“Just whistle while you work. So hum a merry tune. And soon when Belial rises and the unbelievers die the time will fly, so whistle while you work,” Odium sung and whistled as he was on all fours scrubbing the main deck of the Sea Ghost with a brush and a bucket of diluted vinegar.
“Shut it Odium!” Kildo bellowed down from the railing near the navigation wheel. The dwarven cleric eyed the tiefling. Despite his displeasure of the cultist of Belial being on the ship, he actually did a good job at cleaning the deck. The wood had never looked better.
Kai came behind Kildo and added, “Odium there's something that needs to be scrubbed somewhere else and you need to be scrubbing it.”
Looking up and shielding his eyes from the sun Odium said, “Aye, Captain. I just finished up here. I’ll go below deck and start there next.
The party traveled southeastward from Scarlet Peeks to the isle of Hileigsteen. The party wanted to determine if answers could be found at the Sacred Stone Monastery. The Feathergale Society, also known as the Hippogriff Riders, had an altercation with the Black Earth cult and they captured a noblewoman from there and held her prisoner. Maybe the enemy of my enemy is our friend, but more likely just another enemy.
“Land Ho!” Crusty Hank shouted down from the crow’s nest.
The crew peered out from the ship. Hileigsteen was about a third the size of Scarlet Peeks. Large, rocky hills jetted out from most of the center of the island. Sailing in from the western side, the northern portion was covered with dense trees, while the southern was hilly, but some plains were present near the shoreline. Navigating the Sea Ghost southward, they rounded the island and saw a small village with a sign “South Stone Village”, but there was no port to dock and the waves were choppy. However, farther to the east another settlement was located. Moving past, the waters on the eastern island became calm and a dock was visible at a port town. A sign was prominently displayed, “Rockport”.
Slowly entering the bay, there were no other ships, as the Sea Ghost docked at one of two locations. A large freshwater lake was nestled behind Rockport and provided fresh water to the inhabitants. Peering into the small town only a few people were milling about, which stopped to watch them. About twenty buildings circled the port and were all made from the same wooden style. Some were dwellings of residence, while larger structures were warehouses and small businesses related to the island's most popular commerce, fishing. One could see the smell of fish, salt, and bait hanging in the air, like a cloud.
Extending a plank from the Sea Ghost, a dock master walked down the long pier as Kai, Guo Gan, Scomatch, and Kildo exited.
“Welcome! Welcome! To Rockport and the isle of Hileigsteen,” the dockmaster greeted as he came up to them. He wore a long, silver tinted coat with a bald head.
“What brings you to our fair town?”
“Resupply and shore leave,” Kai answered.
“Excellent, we have plenty of businesspeople in town. Anything, in particular, you are looking for?” the dockmaster asked.
“This is our first time here, so we aren’t sure what we are looking for,” Kai replied.
Pointing to buildings, the dockmaster said, “We have agriculture farming produce, not as much mining as you’d expect from a rocky island. Lastly, fish and plankton and sea greens, and protein from the sea. It’s all here, ready, as fresh as harvest day. There’s a warehouse where we freeze it all. I’m ready and you’re ready. Would you like to see?”
Guo Gan said, “Maybe another time. Do you have monks on Hileigsteen?”
“You must mean the monastery. Yes, but we don’t have much interaction with them. They move their boxes from their own ship,” the dockmaster said.
“Do they be making beer?” Kildo inquired.
“I’m sure they do, but they don’t share it with us. They are pretty insularly up there.”
“How would we get there?” Kai asked.
Pointing, the dockmaster said, “There’s a path, but it’ll take you about a half a day’s walk up there. Just follow the stream behind Rockport.”
After paying a docking fee, Kai, Guo Gan, Scomatch, and Kildo walked into town. Scanning the various buildings, they found a bar with a sign, “Dry Lion Tavern.”
Entering it was a typical local pub. It was one floor with a few barflies staring into their drinks at the bar. Taking a seat at a round table, the party ordered drinks. A short time later, a woman in her thirties with red hair wearing a clean barmaid outfit came towards the party with their beverages.
“I’m Rosie. New to Rockport?”
Kai answered, “Yes, we’re just in from Scarlet Peeks.”
“Ah, I haven’t been there in several years. We don’t get the normal tourism traffic that Scarlet Peeks is known for. Whoever thought up the annual scavenger hunt was a marketing genius,” Rosie said.
“Tell us about the island?” Kai asked.
Turning her eyes up in thought, Rosie said, “Not much to tell. To the west of here is South Stone Village. It’s a fishing community. Fish, fish products, and a fish oil factory. It’s barreled up and every month a ship comes and takes it away. They produce a decent supply of salt to preserve the fish. They have a tasty local dish of sea-weed, called the salad of the sea. Then there’s Camp Northstone where the rich kids go for the summer to learn about living in the woods. Then in the fall and spring, hunters come in and use it.”
“What about the monks in the Sacred Stone Monastery?” Guo Gan asked.
“Them monks don’t interact with the town much and are pretty self-sufficient. They come down for a boat seasonally and haul away supplies back up there, which is a pain to get to,” Rosie said.
“Do they be having tours up there for tasting beer and wine?” Kildo asked.
“No, they don’t have any visitors and likely the reason why the monastery is up there.”
Guo Gan asked, “Have there been any conflicts at the monastery?”
“No, not that I’m aware. However, there was a storm a couple of weeks ago.”
“Tornados?” Kai inquired.
“Yeah, I think so.”
“Have you seen any monks since then?” Guo Gan questioned.
“What color robes they be wearing?” Kildo asked leaning in for the answer.
“Just plain brown robes you’d see normal monks wear,” Rosie said.
“Are they dedicated to a god?” Guo Gan asked.
“No, they are not a religious order, but a contemplation group. Feel free to see how they are doing. You seem pretty determined to see them, so while you are out there you might keep an eye out for Joseph the goat herder. He hasn’t been seen for a couple of weeks. It’s not usual for him to be gone for that long,” Rosie said.
“How would we know him if we saw him?” Kai asked.
“You can’t miss Joseph. He wears an amazing coat covered in multi-colored patches.”
* * *
The party returned to the Sea Ghost to retire for the evening. The following morning they returned to Rockport and made their way through the town, around the lake behind it, and started through the mountainous hills of Hileigsteen. They found the path and as indicated, it followed a freshwater stream coming down from the northwest. Animal trails periodically were seen as the brook was a popular place to drink.
A few hours in, they heard the bleating of goats in the distance. Following the source, they entered a partial clearing with rocks, bushes, and trees. Scattered around were approximately thirty goats munching away on the grass.
“Joseph are you here?!” Guo Gan called out. Not receiving a response, he then reached into his Gray Bag of Tricks tied to his belt. Pulling out a handful of lint, he carefully placed it on the ground. It instantly transformed into a black-furred jungle panther. It had a shiny coat with a small head, but strong jaws, and emerald green eyes. Its hind legs were powerful and larger than the front, but all four limbs were adorned with incredibly sharp claws.
“Hey! What are you doing here?” a man called out a little ways away. He was dressed in tattered, brown clothing with a long coat covering and wearing fur shoes. His hair was disheveled and someone who seemed to have been living in the woods for many years.
Guo Gan yelled back, “We’re going up to the monastery. We are a group of traveling monks who want to see what wisdom they do or don’t have.”
“So, you just wander around from place to place?”
“Yes, we are pilgrims of a sort,” Guo Gan replied.
“Are you friends of the people in the monastery?” the hermit asked.
“We are what we call friends that you haven’t met yet.”
“So, are you going to join the monastery?”
“Depends on what wisdom they have,” Kai answered.
“What’s your name, sir?” Scomatch asked.
“You don’t need to know my name.”
“Alright,” Scomatch asked gesturing, “Do you own these goats?”
“Pfttt, no one owns goats,” the hermit replied.
Guo Gan asked, “We heard there was a storm up at the monastery and wanted to ensure they are fine.”
“You want to see if they were bothered by the rain?” the hermit asked incredulously.
“Forget this guy,” Scomatch muttered under his breath and began to walk ahead and past the hermit. Annoyed, the halfling’s feet slapped hard against the ground, as the mage made his way towards two large rock outcroppings. There was a pungent smell in the air, which seemed to come from the direction of an opening in the northern rock face.
“I warned yu!” called out the hermit.
“What warning?” Scomatch responded confused turning back.
A horrendous screech emanated from the cave’s opening. Three monstrous owlbears charged out and reared up on their hind legs soaring 8’ tall. They had the bodies of bears but covered in thick, brown feathers. Their avian heads were like those of owls, but with a serrated beak. The gigantic wall of muscle, claws, and plumages surrounded and towered over Scomatch.
As one, the owlbears tore into the halfling mage in a flurry of claws, feathers, and halfling bits.
“Hahahaha!” roared the hermit in mirth. “I warned yu!”
“Come gets some you cross-species weirdos!” Kai called out as a distraction, as he charged the three creatures. The paladin sliced the first owlbear with his glaive as radiant damage blasted feathers clean off.
Guo Gan raced in smashed his quarterstaff into the same owlbear. He then followed up by batting murderously at his foe with his quarterstaff. It struck the creature’s neck. There was a bone snapping sound, as the beast was slain.
“Life is death. Death is rebirth. Rebirth is life. Heal!” Kildo chanted as a wave of healing energy swept towards the down halfling. Scomatch began to stir on the ground, as the bleeding stopped and the most grievous of his wounds healed themselves. A ghostly spiritual warhammer appeared next to the second owlbear. Swinging, the blunt weapon bounced off its thick feathers.
Slashing with his glaive, Kai removed a layer of fluff, but a follow-up thrust drew blood, causing the owlbear to squawk in pain. A follow-up butt was absorbed by its thick layers.
A beam of red, crackling lightning emanated from Scomatch’s hands, as the energy arched into the third owlbear.
“Panthro! Go get that hermit!” Guo Gan called out as he joined Kai in fighting the second creature. His jade quarterstaff came crashing down, crashing into the skull of the owlbear. The weapon’s end wobbled visibly, as the creature was stunned by the massive blow. It struggled to remain on its four feet.
A spectral warhammer smashed into the hindquarters of the stunned owlbear, as Kildo cast bless.
Kai, Guo Gan, and Scomatch glowed for a mere moment before the light faded.
Fighting through the electricity, the third owlbear, swiped with its claw knocking Scomatch backward, but the halfling mage continued to concentrate and hold on with the witch bolt spell.
Cleaving his glaive down executioner-style from overhead, Kai’s blade crunched into the neck of the second, stunned owlbear. The beast collapsed as its enormous weight thudded to the ground. The paladin leaped over the corpse and engaged the last opponent. His glaive hit the owlbear, as radiant damage blasted a patch of feathers from the creature. He then jabbed the butt end into its thick back.
Red, electrical energy continued to course through the owlbear from Scomatch, as Guo Gan held the jade quarterstaff like a spear. Thrusting, it smashed through its beak, through the mouth, and into the brain of the creature. It dropped straight to the ground as if a puppet master had cut its strings. Pulling the jade staff free, Guo Gan glanced around and saw Panthro a good distance away still chasing after the hermit. “Panthro! Come back!” The sleek, black panther returned lopping back to the monk.
“You’re a good Panthro! You’re a good Panthro!” Guo Gan praised as the two rough-housed. The panther’s head then shot up as it looked towards the cave where the three owlbears emerged. There was an incredible putrid smell coming from it.
“What is it Panthro?”
The party followed the panther and a short ways into the cave, covering their noses as they cautiously approached. Inside, were human bones and remains of partially eaten animals. Next to the bones was a long thin, hooked shepherd's staff and ripped clothes of various colored patches. Realizing there wasn’t anything they could do for Joseph and the hermit long gone, the party continued towards the Sacred Stone Monastery.
After a few hours of walking, a trail led to an ever-narrowing defined trail with bluffs and windblown sandstone. The walls drew in so close a person could reach out and touch either side. The narrow space then opened to a dank canyon in the heart of the hills. A sprawling monastery with dark narrow windows and red-tiled rooftops stood in the middle of this natural amphitheater with sandstone cliffs all around. The large stone structure was solid with thick walls. There was no sign of wind damage, tiles were blown off, or damage from a tornado. Even the foliage around it seemed untouched. Peering at the ominous structure, the monks inside could be doing anything from staring at bells or training an army. Ahead a weathered flight of stone steps led up to the closed monastery doors made of heavy timber with iron studs.
Glancing at the party, no one seemed inclined to move forward towards the massive structure.
Breathing out heavily, Guo Gan walked up the steps to the door and using a heavy, iron ring knocker pulled it back and let it drop. There was a distinct ‘boom’ as it echoed outside, as well as inside. The sound carried for several seconds.
After a few minutes, there was no answer. Guo Gan moved towards the knocker. There was an audible shifting of stone as the main door opened, as stone grinded on stone.
A human monk with a tonsure haircut in brown robes with a rope for a belt poked his head out.
“Who are you and what do you want?”
Stepping forward, Kai said, “My name is Kai and we are from the Emerald Eel and the Sea Ghost. Our vessels are fearsome and terrible like the waves, deadly like an undercurrent, and we are here to visit your monastery.”
“Impressive, but your row-boats aren’t going to make it up here anytime soon. Now, do you have an appointment?” the monk questioned.
Guo Gan asked, “There have been unnatural storms that have been striking the local islands. There was a rumor that your monastery was also struck.”
A second, older monk with more gray hair than black, appeared from behind. “They need to see Quarbo. Take them to see the boss.”
The first monk nodded respectively and motioned the party inside. Entering a plain and unadorned courtyard, the two monks led them west through a door and down a long corridor, which turned north, and then east to another long corridor with four columns evenly spaced between a set of stone, double doors. As the monks began to open them, Guo Gan pulled out his grey bag of tricks and pulled out a handful of lint, and carefully placed it on the ground. It instantly transformed into a giant badger. Twice the size of a normal badger, it had a distinctive white stripe from the tip of its long nose to the back of its head and white cheeks.
“Ahem, it’s rude to summon creatures in the middle of someone’s home,” the elder monk stated.
Guo Gan nodded and said, “I will refrain from summoning any more cute and cuddly animals.”
“See that you do.”
The double doors opened to a 60’ by 80’ room with four 10’ stone pillars in the middle of the room. At the far end were an altar and a set of stairs descending to a lower level in the center.
A person stood near the entrance said, “Greetings, I am Qarbo.” His chest and shoulders were protected in gray, breastplate armor with a long drape-like kilt going to the floor, which was made of tiles. A mask made of stone covered his eyes and forehead with three ridges rising like a crown. He held a staff in his hand with a long green crystal at the end.
“I am Kai, I’m assuming you are the abbot of this monastery?”
“Sacred Stone Monastery,” Qarbo corrected. “I am not the abbot. I’m the vice abbot. What brings you to our humble establishment?”
“It’s difficult to say.”
“Use your words,” Qarbo snorted haughtily.
“With all due respect, our town and people have been plagued by the Spire island dwellers and were made aware that they too paid your humble monastery a visit,” Kai said.
“Yes, they have proved troublesome. So, you’ve had some conflict with them you say?” Qarbo questioned.
“Correct and others as well,” Kai informed.
Guo Gan asked, “So, were you attacked a couple of weeks ago?”
“A few months ago,” Qarbo replied. “We did indeed have an altercation with those flying folk, so we are of the same mind. Are you looking to join our cult?”
“What do you mean cult?” Kai asked.
“Let’s see if you are worth joining first,” Qarbo said. “Let’s play get to know me. What is your biggest regret.”
“Walking into this room,” Scomatch said under his breath.
There was silence for several heartbeats, as the halfling’s words were heard by all.
Clearing his throat, Qarbo said, “I’ll go first. I was a child on Walton Mountain. My grandfather was going to the well and a tree fell on him and I couldn’t save him. That’s when I knew I had to seek out power to save everyone.”
“How did it turn out?” Kai asked.
“I joined this cult,” Qarbo replied. “Why do you think you are worthy to join the Cult of the Eternal Earth? Describe to me your dream job.”
Guo Gan said, “I’m going to stop you right there. We didn’t come here for a cult interview. We were passing through the town and heard you were attacked by the Feathergale Society and wanted to ensure you are still fine.”
“What has been your interactions with the Feathergale Society?” Qarbo inquired.
Swallowing hard, Kai said, “It was horrible. It seems they are attacking others and when we heard the Sacred Stone Monastery may have been attacked we wanted to confirm the rumor.”
“By the way, do you worship Rigga the Earthmother,” Guo Gan asked.
Scoffing in amusement, Qarbo snorted, “More like Rigga the Dirt Mother. By the nine hells no. That would be ridiculous.”
Kildo began growling.
“Easy there,” Kai said placing his hand on the dwarven cleric’s shoulder.
At seeing Kildo’s snarl, Qarbo straightened up and said. “I think you should see the abbot. Follow me.” He then proceeded down the stone stairs in the middle of the room.
Following Qarbo he was briefly surrounded by silvery mists and disappeared.
Landing at the bottom, the massive room was 70’ by 50’ loose, with red earth spread across the majority of the floor, with a 10’ wide column of natural stone in the middle of it. In the western section, was a cage of sturdy iron bars with a prison door wide open. Within the cage was a smaller door leading out, as well as an eastern door on the opposite side of the room to the east.
However, in the enclosure and emerging from the massive double-ironed doors was a nightmarish creature like a cross between a gorilla and a beetle. Its most prominent feature was a pair of huge mandibles, and a mouth filled with rows of sharp triangular teeth. It had two sets of evenly spaced eyes. Compound eyes that lay on the sides of its head and also forehead eyes that were small and apelike. It was extremely bulky standing 9’ tall. It was stout and by the crunch of stone, a highly muscular physique weighing easily a thousand pounds or more. Its bulk was covered in chitinous armored plates covered in hair-like feelers. Its hide was black, although its front was burnt-brown. In addition, their powerful arms and legs both ended in tough claws, able to rip through anything with ease. It was an Umber Hulk.
A mote of fire appeared in Scomatch’s hands. He hurled it at the beast, as the fire blasted against its insect-like armor. It roared in pain.
Guo Gan rushed the umber hulk and brought his jade staff crashing down from overhead. It smashed into the center of its skull, stunning the creature.
“Life if death. Death is rebirth. Rebirth is life. Bless!” Kildo called out as Kai, Guo Gan, and Scomatch were lit by holy light before fading.
Kai’s blade slashed against the dazed umber hulk, but the blade slid off its chitinous armor. Changing tactics, he thrust his weapon, which drove a plate upward painfully and crunched into its hide. Ooze like from a crushed insect, burst out.
A fire then engulfed the creature, as Scomatch carved a fireball around Kai and Guo Gan. Its insect-like hair singed off causing a rancid odor.
Still stunned, Guo Gan used his jade quarterstaff as leverage as it bashed into the umber hulk’s leg, knocking it to the ground.
Kildo ran up to the creature and raised his warhammer high into the air. He focused on the umber hulk’s head ready to smash it like a bug. However, he stared into its set of four insect-like eyes. His mind began to race as the massive form of the umber hulk was before him, but then disappeared in a puff of smoke. His mind spun as he was doing something, but it was like he was forgetting and remembering it simultaneously. He wasn’t even sure what he was doing here. However, not perceiving any threat, the dwarf lowered his weapon, not wanting to appear foolish, and turned around to face the party. They were all racing around, but he couldn’t determine why. “What’s going on?”
Moving past the confused cleric, Kai lunged again and again with his glaive piercing the umber hulk between its plated armor.
The attacks brought the creature out of its daze, as its mandible snapped onto Kai’s armored leg. He also took a hit from one of its massive claws, knocking the paladin back.
A trail of fire raced from Scomatch and over the umber hulk as the halfling mage cast Aganazzar’s scorcher. Alerted, the creature lumbered away from the flames.
Guo Gan rushed in from the side and thrust the jade staff into the wider opening Kai had caused earlier. The quarterstaff pierced more than halfway into the umber hulk’s frame.
It roared in agony, as a nauseating green encompassed its entire body for a mere moment. The umber hulk stiffened and fell over to its back, as it legs curled up like a dead insect.
Kai limped over towards Kildo and placed his hands on his shoulder.
“Are you alright? You stared right into the umber hulk's eyes.”
“Of course I be alright,” Kildo stated. “I don’t be knowing what ye be talking about. Umber hulk? That’s crazy talk. I be thinking I’d be remembering an umber hulk boarding the Sea Ghost.”
“Sea Ghost? What’s the last thing you remember?” Guo Gan asked.
Turning up his eyes in thought, Kildo said, “Odium singing that blasted song of his. Just whistle while you work. So hum a merry tune. And soon when Belial rises and the unbelievers die the time will fly, so whistle while you work.”
02/19/2022 – Treasure
· Glorious battle fighting…something. I forgot.