.

Frantically pushing it away, he floundered. Disoriented, he couldn’t even tell the shortest way out of the mass. He was in desperate straits.

Flame erupted throughout the room as Scomatch carved a fireball around the area and struck the two gelatinous cubes. Seemingly unfazed or unknown to its plight, the first mass moved south, pulling the still swimming dwarf along, and attempted to engulf the mage.

“Eep!” Scomatch exclaimed as the nimble halfling dove out of the way at the last moment.

Unfortunately, Guo Gan’s boar wasn’t as fortunate as it was swamped by the gelatinous cube. The giant elf hopped over and was able to get away, but found itself trapped between the two masses. In full panic, the elk reared and began smashing its already acid-seared hoofs into the first cube. Its entire structure heaved from the impact and collapsed in a glop of greenish jelly.

Spilling out, Kildo’s body audibly ‘sizzled’. “Good job moose!” he called out to the animal as he scrambled to pull his crossbow and get some distance to the north.

Freeing Odium of his bonds and seeing Kai still trapped inside the last gelatinous cube and trying to swim out, Guo Gan smashed his quarterstaff into the jelly-like creature.

A firebolt from Scomatch then slammed into it, sending parts of its mass splattering out.

“With Bel’s unholy strength, he will pull this misguided paladin from certain death, so he may learn your ways!” Odium yelled and with his bare hands, reached in and grabbed onto Kai. With devil-like strength, he pulled the armored paladin free from the gelatinous cube. The tiefling’s forearms ‘hissed and sizzled’ from the digestive juices.

Nodding in thanks to Odium, Kai smashed his glaive downward executioner-style from overhead.

The blade sliced through the gelatinous cube, splitting it down the middle.


The split jelly monster began to ‘hiss’ as it dissolve to the floor.

Rummaging through his backpack, Scomatch came up to the wet-looking dwarf and commented, “You were almost eaten by that thing.”

Scraping bits of the cube from his person with his war hammer and flinging it, Kildo said, “Stupid creature, it don’t ye be knowing I eat jelly, jelly don’t be eating me.”

“I wholeheartedly agree,” came the muffled voice of Scomatch.

Glancing over, the halfling had spread some strawberry jam on a large, torn piece of toasted bread and had taken a crunchy bite.

“Woit? How ye be toasting bread?” Kildo asked.

“I’m a wizard.”

* * *

The party pulled back to the abbey’s basement and rested the rest of the night in the cultist's former beds. The following morning, Kai stirred Kildo, Guo Gan, and Odium from their slumber. “I want to move out as soon as possible to the Sea Ghost.

Ensure you have the green cloaks amulets on, as I’d rather not have to fight our way out through the undead beaches.”

Glancing over, he saw the halfling mage in the pantry area. “Good idea Scomatch. Pack as much of the remaining foodstuff as you can. No point letting it spoil.”

Startled at Kai’s voice, Scomatch looked up in surprise as he was stuffing dried meats and cheese into his mouth. He nodded and winked to the paladin.

Guo Gan had untied Odium, who rubbed his ankles and wrists. The monk then pulled up a chair and reached into his Gray Bag of Tricks.

He pulled out a handful of lint and carefully placed it on the ground. It instantly transformed into a giant rat. It was slender with a pointed head, large eyes, and prominent, thinly pink ears. It had moderately long legs and long, sharp claws with thick fur and a long furry tail.

“Great monk, all we be needing is more rats on a ship,” Kildo grumbled.

“Oh don’t you mind the grumpy dwarf. He had his beard singed yesterday,” Guo Gan said as he picked up the rat and began to snuggle it and cooed, “You are so sweet. Who’s a precious rat? Who’s a precious rat?”

Leaving the ruins of the abbey, the party made their way south. By the time they reached the large dunes, which looked like massive waves on the ocean, dark clouds began to form in the east. Heading towards the southern tip of the island, the wind occasionally disturbed a mound, causing everyone to pause, but the guardians stayed at rest. Reaching the southern shore, he saw the remains of several longboats, rowboats, and small craft broke up on the shore, as well as some debris in the water.

“Wait, something isn’t right,” Kai said as he looked around and sniffed the air.

“Woit?” Kildo asked. “It be peaceful enough.”

“Exactly, everything is gone. No pungent smell, no bodies littering the beach, no ravens, crows, or buzzing insects feasting on the corpses,” Kai informed.

Eerie silence spread across the sands with the occasional wind ‘whistling’ through a hole in a beached craft.

“Let the dead be having Leostone Isle,” Kildo said as he clutched his holy symbol of Rigga.

All nodding in agreement, they carefully crossed the sand and boarded the sloop, captured from the Howling Hatred sea fortress, which Kildo renamed the ‘Treasure of the Bay’.

There were lots of jagged rocks sticking out from the water, like teeth ready to devour their vessel, but the party navigated their way back to the Sea Ghost.

“A storm be a brewing to the east,” Crusty Hank said as he greeted the party, as they boarded.

“Yes, we saw it.

Get the ship ready, we are moving to the leeward side of the island.

“Who’s this,” Crusty Hank asked as the red, devil-like tiefling climbed up.

Guo Gan said, “This is Odium. We promised a safe passage off the island. He’s a great healer, but sworn to an evil power.”

Odium nodded in thanks to the elven monk. He then said, “Yes, I was trapped on Leostone Isle. I prayed to the almighty Bel for deliverance and he answered my merciful pleas and sent these wonderful people to rescue me.” He then looked to the crew gathered on the main deck and continued, “Now, let me tell you about the wonderful gifts that Bel has to offer-”

“Shut it!” Kildo interrupted and pushed the tiefling along.

* * *

The storm lasted for eleven hours. The sea was angry at something as if some horrible injustice had been done to it. The party and crew held up within the belly of the Sea Ghost and rode out its passing.

For the next four days, they set sail back to Scarlet Peeks in relatively calm waters, as if the sea had raged long enough and was now asleep.

“Land Ho! Scarlet Peeks!” Crusty Hank called out from the crow’s nest.

There was a resounding cheer from the deck of the Sea Ghost. They made it back safe.

“Sails!” Crusty Hank called in a panicked tone. “It’s a large ship. Coming straight for us!”

“Can we outrun it!?” Kai called up to Crusty Hank.

“No, it’s too large and we are too few!”

For the next thirty minutes, the crew of the Sea Ghost watched the ship grow closer. The vessel’s flag colors became visible. Gold on a deep, navy blue background, in the center, was a two-handed hammer with crossed pick-axes along with the hammer’s handle. Stern, golden dwarven images were at the four corners with brass traveling around the borderer. It was an Imperial ship flying the dwarven flag of the Rolar Empire.

As the two ships pulled alongside each other, the dwarven vessel was a bit higher. It was full of legionnaires armed in heavy armor.

“Prepare to be boarded!” a shout came from the Rolar ship.

As three massive and heavy planks connected the ship, several legionnaires crossed. The wood groaned under their weight. The dwarven armor was golden and protected their shoulders, chest, and legs. A square helm with a ‘T’ slit allowed their braided beards to flow down the middle of their chests. The last to cross was an older dwarf in the same golden, heavy plate armor, but without a helm. Bald, with a blue tattoo over his right eye, he had a thick, braided white beard hanging to his groin area where a thick, golden clasp held the end taut.

“Ye be captain here?” the older dwarf asked Kildo.

“Nay, I be the ship's surgeon.”

“Our captain was wounded and not on board. I’m the most senior officer,” Kai said crossing the deck.

“I be Commodore Bonefist. What be bringing ye folk to these waters?”

“We are simple sailors looking to do some business in Scarlet Peeks,” Kai answered.

“Ye be arriving at bad times. Scarlet Peeks be short in supplies. There be a natural disaster,” Bonefist replied.

“What happened?”

“Tornadoes struck the island.”

“Tornadoes this time of the year?” Kai questioned.

“Aye, but we be living in a world of sorcery now ain’t we,” Bonefist answered and then motioned to the legionnaires who departed in every direction. “Now, me men will be expecting the ship.”

“What are you looking for,” Kai inquired watching them go above and below deck.

“The usual.

Smugglers, contraband, anything out of the ordinary,” Bonefist explained and looked to the crew of the Sea Ghost. “Ye don’t have a very big crew here. Ten sailors? What kind of business do ye be doing?”

“The sea: the final frontier. The Sea Ghost is on a five-year mission to explore strange new islands. To seek out new life and new civilizations. To boldly go where no one has gone before,” Kai said with dramatic pauses.

“Why would ye be wanting to be leaving the most civilized place in the Empire bastion of Everlast?” Bonefist asked.

Turning his eyes up in thought, Kai said, “We want to tell the savages of the world about the wonders of the Rolar Empire. The roads, aqueducts, and everything making life in the Empire, so pleasant.

E yes narrowing at Kai, Bonefist asked, “ Ye be a triton. Don’t they be having an empire?”

“Not that you’d call it that. It’s mostly underwater, as they don’t have much of an interest in the air breathers above.”

The other dwarves searching the ship returned and shook their heads.

“Well, everything be looking clean, so ye can go about yer day,” Commodore Bonefist said as he motioned for the other dwarves to move back to their ship. As he stepped on the plank, he turned and before crossing said, “Have a dwarven day.”

Guo Gan moved up to Kai and asked, “Are you going to ask them about the Howling Hatred and Captain Shatterkeel?”

Shaking his head no, Kai explained, “That would cause more questions to be asked, more paperwork to be done. When out at sea, it’s best not to talk to the police.”

* * *

Within the hour, the Sea Ghost sailed into Scarlet Peek bay. There were three ships docked, another Imperial dwarven ship, a non-imperial cargo vessel, and their home, the Emerald Eel. Temporarily shelters comprising of white shacks with the Rolar Empire flag stamped on top were placed where houses once stood. The majority of the debris has been cleared exposing the town was still relatively flat.

“We’ve fulfilled our promise and delivered you across the sea,” Kai said coming up to Odium and Guo Gan talking.

“Odium has an interest in becoming part of ‘Fire Team Flaming Orchid’,” Guo Gan said.

Motioning for the elven monk to follow him and when out of earshot, Kai whispered, “Is that a good idea? Kildo is already ready to throw him overboard and will never trust him. Besides, I’ve seen him talking to the crew. The last thing we need is the green cult, which has pretty much been wiped out, see a reemergence of devil worshipers on the ship.”

“I’ve talked to him already and to keep the conversion talk to a minimum. I’ll also keep an eye on him,” Guo Gan explained. “Besides, he’s a good healer and if you recall a recent event, he also pulled you from that gelatinous cube back on Leostone Island.”

Huffing at the logic, Kai looked over the monk’s shoulder and spotted Odium several feet away with an excited grin on his face. The two walked back to the tiefling and Kai said pointing to the Emerald Eel, “You’ll need to plead your case to Captain Quint Halfbeard if you want to stay on.”

“You won’t regret this,” Odium said as he began to button up his robes.

Pulling into the dock, Kai, Guo Gan, Scomatch, Kildo, and Odium headed over and boarded the Emerald Eel.

They were greeted by Dirty Hank, the ship’s cook. Heavily muscled and sporting a short chest-length flame-red beard, he wore a leather apron, which held various cooking tools, over a white shirt, and blue sailor pants. A massive cleaver used for enemies, or cooking hung at his belt.

“Dirty Hank be glad to be seeing you all.”

“Is the captain around,” Kai asked as the two shook hands.

“Dirty Hank be having some bad news. Captain Quint be dead.”

“What!?” the group replied in unison.

“Dirty Hank be sleeping, but those scoundrels of the Howling Hatred came aboard the boat and they killed the captain.”

“Is that all they did?” Kai asked.

“Don’t know fer sure, but Dirty Hank does know they searched the place and be messing it up.

Dirty Hank be cleaning up a lot.”

“Where are they now?” Kai questioned.

“They left. Dirty Hank don’t be knowing fer sure where they be now.”

“Did they have a ship? Did they leave?”

“Don’t know if they be leaving. They may be still in Scarlet Peeks.”

“Where is Ghald Fourarms?’ Kai inquired.

“The sahuagin baron be resting and recovering in his quarters on the ship.”

Guo Gan asked, “Did anyone else get killed?”

“Nope, just the captain.

They be knocking around a few people.

Chutney Vic got clobbered real good on the back of the head. They be sneaky-like and quite rude to Dirty Hank. So, Dirty Hank been running the show for the past couple of days when these empire blokes showed up. So, I say to myself, says I, Dirty Hank be hoping you be showing back up.”

“Bel be praised for our safe return, then,” Odium acclaimed raising his arms into the air.

“Who be the red devil fella there?” Dirty Hank pointed.

“No one. Just a devil worshiper of Bel,” Guo Gan explained.

Opening his mouth for likely a slew of questions, Kai interrupted and said, “Take us to Ghald Fourarms.”

Motioning for them to follow, Dirty Hank led them downstairs into the Emerald Eel.

Knocking on the door and entering, they saw the sahuagin baron lying in his hammock. He was green-skinned with black spots that were darker on the back and lighter on the belly. Easily clearing 6’ tall he was fish-like with webbed feet and hands, gills, and a finned tail. There was additional webbing down the back, at the elbows, and, notably, also where human ears would be. Slowly raising his head, Ghald said, “You’re finally back.”

“We were gone longer than expected,” Kai replied.

“They killed the captain.”

“Yes, we know. When did it happen and was there anyone who saw them?” Kai asked.

“About four days ago.

They were part of the crew that Captain Shatterkeel of the Howling Hatred left behind on Scarlet Peeks. I think they wanted the blue gem,” Ghald explained.

“Did they take anything?” Kildo asked.

“I don’t know.

They went into the Captain’s quarters and made a right mess of it.”

“What are the dwarven legionnaires doing on Scarlet Peeks? Have they been informed of Captain Quint’s murder?” Kai inquired.

“Someone called them in.

Likely the town council after it was destroyed by those tornados. They did board the Emerald Eel and I informed them. They said they’d make a note and file a report. Who knows if they’ll do anything, but the captain was a dwarf, so they might do something about it,” Ghald responded.

“This be sounding like a hate crime to me,” Kildo snarled.

Placing his hand on the dwarf’s shoulder, Kai asked, “What do we have to magically track them down?”

“Dirty Hank be helping you there. All the taverns be staying untouched, as well as Hillside Manor. Those rich folk always be missing trouble. Someone said they saw them Howling Hatred pirates moving towards the old abandoned alchemist's house under the cover of darkness. They had a small book with them.”

Ghald added, “The Captain's log was still in his quarters. However, the Captain is…was a copious note-taker. His room was messed up, so it’s hard to say what they took.”

Gripping his war hammer tightly, Kildo snarled, “It be looking like we be paying a visit back to the House on Haunted Hill.”

02/06/2022 – Treasure

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