“What’s that? You feel a disturbance ahead?” Guo Gan said talking to his jade staff as he pressed his ear near it.
“You need to get rid of that thing,” Kai said.
“Shhhh,” Guo Gan quieted. “To the east? Mind if I check ahead?”
“Be my guest,” Kai replied.
Exiting south from the mandusa the hallway went west and south extending into darkness, but to the east, there was a wooden door. Guo Gan pulled out his grey bag of tricks and pulled out a handful of lint, and carefully placed it on the ground. It instantly transformed into a dire wolf. It grew to 9’ long and easily weighed 800 pounds and more resembled a horse than a dog. It had thick fur that was mottled, blue-grey in color, with eyes like fire. “Alright, Fluffy where are the bad guys?”
The dire wolf sniffed the ground and circled. Going west a few feet, then south. However, it then turned its head to the east and issued a low growl.
“East it is,” Guo Gan said.
Pacing back and forth, Scomatch harshly whispered, “Wait! I don’t have all of my spells. We need to go back up to the top and rest.”
“We just climbed down them stairs and now ye be wanting to go back up?” Kildo scoffed.
Kai said, “We need to press on and see what is going on here. I know that you don’t have your compliment of spell-”.
Cutting off the paladin, Scomatch said, “It’s a bad idea. We are all going to get killed.”
“You need to chill and take that pill,” Guo Gan said referencing the tablet the Lich Renwick gave each of them.
“No, I’m not going to take my pill. You know how valuable those are?” Scomatch asked rhetorically, as his face grew red with anger.
“Feel free to be mad, but you are part of the team. You don’t have to agree with my command decision, but you have to follow them,” Kai stated.
“Fine, get us all killed then,” Scomatch bemoaned.
Guo Gan listened at the east door. Turning back to the party he nodded there were people inside. He placed his hand on Fluffy’s head to silence his pet’s low growl. Opening the door, it was a 30’ by 50’ mess hall. There were three long tables in the middle of the room with crates of provisions stacked against the well. A southern door led to a kitchen area. There was a fire with a black cauldron over it. The smell of meaty stew was in the air. Inside were two Black Earth guards wearing plate armor with three robed cultists eating from bowls.
Moving with snake-like speed, Guo Gan struck the nearest guard twice in the head stunning him. Fluffy charged in and began to bite his plated leg.
Petrified, one of the cultists darted east out of the room, likely to get help.

The room erupted in flames, as Scomatch carved a fireball around the party engulfing and slaying the remaining two cultists as well as the stunned Black Earth Guard.
Kildo realized the retreating cultist was the greatest threat, as he could easily bring reinforcements into the fray. The cleric began casting Toll the Dead on their fleeing opponent but he resisted the effect. “Ye need to be stopping him!”
Kai pulled out his crossbow and fired at the cultist, but it pinged off the wall.
Guo Gan disengaged and began chasing after him. The monk ran past the remaining Black Earth guard. Still recovering from the mage’s fireball, he swung wildly as his morningstar crashed into a nearby table. The elf quickly caught up to his target and plunged his spears into his back. He screamed as he was driven to the ground with a mortal wound. Yanking his spear back, Guo Gan looked up. He was in the barracks area with two additional Black Earth guards. Both rose to grab their crossbows.
“Uh oh!” Guo Gan muttered as he began to back out of the room. There was an audible
‘click’ as the two guards fired. Hands flashing out, the monk deflected the first, but the second nicked his right shoulder. Moving back into the mess hall, Fluffy darted past Guo Gan. The dire wolf engaged the two Black Earth guards snapping his large fangs.
The two engaged Fluffy hitting him three times. The wolf whimpered from the strikes, but didn’t retreat and held the guards off.
Meanwhile, in the southern corridor outside the mess hall, a cultist came screaming from the darkness wielding a scimitar. Slashing, at Scomatch, the blade barely missed the halfling.
Taken back a bit by the sudden attack, Scomatch formed a chromatic orb of corrosive acid and threw it. It exploded onto the scimitar-wielding cultist. Flesh and clothing melted like hot butter. He screamed in absolute horror and agony. Gargling acid, his cries were garbled as the liquid ran down his throat. Reaching out in a plea for help, his flesh liquefied all along his arm and hand, exposing living skeleton. His eyes turned the color of boiled eggs, before popping. In moments, there was nothing left but a hollow skull, as his jaw unhinged itself. Bone began to melt and formed a greenish puddle of ooze along the floor until only a few bone-white fragments remained. The sickly smell of burned flesh and white fumes filled the room.
Back in the eastern mess hall, two Black Earth guards squared off against Kai and the dire wolf. Kildo cast Toll the Dead on the second guard. Dolorous bells rung around the cultist, but he only snarled shaking his head and ignoring the effects.
However, the cleric’s spell distracted the guard long enough for Kai to get in two lethal blows with his glaive. The plated cultist dropped fell dead.
The dire wolf lunged at the remaining Black Earth guard. His fangs snapped around his leg, but while his fangs were powerful and dented the plate, the armor held.
Attempting to remove the wolf from his leg, he failed to see Guo Gan retreat from the east. Stabbing with his spear, it found a chink in his back armor that penetrated flesh. Blood spurted from the kidney wound as he collapsed.
Following Guo Gan from the east were two figures. One a massive Black Earth guard covered in plate armor closer to 7’ than six, approached Fluffy, who was chewing on a dead guard’s leg. He smashed an oversized morningstar downward at the dire wolf. A painful ‘yelp’ came from Fluffy, as the morningstar crushed its spine. The magical dire wolf reverted into a lump of lint.
A fire bolt flew into the room and exploded against the back wall near the giant-sized Black Earth guard, missing.
Dolorous bells rang around the fresh opponent. Snorting, he said, “Puny dwarf, your goddess is pathetic, as are your spells. Ogremach will consume you all!”
“Welcome to glaive town, population you!” Kai shouted as he slashed with his weapon. The blade slashed two long marks along his armor but failed to penetrate the metal. Swinging upwards, the butt of the glaive struck his well-protected groin.
Guo Gan advanced and thrust with his spear. The point was stopped cold as it hit the plate. Pulling back and thrusting again, had the same effect. The monk then spun and struck the Black Earth Guard with a hook kick across the side of his head.
The cultist spat blood from under his helm. Twirling his morningstar, whining with unstoppable ferocity, he shouted, “Infidels, Ogremach will consume you all!”
The giant-sized Black Earth guard seized, and then fell to his knees and fell face first dead with a metal crash. Behind him stood a tall, dark-haired woman who wore earthen-colored splint mail armor. She held a long, Black Earth Rod in her hands. Slapping it in her palm, she stepped over the cultist she just killed. A sizable dent was in the back of his plated helm, as blood and brain matter oozed out the visor.

“I invoke the right of parley.”
“Who are you?” Guo Gan asked cautiously keeping the point of his spear aimed at her.
“My name is Yarsha and I surrender. Who are you?”
“Greetings Yarsha, my name is Kai. We sail the high seas, plunder as we please, and give to the plebes.”
“Lovely title,” Yarsha cooed.
“Why are you surrendering?” Kai asked.
“I think it’s pretty clear. I don’t want to die. So, if you let me go, I’d be glad to trade valuable information,” Yarsha explained.
“How do I know you won’t hit me with that rod?” Kai asked.
“How do I know you won’t cut me down with that glaive?” Yarsha riposted. “Listen, as much fun as it would be to kill a bunch of murder hoboes, I’d rather survive and move on."
“Of course, but you haven’t given me good cause to help your situation, other than forestalling your own impending death by talking to us.”
"I know where the Cult of the Black Earth leader is.”
“Oi, don’t be trusting her,” Kildo whispered loudly to Kai. The dwarf then pointed his warhammer at Yarsha and asked, “Why did ye be killing that guard, instead of telling him to surrender?”
“Listen dwarf, he was a fanatic and wouldn’t have surrendered. I killed him to show that I’m serious,” Yarsha explained as she moved over to one of the mess hall tables and set her rod down.
“Take off your armor too!” Scomatch called out.
“Perv, I’m not taking off my armor,” Yarsha said placing hands on her hips. “I’ll clear a way for you to the leader and then you can fight him.”
“Who do ye be worshiping here?” Kildo asked.
“You’re in the Temple of Ogremach, so I’ll let you figure that one out shorty,” Yarsha snapped.
Placing his hand on the cleric’s shoulder to calm him down, Guo Gan said, “So, what is the name of the dead god that Ogremach is supposed to replace?”
“The Dark One? Anything that goes wrong is said to be his doing,” Yarsha said and seeing blank stares on the party’s faces, continued, “The god Nusen. You didn’t know he was dead? Incredulous, you don’t know what you are doing, do you? ”
“Ye be wanting Ogremach to take his place?” Kildo questioned.
“Yes and why not? He has the might of the entire earth behind him,” Yarsha expounded.
Guo Gan put his hand to his chin and said, “So, you want us to kill the leader, and then what? You become the new leader after him?”
“Works for me, but we’ll have to see how many people come to talk to me,” Yarsha said.
“Lass, were ye attacked by the Feathergale Society?” Kildo asked.
“I don’t know what goes on up there,” Yarsha answered. “I’ve been down here for the gods know how long.” The party began discussing amongst themselves. She motioned silently with her finger towards Kildo. As he approached, Yarsha said, “You know there isn’t much of a difference between Ogremach and Rigga the Mother goddess.”
“Bah, if ye be thinking of tempting me away from Rigga, ye need to be saving yer breath,” Kildo snapped.
“No, of course not,” Yarsha agreed and then continued a little more quietly, “There’s always something about beards that I’ve always been drawn to, so masculine.” She then went to both knees to eye level. She gently took a long braid of Kildo’s beard and caressed her hand down it gently. Reaching her other hand into his red beard, she began to scratch under his chin with her fingernails. It felt heavenly, like an unreachable itch that needed to be scratched. Yarsha’s face approached his and she whispered in his ear, “All I’m saying is there isn’t much of a difference. Maybe you can teach me about Rigga’s ways.” Her cheek then ever so lightly brushed his as she pulled back and rose.
Watching her hips sway as she left, Kildo’s head swam with Yarsha’s words. What was she saying? Stuck underground for an untold amount of time with these cultists had to be trying for a human. For dwarves, this was just a normal Saturday, but she wasn’t likely suited for such living. He reasoned she was probably captured when she was young and indoctrinated into the Black Earth cult. He then focused on her words, ‘maybe you can teach me about Rigga’s ways’. It seemed she was willing, or at least open to, Rigga’s teaching. Touching his cheek where she brushed it, he sighed and smiled. He’d like that very much and wouldn’t say no to such an opportunity.
“Oi, be holding on there!” Kildo called out.
“Yes, dwarf,” Yarsha answered turning and glancing over her shoulder.
“Kildo Hammerhand.”
“Yes, Kildo Hammerhand,” Yarsha answered softly.
He like how smoothly she said his name. Nervous, his tongue failed him now that he had her complete attention. Kildo’s eyes darted around the room and then focused on a cauldron over the fire in the kitchen area. “It’d be a shame if all that food be going to waste.”
“By all means Kildo Hammerhand, help yourself,” Yarsha said and she retrieved a bowl and filled it for him. She set it down on a nearby table in the kitchen area.
The rest of the party joined Kildo and Yarsha and helped themselves to the stew.
Staring at Kildo, Yarsha asked, “Is it to your liking?”
“Nothing special, meat be having an unusual taste. What be in it?” Kildo asked.
“It’s a delicacy, at least from what the others told me. It’s called ‘Long pig’,” Yarsha replied.
“Ugh!” the party pushed back from their chairs and scooted their bowls away from them, as they set their spoons down.
“What be long pig?” Kildo asked as he took another mouthful.
* * *
“Here be putting these on,” Kildo said as he handed brown monk’s robes to Kai, Guo Gan, and Scomatch. “It be helping us blend in better.”
Shrugging that it couldn’t hurt, they all donned the apparel. Yarsha led the group south into a 40’ by 30’ room with a 10’ statue in the western part. Humanoid shaped, it was made of boulders, crystals, and sharp rocks. It had held rocky fists high into the air.

She then turned east into a side passage into the receiving hall where they had first entered the Temple of Ogremach. In the room were several Black Earth cultists with two ogres with clubs nearby. They all snapped to attention when Yarsha entered the room.
“Gregg! What are you lot standing around for?!” Yarsha yelled at them and then pointing continued. “They are coming down the stairs, you need to go up and meet them.”
The cultists grabbed their weapons and moved out to the north. Once they had exited, Yarsha motioned for the party to follow her south. In the distance, they heard, “There’s a giant rat here! Kill it.”
“Poor Rat-a-chewie,” Guo Gan lamented and the group hurried out of the receiving hall.
Leading them eastwards, Yarsha stopped at the beginning of a long corridor east, which held a stone door at the end. “The leader is beyond here. Open the door, kill him, and be done with it.”
“What is the leader?” Guo Gan asked.
“An Earth Gnasi, called Miraj Vizann,” Yarsha replied as she backed away and headed north.
Watching her leave, Kai said, “Prepare everyone.” The paladin then began to cast divine divinity. His glaive began to glow with bright light extending out 20’.
“Life is death. Death is rebirth. Rebirth is life. Let’s get him,” Kildo chanted as he cast bless on the entire party.
Kai, Guo Gan, Kildo and Scomatch wearing brown robes of the Black Earth cult marched down the corridor and opened the stone door. The room was 50’ by 50’ with statues circling the entire room. Instead of hands, they had spiked maces. In the middle of the room, the flagstones were ripped up and removed to reveal the earthy surface. In the southeastern section of the room were shelves and workbenches. Next to one was a humanoid wearing golden armor. His skin, which appeared stone-like was ebony with yellow, glowing eyes like that of a hot furnace.

Miraj Vizann glanced and said, “What do you want!? Wait, there are no fishmen in our society.”
A chromatic orb from Scomatch sailed across the room and erupted in fire covering the earth gnasi in flames.
As the blaze died down, Kai was on top of Miraj Vizann and slashed him twice with his magical glaive, as he was also smitten with divine energy. A follow-up butt from the end smashed into the cult leader’s leg.
A spiritual warhammer materialized next to Miraj Vizann and smashed into a table, as the earth gnasi dodged the blow. Dolorous bells also run around his head, but he shook off the effect.
Guo Gan ran across the room as his spear glowed from Kildo’s bless striking Miraj Vizann twice in quick succession. For good measure, the monk smashed his leg in a side-kick knocking the earth gnasi back against the wall.
“Enough!” Miraj Vizann shouted as a wall of earth erupted from the ground to the ceiling surrounding him.
“Break through!” Kai shouted, as there was the sound of popping stone, as two of the statues in the room began to move, one to the north and the other south. Before the paladin could usher a warning, the stone warriors slammed their mace-like hands into the triton.

An acid chromatic orb from Scomatch struck the southern one, as the statue began to sizzle. The place of impact melted and wept mud.
Slashing, Kai’s blade only scratched the southern stone statue. Then spotting the weakened point from Scomatch’s acid patch, lashed out with the full length of his glaive penetrating deeper into the figure.
Kildo began casting guardians of faith. Between the two stone statues, a large spectral guardian appeared and towered over the figures. The manifestation comprised of a long sword and shield with the blazing ankh symbol of Rigga the Mother Goddess. The guardian did a sweeping motion as the magical weapon blasted both the statues with his might. A large chunk of stone blew off both figures from the impact. The cleric then commanded his spiritual weapon to attack the southern statue. The mystical blue warhammer slammed into the figure’s chest.
Sneaking around to the back of the southern statue, Guo Gan gave a swift, round-house kick. The monk’s foot bounced off the hardened stone. Having little effect, he thrust with his spear, also having a negligible impact. Changing tactics, he inserted his spear between its legs and using leverage, began to topple the statue. Noticing, it attempted to punch the monk but missed as it tripped and tumbled to the ground.
The northern statue lashed out at Kai, but the paladin was able to dodge out of the way, as its stone fist smashed into the floor causing it to crack from the impact.
Another chromatic orb of acid smashed into the southern statue’s head. Scomatch grinned as the spell melted its face. The figure then froze and toppled over like a tree.
With only the northern statue left, Kai slashed with his glaive, which glowed from Kildo’s bless spell striking the automaton two times in the leg, including a well-place butt to its groin. However, being stone, its impact didn’t have the desired effect.
Sending the spiritual warhammer towards the statue, it missed. Kildo then cast toll the dead, but the dolorous bells didn’t seem to affect the creature in any meaningful way.
Equally unsuccessful was Guo Gan as his spear thrusts and kicks didn’t damage the figure’s stone frame. “I can’t damage this thing!”
Kildo’s guardian of faith had better luck, the spiritual sword sliced across the statue’s front causing a gaping wound. However, with that last strike, its magical energy dissipated as the sword and shield winked out of existence. The cleric’s spiritual weapon again missed. The dwarf then saw Kai breathing hard and standing in front of the figure. The paladin was holding his arm across his plated chest. He was hurt badly from their initial attack. Kildo channeled divinity to preserve life, as a wave of healing energy rushed and encompassed Kai.
Another orb of acid from Scomatch arched over the party and blasted the statue’s chest. It sizzled and bubbled as the corrosive liquid seeped into the large gash from the guardian of faith sword strike.
Seeing an opportunity, Guo Gan lunged with his spear into the wound. Then like a wedge, thrust it deeper and deeper. A resounding crack echoed through the room, as the tip penetrated through to the other side. The statue then crumbled into pieces.
“Hurry, get that wall of stone down before Miraj Vizann escapes!” Kai ordered pointing to the southeast.
Kildo sent his spiritual weapons towards the barrier and began hammering away, as Guo Gan charged and did a flying leap into it. In short order, the wall collapsed. Miraj Vizann was nowhere. Where the earth gnasi had stood was a disturbed mound where it seems the Black Earth cultist leader had burrowed into the ground.
“He’s gone, lad,” Kildo called out to Kai.
Kicking a piece of the stone statue, Kai said, “See if there is anything useful on the work benches or shelves.”
Guo Gan began to shift through the contents. “Nothing useful. There are just some notepads with scribbles, alchemist ingredients, and solutions.
Kildo readied his warhammer and shield and went around the room examining the rest of the statues. They were of various humanoids, a bit large, had maces for hands, and the carvings didn’t appear to be mandusa-made.
“Alright, let’s move out. Miraj Vizann can’t be too far from here,” Kai said.
The party retreated west and rounded the corner. Yarsha was there standing and waiting. “Well, how did it go? Is he dead?”
“He escaped,” Guo Gan said. “We almost had him when he erected a wall of stone and activated two of his guardians.
“Ugh!” Yarsha said bringing her hand to her temple as if to ward off a headache, “You had one job. Just the one.”
“We know, we know,” Kai scoffed in reply. “There’s still the rest of the Black Earth cult to deal with.”
Yarsha said, “You ‘good guys’ do what you need to do. They’ll roam around up there, as you are down here. There’s nothing up there for them to kill.”
“Uh, aren’t those prisoners we freed still up there?” Scomatch questioned.
Yarsha glanced at the halfling and said, “Well, if they find them, they’ll be slaughtered.”
“The nine hells,” Kai cursed under his breath. “We need to catch them! Run!”
04/23/2022 – Treasure
· Unmasking Miraj Vizann. The Cult of the Black Earth Leader.