“Barely eight hours of terrible sleep, awful dreams, and we be walking back down 1,576 stairs to this Temple of Ogremach,” Kildo complained as his feet landed heavier and heavier on the stone stairs as his chainmail chinked. “All because some lich be saying so. Ye sure yer not under his spell?”
“If I start experiencing any symptoms of lichdom, I’ll be sure to visit my local cleric. Besides, your dreams will be much better after we crush the Black Earth Cultist down there,” Scomatch replied skipping down the stairs. “Be cheerful dwarf, I have my full complement of spells. Nothing makes me happier.”
“Do ye have teleportation in ye complement of spells?” Kildo asked.
“Well then, I’ll be a lot happier when ye do.”
“Oh, you’re just grumpy that you have all that heavy chain on. You should be wearing elven chain, like me. It’s like you’re not wearing anything at all,” Scomatch said.
“Bah, elven chain. I’ve be seeing earring loops thicker than them metal rings. It don’t even be making a sound when ye move. I don’t be thinking it’s real metal and more likely fer show than fer fighting. I be trusting the good stuff,” Kildo explain as he pulled at his chain shirt, as it made a cheerful clinking sound.
After an hour, the party found themselves at the 10’ wide stone bridge that defied gravity, as it zig-zagged across, but railings were absent and crossing a bit riskier. It covered an 80’ by 50’ natural chasm, which was over 100’ deep before darkness obscured the rest. The air remained hot and humid. Water dripped and the walls were wet with moisture. Crossing the bridge, Guo Gan stopped at the far end before entering the 50’ by 20’ landing area. Gathering around the elven monk, he pointed to the south and whispered, “Someone re-hinged those two massive doors leading into the receiving hall.”
The iron torches lit by a greenish, magical flame had showed great effort was put into reattaching the double doors to the ‘Temple of the Black Earth’ entrance. Concern grew as it would have taken at least several people with pulleys and levers to even lift them.
“I think the cultists have a trap behind those doors,” Kai said examining the scene.
“Ye think, paladin?” Kildo mocked. “I be all up fer a fight, but not one where they be waiting for us with all sorts of nasties.”
“When I was down in the chasm, there was a small pathway to the west where that one gargoyle flew. It might be worth checking out to see if it might lead behind them,” Guo Gan said.
The group shrugged at the suggestion as not a bad idea.
“Worth a shot,” Kai said.
Retreating across the stone bridge, the party spiked a couple of stakes and wrapped the rope around them for added strength.
Guo Gan turned to his giant rat and said, “Now, Rat-a-chewie, don’t chew on the rope. Guard it, but don’t chew. Got it?”
One-by-one the group descended to the 70’ by 50’ chasm below. It was slow going, as they didn’t want to test the strength of the rope. As Kildo made his way down, his hands burned from the rope’s friction, but his callused palms provided a degree of protection. Landing, his feet crunched, as the floor was littered with old, frail bones. Moving west, the dwarf didn’t see any gargoyles and fortunately, there weren’t as many bones on the far side of the large chasm. They entered a slightly smaller, circular 60’ by 50’ cavern. Steep walls slanted up towards the ceiling above with stalactites 100’ feet up growing down from the ceiling.
The party circled the room looking for anything that stuck out. The torchlight revealed nothing but dirt, small bones, and what smelled like gargoyle guano.
“This all looks the same,” Kai said as he kicked one.
It traveled near Kildo. The dwarf swiped at it like a ball to keep it going. It bounced up into the air. As he moved into position to kick it, he noticed something about 10’ up. “Oi! That rock not be looking like the other rocks. It be out of place. Be looking like it be made of clay and not stone.”
“Where?” Guo Gan asked.
“There,” Kildo pointed and added, “Can’t ye be seeing it with them sharp elven eyes of yers?”
Guo Gan began climbing up the wall where the dwarf pointed.
“Ye passed it monk. No, now ye too far down. Back up. To yer left, no yer other left. There!” Kildo said giving directions.
Carefully examining the rock, Guo Gan noticed there was a wire behind it. “It’s attached to the wall with a cord. Something is going to happen if I pull on it.”
“Does it look like a trap?” Kai called up.
“No, but it seems odd that someone would go through the trouble to put a trap in such a place. I’m going to pull it, so you might want to stay back a bit,” Guo Gan warned. Tugging, the rock pulled out, and a small opening, previously hidden, lifted 50’ up and a long coil of rope tumbled down. It remained attached to allow others to climb. Testing its strength, Guo Gan scampered up to the top where a ledge, previously camouflaged by the slanted walls made itself known. The elven monk waved down and motioned for the others to come up.
After everyone reached the top, the ledge circled most of the room. Checking the walls, Guo Gan found a similar rock to the far west side. It too was attached with a wire, as he showed the group. They nodded their approval and Guo Gan pulled.
A secret door opened into a sumptuously 40’ by 30’ room adorned with gold and brown tapestries going along the walls of the room. A bed was along the north wall covered in fluffy, crimson cushions and soft pillows. A wooden desk was opposite the bed with an urn next to it. Floating, magical orbs provided light. In the northwest and southeastern part of the room were two finely crafted sculptures of humans. There wasn’t much dust present, so the room appeared lived in. To the south was a stone door leading out.

“Search it and bag anything of value in Kildo’s hat of holding,” Kai said.
Within the urn was a large pile of silver and platinum coins. A carved lyre was under the bed with an embroidered silk robe on top. Around the room hung tapestries, one with the depiction of a dragon of exquisite design.
Clearing the room, Guo Gan listened to the southern door. Not hearing anything, the elven monk pushed it open. A male voice bellowed, “Infidels! Who do you serve!?”
Guo Gan charged in and using his spear thrust at an opponent just out of Kildo’s sight. Readying his warhammer and shield to charge in, he heard the monk scream but suddenly stop. He then saw the elf’s form turn a greyish color. The color of stone, he had been petrified!
“The nine hells! Don’t go out there!” Kai shouted and pulled back into the room. “Advert your eyes!”
A humanoid shadow encroached on the doorway, but part of it had a darker contour within. It then darted into the room. It was an angular humanoid figure with a pair of bat-like wings, inky talons, and a lower half that bled away into nothingness. It was a shadow demon.

Kildo cast Toll the Dead, as a dolorous bell rung, and while the creature’s form shook, it didn’t seem to do much harm to it.
Slicing downwards, Kai’s glaive went straight through it, but the paladin smote the creature with radiant damage, which caused significant harm to the shadowy form.
As if to get away from the holy warrior, the shadow demon passed into the triton. It was like Kai had been body punched by the creature. Realizing his normal glaive wouldn’t harm the shadow demon, he drew his magical longsword, as it emerged on the other side. He slashed at the flying monster twice in quick succession. The weapon continued to glow as radiant light continued to harm the demon.
A chromatic orb from Scomatch then exploded into the flying form. Fire erupted as the shadow demon’s form shriveled up and was engulfed by the flames, like carbon paper. However, the main threat remained as footsteps approached the doorway from the south. A male voice boomed, “There is no need to fear, there is plenty more room to house my masterpieces. Come, let Marlos Urnrayle see you.” The sound of hissing snakes, like laughter, wove into the man’s words.
“Life is death. Death is rebirth. Rebirth is life, don’t look at him!” Kildo shouted as he chanted and cast bless. The sound of slithering snakes came from the southern entrance, and the cleric saw the feet and legs of Kai as he blocked the doorway.
Hissing preceded a snapping sound as fangs latched into the paladin. In retaliation, Kai swung with his magical longsword, as a male voice grunted in pain. Radiant light from smiting damage filled the doorway.
Fire washed over the area, as Scomatch lobbed a chromatic orb, striking the mandusa, as he screeched in pain and snakes hissed in anger.
Reaching out and touching the back of Kai, healing energy coursed from the cleric to the paladin.
“Afraid to look into the eyes of Marlos Urnrayle? No matter, my Ironfang will work just as well.” The sword slashing and hissing strikes lashed out at Kai. The paladin was helpless as he adverted his eyes and took the full brunt of his attacks. The triton succumbed to his wounds and fell in the entranceway. The shadow of the mandusa stepped over the crumpled form of Kai. “Stupid dwarf and halfling, look at how easily that one fell. There is no need to die, but gaze upon the beauty of Marlos Urnrayle and you shall be immortalized in stone forever.”
“I’ll get stoned in my own manner,” Scomatch bellowed as he threw a chromatic orb at the doorway. Glowing from Kildo’s bless, fire exploded upon its impact on the mandusa, as it moved into its bedroom.
Closing the door to the room, Kildo stretched out his hand and mouthed a healing word spell towards Kai. The cleric then cast spirit guardians. A low, rhythmic pulsing began to emanate from the ground. A white light came from cracks in the stone. Fog rolled out approximately 15’ from the cleric. Small wisps of air arched out. Longer tendrils began to form and race towards the mandusa. “Marlos Urnrayle, you don’t seem to understand. We’re not locked in here with you. You’re locked in here with us!”
“I’ll deal with you dwarf in a moment,” Marlos Urnrayle said as he was heard chasing after Scomatch. The halfling’s yelp indicated the strikes from the mandusa’s Ironfang found its target.

Kai began to stir next to Kildo. The paladin’s eyes opened and asked, “Is it over? Did we win?”
“No lad. The fight isn’t over. It still be happening,” Kildo informed.
“Ugh! Forget this fighting blind. I’m going to take this thing out,” Kai said as he rose to his feet.
However, the paladin advanced only one step before Kildo saw the feet and legs turn grey and instantly turn to stone. “Scomatch! Kai is down! It just be us!”
“I’m hurt bad!” Scomatch called out. The room then turned into fire, as the mage sculpted a fireball spell around the party. Marlos Urnrayle was heard screeching in pain.
A spectral-blue warhammer appeared next to Kildo as he cast spiritual weapon and sent it blindly towards the direction of the mandusa. With only his ears and glimpses of warped shadows on the floor to guide him, he heard the magical weapon striking stone missing his target. However, he still had his area effect spell. Hissing in pain from the biting spiritual guardians, Kildo heard the mandusa feet running towards him. Throwing up his shield, the pings of snake fangs bounced off it, but he took two solid hits as Ironfang easily maneuvered around his defenses. He then commanded his spectral warhammer to return. It ‘whooshed’ as it missed the mandusa as the creature moved off. A moment later, he heard a sharp cry from Scomatch as Ironfang downed the halfling.
“It’s just you and I dwarf,” Marlos Urnrayle said, but his breathing was hard. “I don’t have one of your kind in my collection, but I soon will.”
Kildo backed himself into a corner and held his shield up. He had to stay focused and allow his spectral weapon and spiritual guardians to whittle away at the mandusa. A shadowy form of Marlos Urnrayle approached. However, Kildo saw the limp form of Scomatch behind the creature. The cleric uttered a healing word, as the restorative magic encompassed the halfling.
“Time to die!” Marlos Urnrayle yelled out a moment before flames again encompassed the room.
Kildo’s world became fire, as Scomatch’s fireball carved around him and the rest of the party. Bellowing a war cry, Kildo swung wildly with his warhammer and struck the air. He then barreled forward with his shield. He struck nothing but noticed he had just run across a royal purple-colored robe that squished as a puddle of mud burst out. “Do ye be seeing him Scomatch!?”
“My mother didn’t raise a fool. I’m not looking,” Scomatch yelled back.
Not hearing anything, and squinting, Kildo cautiously looked over his shield. However, it only took a glance for Guo Gan and Kai to turn to stone. The room looked as it was before, except for several scorch marks from the wizard’s spells. He saw the halfling mage with his eyes closed tight across the room. Carefully glancing, there were no other figures standing. Turning back, he saw the stone statue of Kai with an expression of determination with his risen long sword, which almost blocked the southern door. On the floor nearby was a deep-purple robe with a golden, inlay design, and within was a suit of fine chain, but it was filled with oozing mud. The longsword, Ironfang lay next to it. The mandusa was no more.
“It be fine to look Scomatch. The creature be nothing, but mud,” Kildo informed the halfling mage.
Scomatch slowly opened one eye then the other. Walking over to the puddle of mud, he pushed at the robes with his big toe. “Humph.” Spotting Kai, he stepped over the remains and stood next too the stone paladin. Leaning his head out, he glanced at the petrified Guo Gan. Whistling, the halfling said rocking on his heels, “Never been this quiet. I like it.” Pausing for a few more heartbeats, he continued, “Better put them right. Go ahead and turn them back, cleric.”
“I ain’t be knowing how to do that,” Kildo said.
“Yeah, that’s what your goddess is for,” Scomatch clarified. “Call on her to do it.”
“That’s not how these things be working.”
“Ugh, alright. These things typically have something to turn people back from stone in case of mishaps, or if they get too lonely. Then they re-petrify them when they grow bored. Start searching,” Scomatch said.
Kildo and Scomatch searched Marlos Urnrayle’s room, but didn’t find anything helpful. Moving south, they entered a roughly 80’ by 60’ natural cavern. Despite it being so deep underground, the area was warm with humidity. Floating, magical orbs provided light. A set of stone, double doors were to the south along the far wall. Around it were eight more stone statues, nine including Guo Gan. Examining them they looked like monks, but not like the Black Earth cultists. Their robes were more humble and likely the original friars of this monastery.
“I found scroll cases!” Scomatch called out, as it retrieved the tubes from a stone pouch from a statue in the far left corner of the room. Opening, pulling out the parchment, and unrolling them, the halfling scratched his head. “I can’t make any sense of them. Probably clerical.”
Joining the mage, Kildo took one of the tubes, and he noticed the letters ‘EGG’ along the side. Taking the parchment they were lined with golden letters. Scanning, he recognized they were spells of greater restoration. “Good find lad. These will do nicely.” Moving over to the status of Guo Gan, he placed his hand on the stone. Reciting the ritual, the golden words began to disappear and fuse towards the petrified monk. After a moment, the elf was returning to normal.
“It’s a mandusa!” Guo Gan frantically shouted, shutting his eyes, as the greater restoration spell finished.
“Aye, lad. We know. It’s been dealt with,” Kildo informed him, as the cleric moved over towards Kai in the northern room and performed the same ritual.

Turning his hands over and examining the rest of his body, Kai asked, “Was there anything of value on that mandusa?”
“I’ve got this cool, magical sword, Ironfang,” Scomatch said, as he struggled to hold it with both of his hands.
“Give me that,” Kai said retrieving the item. “You’ll shoot your eye out. Anything else?”
“Let’s see. Some muddy robes and some, unusually soft chain mail,” Scomatch replied.
“Oi, chainmail?” Kildo perked up as he glanced down at his own suit of chain and while offered great protection, had seen better days, as more than a few links had been broken and torn. He stepped eagerly with a lightened step towards the halfling.
“Ah, elven chain,” Scomatch confirmed. “Like I’m wearing.”
Stopping in his tracks, Kildo’s mood sulked as he said, “Nevermind.”
04/15/2022 – Marlos Urnrayle Treasure
· 1,100 sp
· 130 pp
· Carved Lyre – 250 gp
· Embroidered Silk Robe – 80 gp
· Dragon sowed tapestry – 400 gp
· Scroll of Greater Restoration
Party Split:
· 1,100 sp / 4 = 275 sp
· 130 pp / 4 = 32 pp
· 730 gp / 4 = 182gp