“The key, or whatever it is, is magical,” Scomatch said as he handed it to Kildo.
Taking the flat piece of metal with a circular end, Kildo turned it over, but nothing obvious stood out. Moving past the bugbear room, the corridor headed west through twists and turns until it came to a stop. At the end was a gleaming wall of blue-grey metal that reflected the mirror images of the party. In the center, at waist height, was a square channel cut in the surface where the corners were circular. Taking the key, he held it against the groves in the walls. It was a perfect fit and would fill the molding if there were three other similar items. “It be looking like we be needing three more keys and it just so happens there be three more towers.”
“Agreed,” Kai said as Guo Gan and Scomatch nodded.
Heading back to the surface, the party headed to the northeast tower. A spiral staircase descended several flights. The corridor wove through the asteroid until it came into a large square room with twenty feet high ceilings. Within were two piles of rubble eight feet high, with the passageway continuing northwards out the far side.
“Wait here,” Guo Gan said as the monk entered the room.
A manticore with a ten-foot-long body of a lion, wings of a dragon, a spiked tail like a porcupine, and a roughly shaped humanoid head leaped on top of the file of rubble. It began to roar gibberish, but it was more than speaking another language. It seemed unintelligent, almost as if the creature was in a crazed state. However, one fact remained, it exposed row after row of razor-sharp teeth, similar to a great white shark. That alone told them it ate meat and likely regardless of whether it was an animal or human. It wildly flung long, thin, black sharp spikes.

The party ducked, dodged, and dove out of the missiles way. Glancing at each other, none were hit. Rising, Kildo chanted, “Life is death. Death is rebirth. Rebirth is life.” Kai, Guo Gan, and Scomatch glowed briefly as they were blessed.
Kai charged into the room and lunged with Wave from the bottom of the rubble pile. Two of the trident’s prongs struck the manticore’s hide quarters.
Roaring in pain, a fire bolt’s flames splashed across the creature’s face. The smell of dirty, burnt hair filled the room, as its mane was utterly singed.
Running up the rubble, like stairs were built in, Guo Gan bashed with Qiekamis, rapidly breaking the manticore’s jaw and cracking its skull. The humanoid-like lion dropped dead from the wounds and rolled down the debris.
Cautiously approaching the second pile of rubble, no other creatures sprung out.
“There’s something over here,” Guo Gan called out from behind the first pile where the manticore sprang.
A make-shift nest covered in filth and scat. It also contained bones of several skeletons, most with chew marks. Rusted weapons and armor were also mixed in. Kicking through the debris lay another skeleton with a black spike through its skull. However, its chain mail shirt wasn’t rusted. It was magical. Pulling it from the nest, the sound of glass clanked as there were two vials of liquid and an ivory scroll case. There was also a flat piece of metal, rounded at the end.
Kai picked the key up and handed it to Kildo, who put it into his hat of holding along with the other one. Taking off the chain shirt and handing it back nodding his thanks, he donned the armor, which was made for a human and a better fit.
Continuing northward, the long ten-foot-high passageway ended at a stone door. Guo Gan listened and shook his head. Opening the door, there was an audible ‘click’ and a low rumble. The ground began to shake. Out of the darkness, a nine-foot diameter stone ball began to roll ominously toward the party.
“Run!” Guo Gan bellowed as his blurred form raced past the party.
Kildo turned and began sprinting. Turning over his shoulder, Kai was immediately crushed. His blood stain rolled over and over as the stone sphere raced toward him. His shortened legs were strong, having been beefed up by the thousands of steps they traversed in the Sacred Stone Monastery.
“Eep!” Scomatch called out.
Turning back, the halfling was crushed an instant later. Another blood splatter was present on the rolling boulder. It was catching up to him too. He thought about casting banishment, but that’d only work on a creature. He didn’t have any fancy teleportation spells to get him far away. The rolling stone was just too fast. He’d just hope for a quick-
“I thought you dwarves were natural sprinters,” Guo Gan said.
“Woit?! Am I dead?” Kildo questioned.
“No, an illusion. Some cheap bastard couldn’t afford to put in a real trap, but it got the heart racing,” Guo Gan said playfully nudging the dwarf.
Kai and Scomatch came up to them, dusting off their clothes.
“I, for one am glad the owner didn’t spring for a real one,” Kai said.
The party continued past the illusionary boulder and came to another gleaming wall of blue-gray metal. Their reflections stared back at them. It too had a similar square channel cut into the surface where the flat metal keys would fit.
Backtracking to the surface, the party approached the southeast tower. Similar to the others, it descended into the asteroid’s depths. The corridor twisted and ended at the door. Opening it, inside was a thirty-foot square room. In the middle was a three-foot-tall, star-shaped pedestal with an eight-foot diameter crystal ball on top of it. There was movement inside, but the images weren’t clear. Approaching, there were engravings on the pedestal. They read:
Mouthing the words, Kai said, “Anyone know what ‘alrastil’ means?”
A heavy, chilling fog began to form in the western part of the room. An eight-foot-long ice toad, the size of a horse, with skin a ghostly white hue, while their warts were a pale blue, appeared. Its mouth was filled with many small, sharp teeth. Its tongue lashed out, wrapped around Kai, and pulled him into its mouth. A metal crunch followed as it attempted to bite through his chainmail armor.
“The nine hells!” Kildo bellowed as he rushed into the room and bashed the creature with his war hammer. “Be letting go of him, ya stupid frog!” He then barreled into the ice toad with his shield, causing it and Kai to tumble over.
Kai’s legs flailed from outside the creature’s mouth. Radiant light was seen from within the toad’s mouth as the paladin stabbed with Wave.
Using Qiekamis as a leaver, Guo Gan pried the ice toad’s mouth open and broke the creature's jaw with a sickening ‘snap’. The monk brought the quarterstaff over his head and crushed its skull ending it. Kicking it to ensure it was dead, Guo Gan asked, “Where did that thing come from? All I heard was you saying ‘alrastil’ and-”
The conversation was interrupted as heavy, chilling fog formed on the eastern side of the room as another gigantic ice toad materialized.
A fire bolt flew from Scomatch and blasted the creature on the side. It reeled from the flames across its icy body.
Kildo cast, Toll the Dead. Dolorous bells rang as cracks appeared across the ice toad’s form. The sound of ice splitting filled the air.
Gravely wounded, Kai thrusted Wave into the side of the creature. Radiant damage blasted into it as it died. “All right, no one say anything.”
Moving closer to the eight-diameter crystal ball, Kildo still saw images swimming within, almost ghost-like. It couldn’t make out the shapes and the number didn’t diminish after the two ice toads were summoned.
Guo Gan moved over to the southern door. It didn’t budge as the elf attempted to open the door. “We might need to clear out the monsters inside before it opens.
“Oh, let me do the next one!” Scomatch exclaimed.
Nodding in agreement with Guo Gan, Kai threw his arm out wide for the halfling to proceed.
“Pentuko! Pentuko!” Scomatch repeated.
Two nine-foot-tall muscular humanoids appeared in a puff of smoke. They had the head of a bull with a tick and a long snout with sharp carnivore teeth. Their black horns slightly curved forwards ending in a sharp point. Their upper human-like torsos were muscular, with huge hands ending in thick, sharp yellow nails and hooved feet. Their fur and wild hair were brown that covered their forearms, chest, abdomen, and legs. Each carried a large great axe. They were the fabled creatures of legend, minotaurs.

“Scomatch!” Kai bellowed.
“I’ll take care of them.” The halfling mage then began casting. A bright streak flashed as a fireball erupted in the room. The first minotaur caught the full brunt of the blast. Its entire body singed. The second ducked behind the pillar, sparing it from the full effects.
Rushing in, Kai skewered Wave into the belly of the first minotaur. The paladin drove it to the ground killing it.
Guo Gan bashed with each end of Qiekamis striking the second minotaur in its kneecap and right thigh.
Dolorous bells rang around the beast’s head as Kildo cast Toll the Dead, but it shook them off.
Snorting in rage, it brought its great axe ferociously slashing downward from his head. The blade sliced Guo Gan across his front.
A fire bolt from Scomatch exploded on the minotaur’s chest. Its burnt body hair left off a pungent stink in the area.
Kai rushed over and lunged with Wave. Its prongs sunk into the minotaur’s abdomen. It was a mortal wound. The creature crashed. Its massive weight shook the ground. Turning and glaring at Scomatch, Kai said, “No one say the words on the pedestals more than once.”
“This thing is awesome!” Scomatch exclaimed, ignoring the paladin and staring up at the sphere. “We need to put this on top of our ship. We can then rain monsters down from above.”
“Right, we be saying two of them words. That be meaning we have two left. Then I be thinking it’ll be letting us out of the room,” Kildo said and continued, “Or we be needing to exhaust that sphere of monsters.”
“Let’s say them and be done with it,” Scomatch indicated.
“Only one at a time,” Kai warned.
“You’re no fun.” Studying the last two words, Scomatch said, “Myrg.”
In the northern part of the room, a monstrous eight-foot-tall owlbear with the body of a bear covered in thick shaggy coats of both bristly fur and feathers, ranging in coloration from yellowish brown to brownish black, materialized. Fur was predominant on its body, while feathers became more common on its head. Its head was avian, like an owl’s, with large round eyes. It had a yellow hooked beak with black at the tip. Its claws were razor-sharp talons.

Kildo, ready for Scomatch to say the word, bashed with his war hammer. The weapon bounced off the owlbear’s thick hide. Undeterred, the dwarf rushed forward leading with his shield, but was stopped cold by the creature’s massive bulk.
Wave struck forward with incredible swiftness and power. The trident pierced the owlbear’s hide as radiant damage blasted from the end.
Letting off a terrible screech, it pierced the group’s ears. Turning, it swiped with one of its massive claws, bashing into Kai’s front.
A chromatic orb filled with bubbling, green liquid struck the owlbear from Scomatch. Acid began to melt the creature’s side. It writhed in agony as it died. Exposing bone, muscle, and flesh, a horrible stench filled the room.
Kildo carefully moved over to examine the owlbear. “The poor varmint be dead.”
“Yup, I got him,” Scomatch said proudly.
“Oh! That’s disgusting!” came a collective cry from the group as they waved off the stench.
“What’s wrong with you people? It’s not like you haven’t seen that before,” Scomatch questioned.
“There be just something wrong about seeing someone melted by acid,” Kildo stated.
“Yeah!” the rest agreed.
Throwing up his hands in disbelief, Scomatch asked, “What are you talking about? That was an owlbear. One of the meanest creatures in the wild. It’d claw your eyes out and eat them given half the chance.”
“We know Scomatch. We ain’t be sorry it be dead it’s just well…acid. It be sort of gross,” Kildo replied.
“Yeah!” the rest agreed.
"Could ye be using another weapon?” Kildo asked.
“Look, your name is Scomatch Thunderfire, so maybe just use thunder or fire instead. It’s painful fer sure, but a quicker death.”
Scomatch scoffed in disbelief as he said the last word on the pedestal. “Ixam.”
A ape-like girallon appeared in the eastern section of the room. It was over eight feet tall and covered in white fur. Its most distinguishing feature was that it had four massive arms. Seeing Guo Gan next to it, it bashed downwards with its massive hands. It scored two hits on the monk.

Distracted, Kildo swung his war hammer, striking the girallon. However, he failed to gain the creature’s attention. Gripping his shield straps tightly and ducking his head, he barreled forward, striking the ape-like monster in the groin, knocking the monkey on its ass.
Prone on the ground, Kai with Wave and Guo Gan with Qiekamis finished off the girallon.
As the creature breathed its last, the eight-foot sphere faded along with the pedestal leaving the room barren, except for the monster’s carcasses.
“Oh, come on!” Scomatch bemoaned seeing his magical death from above monster devise disappear.
To the south, there was a resounding ‘click’ from the door. The exit was now opened. Another corridor emptied into another room. A similar star-shaped pedestal was in the middle, but no crystal ball. However, there was a stone case on top of it.
Guo Gan circled the case and lightly examined it. “It’s trapped. There’s a pressure plate. I need a counterweight. Go get me a limb from one of the creatures.”
“Now who’s being gross,” Scomatch scoffed.
Exiting and returning from the monster summoning room, Guo Gan carried one of the ice toad’s limbs. Carefully substituting the frog leg for the case, the monk successfully prevented the trap from tripping. Opening it, inside was another of the flat metal keys. They now had three in total.
Continuing past the key room, it also ended in a similar gleaming wall of blue-gray metal. Their reflections stared back at them, though worse for wear from the last time. It too had a similar square channel cut into the surface where the flat metal keys would fit.
Retracing their steps back to the asteroid’s courtyard, only the southwestern tower remained unexplored. Traveling through additional stone tunnels, at the end of a long easterly hallway was a beaded curtain. They were thick and held together tightly.
Approaching, Kai tried to push his hand through, but they only yielded a little before holding strong. He could wedge Wave through, but like a vacuum, the beads seemed to be attempting to trap the weapon. He pulled it back before it became utterly stuck.
Kildo kicked at the curtain and it gave a little before reforming strong. Smacking it with his war hammer had some effect, but again the structure reformed.
Using Qiekamis as leverage, Guo Gan was able to pry a section of the beads open. Straining, he said, “Run through it!”
Taking several steps back and with a running start, Kai sprinted toward the gap. Like quicksand, it absorbed the paladin. The group heard the muffled sounds of numerous voices. Kai wasn’t alone.
“Be standing back!” Kildo bellowed as he took a running start. The dwarf threw himself against the beaded curtain. He made a sizable dent as it rippled, but held firm.
Scomatch followed Kildo. Throwing his entire weight against the beads, the curtain threw the halfling’s form back.
Casting the cantrip, Guidance, Kildo saw a section of the beads glow slightly where they seemed to be weakened from the party’s physical exertion. Pointing with his war hammer, the dwarf said, “Oi, Guo Gan! Be using yer stick there.”
Forcing Qiekamis through at the section and bending, the beads began to yield and noticeably started to bend the quarterstaff.
Leading with his shield, Kildo barreled forward. He threw his entire weight into the effort. He met stiff resistance but kept pushing until he went through the thick mess of beads. Emerging on the other side, he was immediately greeted by battle.
Kai was defending himself against nine, seven-foot-tall gnolls. Lean and muscular for their height, they cut an impressive visage. Their hyena-like furry hides were light to dark brown and spotted or striped. They were armed with throwing javelins, with several lying around Kai. However, a few of them were stained red with blood. The triton was heavily wounded.

In the back was an even larger creature. It seemed it had traces of demonic characteristics, including longer talons, gleaming red eyes, and pitch-black fur with fiery orange spots. It issued forth an unnerving hyena laughter. The smell of rotten flesh was ever-present.
Throwing up his shield to protect Kai and himself from the projectiles, the paladin began to heal himself.
A moment later, Scomatch burst through the curtain. He dusted his hands off before realizing the room full of gnolls. The humanoid hyenas issued their insidious laughter and licked their long snouts with likely the prospect of eating the plump halfling.
“Scomatch! I’d really appreciate it if you’d take care of these garbage wolves,” Kai shouted.
“Right, a big pile of dirt dogs coming up!” A bright streak sailed toward the gnolls as a fireball engulfed the creatures in flame. They yipped and howled and they ran around hysterically burning to death. However, the demonic-like gnoll leader, while horribly burned, remained standing.
The halfling then turned to Kildo and lamented, “Do I have to do everything? Go lop off its head.”
Moving to the creature, Kildo swung with his war hammer catching the gnoll across the jaw. Its head snapped back. A loud audible crack followed as its head spun around further than anatomically possible. The gnoll’s body crumbled to the ground.
Holding his hand across his nose to ward off the smell of burnt hair and garbage, Kildo kicked at the charred bodies, but they didn’t seem to have anything of value. The sounds of the bead curtain parting drew his attention as the form of Guo Gan pushed his way through using his quarterstaff to pry his way.
“Made it!” Taking in the room and the charred bodies, Guo Gan said, “Did I miss anything?”
“Just me killing everything again,” Scomatch scoffed.
Continuing along the stone corridor, it entered another square room. At the far end, against the wall were five cubicles standing upright. Each had a human-shaped indention in it. They had scrollwork and ancient carvings that were indecipherable. There were no other exits and nothing else of interest in the room.
Approaching, Kai examined the cubicle. Touching it and having no adverse effect, he carefully stepped in. Turning his body to fit the niches, metal bands snapped out around his wrists and ankles. The cubicle was then wished away down a narrow passageway into darkness.
“No point in waiting. You all know we are going,” Guo Gan said and entered the contraption. Again, metal bands secured the monk and whisked him away.
“Looks like fun!” Scomatch said, bouncing in and was too gone in an instant.
Kildo stared at the now empty room. There were two more cubicles left. Picking one, he grumbled as he entered, “The nine hells.” Metal bands snapped around his wrists and ankles. The metal was cold, but he didn’t have time to think about it as his stomach was thrust into his chest. He instantly became nauseous and shut his eyes hard. Within six seconds, it was over. He stopped. Opening his eyes. He and the others were on a gigantic game board with large, colored squares every five feet. The square he was currently standing on was where a ‘Knight’ game piece would have been placed. At the far end was a large statue of a man in front of an opening to a corridor that continued. He straddled two squares with his right hand outstretched and his palm facing down.
In the ‘Rook’ position, Guo Gan began to walk forward in a straight line to the other side of the board. Each time the square lit up white under his feet. “Assume it’s like a chessboard!”
Kai on the ‘King’ square moved forward once and then stopped.
It was then Scomatch’s turn, who was on the other ‘Knight’ square, moved forward twice and over once.
This should be easy Kildo thought. Being right next to where Guo Gan started, he moved over one. The floor under his feet glowed red as an extremely painful electrical shock raced through his body. The square then turned white. “What in the nine hells be this!” Kildo shouted to the ceiling. “Knights can be moving sideways first!”
“Just start your move forward like me!” Scomatch yelled as he again moved forward twice and over once.
The party took turns moving, eventually reaching the other side and past the statue without additional electrical shocks. The hallway continued and the group followed it where it ended in a similar gleaming wall of blue-gray metal. Their reflections stared back at them. It too had a similar square channel cut into the surface where the flat metal keys would fit.
“We missed the key somewhere,” Kai said.
“I’ll be a goblin-loving dwarf if that key ain’t be in that statue we passed,” Kildo said. The group returned to the chess room. Knocking on the statue, it seemed a portion of it was hollow. Please with himself, he said, “Be helping me knock it over.”
The party began to push and pull on the statue until it fell back into the corridor. However, it didn’t shatter. Tapping it several times with his war hammer, Kildo heard an echo around its chest. Bashing several times, the statue’s middle finally broke in. Inside, was the last of the flat metal keys, which were rounded at the end. Smiling, he snatched it and they returned to the reflective door. Taking the four pieces of metal, he inserted them one by one into the slots. The keys fit perfectly. Along the wall, a line appeared in the center. It revealed a door.

Kildo exclaimed, “Holy sh-”
‘Shhhht!’ The two sides of the door opened quickly.
Behind was a large room made of the same blue-grey reflective metal. There was nothing inside except eight padded reclining chairs. As the party all entered, the doors behind them went ‘Shhhht!” They were closed and the line in the middle was gone.
A surreal, feminine voice echoed in the room. “Launch sequence initiated. You have 10 seconds to reach minimum safe distance.”
“Hello,” Kai said.
“You have 9 seconds to reach minimum safe distance.”
“What’s going on? Can you explain why you are counting?”
“You have 8 seconds to reach minimum safe distance.”
“The chairs!” Kildo shouted.
“You have 7 seconds to reach minimum safe distance.”
Each party member scrambled over each other to one of the cushioned chairs in the middle of the room. There were no straps or anything to keep them tethered in.
“You have 1 second to reach minimum safe distance.”
Kildo gripped the sides tightly. Colors swirled around them and blurred before his eyes. It felt like they were traveling at an incredible speed as his stomach rammed against his spleen. The momentum stopped and they were still in the room on the cushioned chairs. Everything was the same, except for a five-foot diameter hole in the ceiling, which was not there before. Carefully putting his feet on the ground, ensuring the room wouldn’t move again, the group looked up the hole. The tunnel was carved from the same rock as the asteroid. It traveled twenty feet up and into darkness.
Giving Guo Gan a boost, the monk used his feet and hand to anchor himself as he climbed like a spider up the tunnel and was soon lost in the darkness. The echo voice of the elf called down, “There are brass rungs here. I’ll tie a rope to one and throw it down.”
Using the rope, they reached the metal rungs, which traveled another seventy feet along the tube. As Kildo climbed, something didn’t seem right, as they would have been well above the tower’s rubble at this point, yet continuing higher and higher. Then again, they live in a world of mind flayers.
There was an obscured light up ahead. As Kildo climbed one rung after the other, a mist began to form in the tunnel. Finally reaching the end, he pulled himself into a room but could not tell how large or small. Warm, thick mist blanketed the area. Visibility was limited to about ten feet in any direction. Loose rock was scattered around the ground.
Kai began to move in a western direction.
Following, Kildo lost the party members for brief moments at a time in the fog. Moisture beads began to form on his beard. There was a real possibility of becoming separated and lost.
The mist moved. Something else was within. They were not alone. A throaty growl rumbled.
Red, glowing eyes preceded a fifteen-foot-long creature covered in dark brown scales emerged. Its jaw was filled with long, sharp teeth. It was a wyvern. It had a pair of hind legs with a wing span twice its length. A long tail swished that ended in a thick cartilage knot with a stinger protruding out, like that of a scorpion.

Guo Gan rushed the creature, swiping and striking the wyvern three times with Qiekamis. The dragon-like creature leaped away, screeching and into the mist.
Kildo cast, Toll the Dead. The dolorous bells were muffled due to the thick fog and ineffective. Summoning a spiritual weapon, a blue spectral war hammer materialized next to the wyvern and swiped. It smacked it in the tail as it disappeared.
The flapping of wings was heard in the fog. Occasionally the mist would shift but remained still. Wide eyes scanned in every direction. A whip-like crack followed the wyvern’s tail spike emerging from the haze. It lunged past. Mere inches from Guo Gan’s face.
Scomatch was ready as he cast, Immolation. Flames wreathed the wyvern’s tail. The fire raced quickly throughout the entire creature. It lit up in flame form.
The wyvern floundering, Guo Gan charged in and delivered devastating blows with Qiekamis.
Kildo cast, Toll the Dead. It didn’t affect the creature, as it already knew it was dying. Sending in his spectral war hammer, it swiped and missed as the wyvern flailed about wildly trying to put out the magical flames that continued to burn it and rend flesh.
Kai moved on the dragon and struck solidly with Wave. All three prongs sunk deep into its hide. As if in instinct, the wyvern’s jaw snapped and bit into Kai. Its tail also lunged, but due to the flames and torment it was in, missed.
As Scomatch concentrated on his Immolation spell, a pteranodon, a birdlike reptile with sharp talons and leathery skin sailed from the mist. With a wingspan of thirty feet, it had a long beak beset with razor-sharp teeth. It had a thin head crest, and its skin contained small patches of downy feathers. Its large eyes were yellow-colored. It snapped and struck the halfling. It tried and failed to carry off the mage.
“What the f-” Scomatch called out as he brushed off the indignity from his shoulder. Moving westward and away from where he was a moment before, a wrought iron staircase spiraling upwards appeared. The halfling moved under it for additional protection.
Continuing to command his spectral war hammer to attack the wyvern, the creature was moving too fast and missed. Kildo then cast, Toll the Dead. Near death, the dolorous bell sounded loud. Giving in, the wyvern succumbed to its wounds and collapsed.
“This isn’t over yet! Back to back!” Kai ordered.
From the mist came the flapping of wings. Then silence.
“They’re diving!” Guo Gan shouted.
A pteranodon swooped in and struck Kai with its beak. Another passed over Guo Gan and he dove out of the way. Kildo threw up his shield at the last moment. The flying lizard bounced away off of the metal protection.
“Circle back up and get ready!” Kai order.
Wings flapping indicated they were still about and looking for a meal. Then silence.
A pteranodon swooped in. It was greeted with a swipe from Qiekamis. Bashing, Kildo struck one across its belly with his war hammer. Bracing Wave, a third impaled itself on Kai’s trident. Using the creature’s momentum, the paladin brought it over his head and crashed to the ground.
“One down. Two be left,” Kildo shouted as the group reformed their defensive square.
Flapping in the mist continued, but was less frequent. They were learning.
A pteranodon flew in. It snapped at Kai but missed. Thrusting with Wave, the trident skewered one of the flying monster’s wings. It crashed to the ground and began flopping.
A mote of fire flew from Scomatch as he cast, fire bolt. The pteranodon screeched. The mote of fire went into its mouth and exploded. Gore, ichor, and brain material flew.
The last pteranodon came in. It snapped at Kai, but missed. A hard flapping of wings sailed off into the mist. The sound dimmed. The pteranodon had, had enough. It wouldn’t be returning.
Manticore Treasure
· Chainmail +1
· Scroll of Rope Trick
Wyvern (aka Cleric Gift Basket) Treasure
· 3,000 gp
· 4,000 sp
· Potion of Greater Healing
· +2 War hammer
Party Split:
· 3,000 gp / 5 = 600 gp
· 4,000 sp / 5 = 800 sp