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Chapter 41 - Assault on The Spiral

“Never get out of the boat!” Kildo yelled as he pushed Guo Gan and Kai out and away from the Gardner’s hut. As they climbed on board the boat, he pushed the craft out into the waves and hopped in. Taking both oars, his muscles bulged and strained as he rowed them away from the beach towards the Sea Ghost. Encountering a mind flayer was bad enough, and their appetite for brains, but now beholders!? The brutal effects of its eyes are just scratching the surface of these arrogant creatures, which it believes are superior to every other being, including other beholders, and it’s not wrong in its thinking. Every waking moment is spent envisioning any possibility of threat, and it prepares accordingly, making it virtually impossible to outmaneuver. Calling a beholder paranoia doesn’t do it justice. Everything is a threat, so it perceives everything. Eternal vigilance is the nature of the beast. So, if it perceived the Gardner as a threat, then everything touching him is also a threat. This would then extend to the crew of the Sea Ghost, and it would now be taking appropriate measures to deal with it.

“What is it?” Kai asked, as he looked back towards the shore.

“A beholder. A beholder killed the Gardner. We need to get away from here,” Kildo stammered.

“There’s a beholder in the hut?”

“No, Rigga gave me a vision of an eye coming from the flames in the Gardner’s fireplace. It disintegrated him,” Kildo replied, and he continued to row, pushing the boat through the strong waves from the sea.

“So, it seemed like a beholder. Did you actually see the creature?” Kai questioned.

“Nay, but I not be knowing any other monster that be shooting disintegration rays from its eyes. I not be taking any chances,” Kildo said.

* * *

Once back aboard the Sea Ghost, the party decided it was time to pay the Feathergale Society on The Spiral a proper visit. From their dreams they all agreed the yellow robed cultist leader Thurl Merroska had emerged as the strongest member.

The sun was behind them as the sails offered shade at the front of the ship as they occasionally flapped in the early afternoon breeze. The smell and taste of salty water hung on the air. The Sea Ghost glided through the reflective water. Clouds hung in the sky with no particular hurry to go anywhere, as if it too was enjoying the day.

“Captain!” Chutney Vic called down from the crow’s nest. “There’s something going on above us!”

Kildo, along with the rest of the crew set their gaze above. In the distance, a little ahead of the Sea Ghost, it seemed like a swarm of insects were flying around each other, but due to the size they were likely large creatures. However, he couldn’t make them out.

“Drop the sails and bring me the spy glass!” Kai ordered.

Within a few moments, Odium was handing the contraption to Kai. Extending it and peering through, he said and passed the scope to Kildo, “Riders on hippogriffs.”

Taking the tube, it took Kildo a few moments before finding the scene. The spyglass made it appear as if he had traveled right through the sky. He could see the battle. They swarmed over each other like mad ants. He then saw two riders’ skewer another. Both man and beast fell from the sky. They plunged into the water not too far away with a resounding splash. Casting Water Walk, the rope ladder was thrown over the side. Kai, Guo Gan, Scomatch, and Kildo climbed down. It went against his dwarf nature to try and stand on the waves, even though he saw the others begin walking across the watery surface. Holding onto the ladder, he tested touching his boot to liquid. A magical barrier kept him from sinking, and after putting both feet down, it held. Seeing the others jog off towards the downed rider, he walked and feeling a little more confident he wouldn’t sink like a stone picked up his pace after the others. They found the rider. Horribly disfigured by the impact into the water from such a great height, the human wore bright colors of orange, red, and yellows with the symbol of the Feathergale society, which was an upside-down triangle with a three-pronged symbol emerging from the top’s, flat side. The material ballooned out and helped maintain the body afloat. His hippogriff mount had the body of a horse, with the wings and head of a hawk. Its forelegs ended in sharp talons similar to those found in birds of prey, while its hind legs had hooves. Its hide was a golden tan color with differently shaded feathers, while its beak was a golden yellow. It was over 9’ feet long, with a wingspan of 20’ feet, which was outstretched and broken. It seemed the feathers were helping keep its corpse afloat. The coppery smell of blood was in the air and thick in the water.

“Kildo, can you cast a spell to speak to the dead?” Kai asked as he pulled the body towards the surface.

“Lad, I can do ye one better. We all can talk to him. I can be raising him from the dead,” Kildo answered. The dwarf was about to touch the hippogriff rider when it rose up as if it had just been bumped.

“Is he alive?” Guo Gan questioned in surprise.

A pointed, massive dull grey snout came from below, a crescent mouth set with serrated triangular teeth. It closed around the top half of the carcass and pulled it under. The water turned crimson.

“Well, things just became problematic,” Scomatch said as he pointed.

Several dorsal fins of sharks were starting to emerge and circle the immediate area. There was thrashing around where the hippogriff was floating.

“I be thinking it’s time to leave,” Kildo said backing up and the others nodded. They ran across the water back towards the Sea Ghost. Safely climbing back on board, they watch the battle from the deck of the ship. A few other combatants dropped, but no one suggested going back out on the open sea. About a half an hour later the air combat broke off. One group headed west, while another north. However, a lone solitary figure approached the Sea Ghost.

It was a winged woman. Tall and lean, she wore a breastplate over a white toga with emerald bracers on her wrists and similarly styled plating around her midsection. She held a long spear in her hands in a non-threatening gesture. Thick, black hair tied tight went to the middle of her back. Her features were sharp and along with abnormally long pointed ears, she resembled an elf. However, her most distinguishing feature was enormous off-white-colored flapping wings with a dull red tinge at the tips. It was Aerisi Kalinoth, the former leader of the Feathergale Society.

“Permission to come aboard, captain?”

“Granted,” Kai said and directed her down to the deck of the Sea Ghost. The elven woman floated about the deck and slowly descended as she gently landed. “Welcome back aboard. Would you like to discuss the nature of things below deck?”

“I’m unsure if we have that much time. In fact, I didn’t expect to see you again, after your disappearance three months ago. I assumed you had met your end,” Kalinoth said.

“Long story. I was also surprised you came back to the Sea Ghost, after the events of last time. You left in such a hurry and left many questions unanswered,” Kai said.

“I had already been murdered once on your ship and didn’t want to give my assailant a chance to murder me again,” Kalinoth snapped as her brow furrowed. She then straightened herself and her expression went back to a resting neutral face. “I do appreciate you bringing me back.”

“Of course. I see you are in open conflict with the Feathergale Society. What has transpired since last we met?” Kai questioned.

“Loyalists inside the Feathergale Society notified me that Thurl Merroska was preparing to complete the summoning ceremony of Yan-C-Bin. Me and said loyalists attempted to get through, but we didn’t have a strong enough force,” Kalinoth said.

“That’s because you didn’t have a Scomatch,” the halfling said nodding at his own self-worth.

Turning to the mage, the winged warrior woman acknowledged, “Exactly, we didn’t have a Scomatch. That is when I saw your ship and came to investigate.”

“Wait, who is Yan-C-Bin?” Guo Gan inquired.

“He’s an elder being that Thurl Merroska wants to bring through and take the place of the dead god, Nusen, the Dark One,” Kalinoth answered. “Merroska thinks he will make things better, but the world will be torn asunder from the great evil that will come from his rebirth.”

“So, this is not the patron you support?” Guo Gan asked.


“So, who do you support?”

“My patron is out of the race. The items needed haven’t been acquired.”

“That doesn’t answer my question. What is its name?”

“Sothan Tirgruc,” Kalinoth said as her eyes narrowed at the monk at being forced to answer the question. “If you wish to strike you will need to do it now to stop Merroska’s plans. I have a one-time teleport that can take me and a small assault group of six to the top tower’s platform where he’s performing the ceremony.”

“Why didn’t you use it with your soldiers?” Kai questioned.

“I would have, but I didn’t have a Scomatch,” Kalinoth said and turned to the halfling mage.

“Will you give us a moment to discuss with my command staff?” Kai said and motioned the party a little way away.

As the group gathered, Scomatch questioned, “How do we know she’s the same Aerisi Kalinoth?”

“I don’t know. Don’t you have some wizard magic that can tell you?” Kai asked in return.

“No, my spells just lay things out.”

“Kalinoth said we could take one other with us. Thoughts?” Guo Gan asked.

“Not Odium,” Kildo snapped.

“Good idea,” Kai said and then called out, “Odium!”

“Aye, aye Captain!”

“Odium, you are in charge while we are away. Have the crew set sail towards the Spiral, but casually and not too close to bring their wrath. However, close enough to get us if things turn sticky.”

“I’ll ensure the crew and the ship are safe.”

Grumbling under his breath, Kildo said and he glared at Odium, “We probably should be bringing 9 of 5 with us, as he be the most reliable.”

The party nodded in agreement. The members Kai, Guo Gan, Scomatch, Kildo and 9 of 5 approached Kalinoth. “You have your assault team. Odium, if you encounter any resistance from the Spiral, sail away come sail away and set an open course for the virgin sea.”

“Good luck and good hunting, and may Belial’s blessing be upon you,” Odium said, holding out his hands and making a horn sign with his fingers.

“Shut it Odium! They don’t be needing Belial’s blessing, they be having me with them,” Kildo snapped. “And one more thing. If ye somehow manage to sink the Sea Ghost while we be away, I be expecting ya to go down with the ship.”

Gathering around Kalinoth, she pulled out a small orb filled with a silvery, misty substance. Crushing it, there was a light, and Kildo felt a tugging sensation. One moment they were standing on the deck of the Sea Ghost, and a moment later, they were blasted by strong, cold winds. It caused their eyes to water as tears streamed from the corners. The dwarf’s ears felt like they were going to burst from the pressure. He expected to be at the top of the Spiral Tower, but they were someplace different. Someplace much higher and much colder. Glancing at the sky, there were no clouds. They were above them. They appeared on a large platform surrounded by a rocky ledge. Smaller boulders, as if ripped from the main area, hovered magically nearby. They rose up and down with the wind’s tide. Standing at the southern section of the main platform, two vertical standing stones help shelter them from the winds. At the far side of the platform, there were three rectangular glowing portals outlined in an azure blue with white in the center to the east and west with a larger gateway to the far north.

In the middle was a large stone platform surrounded by grass. On top of a stone staircase with four sides stood two figures. The first was Thurl Merroska, a tall and well-built man in his fifties with greying-dark hair parted in the middle. He wore heavy armor with a two-handed sword sheathed at his side. The second was Savra Belabranta, short and slender, wearing full plate armor but without a helm. Her long black hair blew in the brisk wind. She was holding a two-handed sword with its point down on the stone. She had a neutral face as her eyes focused to the party. Gathered around them were fifteen cultists wearing yellow robes. They were raising their hands in praise of Merroska, but when the cult leader stopped speaking, they turned.

“Aerisi Kalinoth, I knew you’d show your rat-bird wings at some point, but surprised you were already ready for some additional punishment. I also see you brought some murder hobos with you this time. How…gauche. Savra, have the faithful take this rubbish out. About six bags will do,” Merroska said, waving his hand dismissively.

“This time, she brought a Scomatch,” the halfling mage said.

“What’s a Scomatch?” Merroska snorted.

“You are about to find out.”

Guo Gan then commented, “Scomatch, are those plant men?”

“They look like kindling to me.”

A powerful wind picked up and howled through the area. It pushed fiercely against them, like an opponent they’d also have to battle. Kalinoth launched into the air and dove straight for Thurl Merroska. The Feathergale Society leader beckoned for her to follow, and he was briefly surrounded by silvery mist as he misty stepped next to the northern portal. Stepping in, he disappeared in a flash. A moment later, he was followed by the flying Kalinoth.

As the Feathergale Society leader left, the closest nine yellow-robed cultists screamed a war cry and rushed at Kildo and Scomatch.


Scomatch was pummeled and kicked repeatedly, as Kildo faired a little better as he threw up his shield for protection. As the dwarf pressed his entire body against his shield, he saw two curved, flat, and bent throwing clubs soar over his head, spinning about its axis perpendicular to the ground. They were heading straight for Guo Gan. The agile monk dodged to the left and then hard to the right. The flying boomerangs spun back toward the two cultists that threw them and caught them as they returned.

Far in the back of the platform, three of the cultists began chanting and weaving their hands in spell casting. They were wizards. Three witch bolt beams of crackling, blue energy lanced towards Kai. The paladin saw the attack coming and was able to dodge the spell’s effects.

“Pidgeot go!” yelled the cultist Skyweaver in the far back near the portals. Its familiar had orange and yellow plumage and large talons and used its large wings as it sped with incredible speed to one of the floating islands off the main platform.

“Char!” Scomatch’s familiar Charmander echoed in challenge as the smaller, orange bipedal lizard followed the flying rat. As its most distinguishing feature, a flame constantly burning on the end of its tail grew hotter and brighter in anticipation of combat.

Wave began to glow brighter as Kai channeled divinity infusing the sentient trident with more magical energy. He barreled through the yellow cultists, even as they landed punches and kicks as he passed.

“9 of 5! Smash!” Guo Gan called out, and he and the flesh golem began to lash out with kicks and meaty punches connecting with the nearest cultists.

“Life is Death. Death is Rebirth. Rebirth is life. Let’s fight!” Kildo chanted as he cast spirit guardians. A low, rhythmic pulsing began to emanate from the ground. A white light came from cracks in the stone. Fog rolled out approximately 15’ feet from the cleric. Small fey wisps of air arched out. Longer tendrils began to form. The cleric then cast spiritual weapon. A floating, spectral war hammer formed next to Savra. The warrior woman easily parried the ghost-like weapon.

“Detonate!” A massive explosion of fire engulfed the middle platform and ‘whooshed’ in all directions. The world became flame as Scomatch carved the fireball around the party as the cultist were overwhelmed by the blast. Seven of the nine were charred, with only two surviving by partial cover from nearby standing stones. The two boomerang throwing cultist were also protected by nearby stones. On the platform, Kai remained unharmed. Savra’s armor protected her from most of the spell’s effect, but it still singed her hair and burnt away her eyebrows, leaving her face naked.

“Fire BAD!” 9 of 5 bellowed and cowered behind a standing stone, even though he was out of the range of the blast.

The two cultists in the back with the boomerangs threw. Guo Gan leaned to the left as he easily dodged the first. As the second spun towards the elf, the monk caught it in mid-air. Then in one fluid motion, tucked it into his belt. “Mine now.”

The remaining cultist re-engaged Kildo and Scomatch. One grabbed the cleric’s shield and pulled it down. His fist came flying over and struck the toughest part of a dwarf’s body. His forehead. He shook it off. The other cultist also punched Scomatch and also struck the mage’s forehead. However, that was the weakest part of a halfling’s body. He crumpled to the ground and was knocked out cold. Snarling at the downed Scomatch, Kildo pushed the cultist back with his shield. Raising his war hammer his eyes went wide at seeing the three yellow robed wizards began casting. Static electricity filled the air, as the hairs across his body rose erect. He could feel it in the air.


Throwing up his shield at the last second, three massive lightning bolts arched across the battlefield. A bright flash followed a crushing impact. His magical shield sizzled, absorbing the spell’s energy. However, his entire frame seized up as his entire body burned. Burnt hair from his beard filled the air. The cultist that had downed Scomatch was also blasted in the back by all three bolts and thrown forward. His body lay twisted in an unnatural position. Fortunate for Scomatch, he was face down in the dirt as the bolts arched over his body. The other cultist was just out of range of the three lightning blasts and was dumbfounded that he was mere inches from his death. However, he didn’t have time to saver his luck, as Kildo’s spirit guardian’s radiant tentacles blasted into the cultist from multiple sides.

“Lightning GOOD!” 9 of 5 bellowed, and he threw himself into the electrical surge. His body convulsed uncontrollably, but he seemed to be enjoying himself as a smile crept across his face.

Guo Gan raced over to Scomatch. Uncorking a small vial of red liquid with his teeth and spitting. The monk poured the healing potion into the halfling’s mouth. His eyes fluttered open.

“Did we win?”

“No, it’s not over yet. This is still happening,” Guo Gan replied.

“Ugh, I have to do everything, don’t I.”

“9 of 5, smash!” Guo Gan shouted.

Reinvigorated by the lightning, the flesh golem lumbered a little more quickly as he advanced on the left boomerang cultist. “Smashy, smashy!” 9 of 5 raised his meaty fists and bashed downwards turning the yellow-robed human’s head into mush.

Kildo surveyed the battlefield. There was one boomerang cultist left, minus his boomerang, now in the hands of the monk. There were the three wizards on the central platform with Kai and Savra, who were intertwined in a dance of death. There was a fourth Skyweaver wizard in the back shouting instructions to Pidgeot as it fought Charmander on a floating platform off to the side. Kildo was hurt severely, and Kai wasn’t faring much better, having taken the lightning blasts, too, as well as fighting Savra. He sent his spiritual weapon smashing into the woman warrior, but her plate armor absorbed most of the blow. However, it gave Kai the moment he needed as he healed himself with divine energy. With the damage the cultists were putting out, the cleric couldn’t heal everyone to the point of surviving another area effect spell blast from the wizards, he had to ensure at least some of the party remained standing, and he continue healing. Even if that meant some party members fell, he’d then give them enough healing to get them back into the fight, even if it was only for six seconds. His decision was made. “Life is death. Death is rebirth. Rebirth is life. Preserve life!” Kildo chanted as a wave of healing energy flowed into himself and Kai.

Rising from the ground and wiping the excess healing elixir from the corners of his mouth, the halfling scoffed at seeing the cleric only heal himself and Kai. A bright streak flashed and blossomed in the center platform as Scomatch cast fireball. The last boomerang cultist went up in flames as the three wizards’ robes were blasted from the spell, as well as Savra.

While the cultist spell casters were hurt from the repeated fireballs, they were still in the fight as each threw a crackling witch bolt of energy at Kai. One struck the paladin, as electrical energy coursed throughout the triton’s body. Savra took advantage striking in quick succession with her two-handed sword, hitting Kai twice. His armor protected him from any lethal blows, but still bruised flesh and bone alike.

While taking the hits, Kai caused Savra to lower her defenses, as he lunged with Wave. The three-pronged trident penetrated her breast plate armor. Radiant holy damage blasted into her body knocking the woman fighter back.

Charging across the battlefield, Guo Gan bounded up the stairs to join Kai. His spear jabbed three times with the last thrusting through the third cultist wizard’s abdomen. He screamed in agony as he fell, his lighting witch bolt shot into the air and faded as he died.

“Smashy, smashy!” 9 of 5 bellowed as he followed the monk up the stairs. His meaty fists drove the head of the first wizard’s head into his chest to his nose. The cultist fell over like a stiff board.

Kildo also followed the pair, but his shorter legs couldn’t keep pace. Changing tactics with his spectral war hammer, he commanded it to rise. He then brought the spectral weapon crashing downward with horrific power. It crashed into the left shoulder of Savra denting her plate armor inwards. It was a devastating blow.

At the back of the battlefield, the Skyweaver’s head darted from the combat on the middle pillar to his familiar Pidgeot in battle with Charmander on a floating platform. Things were no longer in their favor. He clapped his hands together over his head and vanished.

Pidgeot seemed to notice the absence of its master as he turned back and ‘squawked’ in despair. It was a fatal mistake as Charmander whipped his tails, and a torrent of flames engulfed the oversized rat bird. Its feathers were completely burned off. Its roasted body fell over as the smell of cooked chicken wafted in the air, carried by the powerful winds.

Limping across the field, the battered and bruised Scomatch, with a shiner of a black eye forming on his left, cast Shatter. A deafening reverberation of ringing, painfully intense noise, erupted in the middle platform. Savra and the last cultist wizard covered their ears at the last moment, preventing the full effects of the spell. The tall pillars of stone around the center cracked as massive fissures traveled up along their length from the soundwave.

Recovering, blood trickled out of Savra’s ears and ran down her neck as she held her two-handed sword at guard. While the party was battered and bruised, the remaining two cultist were heavily out-numbered. The yellow-robed wizard, blackened by Scomatch’s fire, moral broke as he raced for the edge of the platform, yelling, “You won’t take me alive coppers!” He then leaped over the edge and fell.

Now alone, Savra looked around in concern. The portal Merroska and Kalinoth entered was fifty feet behind her. She could make a dash, but in the heavy plate, wounded, and with the monk fingering his captured boomerang, the female warrior probably didn’t like her chances. Instead, she chose to parley.

“There is no need for us to fight. It’s obvious you’ve grown in strength and power. Join us. Our god Yan-C-Bin will live again, and we who give him life will stand by his right side and rule the world with him,” Savra praised.

“You will die in the great evil that will come from his rebirth,” Kai replied.

“We will control him,” Savra countered. “Your aid would be most welcome. You will all be generals in the ranks of the faithful.”

“No one will be able to control him,” Kai riposted. “The power and evil will be too great. We will stop it and all that stands in our way.”

Likely realizing the paladin couldn’t be swayed, Savra said, “Then we are on opposite sides, and I will take my leave.”

“We can’t allow that,” Kai said as he took a step forward.

“I spared your life previously in the Spiral. You are honor bound to repay that debt,” Savra stammered.

“I’m not,” Scomatch countered as his hands ignited in fire.

Kai turned back to the halfling mage and shook his head waving him to back off. “Savra is right. We are honor bound, otherwise we are no different than the evil we are trying to prevent coming to our world. We will not lay a hand on you.”

“If you will not join us, then you and your party will be washed away in the cleansing that will come from Yan-C-Bin’s rebirth,” Savra spat and began to back away.

“Stop!” Kai shouted.

“What paladin?”

There was a loud crack as fissures deepened through the pillar of stone next to the female cultist. There was a horrible grinding as the column broke off and fell. Savra uttered a panic scream a second before the massive weight crushed her.

Guo Gan said, “You knew that stone was going to fall. You stopped her ensuring it would.”

“I did say we would not lay a hand on her.”

Scomatch snickered as he passed the monk and paladin. “Well played.”

“What do we do now lads? Kai, rest and heal?” Kildo asked.

“We will not abandon Aerisi Kalinoth to fight this battle alone. Not while we have one hit point left. We go after Thurl Merroska and stop a god.”


· Long overdue payback to the Feathergale Society.




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