“Idiots! They were jumping willfully to their deaths into the air elemental blender to show their devotion,” the halfling Dexy of the Dexy’s Midnight Runners explained as she pulled a cultist yellow robe over her head to cover her bobs and bits. “They were ripped to pieces. Blood was everywhere. Other goons just stood there eating air. They wasted away over the weeks before collapsing.”
After defeating Thurl Merroska, rescuing Aerisi Kalinoth, and closing the portal, the party traveled back through the long tunnel and exited the Elemental Plane of Air. Passing through the gate on the high, windy perch, they rested on the first level in a large circular room. Tapestries of gallant knights on hippogriffs fighting dragons and dueling in the sky were the typical theme. Around the room were trophy heads of various creatures; manticores, griffins, wyverns, and owlbears. Four windows provided light. In the center of the room was a curved table set with different varieties of finger foods and pitchers of drinks scavenged from the Feathergale Society’s stores.
“What ye be doing here?” Kildo questioned.
“The town council sent us to the Spiral to see what was going on,” Dexy replied.

“Then what happened?” Kai asked.
“We be knocking on their door, immediately be attacked, killed a bunch of them, and finally be overwhelmed,” Connie, a dwarf, answered, hiking up the ends of her captured yellow cultist robe. It was way too long and way too short across her busty front.
“Did anyone else from your group survive?” Kai inquired.
“No, we were tortured for months, and the rest were killed. We were the last. They kept us alive to be sacrificed to their air god,” Dexy explained.
“Bah, this place was stripped clean of anything of value,” Scomatch stomped as he, Guo Gan, and Aerisi entered the room. “No people, no gear, and especially no magic.”
Guo Gan added, “Yes, everyone left in a hurry. The stables were clear. Only scat and feed bags containing oats remained.”
“I’m glad you arrived, Aerisi. I know we need to decide who will take the place of that dead god, Nusen, the Dark One. So, I wanted to ask you what you know about the cultist leader entities they are trying to install.
Turning her eyes up in thought, Aerisi said, “Not much. The Green Cloaks have an Infernal. The Brown Cloaks had an earth being before being wiped out by your party. The Blue Cloaks have a water being. Red, a fire creature, of course. I’m assuming the Black Cloaks have some demonic creature in their back pocket. The only one I’m unsure of is the Purple Cloaks. They are the most guarded.”
Guo Gan asked, “Do you know who tried to kill you aboard the Sea Ghost?”
“Oh yes. Qhaarlex. The Purple Cloak Leader.”
“Can you describe Qhaarlex?”
“Tall, about six feet.”
“I was hoping for a little more detail.”
“Purple Robe, hood, seemed male.”
Guo Gan grunted in annoyance.
“All right, it’s getting late, and we’re all tired and hurt, but nothing eight hours of sleep can’t cure. Our former hosts have enough beds for everyone. In the morning, Dexy, Connie, and Aerisi, there is a dinghy at the Spiral’s docks. Take it to the Sea Ghost. They will look after you until we return,” Kai added. “It’s time we use our colored keys to pay these cloaked cultist leaders a little visit to their Dark Council Chamber.”
* * *
Kildo went through the set of eight keys on the keychain to the yellow one. Inserting it into the lock, the power of the yellow-tinged portal came alive and hummed. Looking back, Kai nodded as he, Guo Gan, Scomatch, and 9 of 5 went through. A blinding flash of light ignited across their vision as the party materialized in a large, square room. Around the circumference was stone with a total of eight portals, including the yellow one they came from in the northwest corner of the room. Traveling around clockwise, portals of brown, red, black, green, blue, purple, and white. In the center, a massive round table with seven unoccupied chairs. However, the room wasn’t vacant. The group’s arrival had interrupted a heated conversation between three other people.
In the southeast corner were two colored, fully robed figures in front of their portals, green and black. To the east, by the red portal, was a tiefling woman. She retained their ancestors' physical characteristics, complete with curved horns, a non-prehensile tail, pointed teeth, and cloven feet. Her skin color extended past normal human color into a red hue. Her eyes were solid orbs of black and likely had fiend blood in her veins, like a devil, a sulfurous odor held in the air.
Turning to the group, she said, “Who in the nine hells are you lot?”
“I’m the dread pirate Captain Kai, and my wrath is as massive and treacherous as the sea. You must be Captain Vanifer. Thurl Merroska is dead. Surrender or face final justice!”
Scoffing, Vanifer snapped, “Little guppy, you and your little crew should go back to whatever hell you come from and let the grown-ups talk.”
Stepping up, Kildo announced, “We be here to discuss who be going to take over for Nusen, the Dark One.”
“Runt, you need to go home and play with your rocks,” Vanifer said, placing her hands on her hips.
“We be deserving a seat at the table.”
Kai moved in front of Kildo and said, “Captain Vanifer, step aside and come peacefully with me.”
“Have you not heard a word I said?” Vanifer questioned. “Fine, I was going to save this for that bitch over there, but instead, I’ll use it on you guys.” The tiefling snapped her fingers, and four massive Fire Snakes erupted to life with bright scales from blood-red to orange.

An additional four creatures Azer, resembling dwarfs, appeared. Each had brass-colored skin, but their beards and hair were composed of flame. They wore kilts made from beaten brass, bronze, or copper. Their weapons were also encompassed in flames. Behind them, a human whose robe was also lit in fire, an Eternal Flame Priest, his face horribly scared by burns. He began casting.
Guo Gan darted eastwards, leaped into a flying kick over the summoned creatures, and struck the priest in the arm. His spellcasting was interrupted. However, the monk was quickly punished as two flame snakes lashed out. The elf received a tail whip and a piercing bite.
The other two fire snakes slithered with frightening speed toward the party. The four Azer dwarves also charged the group.

“Fire bad!” 9 of 5 bellowed as the creatures of flame approached. The flesh golem was frozen in fear.
The Black and Green robed figures turned and left through their respective portals.
Vanifer began casting. Four well-built fighters materialized. Their armor seemed like it was heated from underneath. They too, had scars along any exposed flesh, as if fascinated and eager to show that they knew what it feels like to burn to honor the element of fire. Likely dullards and their minds warped, they nonetheless were powerful and Eternal Flame Guardians. Along with the fighters, another horribly burned Eternal Flame Priest appeared.
A wave of thunderous force swept out from Scomatch as he cast, Thunderwave. The percussion knocked back all the flame creatures ten feet as the shock wave disoriented them.
Kai took quick advantage and dashed toward Captain Vanifer. The flame snakes and Azer lashed out but unsettled by Scomatch’s Thunderwave caused them all to miss.
“Life is death, death is rebirth, rebirth is life. Let’s fight!” Kildo shouted as he cast, Spirit Guardians. A low, rhythmic pulsing began to emanate from the ground. White light came from cracks in the stone. Fog rolled out approximately fifteen feet from the cleric. Small wisps of air arched out. Longer tendrils began to form. The cleric then cast, Spiritual Weapon. A mystical blue war hammer formed next to Captain Vanifer. It smashed into her back. The mighty blow sent her reeling forward.
Guo Gan shouted as Kai advanced. “I’m going to take out the wizard!”
Kai looked back at Scomatch.
“No, the fire wizard!” Guo Gan corrected and then, seeing Kai’s confusion, clarified. “The evil wizard…no, not Scomatch. The Eternal Flame Priest.” Shaking his head at Kai, Guo Gan launched into a series of lethal blows, stunning and killing the spellcaster. His body ignited into flames. Finishing him off, the monk turned his attention towards Captain Vanifer. However, he forgot the two flame snakes. They approached from behind, whipped their tails, and bit into the elf’s leg.
With the group’s two fighters engaging Captain Vanifer across the room, Kildo was doing his best to shield their wizard halfling, Scomatch. His spirit guardians’ tendrils thrust like spears, skewing one of the flame snakes and killing it. Three of the Azer swung, and the cleric blocked or deflected three of their blows, but one of the flaming dwarves got around him.
“Cast shield!” Kildo bellowed.
Scomatch looked on in confusion. His eyes went wide as the flame snake striked. Hopping back, it missed. However, the fourth Azer hit the lightly protected halfling with his war hammer. Part of his clothes caught fire, but he slapped and snuffed it out immediately.
However, that flame was small compared to what was coming their way. The Eternal Flame Priest was pointing at Scomatch and Kildo. A bright streak flashed toward them. It blossomed with a low roar as the fireball exploded around them.
The four Eternal Flame Guardians thrust their long swords at Kai. They struck the paladin from behind, and only his plate armor prevented a lethal blow.
Captain Vanifer turned her attention to Guo Gan. She slashed with her flint dagger, Tinderstrike. The blade cut the monk. His robes caught on fire where it struck.
As Kildo and Scomatch recovered from the Eternal Flame Priest’s fireball, Scomatch yelled, “Do you have these guys?!”
“Aye, I be getting this!”

Nodding, the halfling wizard cast, Shatter. A sudden, painfully intense, loud ringing noise erupted around the group surrounding Kai and Guo Gan. Scomatch skillfully sculpted the spell around his teammates protecting them from harm.
Figuring his spirit guardians will keep them protected, Kildo cast, Guardian of Faith. A towering spectral guardian in the form of a dwarf appeared next to Captain Vanifer and the four Eternal Flame Guardians. The manifestation comprised of a war hammer and shield with the blazing ankh symbol of Rigga, the Earthmother. The Guardian made a sweeping motion as the magical weapon blasted into three surprised cultist fighters with radiant damage. Its energy spent; it erupted into a shower of sparks and disappeared. Kildo’s spirit guardians’ lethality then came into play. Their tendrils skewered the summoned beings around them. Three of the four Azer fell with gaping puncture wounds. Their bodies turned to ash. Only one remained, as well as a flame snake.
The display distracted the cultists. Kai attacked with Wave. He hit Vanifer twice and brought the end around to strike with its butt. Radiant damage burned the tiefling.
Guo Gan also engaged Vanifer. The tiefling dodged two of the monk’s attacks, but a quick front kick to the groin landed. The elf smiled, but the female tiefling shrugged off the effect that would have surely stunned a male opponent.
In retaliation, the Eternal Flame Guardian swordmen continued to thrust and slash at Kai. They scored two hits on the paladin, drawing blood. The two flame snakes lashed out. They missed the nimble Guo Gan.
On the west side of the battlefield, the final flame snake’s tail whipped Kildo as the last of the Azer dwarves hit Scomatch.
“I thought you had this!” Scomatch complained.
Grumbling under his breath at the halfling’s scolding, just as Kildo was about to reply, another fireball from the Eternal Flame Priest came sailing their way. “The nine hells!”
Their world became flame as the spell engulfed them all.
“Fire really bad!” 9 of 5 roared in pain. The heavily burned flesh golem’s features distorted into a rage. His meaty fists balled. Muscles corded like veins of iron. He turned towards Scomatch and Kildo. His eyes narrowed on them. Crazed eyes…berserker’s eyes.
“That’s it! I’m out!” Scomatch informed and cast, Thunder Step. A thunderous boom erupted. Blood exploded out from the last dwarf and flame snake’s ears. Each burst into cinders. The halfling appeared to the far south and out of everyone’s combat range.
Seemingly having the same idea. Captain Vanifer was briefly surrounded by silvery mist, as she teleported next to the red portal. Blowing a kiss, a bright streak flashed from her toward Kai and Guo Gan. A fireball erupted in their midst. The cultists were immune to its effects. She then stepped through the red portal and escaped.
While his helm protected his head, Kildo didn’t appreciate the two fireballs dropped in his general area by the Eternal Flame Priest. His beard was singed, and he could smell the burnt hair. With Captain Vanifer’s escape through the portal, he turned his spectral hammer towards that priest. It smashed into the spellcaster’s side. However, his immediate concern was the enraged flesh golem. He was heading his way, and he wasn’t happy.
“Make way! Coming through!” Kildo began to run east towards the other battle. 9 of 5 being much larger and with longer legs kept up on his heels. Smashing downwards with his meaty fists, he barely missed the dwarven cleric. His massive hands smashed into the large circular table. The wood groaned as splinters flew.
The berserker golem drew everyone’s attention. Kai took quick advantage as glowing, healing energy coursed through his body.
Guo Gan dove into a roll and sprang to his feet as the two flame snakes lunged and missed the agile monk. However, one Eternal Flame Guardian was there and lashed out with his long sword, slashing the passing elf. Charging the Eternal Flame Priest, the cultist held his hands with thumbs touching and fingers spread as a thin sheet of flames shot from his extended fingertips. Guo Gan ducked under the fire.
The other three fighters continue to press Kai. The paladin parried one of their attacks but was struck by the other two.
A funneling cloud of whirling air with a vague semblance of a face began to form and howled in the middle of the Eternal Flame Guardians and the remaining two flames snakes. It was a massive air elemental. Made up of living air, the vortex moved rapidly in every direction. Scomatch had summoned an air elemental. One of the Eternal Flame Guardians was swept up into the creature. His body was ripped apart as limbs flew in every direction.

Commanding his spectral war hammer, it smashed into the Eternal Flame Priest. Kildo shouted to Kai. “Out of the way!” 9 of 5 was right behind him, swinging wildly, trying to pulverize the cleric. Kildo darted past the first Eternal Flame Guardian.
“Fire very BAD!” The flesh golem turned his attention to the cultist. He screamed in terror! 9 of 5 brought his meaty hands downward in a powerful bash. One hand glanced off the armor, but the second was a solid strike smashing into his right shoulder.
The other two Eternal Flame Guardian’s eyes grew wide as the dwarf led the berserker flesh golem into their midst. As they turned to flee, Kai thrust with Wave skewing one. It was a lethal blow. He exploded into ash. Lunging with Wave, Kai deliberately impaled another retreating cultist. His body disintegrated. Pulling the sentient weapon free, he brought it down in a powerful blow and skewered a flame snake in the head, killing it and rendering it to cinders.
Guo Gan engaged the Eternal Flame Priest. Unleashing a series of blinding punches and kicks, the monk struck the cultist three times solidly. He remained standing. The cultist then held his hands with thumbs touching and fingers spread as a thin sheet of flames shot from his extended fingertips. Guo Gan attempted to duck under the fire but was scorched.
The Eternal Flame Priest had the upper hand for only a moment. A chromatic orb from Scomatch containing greenish, bubbling liquid exploded over the cultist’s head. The corrosive acid saturated him. Clothes and skin melted like hot butter. He screamed in absolute horror and agony. Gargling acid, his cries were garbled as it ran down his throat. Reaching out in a plea for help, his flesh liquefied all along his arm and hand, exposing the living skeleton. His eyes turned the color of boiled eggs before popping. In moments, nothing was left, but a hollow skull as his jaw unhinged itself. Bone began to melt and formed a greenish puddle of ooze along the floor until only a few bone-white fragments remained. The sickly smell of burned flesh and white fumes filled the room.
“Oh! That’s truly disgusting!” Guo Gan gagged as he waved off the stench.
Kildo charged into the area. His spirit guardians followed. Their spear-like tendrils thrust into the last flame snake and the Eternal Flame Guardian. The last summoned creatures of flame disintegrated in a puff of smoke.
However, one threat remained. The berserker flesh golem, 9 of 5.
Kai threw up his hands. “Yes, I agree, buddy. Fire bad.”
“Fire very BAD!” The badly singed flesh golem corrected and swung his meaty fists at the paladin.
Dodging, Kai yelled, “Scomatch do something! Magic something up!”
“I have to do everything, don’t I,” Scomatch grumbled. Then with a wave of his hands, the air elemental moved between 9 of 5 and the rest of the group. The flesh golem swung wildly as if hitting air.
Kildo gripped his holy ankh symbol and closed his eyes. “Rigga, I seldom be praying to ye. I be having no tongue for it. No one, not even ye, be remembering if we be good dwarves or bad. Why we fought. Why we died. No, all that matters be that four stood against evil. That be important. Healing pleases ye Rigga. So, grant me one request. Grant me healing fer me friend 9 of 5. And if ye not be listening. Then the nine hells with you!”
Opening his eyes, Kildo saw 9 of 5 swinging and missing the air elemental as the summoned creature kept pushing him back, like an older brother having a hand on a younger brother’s head and keeping him at bay. Rigga had not intervened.
A chromatic orb discharged. A bolt of lightning struck 9 of 5. The flesh golem’s body convulsed uncontrollably, but he seemed to enjoy himself as a smile crept across his face. The burnt scars from the two fireballs miraculously began to heal. “Lightning GOOD!” 9 of 5 hollered and bathed in the electrical surge.

“Hit him again!” Kai bellowed.
Another chromatic orb of lightning electrified the flesh golem. 9 of 5 seized up again. After a moment, he calmed. His skin returned to normal. The burns were gone.
Kildo glanced upwards and nodded in appreciation. “Rigga, I’ll take that.”
· Sweet, sweet experience.