As Kildo slept, his dreams begin to fill once again with a framework of Green Flame. The fire resolves itself into an image of the Grand Temple of Rigga in the heart of Rolar itself.
It was a peaceful spring day, birds chirping and people attending service. The Planting Day celebrations, were a major holiday for Rigga commemorating the arrival of spring and the return of life after the darkness of winter. The day was disturbed as the ground began to buckle and heave in tremendous bursts of massive earth. Mile-wide pillars of rock erupted from below and then fell back upon the helpless festival attendees. The view became filled with dust as the pillars collapsed, and mushroom-shaped clouds of debris came together to blot out the very sun from the sky. He waited an eternity for the dust to settle, to see what had happened, but the temple was gone. No bodies, no city, nothing but rock and the distant scraping of boulders on boulders sounding strangely like sinister laughter.
Kildo then found himself inside the now-familiar meeting hall of the seven robed figures.
"…attacking my Temple! I'll be back for whichever of you is responsible!" The Brown cloak stormed out of the chamber.
"I suppose our missing Kalinoth is to blame for that." The Black cloak looked smugly at the empty Yellow space next to them.
"Perhaps someone needs to burn your Black ass from the race as I have done for our missing Green friend." The Red robe challenged.
"And how are things at the Abbey?" the Purple robe prodded, "Did you find what you were looking for?"
"I'm starting to think that none of you even has a key," the Blue robe observed, "Fortunately, I have just the tool to find out." He held up an oversized, pincer-shaped hand holding a purple gem. Kildo’s focus zoomed in on it. There was a figure inside, a dwarf-shaped person, banging on the sides of the crystal.
The following words then tickled the back of the dwarf’s mind, “Bring me the Book!”
“Kildo, wake up,” came the voice of Kai. As the dwarf’s eyes opened, Kildo recognized they were still in the massive Umber Hulk room that was 70’ by 50’, with red earth spread across the majority of the floor, with a 10’ wide column of natural stone in the middle of it. In the western section, was a cage of sturdy iron bars with a prison door wide open. Within the cage was a smaller door leading out to the ancient gate. The party was ensuring the Black Earth cultists hadn’t tried to come back up the 1,576 stairs from below. The paladin continued nudging his chin towards Guo Gan.
“You were talking in your sleep and from what I could gather, you had another dream of the colored robe figures, just like the rest of us. That is all except Guo Gan. I’m starting to become concerned about him, but specifically that green staff.”
“The staff’s name is Qiekamis,” Guo Gan corrected and he turned the jade quarterstaff in his hand.
“Cookie wan?” Scomatch said trying to repeat the word and added, “I could do with some food about now.”
“No, it’s pronounced Kee-Ka-Miss,” Guo Gan said phonetically.
“That thing be evil monk, ye should be getting rid of it,” Kildo said standing and yawning.
“Oh, of course, it’s purely evil. Its intentions are quite clear. It constantly wants me to use it to kill, so it can drink its blood. It also would like nothing more than to see Belial take the place of the dead god,” Guo Gan explained.
“We should destroy that thing,” Kai confirmed.
“By all means, go ahead. You can try, but I don’t think you’ll be successful,” Guo Gan replied.
Kai then turned to Kildo, as if asking his thoughts. “Woit? I can’t be destroying it with me warhammer. Now, if only I had a battle axe. I’m sure I’d do that blasted weapon in.”
Coming closer to Kildo, Kai asked just above a whisper, “I think this jade staff, Qiekamis has a hold over Guo Gan. Do you have something that might break it?”
Turning his eyes up in thought, Kildo said, “I can cast a remove curse on him to be seeing if he’s under a hex.”
Nodding in approval, Kai said, “Do it dwarf. I’ll distract him.”
As Kai and Kildo moved to opposite sides of Guo Gan, the paladin said pointing, “What in the world can that be?”
Head snapping in the directing, Guo Gan said, “What? Where?” Turning his head back, “I don’t see anything?”
“I could have sworn I saw something,” Kai replied. “No matter.”
At that instant, Kildo then placed his hand on Guo Gan's shoulder casting Remove Curse. Blue energy coursed through the elven monk.
“What was that for?” Guo Gan asked looking the dwarf up and down.
“Just wanting to be sure ye be controlling the stick and the stick not be controlling ye,” Kildo explained pointing with his chin at the jade staff, Qiekamis.
“It constantly blathers at me to seek out combat, so it can drink its blood. It’s evil as all get out, so that’s why I’m not constantly using it,” Guo Gan replied and then said glancing down at the staff, “Now, that being said, an unreliable source told me of what would happen if team dirt would do if they came into power. I suspect this is what each of you saw in your dreams last night.”
“I be agreeing with Guo Gan. We need to be going down their dirt hole and root out those cultists,” Kildo agreed rubbing his hands together.
“Oh, don’t get me wrong,” Guo Gan said and then continued, “I want to talk to that Lich up here. I think there is information he has that’d be useful to us.”
“I want to go down too and stop those dirt people, but I want to talk to the Lich too,” Scomatch added excitedly.
Kildo was about to protest when Kai placed his hand on the dwarf’s shoulder. “There is a day coming hopefully soon where you will lay waste to many of them. In the meantime, it might prove beneficial if they talk to the Lich. The creature did go out of its way not to obliterate us in our last meeting, even though we did significant damage to it.”
Grumbling under his breath, Kildo said, “Alright, but I not be going in to talk to that wretched thing.
Better yet, I think we better be tying a rope around them both, so we can be pulling out their corpses when the Lich kills them.”
“Assuming they aren’t outright disintegrated,” Kai stated.
“Ye not be improving me mood, paladin,” Kildo retorted.
The party headed back upstairs to the main floor of the Sacred Stone Monastery. Heading eastward, the party crossed through the 80’ by 40’ grove with a woven path through the overgrown area. Seven lifelike, carved statues of people were spread throughout as if they were enjoying the scenery. However, it seemed some of them may have moved slightly as if watching them. At the end of the garden was the eastern door, curved and made of heavy wood with the red ‘X’ across its front. Guo Gan placed his hand on the handle and turned back to the party. Kai and Kildo were going to stay out in the grove. Scomatch was excited to join the monk to talk with the Lich inside.
The door ‘creaked’ in objection as it opened. Entering the landing, it had stairs going down into the depths of the monastery. The room was 50’ by 40’ feet. There were three large tables covered with all manner of objects. Broken stone and refuse were in the corners and along the wall. It was hard to tell, but it seemed bones were mixed in. Whether it was humanoid or animal it was difficult to tell.
Entering the room there was a thick, malevolent presence in the air, which had an almost physical manifestation. The lich was still here. The figure in regal finery, bright red robes was hunched over a table in the study. His bone-thin shoulders rose slightly as he sensed the party’s presence and stopped reading from the ancient tome, which seemed to be on the same page as before.
Guo Gan cleared his throat and said, “We would like to come in and talk to you more appropriately. I’d like to apologize for being so rude before. My friend, Scomatch, and I would like to make your acquaintance.
A haunting, hollow voice spoke, “Begone intruders!”
Scomatch in a tone a degree below defiance, said, “Excuse me, undead sir. Can we have two minutes of your undead time?”
“Why are you bothering me, AGAIN!” the Lich said emphasizing certain words.
“We would gladly pay you Tuesday-,” Scomatch began before being interrupted.
“I do not need gold,” the Lich replied.
Guo Gan held out his hand to ease the halfling back and said, “I’d like to add, you are the nicest person we’ve ever met. While we were rude, you didn’t kill us. We would like to thank you for not killing us. You are one of the better, not us, people we’ve met.”
“Yes, I do recommend not breaking into people’s homes and trying to kill them,” the Lich responded.
“Of course. Also, from our previous dialogue, it seemed you didn’t care for the cultist either, so if we might have some of your time we’d like to have a chat about them.”
The lich turned to them as his bony hand rubbed its chin, as if in thought. “Certainly, please. Have a seat.” Two broken chairs scattered across the room magically came together and mended themselves and then flew toward Guo Gan and Scomatch.
As the two sat, the Lich continued, “I would offer you sustenance, but I have none, as I NEED none. Now, do they still call this place the Sacred Stone Monastery?”
“Yes, they do. It’s being held by one of seven cult factions,” Guo Gan said. “Are you part of their cult?”
“Ah, the Cult of the Black Earth. I’m part of NO faction,” the Lich replied.
“Good. We are currently fighting the Black Earth cult and recently freed their slaves,” Guo Gan explained.
“I wish you the BEST of luck,” the Lich said.
Scomatch then asked, “Why are you in this place? What research are you working on?”
“I’m working on reattaching the soul of my dear, dead brother.”
“We wish you the best of luck,” Guo Gan echoed.
The lich nodded in thanks.
“How was he killed?” Scomatch asked.
“He was killed by trolls…DIRE trolls.”
“Are there any dire trolls here?” Scomatch questioned.
“No, not anymore.”
“What is the Black Earth Cult doing downstairs?” Scomatch asked.
“Oh, you mean in the old ruins? If I recall, as it has been such a long time, that would be the Ruins of Ogremach. It was destroyed a few thousand years ago. An eventful day to be sure, as the whole area sunk beneath the sea. You see this entire archipelago used to be all land. We are all now living on top of the HIGHEST mountains.”
“So, going down to the Ruins of Ogremach would be basically to the top of the prior terrain?” Guo Gan asked.
“I SUPPOSE you could say so,” the Lich commented.
“Why are there a lot of cultists?” Scomatch questioned.
“The cultists worship a dark earth entity called Ogremach. Hence, the name of their Temple and not very original if I do say so. If I remember correctly…and I usually do, the old ruin would have given them access to dimensional portals. Some of the ancient wizards would have access to very powerful spells.”
“Wow, you are a precious find. How would you prefer to be addressed?” Scomatch asked.
“My name is RENWICK!”
“It’s a pleasure to meet you, Renwick,” Guo Gan said. “You’ve been so helpful.”
“Is there anything we can do to help you?” Scomatch asked.
“You can leave me ALONE,” Renwick replied as Guo Gan and Scomatch rose to leave. “But, do you have a business card?”
“Business card?” the elf and halfling questioned in unison.
“Where are you from?” Renwick clarified.
“We are from a ship called the Emerald Eel,” Guo Gan said.
“Thank you again, Lord Renwick. We’ll be going to go down and take care of the Black Earth cultists. Are you fine with that?” Scomatch asked.
“Excellent, I have the perfect thing for you,” Renwick said as he rose and floated over to a damaged cabinet. Rummaging through it, the undead retrieved an object. In a small, orange container with a blue lid made of an unknown material, it turned the top and poured out four, small white tablets. “Use these when the time is right.”
“We’ll know the time?” Scomatch asked.
“Use them when you are at your lowest point and take them. Then you will feel like new, like the dawn of a new day. Now, I believe you’ve overstayed your two minutes,” Renwick said and floated closer with a hint of stiffness and menace in his form.
Starting to leave, Guo Gan said, “There is one last thing bothering me. They say there is a god that died and must be replaced by another being, likely an entity from one of the seven cultists.”
“Really, I did not know that,” Renwick replied. “There has always been the ten gods.”
1. Hacon - The Skyking - Air/Storms/Law/Rulership
2. Nusen - The Dark One - Evil/Corruption - Anything that goes wrong is said to be his doing
3. Rigga - The Earthmother - Life/Fertility/Family
4. Arilla - The Glowing One - Love/Peace/Magic
5. Charon - The Hooded One - Death
6. Strassha - The Water Princess - Water
7. Vulder - The Shaper of Eternity - Craft/Forging/Fire
8. Senele - The Queen of the Wilds - Hunting/Wilderness
9. Tyrus - The Steel Lord - Justice/War
10. Yanus - That Which Is - Chaos/Primal Creation - considered more a Force than an Entity
“Thank you again kind Lich,” Scomatch bowed.
“Yes, thank you. We’ll be going to break up the Temple of Ogremach,” Guo Gan said as if ensuring one last time that the lich had no issues with it.
“Excellent, it would be great if they were all dead. It’d be MUCH quieter around here. Have a wonderful day and good BYE!”
04/08/2022 – Treasure
· We made a lifelong, undead friend - Renwick the Lich
· x4 magical healing tables