As Kildo Hammerhand slept, dreams filter their way into his mind. Green flames flicked around the edges his vision, and then burst forth to obscure everything. When the flames receded, he found himself in an old familiar place; the front yard of his parent’s house. He was playing a dwarven game with his brother called Rock & Roll. They rolled rocks down a race course, the first to finish inbounds won. He was quite young and happy. Then he found himself looking down on the two boys, and walking away from them. He looked in the window of his house where his parents were staring fearfully at a cloaked stranger.
"Please, don't make me choose one over the other," his mother begged the stranger.
"Certainly," the stranger smiled, drawing a coin from his pouch, "It doesn't matter to me which of them it is. Heads is Kildo."
Everyone’s attention was focused on the shiny coin as it flipped over and over in the air. It seemed to take an eternity to reach the top of its arc, and another eternity passed before it landed.
The emerald flames surged again, and the scene before Kildo changed. He was confronted with what must be a more recent image of his brother. His face looked more worn, but it is hard to tell through all of the blood splatter. He was squeezing the throat of a kobald, its eyes bulging as it tried desperately to free itself from the rock-like grip that held it. Kildo looked around, there were strangled kobalds littering the floor of the cave, their limbs tangled together by various ropes and chains. As the last kobald was dropped to the ground, a voice rang out from mid-air, "Excellent, my pupil! They shan't steal from us again. Now retrieve the babies, their glands have uses..."
Another surge of flames, faster this time and Kildo saw himself inside a dark chamber. Six cloaked figures stood around a table. He stepped forward into the empty seventh space. The figures began speaking, but the words were broken and they faded into his dream.
The green fire swept over the scene in an instant, and Kildo was greeted with a new image. A dark figure holding a blue gem high above its head. The gem burned with a blindingly bright blue light. The floor in front of the figure was littered with corpses of cloaked figures - the same cloaks he saw just moments ago.
Kildo woke from the dream, the barest flicker of green fire dancing to nothingness in the corners of his eyes.
“You were having bad dreams too?” Guo Gan asked looking at the dwarven cleric.
Kildo nodded. “What ye’s be about?”
“It was like I was scrying, but through a goblin’s head. Something along the lines about the queen sending a strike force to the island, but also having an agent there too,” Guo Gan said.
Kai then said, “Mine was more on the macabre. I was on the Emerald Eel and there was carnage everywhere. The crew’s heads were stuck on tritons with our names etched on each of the spears. I was mopping up the blood-shed and looked up at the masts. There were more tritons sticking out with more heads of the crew. Each had the look of shock and betrayal. There were even more tritons on the foredeck. Then there was a surge of water along the side of the ship that burst open and another 100’ foot tall triton burst forth. Then I heard one word being uttered, ‘Wave’. The only other thing was there were six robed figures, each wearing a different color. Brown, black, yellow, red, and green, but I couldn’t understand what most of them were saying.”
“Yeah, I saw them too,” Mufi said and then continued. “The only one I could understand was the one in the brown cloak. He said, ‘The replacement has arrived at Scarlet Peek.”
Zzee then perked up in interest and said, “The black one zaid to Zzee, ‘has he revealed himself to you yet?”
Kai continued, “The yellow one held his hands together and said, ‘can we delay him until the prize is claimed?’”
“Red said, ‘oh do you think your team can win the hunt?’” Gou Gan said.
Kildo then stood up and like in a trance concluded, “The green one said, ‘do you think the Gardner knows your secret?’”
“Wait? Are you zaying we all had the zame dream?” Zzee asked.
“Yup, including a dark figure holding a blue gem above his head,” Mufi answered.
Zzee’s turned quickly to each of the party members. The lizardfolk’s hands began to tremble. Tilting his head, he peered up and began shouting as he ran into the forest, “Zky zpiders!”
The group watched Zzee disappear into the woods. Glancing up, it was a clear day with only a few lazy clouds in the sky that didn’t seem to be in a particular hurry to go anywhere.
“Don’t worry, he’ll be back,” Guo Gan said waiving off the lizardfolk.
After dragging the dead goblins into the bushes, the party determined they probably had six hours left until the scavenger hunt concluded. They then headed southeast towards Hillside Manor.
“Be warned, the closer we get to town, there could be other teams lurking around,” Guo Gan cautioned.
Kildo carrying all the scavenger hunt items wrapped the dead goblin boss in a rough canvas and threw it over his shoulder, sniffed it, snorted in disgust, and said, “We really be needing a dead cart to drag stuff around.”
“Never needed one. On a ship, we just toss stuff overboard,” Kai explained.
After about an hour, they approached a well-built, stone inlayed bridge that could fit two carts passing at a time over a stream. On the far end were two humans. One armed with a short sword and the other was unarmed. Both were well dressed.
The one with the short sword called-out, “Oh, hello! You must be adventurers. My name is Anders.”
“My name is Kai. Good day to you.”
“What are you doing on the bridge?” Mufi asked.
“Anders is out on his morning walk. I never leave him alone,” the unarmed human said.
“Is it dangerous out here?” Mufi questioned.
“Yes, especially on scavenger hunt day.”
The group started to cross the bridge when the unarmed richly dressed individual said to his companion, “Anders, maybe these people can be of assistance to us?”
“Good idea Scaren.”
“Hello gentlemen, my name is Scaren. Anders is on the town council and one of the people sponsoring the scavenger hunt. This is an issue that Mr. Anders would love seen address.”
“We be a little busy, lad,” Kildo said shifting the weight of the goblin boss on his shoulder.
“Of course, of course,” Scaren said. “This can be done after the scavenger hunt.”
“What is that?” Kai asked.
“There’s an abandoned house that has some oddities occurring. Anders believe there are some ne’er-do-wells that are engaged in something unsavory in that house,” Scaren said.
Kai asked, “What have you observed?”
“Mostly stories from drunkards at bars. They considered it haunted, hearing strange noises, movements, and the usual haunt stuff. An alchemist used to live up there, but died years ago. So with things on the island, people when up there looking for treasure and soon afterwards is when the reported hauntings started to stream in,” Scaren explained.
“Where’s it located?” Kai asked.
“It’s a little up the east side of the island by the mountain and isolated. You’d see it,” Scaren said.
Mufi asked, “Why our group?”
“Well, we need someone independent to look into the matter. The dwarves are busy in their mine, so…”
“So, ye be needing someone who not be in a cult?” Kildo questioned.
Scaren’s cheerful face turned solemn as he warned, “I wouldn’t randomly talk about cults.”
“Cult member says, what?” Kai mumbled under his breath.
“I’m sorry?” Scaren asked.
“We’ll take it under consideration,” Kai said clearing his throat. “It sounds like you’ll be around.”
“Yes, we’ll be there for the conclusion of the scavenger hunt.”
“Do ye be having a truffle on ye?” Kildo asked.
“I don’t have any truffles on me and it would be inappropriate for me to give you one,” Scaren said.
As Kildo scoffed, Scaren continued, “However, the next mansion over, the owner is a bit of a connoisseur in truffles, so there’s a good chance he might have one. Now, I wouldn’t encourage anyone to break in and take something that is not our.”
The party walked through the posh estates of Hillside Manors. They went around the mansion Scaren pointed out to the backside where the kitchen would be located. They found a back door, but it was closed.
Kai knocked on it.
A voice from inside yelled, “Bring it in! Bring it in!”
Opening the door, there was a dwarven woman in cookware with brownish hair tied up and braided with purple ribbon. She had thick, blond fuzz around her face. She was chopping up herbs and onions. Several truffles were right in front of her.
“Good morning. How are you?” Kai asked.
“Just drop the stuff over there,” the dwarf said motioning with her knife to a bare spot on the kitchen counter.
“Um, I think you might have mistaken us for someone else,” Kai said.
“You not be bringing the fish?” the dwarven cook questioned.
“Could we trouble you with purchasing one of your truffles?” Kai asked.
“These ain’t be me truffles.”
“I have a silver coin,” Mufi said.
The dwarven cook placed her hands on her wide hips and answered in a dead tone, “You don’t be knowing how much truffles cost do ye?”
“How much do you need?” Kai asked.
“Me boss will be upset, if he don’t be getting truffle in his food.”
“How about a gold piece?” Guo Gan said pulling out the coin.
The dwarf woman snatched it and pushed the smallest truffle their way. “Now, shoo, shoo! Before anyone else be showing up.”
The last item of the scavenger hunt secured, the group made their way back towards the center of town, even warier of other bands of murderous hobos. Arriving where they started, the party noted there were already a couple groups hanging out in the square. They were eyeballing the goblin sized body canvas over Kildo Hammerhand’s shoulder.
“Hey! It’s Dirty Hank,” Kai said motioning to their dwarven cook. The group walked over to their fellow crewmate, glad to see a familiar face. The Emerald Eel’s cook held a basket full with mushrooms and other foodstuffs. He had just handed some coins over, as he purchased some nightshade vegetables and other food items of suspect origins.
“What’s up! How’s it going?” Kai asked as they approached, but slowed down. “Nightshade?”
“Wait, what!?” Mufi questioned in alarm. “Isn’t that poisonous?”
“Poisonous, no? These are white potatoes, eggplant, bell peppers, and tomatoes? They are part of the nightshade family,” Dirty Hank said turning his basket away.
Kai asked, “Anything untold happen on the ship?”
“No, nuthin be happening. Dirty Hank just been on shore leave with some of the crew. Ya see, Dirty Hank gets shore leave first, because I be the cook.”
Guo Gan said, “When you are done, spread the word and get the crew all together that are on shore leave. We want to show a big presence.”
“Dirty Hank can be doing that. They all be at the pub. Dirty Hank be seeing ye be worried about ne’er-do-wells.”
“Good man,” Kai said.
The party waited around the staging area in town. They recognized some of the crew start to enter the square. All were carrying beverages, so there were no open carry laws in Scarlet Peek. A short time later more of the crew arrived from the docks, including a sahuagin easily clearing 6’ feet with green skin with black spots and darker on the back and lighter on the belly approach. He was fish-like with webbed feet and hands, gills, and a finned tail. There was additional webbing down the back, at the elbows and, notably, also where human ears would be.
“Ghald Fourarms! Glad to see you,” Kai said. “Is everything fine on the Eel?”
“Everything is fine. How was the hunt? Are you having difficulties?” Ghald asked. The sahuagin baron’s voice was a little unsettling, like someone speaking while gargling water.
“We’ve been successful, but don’t want anyone to get light fingered,” Kai said.
“Is there anyone we need to murder?”
“No, unless someone tries to murder us first,” Kai replied.
At noontime, the same extinguished older woman walked into the square with a piece of paper and a writing utensil and started to go among the seven scavenger hunt groups present and made notes. She eventually headed towards the group.
“Hello, Emerald Eels. How many items have you collected?”
Kai cleared his throat. “We have a straggler coming in, so we’d rather not say until the contest is called.”
“Very clever. Be seeing you again in an hour.” She then moved to the next group.
The party continued to wait. They saw the eighth group come into the town square. They were the Ruby Spiders from the red colored arachnid motif on their outfits. They were carrying a bag, which looked wet and whatever was inside was round and about head-sized. A few minutes after that, the ninth group arrived, jogging into the area.
The town’s bell then began to ring.
The groups gathered on a cobble stone peer, near a fishing smoke house. A single road led north deeper into the village. The hostess entered above them on a raised section of a sea wall, so they could all see her. She yelled over the groups. “The time limit has expired. As you are motioned, have one of your groups bring your items to the front for judging!”
After about twenty minutes, the Emerald Eels were waived to approach. Kai brought all the items up front and laid out the first five. The last one was the goblin corpse, which Kai heaved to the ground, kicked at it, and it unrolled exposing the deceased creature.
The woman said, “Oh my. We didn’t expect more than one goblin boss head and now it appears we have three.”
Kai then said, “We anticipated this as a possibility. This is why we brought the entire creature. As you can see from the sheer size, scars, and tattoos, this is the actual boss of the goblins. The rest are just the heads of the other goblins we slew.”
“Yes, this does appear to be the one. However, I’ll need to consult with the other committee members.
“Of course, so we can expect the most harshest of punishment to the other groups that tried to pass off goblin underlings as boss heads,” Kai said folding his arms.
Several well-dressed town council members along with the woman began to go and examine the group’s items. They saw Anders among them. While the group couldn’t hear what was being said, they did notice that several shook their heads in vigorous displays of disagreement.
A tall human with a painfully clean-shaven head walked up to the podium and drew in a deep breath. “For those who do not know me, I’m Lex Luthor. Thank you all for being on time, except for…Imago’s Axe Order, who has not shown up yet. We are prepared to declare a winner.” The bald man then began to cough, which lasted a few, awkward heartbeats. “Pardon, my throat. It is a little dry due to my lack of the appropriate amount of truffle in my breakfast this morning.” He then eyed the Emerald Eels.
“The nine hells,” Kildo mumbled.
“In any event, we have multiple ties for first place, having three groups obtaining all items plus the tie-breaking goblin boss head, who surely are not to be truffle…I mean trifled with. Did I say truffle? I really missed not having the right amount of truffles in my morning omelet.”
“Get on with it!” A loud voice shouted from the crowd.
“Yes, yes. Regardless, we are prepared to declare the winner, though the decision was not unanimous. We expect all parties to respect the decision. The winners are…The Emerald Eels!”
“Yeah!” the group erupted in excitement.
“Yes, well done! Now, come forth to retrieve your prize!”
As the party approached, Lex Luthor began, “Ladies and gentlemen, what no women among you. How remarkably droll, but again if I was told correctly, you are all sailors.”
“Yes, we are sailors. Women bring bad luck on a ship. They don’t know the ways of the sea. One would likely whistle into the wind, which would surely call up a storm,” Kai snorted.
“Yes, of course. Here is 100 gold pieces,” Lex said and handed the small sack to Kai. He then motioned and Anders brought a small box. Lex nodded, opened it up. The inside glowed a pleasant azure blue. “And for the grand prize, I give you the Blue Gem Stone, our most beloved star. May it be a light to you in dark places when all other lights go out.”
As Lex handed the box to Kai, there was a gurgling, burbling sound off to the right. Two puddles of mud were bubbling up from the ground in front of the fish smoke house and began to form a creature, like a cross between a small, wing imp with the head of a mosquito with a long thin proboscis, all sculpted out of two elements, earth and water. They were mud mephits.
In a gurgling voice, one of the creatures bellowed, “Death to the gem holder!” Then a rupturing sound uttered from behind each, like a large amount of air being pushed through muck. Out the back of the mud mephits birthed two more.
Mufi extended his hand towards one of the creatures and a projection of noxious gas came from the druid’s palm; poison spray. The cloud covered the mud elemental, but didn’t seem phased by it.
Guo Gan smacked and kicked the second creature, disrupting the mud mephit shape for a moment.
Slashing with his longsword, Kai missed the creature the monk was fighting.
Meanwhile, Scaren emerged from the crowd and pulled Anders away from the stage and out of harm’s way. Lex Luthor fumbled in his pocket and pulled out a ring and brought it near his finger, but didn’t put it on. A guard then moved in, thrusting his long spear, but missed the mud creature.
Kildo began muttering and touched his holy symbol around his neck. The cleric quickly touched Kai, Guo Gan, and Mufi. They all three began to glow slightly as he casted; bless.
A familiar lizardfolk came running out of the crowd to the south and yelled, “Zee I told you! Zky zpiders!” Zzee stopped in surprise seeing the mud mephits, shrugged in indifference, and slashed his scimitar through a portion of the fourth one and farthest from the group.
Three of the mud mephit belched a viscid torrent of muck, which all missed the party and splashed the stage. The last imp lashed out with his fists, but Kai easily dodged the slow attack.
Again, Mufi extended his hand towards the same creature as before, as a projection of noxious gas came from the druid’s palm; poison spray. This time the mud elemental opened its mouth and after the green gas entered, the mephit swallowed it. “Yum!”
Guo Gan swiped with his quarterstaff, but it smacked into the ground, but a quick roundhouse kick, struck the second one in the face.
As it shook off the effect of being kicked, Kai slashed it with his longsword cutting clean through the mud imp. An instant later, it exploded in hot mud. Seeing this companion burst, the furthest mephit spewed mud at the monk, but missed as he twisted out of the way.
Distracted as it attacked Guo Gan, the lizardfolk slashed with his scimitar striking the spewing mephit.
The initial mud elemental punched, it fist solidifying as it struck the monk. The guard who ran into the fray with the party countered and thrusted his long spear into the mephit. and struck the creature.
Mufi countered, as he began casting; frostbite. White ice crystals began to form within the creature, as its movements began to slow down.
The glowing Guo Gan twirled his quarterstaff striking the third mud mephit, as well as snap kicking the creature. Kai also slashed at the elemental. Kildo then began casting; Toll the Dead. The sound of a dolorous bell filled the air around the earth-water elemental. Its form began to shake and then it exploded. Kai and Guo Gan were instantly covered in thick, sludge like muck.
To the south, Zzee slashed the fourth creature with his scimitar and also pulled out a hand crossbow and fired. The small dart also slammed into its muddy form.
The last two mud mephits swung at Zzee and Guo Gan, but missed.
The monk riposted the poor attack and Guo Gan batted murderously at his foe with his quarterstaff. The mud monster exploded covering him in additional muck.
Moving in on the last elemental, Kai pulled out his glaive for longer reach and slashed with the two-handed weapon. It sliced through it, which also caused it to explode and covered the area in additional sludge.
“Good job ya’ll,” the guard commented flinging excess mud from his clothing.
Lex Luthor then came up looking surprised, but then again not all that surprised. “I had a feeling something was going to happen, but just wasn’t sure exactly what. I do have to say I didn’t expect this.”
“Do you know where these mud mephits came from?” Guo Gan asked the guard.
Shaking his head, the guard replied, “No, but something is definitely up. I’ll need to talk to the council.”
Kai looked around the platform. He noticed the other scavenger hunt groups see his glance and then start to pull their weapons, as if they were going to help. They then shrugged their shoulders and put them back seeing the threat was over. The quartermaster then turned to the guard that helped and said, “Thanks, we’ll buy you a drink later, but first we need to get this blue gem and the gold back to the Emerald Eel.”
Soon the group was sitting across the long table from Captain Quint Halfbeard and First Mate Ghald Fourarms in the situation room. A few port holes let in sun light.
“So, ye be winning the scavenger hunt. Let me be seeing the prize,” Quint said.
Kai pulled out the blue gem from the box, which glowed a soft, azure blue.
“Well, that be a pretty thing. Anything else?”
“One hundred gold pieces,” Kai said placing the sack on the table in front of Quint.
“And ye be attacked by mud mephits for this gem?” Quint asked
The team members nodded and Kai said, “There are other groups on the island, cultists that were willing to pay for the gem. However, they rarely have the greater good in mind.”
“That be true. However, I don’t be wanting cultist coming out to me boat. Be finding out who wants to buy the gem, sell it, and then we be on our way,” Quint instructed.
Guo Gan asked, “Captain, if it wouldn’t be too much of a hassle, we’d like to be paid our winnings, so we could go to town and purchase some items.”
“Of course, of course,” Quint said and pushed the sack back at the party. “Here you split out the prize money between ye for compensation for fighting off those disgusting goblins and mud imps. Go be buying what ye need. We be taking our share for what ye be getting for that blue rock there.”
The party rowed back to shore and after Zzee and Guo Gan made a few inquiries, they were standing in front of a blacksmith. A slight breeze swung a wooden sign outside that read, ‘Mind over Metal’.
A dwarven woman was inside. She stood over an anvil attached to a thick tree stump. She wore green colored, thick leather clothing. Five long woven braids went down the length of her back. They swung as she hammered on a glowing piece of steel she was shaping into a sword. After a moment, she plunged it into a bucket of water. Steam obscured the area for a brief moment.
“What can I be doing ya for?” she inquired.
Zzee asked, “Do you have any magical zwords that are magical?”
“No, no, no. Ye need to be getting with one of the rich merchants to bring something in for ye. I be selling regular weapons.”
“How much for a zcimitar?”
“Twenty-five gold.”
“Twenty-five gold!? I thought you said they weren’t magical!?”
“That’s what I be saying, gecko.”
Guo Gan then asked, “Do you sell or know where I can purchase…lock adjustment instruments?”
“Thief’s tools?”
“No, I keep locking myself out of my house,” Gou Gan explained.
The dwarven woman squinted her eyes not quite believing the response. “Ye might be trying the general store down the way, the Trusted Toolbox.”
Finding the hardware store, there was a skinny human inside behind a counter. “Oh, hello.”
Guo Gan said, “I’m looking for some locksmith tools…that I’ll need for the ship.”
The human winked and said, “Security expert are ya? Say no more, say no more.” Exiting the counter and entering the back of the store, he returned a few minutes later with a large, leather pouch in the shape of a scroll tube. Rolling it out, it held a variety of tools. “There ya go. This should meet any security expert needs.”
After the group’s purchase, they made their way towards Anders’ mansion in Hillside Manors. They noted a few of the other scavenger hunt teams were making notes of their movement in town. Approaching, there was a guard at the front, but then Anders and Scaren came out.
Ander’s said in a slower than normal tone, as if something was off mentally, “Hi, your name is Kai. I remember these guys that fought the mud people. Are you fine?”
“Yes, we are fine. Do you mind if we talk to Scaren?” Kai asked.
“Yeah, you were going to do something for me. Yeah, that’s it. I’m going to go get a box of chocolate,” Anders said as he wandered off towards town.
Scaren then said, “Gentlemen, I’m pleased to see you and congratulations on your victory. Are you here to follow-up on our earlier meeting?”
“Yes, partially,” Kai began and then continued. “We were a little confused on the prize and then equally surprised when mud mephits attacked us.”
“Yes, yes, very surprised. I’m unsure why they waited until the prize was given, unless they were seeing if the right, or likely wrong, people, were awarded it.”
“So, who would be the right people?” Kai asked.
“I don’t know. As far as who would have done it, there are different organizations, so surely someone wanted to win and when they didn’t, attacked. However, it would be a bit ham-handed for Lex Luthor.”
“Any idea who it was to use the gem as the prize,” Kai asked.
“It was a person by the name of Sholar who passed away last year on the council who gave up the gem. They always lived on Scarlet Peek and a fine outstanding citizen. It’s unfortunate he passed away, but these things happen when you’re mortal,” Scaren replied.
Guo Gan then asked, “On to other business. If we do this investigation for you, we would need a fee, as our captain would be holding up the ship.”
“Of course, so your job is to figure out what is going on up there. Noise and lights just don’t happen, so there is something going on. I don’t know who or what is behind it, but investigate and come back and you can tell your captain 200 gold pieces will be waiting for you,” Scaren replied.
Returning to the ship the group was met by the dwarf, Dirty Hank. “There be grub in the mess hall for ye.”
Nodding their thanks, the group entered the situation room, which doubled for the mess hall for meals. Served family-style, there were savory and salty stews, marinated carved beasts, earthy root vegetables smothered in garlic and butter, and sauce-laden starches, all served in robust portions, which dominated the table. Alongside were thick loaves of warm, dark dwarven flatbread for dipping in the stews. To drink, ale and mead, as it’s simply wasn’t a dwarven meal without both. It was good to be back in port.
Digging in, the group filled their plates and then the hearty meal filled their bellies.
“So, where do we go next?” Kai asked.
“I think we need to go pay the hermit a visit,” Guo Gan replied.
“Bah, he not be telling us nothing new. He already be saying we can either be selling it, or go down the rabbit hole,” Kildo said wiping foam from his beard. “I be saying we explore that haunted house and be getting that 200 gold.”
“Yes, but with the gem he might be able to give us more information about it. That house isn’t going anywhere and I’d rather know what we have in our possession as it’s clear others want it,” Kai said.
“Humph, I can’t be arguing with that,” Kildo said and then downed the last of his beer. “The mad hermit it be.”
Finishing their meal, more crewmembers entered. Kildo went below deck and after washing up crawled into his hammock. It wasn’t as comfortable as a nice stiff dwarven bed, but the swaying did help him fall asleep fast.
The following morning, the captain was waiting for them on deck.
“Do ye have any offers for the gem yet?” Quint asked.
Guo Gan replied, “No, but we’ll keep our ears and eyes open.”
“All righty, good luck to ye then.”
Rowing back to Scarlet Peek, the group had just climbed on the dock, when they saw a bald human climb on board the Emerald Eel. It was Lex Luthor. He was then shaking hands with the captain and then they began talking, but they were way too far to hear anything.
“We needing to be getting away from the docks, before the captain be making a deal and be calling us back,” Kildo said.
“Yeah, let’s get out of town and head towards the Gardner,” Kai replied.
After an hour walk westward along the beach, Guo Gan asked, “Anyone else having a funny feeling?”
“Yeah, like sand be getting in your nether regions,” Kildo said adjusting himself.
“No, like we are being followed,” Guo Gan replied.
The group stopped and looked back eastwards. Nothing.
“You go on ahead, I’m going to wait in the woods,” Guo Gan said as he carefully moved into the woods and became one with the bushes.
Kai then shouted with loud fanfare, “Let’s pick up the pace guys!”
The monk waited in the woods for several minutes. The beach was clear to the east and the party was down the ways to the west. He gripped his staff tightly.
A whisper came from behind Guo Gan, “What are you doing?”
Turning around, it was Imago. He was wearing grey clothing with some sheep wool padding around his shoulders. He had bracers on his arms tied with multiple claps and high boots that were tied with rope to help keep them together. His head was covered by a forest-green cowl.
“Imago!? What are you doing?” Guo Gan asked startled.
“Oh, I was following you.”
The monk then stepped out of the woods and yelled down the beach, “Hey guys! It’s Imago!”
As the party returned, Kai asked, “The contest is over. Why haven’t you left?”
“You are my ride off the island,” Imago answered. “Besides, it’s not safe out there. One of the other groups attacked us.”
Guo Gan asked, “What group attacked you?”
“The Bear Brigade. They were quite rude.”
“Are you the replacement?” Guo Gan asked.
Imago met the monk with a blank stare. “Replacement what? If you need a replacement, I’m game.”
“Go back to town Imago,” Kai said.
“I can’t go back to town. I don’t know if it’s a lawless town or not. I was hoping to come with you guys. We’re friends, right?” Imago questioned.
The entire party gave him a hostile look.
“Aright then. Good luck with whatever you are doing and I’ll see you back on the boat,” Imago said as he backed down the beach not turning for several paces.
The group made their way to the Gardner’s hut. They saw him outside gathering more sticks. Upon seeing the party, his shoulders slumped and it appeared to give a heavy sigh in disappointment. The hermit then waived them to come in.
Following the stick path as before, the group entered and shut the door.
“Hi Gardner, we won!” Kai exclaimed.
“Hurray,” Gardner said with total lack of enthusiasm.
“So, what does this blue stone mean?” Kai asked.
“It means you’re dumb if you are planning on holding onto it,” Gardner replied.
“Well, no. Possibly. We don’t know yet,” Kai stammered.
“I said, if you didn’t want to get involved sell it. However, now you are involved that you have the gem. Did they follow you?” Gardner asked.
“Maybe. We were followed once,” Guo Gan said.
“It doesn’t matter who it is. They’re probably one of the cults,” Gardner replied.
“What’s the gem used for?” Kai asked. “Why do they want it.”
“They want it to use as part of a weapon. It’s a key to open a portal and bring some horrible monster,” Gardner said.
“Like Tromokratis?” Kildo asked looking to Zzee.
The lizardfolk nodded his head rapidly and looked out the window to the sea with concern.
“It depends on what cult gets a hold of it.”
Mufi then asked, “So what now?”
“We need to find out how to destroy it.”
Guo Gan then asked, “Who do you work for? There’s no point hiding it.”
Sighing deeply, Gardner said, “The Order of the Green Flame.”
07/03/2021 – Treasure
· 100 gp – Party Split 20 gp
· One Blue Gem radiating light out to 20’ feet (Possibly, the Gem of Tromokratis).