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Chapter 73 - Deeper into the Slave Lord's Pit

“What an incredible smell ye discovered!” Kildo lambasted Scomatch, standing behind the halfling.  In front of them was an underground marsh filled with black, stagnant, brackish water.  Decomposing organic matter resulted in a pungent and distinctive “rotten egg” smell.  From the fungi mushrooms, seven shambling mounds of peat, which were vaguely humanoid-shaped, began moving. They were composed of decaying leaves, vines, roots, and compost.

Twirling Qiekamis, Guo Gan’s quarterstaff smashed into the northernmost shambling mound, with the last blow smacking into its twigs and berries.    

Kai also attacked the same creature.  Only one prong from Wave managed to stab it.  Like tangled weeds, it ripped away part of it. Radiant damage blasted from the end of the trident. 

“Do creatures have to be meat-based before you can properly hit them,” Scomatch yelled. 

“Yup, that’s right!  I can’t hit salad-based creatures!” Kai bellowed back in annoyance. 

The shambling mounds all at once rose to their full height. Like a wave, they crashed into the party.  Kai and Scomatch were engulfed.  Guo Gan flipped upwards, avoiding them, as Kildo was crushed under their weight but managed to keep from being consumed. 

Fire erupted as Scomatch cast, Fireball.  The northernmost mound burned up.  The wetness of the moss and peat helped protect the plant-like creatures. 

Guo Gan swung his staff back and forth into the mass.  It was difficult to tell if he was causing any damage, but a chunk did fly off with his last swing. 

The points of Wave smashed from one of the mounts.  Kai emerged, gasping for breath as the shambling mound’s form fell apart. 

Kildo could see Scomatch’s legs dangling out from one of the shambling mounds, which vines constricted in an attempt to crush the halfling.  He saw the mage’s body wiggle within and trying to  avoid being smothered.  Fists, in the form of plant matter, smashed into the dwarf's side.  Air blew from his lungs at the impact.  He threw up his shield at the last second and blocked another chuck of the material, attempting to slam into him.  Kildo then cast, Toll the Dead.  A force wave of dolorous bells sounded around the southernmost mound.  Its form seemed to break up a little but was still a viable threat. 

Looking over, Kai wasn’t faring well.  The shambling mounds reformed into six creatures.  A chunk of thick foliage pummeled the paladin.   

Another fireball ignited the shambling mounds.  While part of their forms were on fire and gave off acidic smoke, their swamp dampness quickly extinguished the flames.  Scomatch yelled, “You guys better do something!”

“What do you think we are doing?” Guo Gan called out, smashing Qiekamis into the twigs and berries of two of them, momentarily stunning the creatures.   

Grabbing Scomatch by his ankle, Kai stabbed into the shambling mound holding him.  Radiant damage blasted into it.  The foliage retreated as it died.  Using the trident, he prided it open, pulling the halfling free. 

Setting him down, Scomatch brushed himself off and asked, “Do you need me to kill these things for you?”

“I just killed the one holding…never mind,” Kai grunted and thrusted Wave hard into one of the stunned mounds.  Radiant damage coursed down the weapon and blasted out the creature’s back, sending debris flying into the swampy water.

Three shambling mounds remained around the party.  Kildo cast, Spirit Guardians.  Wisps of energy burrowed up through the creatures, sending radiant damage through their forms.  One began to wilt and fall apart.  The remaining two, who weren’t stunned, slammed into the cleric with piston-like power.  Pausing to spit blood, Kildo cast, Toll the Dead.  Dolorous bells rang around one.  Its vegetable-like form shuddered and fell apart into a pile of sticks and leaves.

Walking up to the last one, still stunned by Guo Gan’s prior attack, began swiping back and forth.   The foliage flew from side to side as he weed-whacked the creature into compost.

Kildo noticed a ripple in the water.  Expecting something to emerge from the brackish liquid, the ground shook again under his feet, like he was on a stage and someone below was moving it. 

“Keep moving!  I can see light!” Kai yelled as he followed a small northern path around the back of the lake to a cavern exit.   

The ground had a spongy feel as it sprang back as Kildo passed.  Looking at the black lake, the last of the ripples passed as the earthquake subsided.  He saw bodies of blind fish covered with leeches floating on the surface.  Stupid parasites killing their host.  Now what are they going to feed on?  He then noticed that it looked like Guo Gan was possibly tempted to dive in to find treasure.  He warned, “Whatever ye be thinking monk, going into that water not be a good one.”        

Following Kai, the cavern turned eastwards and ended in a secret door.  Someone had opened a wall into a long hallway and a large, lighted square room at the end.  He could see stone chairs lined in a half-circle facing them.  A spiral staircase was in the southwest corner of the room. 

Looking at Scomatch, the halfling was disheveled and worse for wear.  Kildo himself was hurt and bruised.  “Something be in there are we not be in the best of shape.”  He then began to cast, Cure Wounds on himself and then again, but twice on Scomatch.  As the healing energy coursed through their bodies, Kai also healed himself.  The dexterous Guo Gan had remained relatively untouched. 

Encroaching down the hallway, five shadows moved within the room.  It was occupied. 

Scomatch’s index finger began to glow.  He was beginning to cast, Fireball.

“Wait, we don’t know if they are friendly,” Kai said, motioning to the halfling.

Scomatch’s eyebrow raised as he snorted, “Really? We’re in a slavers pit.”

“Light them up.”

A bright streak flashed from the wizard into the room.  It was engulfed in flames. 

Kildo couldn’t argue with Scomatch’s logic.  It was likely more slavers, as the room didn’t appear to be a prison cell.  He began casting, Flame Strike.  A vertical column of divine fire roared down from the ceiling.  More purifying flame bathed the room.

A human fighter appeared at the end of the passageway.  It was a heavily armored hoplomachus.  He had a large helmet with holes throughout for sight and breathing.  It gave him an almost fish-like appearance.  A blacked plume of feathers, possibly white at one point, was burned and frayed on top.  Heavy armor covered his left arm, legs, and thick leather strips reinforced with chain around his groin.  He held a pair of spears and a metal shield.  He was a gladiator and held the confidence of a fighter who became more confident with each battle.   

He threw both spears down the corridor.  One struck Kai.  His plate armor kept it from completely penetrating.  “Come on little fishy.  Cassiok Shadowdust, come here and look.  It’s my lucky day.  I’ve never killed a triton before.” 

Another human figure appeared.  Short with long black hair, his skin was heavily pockmarked and beat read, likely from the fireball and flame strike.   He had an oblong face with a braided mustache. He gestured profusely as Cassiok Shadowdust said, “Those are the ones that spoke with Shatterkeel.”  Touching his singed eyebrows, he continued.  “I see you like to play with fire.  I prefer we play in the cold!”  Cassiok began casting, Cone of Cold.

“Something about me.  I don’t play well with others,” Scomatch snarled as he countered the cold spell.  A few snowflakes sputtered from the slaver wizard’s fingers. 

Kai charged down the corridor into the room and lunged with Wave.  One prong hit the wizard Cassiok as radiant damage blasted into him. 

Following the Paladin, Guo Gan’s quarterstaff came crashing down at the slaver caster.  A magical barrier of force sprung into existence, deflecting the attacks. 

A wave of healing energy washed across the room, regenerating the slavers as a human war priest covered with tribal tattoos cast, Mass Healing Word.

Scoffing at the minimal healing, Kildo decided to show how a true cleric takes care of their party.  “Life is death. Death is Rebirth. Rebirth is life.”  Kai glowed with curing energy as he cast, Heal.      

Another fireball flew into the room from Scomatch as the slavers attempted to find cover. 

Plowing forward, the gladiator lunged with a spear.  Guo Gan dodged out of the way, but the attack was a ploy as he bashed into the monk with his medium shield.  The elf teetered and almost fell but managed to remain standing.    

“Ouch!” Scomatch called out as a rogue human emerged from the shadows and lashed out at the halfling. He was nicked on the forearm as a trickle of blood seeped from the wound.  “That hurt!”

“That’s nothing compared to the pain you will be feeling once Torbit’s home-brewed poison courses through your veins.”

Scoffing, Scomatch said, “Not only am I poison strong, I’m magic strong too!”  The halfling mage cast, Counterspell.  Like before, snowflakes sputtered from Cassiok’s fingers as he negated the slaver’s cone of cold spell, again. 

Growling at the halfling, a silvery mist briefly covered Cassiok’s as he misty stepped away to the far, southeast side of the room. 

A human walked toward Guo Gan.  He ripped off a burnt shirt. He was branded with a prisoner marking on the left arm and covered in heavy tattoos, which appeared to be a drawing of crab armor.  Bald, his brown eyes squinted as he bowed slightly to the elf. 

“Brother Killjoy.”

“Guo Gan.”

Both monks went into a fighting stance.  They circled each other.  Brother Killjoy launched into four fast kicks and punches.  Guo Gan slapped away or dodged each.  Instead of striking back, the elf dashed toward the slaver wizard Cassiok.  The monk flew into a flying kick and bashed with his quarterstaff.  The attacks were precise.  At the last moment, a magical shield flew up and deflected the blows.    

Cassiok Shadowdust snorted haughtily at Guo Gan’s.  The slaver wizard began to cast when a thin green ray struck the caster in the chest.  He looked up and saw the halfling Scomatch aiming his finger at him.  The wizard screamed in agony as his form disintegrated and was reduced to a pile of fine grey ash. 

“You’ll pay for that peck!” Torbit yelled as his short swords came slashing in. 

At the last moment, they were intercepted by Kai’s trident.  Pushing the rogue back, he thrust with Wave. The slaver weaved away from the paladin.  Lunging again, one of the trident prongs struck Torbit in the buttocks.   

With the slaver wizard nothing more than a sneezing hazard, Guo Gan turned his attention back to the monk, Brother Killjoy.  The elf stopped mid-step as a warping bubble formed around him.  Turning, the war priest was casting, Banishment.  Struggling, Guo Gan pushed through the distorting space and resisted the spell’s effects.  

Brother Killjoy was there a moment later as his foot slammed into Guo Gan’s abdomen.

Kildo saw the gladiator move behind Kai, trying to protect Scomatch.  He cast, Guardian of Faith.  A towering spectral guardian in the form of a dwarf appeared next to the slaver fighter.  The manifestation comprised a war hammer and shield with the blazing ankh symbol of Rigga, the Earthmother.  The Guardian made a sweeping motion as the magical weapon’s radiant damage blasted into the gladiator. 

Undeterred, the slaver thrust with his spear, striking Kai from behind.  His plate armor provided some protection from the tip.

Ignoring the blow, Kai concentrated on the rogue Torbit.  Thrusting with Wave, the slaver easily dodged the attack.  Lunging again, two of the trident’s prongs stuck into Torbit's upper chest.  The two squared off against each other.  Armor versus dexterity.  It would come down to who would tire first, and neither had broken a sweat.

Sighing, Scomatch said, “Nothing has changed.”  The halfling cast, Chromatic Orb.  A four-inch diameter sphere of bubbling liquid formed and shattered above Torbit. Acid began to melt the rogue from above.  He writhed in agony as he died.  Exposing bone, muscle, and flesh, a horrible stench filled the room.

“Still gross,” Guo Gan remarked as he moved to engage the war priest.  Bringing Qiekamis upwards, it connected with the slaver cleric’s groin, stunning him.  A roundhouse kick to the head knocked the war priest to the ground.   Bringing his quarterstaff smashing downwards, it crushed the neck of the slaver, ending him.   

With three of the slavers down, just the gladiator and Brother Killjoy, the monk, remained.  Kildo would be hard-pressed to hit the elusive slaver monk, so he turned his attention to the gladiator attacking Kai.  He cast, Toll the Dead.  It didn’t seem to have any effect, as the spell couldn’t penetrate the fighter’s thick, metal helm.  Changing tactics, he cast, Spiritual Weapon.  A spectral blue war hammer appeared next to the slaver.  It smashed into the gladiator's head, but the full helm protected him.    

Ignoring the dwarf’s attacks, the gladiator bashed into the back of the paladin with his shield.  Kai was knocked to the ground, as he was stabbed twice.  Blood poured from the wounds. 

Attempting to rise, Kai was struck in the back of the head by Brother Killjoy.  The paladin went down hard and didn’t rise.  The monk then turned to Kildo.  He side-kicked.  Kildo blocked the blow by throwing up his shield, but the impact caused it to smash into his face. 

“Get Kai up! I’ll distract them!” Scomatch called out as he cast, Fireball.  The room ignited in flames, which curved around the party. 

Channeling divinity and praying to Rigga, a wave of healing energy burst from the cleric into Kai.  The paladin stirred awake.

The two slavers saw what Kildo had done.  Both turned on the prone paladin.  The gladiator stabbed, and Brother Killjoy beat and kicked at Kai until he no longer moved.   

“No!” Guo Gan screamed as Qiekamis came smashing downward.  The quarterstaff’s end bashed into and heavily dented the gladiator’s helm.  Metal bent into his head, and blood sprayed out from the visor.  The fighter fell to his knees and slumped over dead.  Ramming his staff backward, its end smashed into Brother Killjoy's groin.  The monk doubled over, stunned. 

“You guys don’t do anything!” Scomatch called out as he threw another chromatic orb filled with bubbling green liquid at the slaver monk.  As the acid sizzled his skin, Brother Killjoy recovered and ducked into a roll to his feet and avoided being melted.   

The party then converged on the last slaver, Brother Killjoy. 

Kildo commanded his spiritual war hammer. It swung and smashed into the back of the monk.  He then upcast, Heal sending a powerful wave of healing energy into Kai.  Blood stopped, and wounds began to stitch themselves together.

Awaking, Kai gripped Wave and thrusted again and again at Brother Killjoy.  The slaver monk dodged right and left, avoiding the trident.  Bringing the butt around, it smashed into the monk’s side.

Qiekamis came crashing down.  The slaver caught the quarterstaff.  The two struggled as Guo Gan unleashed a powerful snap kick, connecting with Brother Killjoy’s groin.  The monk was stunned.  Letting the staff go an grabbing the slaver's head, there was a sickening sound as Guo Gan snapped Brother Killjoy’s neck. 

The ink tattoos of the crab armor of the monk slavers began to dissolve.  A moment later, they appeared on Guo Gan.   

“It be a curse,” Kildo exclaimed.

“I don’t feel cursed,” Guo Gan replied, examining the crab-like tattoos.

“We’ll figure it out later! Come on!” Kai shouted as he began to ascend the spiral stairway going up.    

The party crossed the room.  Kildo followed Kai.  He glanced at the nine, flash burnt stone chairs.  Each had a set of initials: SK, TN, EC, LF, EF, MD, BK, AN, and DH.  DH?  Could that possibly be Dito Hammerhand, his older brother?  He heard rumors he enslaved people wherever he could, and from conversations with Lady Icosa, he was a regular customer of hers.  He had to believe his brother, right or wrong, would only enslave evil creatures and men.  He didn’t think he would join or even be part of the nine slave lords.  These questions remained unanswered.  However, he did know that he had to add more goodness into the world than Dito Hammerhand added evil.   

Emerging from the stairwell, Kildo felt and was blasted by immense heat.  Looking, they were back on the surface on the eastern side of the Rock of Series.  In the southwestern section of the asteroid, there was a massive opening of the rock’s crust.  Lava, ash, and gas erupted from a cone-shaped landform. A large magma flow was spreading and already encompassed a third of the asteroid.  A massive volcano was erupting. 

“The nine hells, a volcano,” Kildo exclaimed. 

 Kai snorted, “I’m fire strong. I’ll get us out of here.  Now run!”






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