“I’ll not be touching that abomination of nature,” Kildo snorted as the party gazed at a perfectly rectangular doorway hovering in mid-air. Arm hairs stood straight up, as it hummed with massive energy.
“It should be fine. I’ve never heard of a disintegration portal,” Scomatch replied with his hand on his chin studying the gateway.
“I ain’t worried about a disintegration portal. I be worried about it being a not able to come back through, once I be in nine hells, portal,” Kildo retorted.
“Yeah, I see how that would be problematic,” Scomatch said nodding in agreement.
“How about ye be sending in yer pet Charmander,” Kildo suggested motioning to Scomatch’s familiar. The creature was a small, bipedal, lizard. Most of its body was colored orange, while its underbelly was a light yellow color. Its most distinguishing feature was a flame constantly burning on the end of its tail.
“Char?” Charmander sounded as he sat on a rock looking at the portal. From his downward expression, it seemed he was unsure if he wanted to enter.

“That’s horrible. Charmander is a living creature and something not to be discarded,” Guo Gan stated.
“It’s fine Charmander. Go ahead,” Scomatch said and pointed towards the hovering portal.
Sighing heavily, Charmander walked into the portal. Its head ‘bonked’ and was stopped cold. “Char? Char?”
“That was unexpected,” Kai said and turned to Kildo. “Pull out the ring of keys and see if that has any effect on the portal.
Nodding, Kildo remove the hat of holding and reached in. His handed extended further than the hat’s physical length. Fumbling around for a moment in the magical storage device, he pulled out a ring of keys. Each had a different color, brown, yellow, red, green, blue, black, and purple. The dwarf then began to mumble to himself. “Brown be the Black Earth Cult, Yellow be the Feathergale Society, Red be another cult, Green be worshipers of Belial, blue be Shatterkeel and the Crushing Waves Cult, black and purple be unknown. Between black and purple, the least likely to melt me face would probably be purple.” The cleric then raised the key. There was no change. Taking it, he touched it to the portal. It too was stopped cold with no noticeable change. “We be having two of them weapons to summon them cultists abominations. Try one of them, but just the tip.”
Kai drew the Black Earth Cult long sword, Iron Fang. The paladin touched the tip to the portal’s opening. The point was also stopped. Kai’s head then tilted towards Iron Fang, as if he was listening to the weapon. After a moment, his head rose, and said, “Iron Fang said if I attune to it and we become one I can enter the portal.”
“That thing be sentient like the elf’s jade staff?” Kildo questioned looking towards Guo Gan. “This be getting better and better. It be saying anything else of use?”
“It seems there are a series of items we need. The blue gem, a weapon, attuning to said weapon and dedicating yourself to that entity. Then last, but not least a spell book is used to summon said entity into this world. The very book that Scomatch carries in his backpack,” Kai informed.
“Woit that book be telling ye about this portal?” Kildo inquired.
“Nothing specific about a portal that I read,” Scomatch replied. “This thing is thousands of pages long.” The halfling then pulled out the book from his pack. It was brown with warped, raised ridges across its surface, an indication it was old. Triangular, ornate decorations were at its four corners in brass. In the middle was a lion’s head with a door knocker held in its mouth. He then began to rapidly thumb through the pages. However, within several heartbeats, the mage had flipped through several hundred and he wasn’t even halfway through. The number of pages within the tomb was more than its actual appearance.
“Well get reading,” Guo Gan said.
“It doesn’t matter at the moment. We still need the blue gem, so it’s way past time to pay the Feathergale Society a proper visit,” Kai said. “However, before we leave, we should check out the surrounding area to the east and northeast to ensure nothing unpleasant awaits us, as I have a feeling we’ll be returning here at some point in the future.”
Scouting each direction for about ten minutes revealed more of the same large growing crystals as well as the purplish hue from the phosphorus rocks. Plants grew throughout the cavern, except along what appeared to be an ancient highway that the foliage was having difficulty to overtake. It was hard as stone but flat like paper and ideal for carts or horses. Each path extended further than the eye could see, but nothing of interest loomed in the distance.
Considering the portal was reasonably isolated in the cavern, the party began their trek back up the 1,576 stairs to the surface. Guo Gan pulled out his bowed, two-stringed vertical violin-like erhu. The two strings were stretched over a wooden drum-like resonator covered by a leather membrane. The monk played, which helped pass the time and forget about the ache in their legs.
Emerging from the Sacred Stone Monastery, they were greeted by Akri the Dagger and her 501st legion of hobgoblins and four red dragons. She rose from talking to Rukh Glitterstone, the small dwarven boy they rescued from the black pudding. He was dressed, and swam in an oversized, hobgoblin red tunic, as he slurped soup from a bowl. Two honey badgers were eating scraps fallen to the ground.
“The boy who lived,” Kildo nodded in acknowledgment of the dwarf’s fortitude.
“Ah, you’ve all returned and in one piece. Although, how the dwarf boy told the tale, he was single handily rescued by a mighty halfling wizard that commanded both fire and flame, with great fanfare I might add,” Akri explained, as a sub-commander approached and stood at attention waiting for her acknowledgment. “My Lord.”
“So, did he mention anything about our heroics?” Kai asked puffing out his chest in pride.
“Umm, no,” Akri said shaking her head. “Anyway, what did you find down there?”
“Ye can be checking one less cultist off the list,” Kildo said.
“The Black Earth Cult is no more?”
“Well, we be taking out the nest, but the queen be getting away,” Kildo clarified.
“Their leader is a queen?”
“What we are trying to say is that the leader, Miraj Vizann, who is an earth gnasi, ran away, but other than that it’s destroyed,” Kai explained.
Guo Gan asked, “Did you see anyone else come up?”
“No, just the ugly dwarf,” Akri said turning her head and pointing her chin to Rukh Glitterstone.
“Hey!” Rukh called out in a hurt tone.
“He’s actually quite handsome for a dwarf,” Guo Gan replied loud enough for Rukh to hear. It seemed to appease the dwarf boy.
“So, hobgoblin, what ye be doing now,” Kildo asked.
“We’ll ensure this place is secure, especially with a lich inside, and report back to our queen,” Akri replied and then turned to Guo Gan. “We also were preparing for an assault, but it seems your premonitions were inaccurate, monk. So, where did you say these visions were coming from?”
“All sorts of evil places,” Guo Gan replied. “They can’t be trusted.
“So, are you going to kill the lich Renwick,” Scomatch asked excitedly. “I’d really like to see you try to do that.”
Glancing down at the giddy halfling, Akri said, “We aren’t prepared to take on a lich. For now, we’ll set up an expeditionary force to secure the site. So, besides this Miraj Vizann, whom you claim is the leader of the Black Earth Cult, have you uncovered any other cult leaders?”
“Aye!” Kildo said. “There be Captain Shatterkeel of the Howling Hatred. He be the leader of the Cult of the Crushing Waves. Then there be Savra of the Feathergale Society. Although, I not be sure if that’s their cult name or just their front.”
Two more sub-commanders approached and stood at attention. “My Lord.” They waited for Akri’s acknowledgment as she took out a piece of parchment and began to scribble on it. “Any others?”
“Aye! Then there be Odium. He be a tiefling. All red and devil-like too. He be the last member of the Cult of Belial and possibly their leader,” Kildo quickly added. “I be knowing right where he be too.”
“Excellent, turn him over to us, so we can interrogate him,” Akri said, her eyes narrowing, with the next in heavily accented hobgoblin. “Ve have vayes of making people talk. Ve are most persuasive.”
Kai then interceded between Akri and Kildo. “Odium is contained at the moment on our ship. Why are you interested in all of these cults?”
“We have an interest in the geopolitical aspect of this region,” Akri replied in perfect common. “So, where are you going next? In case we need to get in touch?”
“Scarlet Peeks,” Kildo replied.
Akri said glancing over her shoulder, as another of her sub-commanders approached. “My Lord.” He said as the line continued to grow waiting for her attention, “Good luck. We wish you well on your expedition.”
The party, along with Rukh Glitterstone, trekked down the path away from the Sacred Stone Monastery. They passed the caves where they encountered the owlbears. It was early evening when they found themselves on the edge of the town of Rockport on Hileigsteen Island.
Other than the Sea Ghost, there were no other ships in the bay. Passing the freshwater lake nestled behind Rockport there were only a few people milling about, which stopped to watch them return. About twenty buildings circled the port and were all made from the same wooden style. Some were dwellings of residence, while larger structures were warehouses and small businesses related to the island's most popular commerce, fishing. As they approached the smell of fish, salt, and bait hung in the air, like a cloud.
After settling the docking fees, the party rowed to the Sea Ghost.
“Belile be praised! I prayed and prayed to the Dark Lord for your safe return and again he answered my call!” Odium shouted as he extended his hand and helped Scomatch, Kai and then Kildo board the vessel. “I shall offer a great sacrifice to-”
“Shut it Odium!” Kildo bellowed interrupting the tiefling and he landed on the wooden deck.
“No need for any sacrifice,” Kai said. “We rescued a group of prisoners from the Sacred Stone Monastery. Did any show up to join the crew?”
“No, but is see you brought a dwarf boy with you,” Odium commented.
Rukh Glitterstone emerged onto the deck. His eyes swelled, and ran towards Kai, as if to give him a great, warm hug in thanks for his rescue. Kai went to a knee to welcome the dwarf lad. However, he went right around the paladin and embraced Scomatch.
“That’s it. I’ve had enough,” Kai lamented, threw up his hands, and started to head below deck. Before he disappeared, he shouted, “Scomatch, you’re the new First Mate. Make the ship ready! We sail back to Scarlet Peeks at first light!”
“Alright, you heard the captain! Y’all need to respect my authoritah!” Scomatch bellowed as he lowered his mirror-like reflective goggles and began to bark orders. The ship’s crew immediately jumped into action. “Sweet!”
* * *
As Kildo dreamt that night, he sensed the green flames begin to coalesce around his vision. The fire resolved itself and once more he found himself in the familiar meeting hall of the strange robed figures.
"I felt it when the Mandusa died," the Blue cloak says, as he entered the room.
"It will be too long before he can be replaced at the Brown position," the Purple cloak responded, "The cult of Ogremach is no longer a viable contender."
"Then we can stop hiding our eyes under our hoods," the Red cloak responded, freeing her Tiefling head from its constraints.
"I never felt it when Yellow and Green stopped coming," the Blue cloak continued, also removing his hood to reveal the wary visage of Captain Shatterkeel.
"Just because we are absent," the Green cloak entered the room, "Does not mean we are not busy. I, for example, have been busy retaliating against Captain Vanifer's followers at the Shrine."
"What!" The Tiefling stood up, outraged.
"Ladies, remember," the Black cloak stood between them, "No violence here in the Fane."
"Oh, let them," a yellow cloaked figure strode in, pulling back his hood to reveal Thurl Merroska.
"Merroska? I thought you were dead," Shatterkeel stated.
"And where is your High Priestess?" the Purple cloak inquired.
"Lady Aerisi has wisely chosen to bow to a much more effective leader," Merroska replied, "That being myself. The rest of you should follow her excellent example."
The green flames closed in quickly, cutting off any further observation. But instead of receding as they normally do, Kildo felt drawn closer to the fire. The flames seemed to be studying him briefly before a voice resonated from them.
Wizard, we keep getting interrupted! I am adding your colleague’s dream states to help solidify the connection. Time is growing shorter every day! As I said previously, I can not hold back the Rhed Lohebs for much longer. One must be chosen from the contenders I outlined to you in our past discussions if we are to have any hope to contain them! Here is what you must do. First, travel to the Island I told you about, and recover the-
The flames burst open and the voice was cut short. Kildo looked up through some water at a trio of warty women, who were looking down at him.
"No more, no more," one of them cried out, "The Green Flame weakens! Soon the True Masters will be free to return, and place you all in glorious servitude!"
He heard them cackling in perverse glee as he slowly awakened.
* * *
“That coffee be smelling good,” Kildo commented as he breathed in its strong, earthy, and slightly nutty aroma. He entered the situation room on board the Sea Ghost. Kai, Guo Gan, and Scomatch were already there with concerned looks on their faces. Four mugs were sitting in the middle of the table with a tall coffee pot. “I be taking you be having the green flame dreams too?”
They all nodded.
A strong scent of caramelized sugar, toasted flour, and melted butter waffled through the room. A moment later, the door opened, and Odium entered with a tray of triangular-shaped scones. There were several types, lemon, savory apple, and vanilla. They were baked to perfection and the shortbread appeared light and tender and drizzled with icing.
“Those smell wonderful,” Scomatch exclaimed as he grabbed one in each hand.
Guo Gan and Kai also reached for the pastries.
“Thank you master Scomatch. It was something I learned when I was a young boy. Let’s all give thanks to Belial for our bountiful meal,” Odium praised and bowed his head in prayer.
Kildo glared at the tiefling as he set the tray down in the middle of the table. “Get out Odium!”
“I know, I know. I’ll show myself out,” Odium replied holding his hands up in acquiescence.
“Ye be knowing that they be likely poisoned,” Kildo informed the party as they ate the pastries.
“I smell nothing,” Scomatch replied.
“What ye do not smell be likely iocane powder. It be odorless, tasteless, and dissolves instantly and among the more deadly of poisons known to man,” Kildo claimed.
“But they’re so good!” Scomatch moaned as he ate with his mouth full.
Seeing the enjoyment on all of their faces and the tempting bouquet of the coffee and the warm scones, Kildo grabbed one and shoved it into his mouth, and poured himself a cup of coffee.
“I thought you said they were poisoned?” Guo Gan questioned motioning at the cleric.
“Bah, I’m a dwarf. Besides, I’ve spent the last few years building up immunity to iocane powder,” Kildo said.
Ensuring the door to the room was closed, Kai turned to the group. “I’m assuming we all had the same dream. So the mandusa was the Brown Cloak and the Cult of the Black Earth’s leader and the reason why they had to have their hoods drawn. Made some sense.”
“Yes, and the Red Cloak, Captain Vanifer is warring with the Green Cloak leader and if you caught it, both were women,” Guo Gan added.
“Yes, well we now be knowing the Green Cloak ain’t be Odium. However, I be most likely killing him in the morning,” Kildo said.
“Don’t forget that Thurl Merosska is alive and still in charge and leader of the Yellow Cloaks,” Scomatch pipped in.
“Yes, something we’ll need to rectify,” Kai stated flatly and then turned to Scomatch. “Speaking of rectifying, who was that person in our dreams that wanted you to bring him the book?”
Scomatch swallowed his mouthful of pastry hard and said to Kai, “Oh, that. I don’t know for sure, but they insist that I take over, as the group’s leader.”
Eyes narrowing on the halfling mage and studying him for a moment, Kai said slowly, “It didn’t say that.”
* * *
After breakfast, Kai, Guo Gan, Scomatch, and Kildo rowed over toward the Emerald Eel. Scanning the dock area, legions of dwarven soldiers had completed more repair work and added additional, but temporary housing. A number of people were entering and exiting Lex Luthor’s main warehouse, which had very little damage, and an indication it was lodging many of Scarlet Peek’s displaced citizens.
Climbing up a rope ladder, they were greeted by the four-armed sahuagin baron, Ghald Fourarms. He was green-skinned with black spots and was darker on the back and lighter on the belly. Easily clearing 6’ feet tall he was fish-like with webbed feet and hands, gills, and a finned tail. There was additional webbing down the back, at the elbows, and notably, also where human ears would be.

In a voice that sounded like someone gargling water, Ghald said, “Welcome back. How was the fishing expedition?”
“Very fruitful,” Kai said. “We smashed the Cult of the Black Earth and found some unclaimed treasure, which entitles the crew to a payday. How fairs the Emerald Eel?”
“A payday. The crew will be most appreciative. Repairs are still ongoing, but almost complete and then we’ll be underway,” Ghald replied.
“Underway? We still need to hunt the remaining cults and possibly rescue a dwarven prisoner from Captain Shatterkeel,” Kai said.
“Then we’ll need to split the crew evenly. There are some aggressive negotiations I need to resolve with my brother and I need the assistance of the Regal Court,” Ghald explained smiling, revealing a maw full of sharp, serrated, and shark-like teeth.
“Do you need any help?” Kai asked.
“Air breathers aren’t welcomed. You could come, but it would have to be as my prisoner,” Ghald explained.
“Very well. I wish you the luck of the sea in your, ‘negotiations’,” Kai said. “Any news from the mainland?”
“Besides the town council, there is a woman in town that is specifically asking about your little Health Alteration Squad,” Ghald said.
“What does she look like?” Kai asked.
“First, she has large wings, so that’s hard to miss. Second, Johnny One-Bags can show you where she is,” Ghald said and then shouted. “One Bags! Your heading to shore.”
* * *
The five members, Kai, Guo Gan, Scomatch, Kildo, and Johnny One-Bags rowed to the docks of Scarlet Peeks. Making their way inland the party headed towards the Scarlet Peeks main blacksmith. The building was completely intact, made of heavy stone. A slight breeze swung a wooden sign outside that read, ‘Mind over Metal’.
A bearded dwarf was inside. The smithy stood over an anvil attached to a thick tree stump who wore wearing green-colored, thick leather clothing. Five long woven braids went down the length of their back. They swung as the smithy hammered on a glowing piece of steel being shaped into a sword. After a moment, it was plunged into a bucket of water. Steam obscured the area for a brief moment.
“Old man!” Kai shouted.
“Woman!” the dwarf called back.
“Woman, sorry,” Kai replied. “Do you sell glaives here?”
“I’m 37.”
“I’m 37. I’m not old.”
“I can’t just call you woman.”
“You could just say Mafera.”
“I didn’t know you were called Mafera.”
“You didn’t bother to find out did ye?”
“I did say sorry about old man, but being bearded in all you looked like a man. Kildo, help me out?” Kai pleaded.
Kildo stepped up to Kai, rocked on his heels, and said, “Lad, I’ll stand by ye fighting, goblins, gargoyles, and even a mandusa, but a dwarven woman’s scorn, that be entirely different.” The dwarven cleric informed the paladin and then took a huge step backward out of Mafera’s stone-cold stare.
Mafera watched Kildo move away and turned her glare back at Kai, “I’m a busy woman. Speak yer business.”
Kai cleared his throat and said, “Yes, I need a replacement glaive.”
“Humph.” Mafera rummaged through a pile of long weapons made mostly of spears of various degrees of quality. Pushing several aside, she aggressively pulled out a long glaive. It was less than premium quality. Its wooden shaft was pockmarked with welts, but the blade’s head was securely attached, but somewhat dull. However, it could be sharpened with a whetstone.
“Twenty gold.”
“Twenty gold for that used thing?”
Placing her hands on her hips glancing at Kildo and Scomatch, she said, “That’s what I be saying, fish-and-chips. Supply and demand.”
“Fine.” Taking the substandard weapon and grumbling under his breath, Kai handed over the coins to the female dwarf. Mafera’s mood seemed to brighten a bit. The paladin then turned to Johnny One-Bags. “Now, tell us where this winged woman is.”
Johnny One-Bag led the group to the Broken Swords Tavern. A post held the bar’s sign, which displayed two crossed-but-broken, long swords. Even before they entered, they heard the din of boisterous claims, drunken toasts, and unrestrained laughter.
Entering, smoky lamps lit the interior room with dingy yellow light, revealing a tavern full of patrons. A bartender and three barmaids weaved throughout to take and fill orders. Sweet-smelling, thick wooden logs fueled the hearth, which also acted as an insect repellant. It was an expensive, but welcome commodity on the island.
“She’ll be in there,” Johnny One-Bag’s said.
The group entered. It was crowded mostly with dwarven legionnaires. Some were working on constructions, some working on drinking, and some working on keeping an eye out for trouble. It took only a moment to find the woman with wings. Tall and lean, she wore a white toga with emerald bracers on her wrists and similarly styled plating around her midsection. Thick, black hair went to the middle of her back. Her features were sharp and along with abnormally long pointed ears, she resembled an elf. However, her most distinguishing feature was enormous off-white-colored folded wings with a dull red tinge at the tips. She was sitting and eating at a large table with two other individuals. The first was Lex Luthor dressed in a white leisure suit. The second was Copperlocks. She wore thick leather clothing with pouches and tools strapped all along her legs, waist, and back. She had braided, copper-colored hair, but didn’t have a beard.

The winged elf’s head turned, as if feeling the group’s presence, stood, and gracefully motioned them to come over.
“I’m going to the bar,” Scomatch said and disappeared within the crowded tavern.
Kai pulled out a pouch of coins and turned to Johnny One-Bags. “Listen, take this gold and use it to purchase some cases of wine for the crew. Take it to the ship, but don’t take the ship out of the harbor, until I return.”
“Don’t leave the harbor. Even if you return,” Johnny One-Bags replied.
Pausing, Kai clarified, “No, until I return.”
“Until you return, I’m not to enter the ship.”
“No, you return to the ship and bring the wine you purchased with you.”
“And you come and get the wine.”
“No, no. It’s very simple. You take the gold, purchase the wine, take said wine to the ship, don’t leave the harbor, and wait for me to return,” Kai instructed.
“Got it,” Johnny One-Bag said.
Sighing, Kai began to walk towards the table with the winged woman. Johnny One-Bag stepped in line right behind the paladin. “What are you doing?”
“I’m coming with you.”
“Go be getting the wine,” Kildo stated and grabbed Johnny One-Bags by the seat of his pants and escorted him out of the tavern’s door. “And no singing!”
Kai, Guo Gan, and Kildo walked over to the table. There were three empty chairs. Lex Luthor motioned to a barmaid to bring more drinks to the table. The elven woman bade them to sit.
Kai opened his mouth to speak before being interrupted.
“I am Aerisi Kalinoth.” Then in perfect aquatic, with the appropriate inflections of clicks, she spoke, “Welcome, Kha!owyye` eTbg p D?hr.” She then turned to the others and said, “And welcome to you, Guo Gan Mael, and Kildo Hammerhand, follower of Rigga the Mother Goddess.”
“You know about us?” Kai inquired.
“I find it polite to know the name of people with mutual interest, as we have a common enemy,” Aerisi informed.
Kai eyed Aerisi for a moment and then asked, “What brings you to Scarlet Peeks again, for the very first time?”
Smiling slightly at the barb, Aerisi replied, “I have not visited Scarlet Peeks in some time. However, events have come to pass that have, let me say, put me out of sorts. Therefore, I have come here to offer my aid against some ne’er-do-wells at the Feathergale Society. My good friends here, Lex Luthor and Copperlocks suggested that I speak to you about the matter.”
“I see. However, there is a problem. I have it on some authority that you are associated with said Feathergale Society,” Kai stated.
“It is true I was associated, but no longer as I have cut ties. Their leader has made it quite clear that he has, let us say some unsavory plans, for the fate of the world,” Aerisi explained.
“So, did you not understand who they were, or did they change their mission statement?” Kai asked.
“The Feathergale Society was presented to me as a recreational air hunting group, for members of higher society,” Aerisi said and then seeing the scowls and narrowing of eyes on the party’s faces at the comment, continued. “No offense. So, I did participate in an aerial hunt or two, but that was just a front for deeper motivations.”
“None taken,” Kai replied, but at seeing Kildo’s fist tighten and mouth open and about to speak slightly motioned him to remain silent. “What would you say their aims are at this point?”
“It would be fair to say at this point they intend to take over the world in some fashion with consequences...bad ones,” Aerisi responded. “This now leads us to this point in time where your group with its propensity to murder things and my insight would make for a grand alliance indeed.”
Kai leaned back in his chair and studied Aerisi for several heartbeats. “The offer does sound beneficial. However, we’ve had our fingers burnt by trusting the wrong people. If you are set against the current management of the Spiral, we might be able to find a way to work together. Allow me to discuss with my companions and we’ll have an answer for you first thing tomorrow.”
Guo Gan then added, “In fact, I’d be glad to make you breakfast in the morning.”
Kildo burst out in laughter at the double entendre. “Bold move their wood elf!”
Brow crinkling in confusion Aerisi ignored the dwarf and said, “If you intend to deal with them, I do have something to offer, but I’d rather not discuss it unless we have come to an arrangement. Until then, enjoy the company of Lex Luthor and Copperlocks. They are most gracious hosts,” She rose bowed slightly to the table, and proceeded out of the tavern.
A barmaid approached and set down drinks, which comprised of large mugs of beer for the two dwarves and wine for the others.
“Now we be talking,” Kildo said as he picked up the mug and took a long pull. He then noticed Copperlocks keeping up with him. Tilting it up further, more of the bitter liquid entered his mouth. Squinting, Copperlocks was about three gulps ahead of him. She slammed it down a moment later, beating the cleric. Eyes narrowing he motioned to the barmaid for two more and began to pull out his pouch.
“Drinks are on me,” Lex Luthor said to the table as the barmaid took the two empty mugs and left.
“Thank you,” Kai said and continued. “How’s the town?”
“Lady Cameal hired the mercenary group the Five Wheels to break up a druid enclave in the marshes on the isle of Kyrox, but she hasn’t been seen since,” Lex Luthor informed.
“Did she be going with them?” Kildo asked as he reached out his hand as the barmaid returned with a new set of drinks for him and Copperlocks.
“No, she didn’t. She just disappeared,” Lex Luthor said. “Also, no one has seen Dexy’s Midnight riders that ride at midnight. The women were last seen heading to the Spiral. Then there is the Bear Brigade. Those burly, hairy murder hobos haven’t been seen either, nor have they left the island.”
“So, how be the mine?” Kildo asked after taking a drink from his beer.
“What? Oh, the mine. Everything’s under control. Situation normal. Everything is perfectly alright now. We’re fine. We’re all fine here, now. Thank you. How are you?” Copperlocks replied and squirmed at the question.
“Do ye be doing tours of da mine?” Kildo asked.
“No, No. It be too dangerous to be having tours. In fact, I better be getting back. Thank ye fer the drinks,” Copperlocks said rising and nodded in thanks to Lex Luthor.
Before Copperlocks left, Kai said to her,” If you’re available, we love for you to have lunch with us tomorrow.”
Nodding in the affirmative, Copperlocks hurried out of the tavern.
Lex Luthor rose as Copperlocks left and sat back down. He seemed to stare off into the distance with a smug look on his face like he knew more than everyone else on the island.
A couple of hours later of small talk with Lex Luthor, the party exited the Broken Sword’s Tavern and headed back and boarded the Sea Ghost.
“So Kai, what did you make of that meeting in the tavern with Aerisi Kalinoth, Copperlocks, and Lex Luthor?” Guo Gan asked.
“There’s more to Aerisi Kalinoth’s situation. She’s holding back, but what she is offering seems genuine,” Kai replied.
“I didn’t be knowing that elves could be growing wings,” Kildo stated.
“She’s not an elf. He’s a celestial, or at least half-celestial, an Aasimar,” Kai informed. “Regarding Copperlocks, she’s lying that everything is fine at the mine, but it’s hard to tell why or the reason. Maybe we’ll find out more tomorrow when they come to the Sea Ghost.”
Imago then emerged from the lower deck and greeted Kai. He had a mug of wine in his hands. “Welcome back, captain.” He was wearing grey clothing with some sheep wool padding around his shoulders. He had bracers on his arms tied with multiple claps and high boots that were tied with rope to help keep them together. His head was covered by a forest-green cowl.

“I see Johnny One-Bags made it to the ship,” Kai said.
“Yes, and the crew is most appreciative of the drinks,” Imago said.
“Where is Scomatch?” Kai asked.
“He’s not on board. I thought he went with you guys,” Imago replied.
“He did, but he disappeared in the tavern.”
“Should I get the rest of the crew to start looking for him?” Imago inquired.
“Bah, cat rules be applying to the halfling. If he don’t be turning up in about three days, then we can worry. Probably be looking for a ring of fire and acid resistance,” Kildo stated.
“How many of the crew are sober?” Kai said.
“Begging the captain’s pardon, but the crew did partake in your hospitality. Most are a few drinks south of sober. The dwarven boy, Rukh Glitterestone is on watch and Odium didn’t drink as far as I know.”
Odium then burst from the stairwell too quickly, as if he had been listening just out of sight. “The vision of Belial will help us find your friend!”
Kildo growled and spat, “We don’t be needing the vision of Belial to-”
Interrupting the cleric, Odium said pointing, “Belial be praised! There he is!”
Turning, Scomatch flew up over the deck and landed. “Kai, we need to keep an eye on Lex Luthor. He has some power.”
“What happened?”
“He can see through invisibility and know a lot more than he’s telling,” Scomatch replied.
“Just because he can see through one of your spells, doesn’t mean he’s bad. Did you happen to find anything about Aerisi Kalinoth?”
“No, when she left she flew off faster than I’d be able to catch up,” Scomatch said.
“Alright, perhaps we’ll learn more tomorrow.”
* * *
The following morning, Kildo awoke to the smell of cooking bacon, the nutty aroma of coffee, and a sweet whiff of pastries. Washing his face and dressing, the rest of the party and crew were busy on the upper deck. A table and chairs were arranged and filled with the cooked food for the arrival of their breakfast guest.
A heavy whooshing sound proceeded Aerisi Kalinoth form rising up from the railing. Her beating wings kept her aloft. “Permission to come aboard, captain.”
“Of course,” Kai said.
The Aasimar rose over the railing, hovered for a moment, and gently landed on the deck.
“Good morning Kha!owyye` eTbg p D?hr and crew of the Sea Ghost,” Aerisi Kalinoth said in a sensual voice.
Odium serviced the party and guests, as they chit-chatted about the weather the progress of the rebuilding of Scarlet Peeks, and trade negotiations. At which point, Scomatch yawned quite loudly grabbing everyone’s attention.
“We should get down to business. We intend to move against various cults in the area,” Kai said, glancing at Scomatch.
“Excellent, and from what I’ve seen so far from the likes of Thurl Merosska and his allies, it is an admirable goal. In exchange, I have access to the fortress, which would allow a small group, such as yourself, to enter undetected. So, you would not have to storm your way up the Spiral,” Aerisi explained.
Guo Gan asked, “I thought you were the head of the Feathergale Society?”
“No Thurl Merosska has always been their leader.”
Guo Gan then asked, “Didn’t Savra betray Merosska?”
“She was one of his assistants.”
“We thought Thurl Merosska was dead,” Guo Gan questioned.
“As did I. He showed up and started making demands that are unspeakable in a civilized society.”
“What were these unspeakable demands?” Guo Gan probed.
“By the nature of the word, they are unspeakable,” Aerisi said with finality.
“So, is Savra still alive?” Guo Gan queried.
“Last I saw, she still drew breath.”
“Let me find the straightest line to my point. There are a certain set of people that we need to know the names of and I think you know them,” Guo Gan implied.
“What sort of people are you looking for?” Aerisi inquired.
“Ones in multi-colored robes and the leaders of the various cults,” Guo Gan clarified.
Aerisi straightened in her chair as she leaned in towards the monk. “I am not directly related to the people you are suggesting. Once Thurl Merosska’s motives became clear, our interests parted. I was aware he was involved with a pirate called Vanifer and a Captain Shatterkeel. There were a few other individuals. One came from Scarlet Peeks with an important station. Another was an extremely old person and by extremely old, I mean exceeding a normal, natural lifespan. The last person that he referenced was quite clear. They went by the name of-” Aerisi stopped in midsentence. Her entire frame froze. Blood trickled down from her nose.
The party watched Aerisi for a moment.
“Scomatch, detect magic,” Kai ordered.
Casting the spell, the halfling mage replied, “Nothing.”
Kildo laid a hand on Aerisi’s shoulder. Healing magic passed from the cleric into her body, but it had no effect.
Kai closed his eyes and reached out his hand as if trying to see if there was an evil being present.
“I think she’s dead. Get Odium!” Guo Gan yelled.
Seeing the worshiper of Belial approach, Kildo laid both his hands on Aerisi’s chest and cast Revivify. The Aasimar’s body heaved outward, arms and head flying back as if shocked. She fell back into her chair, as her eyes fluttered open.
“Praise Belial! She’s alive by his grace alone!” Odium bellowed.
Dazed and shaking her head, Aerisi asked, “What happened.”
“You were about to tell us the name of a person when your entire body froze. I think you actually died,” Kai explained.
Eyes going wide, Aerisi said, her voice shaking with fright, “I must leave.” She immediately spread her wings and launched straight into the air and flew out to sea.
Watching her fly away, Scomatch said, “Killer question.”
“No, it’s not the question that was killer. It was the answer,” Guo Gan replied.
Chapter 24 - Party and Crew Split:
• 65 pp / 8 = 8 pp
• 495 gp / 8 = 61 gp
• 800 sp / 8 = 100 sp
Chapter 27 - Party Crew Split:
• 1,100 sp / 8 = 137 sp
• 130 pp / 8 = 16 pp
• 730 gp / 8 = 91 gp
Chapter 30 - Party Crew Split:
• 2,090 gp / 8 = 261 gp
• 130 ep / 8 = 16 ep
• 230 sp / 8 = 28 sp
• 2,900 cp / 8 = 262 cp
Party Split – Chapter 24, 27, and 30:
• 24 pp * 4 = 96 pp
• 413 gp * 4 = 1,652 gp
• 16 * 4 ep = 64 ep
• 265 sp * 4 = 1,060 sp
• 262 cp * 4 = 1,048 cp