“Crew, Captain, Country,” Kildo said as the party returned to the Space Ghost with the Impossible Shovel. They checked on Jimmy, and after declining a meal of freshly collected moss, he reassured the group that he didn’t want to leave the Rock of Martek.
“Silas navigate a course back to the Rock of Series. We give Shatterkeel what he be wanting so we can find Vanifer and be getting our crew back. Then we be dealing with whoever be killing Captain Quint Halfbeard.”
“I’ve made pumpkin scones!” Odium announced as he came on the bridge.
“Thank you, Odium,” Kai said as he pulled out an extra, magical chain mail shirt. “As a show of appreciation, we have this for you.”
Taking the armor and moving it front to back, Odium said, “I’d be glad to have it. Thank you for thinking of me.” He then put the shirt over his head. “Belial be praised. Fits perfectly.”
As the command crew began to head for the tray of scones, Odium said, “Captain Kildo, if I may. I’m unsure if Captain Shatterkeel is of the trustworthy sort. It might be better to get the coordinates to Captain Vanifer’s base and secure the shovel back from him. I’d be glad to hold onto the shovel for you. Find it a new home if necessary.”
“Keep your chain shirt on Odium. No one but the command staff will hold it until we give it to that crab-handed cultist leader, Shatterkeel,” Kai said, then added with a longing sigh. “Umm, crab meat with butter.”
Odium bowed and walked away backward.

For the next week, the Space Ghost trekked through the depths of space from the asteroid ring they just visited. The sun’s brightness grew the closer they traveled to the Rock of Series. As they approached, the town was on the top side with a lot of greenery, but on the bottom side, it was more desolate. Several ships were docked, but there wasn’t any sign of Captain Vanifer’s flaming ship. Kildo also noted that while all the spelljammer ships were odd-looking, nothing stood out more than usual.
“Take us in, Odium,” Kildo ordered.
The tiefling maneuvered the Space Ghost toward the docking ports and aligned the ship’s top deck for disembarking.
“Silas and Johnny One Bags be filling up our air and top off our food and water supplies,” Kildo said. Then glancing at the tiefling Odium, he whispered, “Be ensuring there be enough ingredients for pumpkin scones.”
Kildo led Kai, Guo Gan, and Scomatch from the Space Ghost toward the dockmaster. An orc with a sloping forehead, a jutting jaw, prominent teeth, and a bulky build stepped in their way. The dockmaster snorted as he stopped.
Kildo handed over a small pouch with the docking fee, and as the orc grunted in acceptance, he asked, “When be the next slave auction?”
“Tomorrow at ‘da stage.”
Nodding, the party made their way to the Jolly Lobster Tavern.
“We’re looking for Captain Shatterkeel,” Kai said as he approached the bar and slid a gold coin to the barkeep.
The party settled in at a table and ordered drinks. Over the next hour, Kildo listened to the patron’s rumors and gossip. He heard the slave lords were having some internal squabbles. Some powerplay was going on between the nine lords. He intently listened when he heard one of them was a dwarf. However, half expecting to hear his brother’s name, Dito Hammerhand, being mentioned, the dwarf slave lord’s name was Heston Copperchin.
A humanoid figure entered. Heavily muscled, his skin was blue and covered with sea barnacles all over his body. The same growths acted as his hair. His right hand was normal. His left hand was missing. In its place was a massive crab-like claw with serrated pincers. His only clothing was a shell-like skirt that covered his waist and legs. It was Captain Shatterkeel.

“Ah, gentlemen, I see you’ve returned. I hope you come bearing good news.”
Kildo raised the impossible shovel and let it back down.
“Good news it be then.”
Shatterkeel pulled out a piece of parchment and wrote. Folding it, he stretched it out, but kept his heavy left claw on it.
Grumbling, Kildo passed the shovel to Shatterkeel. The cultist leader raised his massive pincer hand. Kai took the parchment.
“Where is Captain Vanifer?” Kai asked.
“She hasn’t been here lately. Terrible woman. That tongue. Oy, will curse you out fiercely. However, I’m not her keeper.”
“Have you been seeing any of our crew?” Kildo asked.
“I see many a person, and I’m sure I don’t know what they look like,” Shatterkeel said.
“Well. You captured our crew before and brought them to your base at the Isle of Rilandria,” Guo Gan reminded him.
“Oh, that misunderstanding. If I recall, the crew were returned,” Shatterkeel replied.
“Yes, after we broke them out of your prison cells,” Kai said.
“Excellent, matter resolved. Thus, needless to say, I have not seen any of your crew,” Shatterkeel said.
“Uh huh,” Kai scoffed and opened the piece of parchment. Turning it to the party, it had written, 0, 0, 0. “What is this?”
“The coordinates to Captain Vanifer’s base,” Shatterkeel explained.
“The center of this sphere? Where the sun is?” Guo Gan questioned.
Kildo was about to crack his pincer with his war hammer and, with a bit of butter, have lunch, but as a collective, they understood, of course, that Vanifer’s fire ship and base would be at the sun.
“How did you get these coordinates?” Kai questioned.
“She makes for the same heading whenever she leaves. The center of the sphere,” Shatterkeel said.
“Have ye be navigating outside of this sphere?” Kildo asked.
“By the gods, no. It’s dangerous out there. There are klowns everywhere,” Shatterkeel replied.
Eyeing Shatterkeel closely, Kai leaned in and said, “I know who you are. I don't know what you want with the shovel. All I want is Vanifer, so if these coordinates are not correct, I want you to know what I do have is a very particular set of skills. Skills I have acquired over a very long career. Skills that make me a nightmare for people like you. If these coordinates are correct, that'll be the end of it. I will not look for you, I will not pursue you, but if you are less than honest, I will look for you, I will find you, and I will kill you."
Kildo slightly perceived the slightest of nervous gulps as Shatterkeel swallowed, an indication he was telling the truth, but understood the outcome if it were not so. “What ye be doing with that there impossible shovel?”
“Got some digging to do and then I’m getting off this gods forsaken rock,” Shatterkeel said as he rose with the shovel. As he left, he turned over his shoulder and said, “Have fun and work on your tan while you visit the sun.”
The following morning, Kildo handed the parchment to Silas.
“Course 0, 0, 0?” Silas asked as he scratched his hippo-like head.
“Aye, the center of the sun,” Kildo said.
“Well, actually, it might not be the sun's center,” Silas explained, issuing a large sniffle. “It could be a hollow sun, or maybe a wall of flames, where it’s empty beyond. A stone ship would be better than this damselfly spelljammer to travel there.”

“Just be plotting the course and be preparing to go when we return,” Kildo ordered.
“Where are you going, Captain?”
“I be needing to see a drow about a slave auction.”
The party made their way, traveling through the town. Most of the buildings were made of stone. The Rock of Series had a prosperous economy, mainly supported by pirating, selling stolen goods, and a robust slave trade. Kildo followed the people's flow, leading to a large stage in the middle of the town. It more resembled a musical theatre. To the right was a gated exit with a chalkboard with people with clipboards.
One of the auctioneers came up to the party and asked, “Name?”
Kildo puffed out his chest and boldly replied, “Captain Dito Hammerhand.”
“Captain Hammerhand?” he asked curiously.
He heard Guo Gan moan behind him. Clearing his throat, Kildo said, “Ye be daff? I be representing Captain Dito Hammerhand. Now, be showing us to our seats.”
“Right this way gentlemen.” He motioned to another, who returned with an elaborate paddle embellished with chains. Handing it to Kildo, he hurriedly left.
A plump, round, elderly human with fancy clothes walked across the stage. “All right, gather around, gather around. Welcome. What a beautiful and blessed day for an auction. Get them on up there.”
Several guards ushered a group of five humans on the stage. The two at the end looked angry. If given half the chance, they might start a revolt. The bidding began, and all but the last two were picked. An additional three were ushered on stage. They were larger and in good shape. The bidding began again, and all but the last two were selected.
“Let’s keep it rolling.”
Three more were pushed onto the stage. These were skinnier and seemed malnourished. The bidding continued, with all but the last two being picked. They threw up their hands in indignation.
More slaves, goblins, were moved onto the stage. Short in stature, they only came up to the two human’s waists. Again, the bidding started, and only the goblins were purchased.
The two humans scoffed loudly.
“I’m strong!” shouted one.
“I’m fast, I’ve got stamina, I know magic,” hollered the second.
“Get them off the stage!” the auctioneer yelled.
Kildo felt someone sit next to him as a tranquil female voice spoke. “Hello there. Good to see you are back. Seeing anything you like?”
Turning, she was maybe five feet tall and weighed a hundred pounds soaking wet. However, there was no mistake with her dark grey skin and straight, snow-white hair that she was a drow. She resembled other elves in many ways, but shorter and thinner. She wore a spider-spun long white dress of superior quality, accentuating her curves and smoothness. Her body was wiry, athletic, and attractive. It was Lady Icosa.
Kildo felt sweat drip from his armpits. He said, “Nothing yet, but I be knowing it when I be seeing it.”
“I see. I want to ensure Captain Hammerhand is not unsatisfied with our slaves. If there is anything you want, you only need to ask,” Lady Icosa said.
“I wouldn’t be saying no to a beer,” Kildo said.
She signed with her fingers, and one of the guards returned with a magically chilled mug.
Nodding in appreciation, Kildo motioned that his attention was going to turn back to the auction. Lady Icosa nodded and left.
The last item was brought on stage as the auction wound down. About the size of a large turkey or goose, the creature more closely resembled a chicken. However, it was a hideous hybrid with the wings of a bat and a lizard-like tail with yellow-green scales. Its bat wings were grey, its feet were yellow, and its feathers were golden-brown. However, its head was covered with a brown hood.

“A cockatrice, ladies and gentlemen. A rare find and not for the faint of heart,” the auctioneer said.
“Oh, I want that,” Scomatch said.
“No!” the party said in unison.
After the auction’s conclusion, none of the members of the Sea Ghost were among the slaves. Getting up to leave and head back to the Space Ghost, Lady Icosa approached.
“As a representative of Captain Dito Hammerhand, would you like a tour behind the scenes? See how the magic is done, so to speak,” Lady Icosa asked.
“Yeah, I’d be liking a tour,” Kildo said hurriedly.
Nodding with a pleasing smile, the drow led the party onto the stage and behind the curtain. “It’s a rarity to have guests back here, but when they are invited, it’s for a very special reason.”
“What reason be that?” Kildo asked.
“I’m truly honored and delighted Captain Dito Hammerhand was interested in acquiring some of our slaves. Particularly that he was the one who sold them to us,” Lady Icosa said and then nodded to a guard just off-stage. He pulled a heavy lever. Kildo felt a systematic disruption, like a small earthquake. It was curious as they were on an asteroid. He didn’t have long to ponder as the stage floor dropped. Kai, Scomatch, and Kildo began to fall. The drow hovered in the air. Time slowed as Kildo saw Guo Gan flip upwards. Bless that acrobatic elf. He’d escape and rescue them from the pit. The monk was about to land on the drow’s shoulders, but his body fell straight through. An illusion. Guo Gan would thus be joining them in the slaver’s pit below.
· Coordinates to Captain Vanifer’s base – Course 0, 0, 0.