“Holy mother of the gods!” Kildo stammered falling out of his hammock to the wooden deck of the Emerald Eel with a solid ‘thud’. Groaning and collecting himself, he looked up as Kai, Guo Gan, Zzee and Mufi stared intently down at him.
“The colored cloaks visited our dreams last night. Did they visit yours too?” Kai asked helping the dwarf up. “The ones with the green flames.”
Stretching and scratching his beard, he felt a little unease in just his cloth nightshirt. Pouring some water in a basin and splashing his face, he then retrieved his copper clasps and began braiding his three sectioned beard. He thought back to his dreams from last night. They were on the edge of his memory and threatening to vanish. He closed his eyes. He remembered the green flames and the orcish sailor, Strelga sharing her flask with him. He then felt the call of nature, which would have to wait. He pushed the water basin away.
Mufi said, “They visited my dreams. The brown cloak waived its arm, pointing at the blue cloak. “So, you are the replacement for Shoalar?”
Zzee said, “The black cloak nodded. Now we are a complete table once again.”
Kai said, “The yellow cloak held its hands together. What does our newest member bring to the alliance?”
Guo Gan said, “The red cloak stated. Enough, which one of you holds the key stone.”
“What did the green cloak say?” Kai asked.
All eyes then turned to Kildo. He recalled the green flame and seeing the inside of a familiar dark chamber. Six cloaked figures stood around a table. A seventh figure, clad in a blue cloak stepped into the space he remembered standing in the last time he had this dream. The green cloak looked to where he was standing. “He said it is too soon to expect anyone to answer that question.”
“Great more riddlez,” Zzee bemoaned.
The door to Kildo’s quarters then burst open. In walked Captain Quint Halfbeard. He was taken back a bit at seeing everyone here. “Oh, ye all be here. Good. Kai, I want ye to go back to Scarlet Peeks and be seeing if Lex Luthor be wanting his stuff back. Take Guo Gan, Zzee and Kildo with ye. Mufi be needing you to stay on the ship. I be wanting my navigator onboard in case we be needing to leave. I not be liking the Howling Hatred anchored in the bay. Now, Dirty Hank be having breakfast in the galley, so get some food in yer belly, get that cargo sold, and by the nine hells, find a buyer for that twice-damnable blue gem, before it be cursing us all!”
After getting dressed, the group met in the galley. Yawning portal buttermilk biscuits were overflowing in several baskets on the table. Also were apple butter, elderberry preserves, and strawberry jam to slather on if desired. Scrambled eggs, salted pork, and cheese were available to turn the biscuits into a breakfast toasty. Watered down, light beer was available to drink. It was good to be in port where a variety of foodstuffs were available.
In short order, the party had rowed to the docks in Scarlet Peek harbor. After a few inquiries, they were directed them to a large warehouse. On the outside were two overlapping ‘LL’. The party then realized it was the same place where they fought the mud mephits. Kildo spotted a small, dried patch of mud where one of them had been dispatched. The dwarf kicked at it until it was completely dispersed.
Entering the warehouse, it was a little dark inside, but light shined through some upper windows. A few burley men using pulley systems were moving boxes, crates, and cask that were coming in and going out. Kai saw a woman with pulled-back, black hair who was checking off inventory and likely a manager.
Clearing his throat to gain her attention, Kai said, “Pardon ms. We’d like to make an appointment to see Lex Luthor.”
Turning, the woman looked them up and down. “Ah, the green snakes. One moment.” She left and headed towards a door, knocked, and entered. It was several heartbeats later when she exited and approached them. “Mr. Luthor will see you. Follow me.”
Entering the same door the woman exited, Lex Luthor sat behind a surprisingly small desk, but it was filled with stacks of paper. He rose as they entered.
“Thank you, Marci,” Lex Luthor said to the woman.
“Greetings Mr. Luthor,” Kai said
“Ah, the Scavenger Hunt winners of Shoalar’s blue gem. Welcome, what can I do for you?” Lex Luthor asked.
“It appears we may have found some of your property,” Kai said.
“Oh, really? Was it a truffle?”
“Uh, no. However, I’d like to clarify, as it seemed like you were suggesting we stole your truffle. We did pay one gold piece for it,” Kai explained.
“Of course. What other property of mine have you found?” Lex Luthor inquired.
“We found 50 bolts of silk, 40 casks of brandy, and 40 cases of wine,” Kai replied.
“Interesting,” Luthor said in a suspicious tone. He began to shuffle through several stacks of paper before retrieving one. Pulling it out, he reviewed it for a moment. “That shipment went missing a few months ago.” He then paused and then continued in a more normal tone, “And before you showed up. Where did you come across this?”
“We busted up a smuggling ring. Possibly, other things. We noticed your ‘LL’ logo on the items and thought you might be interested in their return.”
“Yes, I would. I’d also like to know who took those things from me.”
“We don’t know for sure, but the smugglers were working out of the Alchemist manor house,” Kai said.
“Really, the haunted house? He sent you? Were there any ghosts?” Luthor asked.
Clicking his tongue, Kai said, “Yes, that was us. It wasn’t haunted, some undead, but they weren’t making all the noises and the flashes of lights.”
Guo Gan then added, “Yes, the smugglers and undead came right for us, but it was definitely the smugglers and not the undead that took your stuff.”
“What made him pick you?”
Kildo said, “He wanted some independent people to check it out.”
Rubbing his chin Luthor commented, which seemed more out loud, than to the group, “He normally sends up idiots.”
Kai then stammered, “Uh, are you suggesting that he didn’t want the truth discovered?”
“No. No, of course not. I’ll just need to look into it further. In the meantime, based off of the amount of goods you were able to liberate, I believe 500 gp will cover all of the trouble you went through. I’ll notify Captain Halfbeard to bring the ship up to the docks and I’ll have my people unload it.”
“Now that business is over, Mr. Luthor I’d like to ask you a few questions, if I may?” Kai said.
The party’s eye went wide as Luthor shouted her name.
The door opened, “Yes, Mr. Luthor.”
“Please bring in some snacks for our guests. Oh, some of that heated corn, which pops open that the manly man shipped in.”
“Yes, popcorn and something to drink. Tea?”
“I don’t drink, tea,” Kildo stated flatly.
“What do you drink?”
“Not tea.”
“Beer then?” Luthor said tilting his head inquiring. “I know, see if we have any Death Head brew left.”
As Marci left, Kai asked, “What do you know about those hippogriff riders?”
“Ah, yes. They are nosy, but it’s hard to find out what they are doing on Spiral Island to the northwest. In fact, I’ve heard they’ve has asked about your little group.”
Guo Gan then blurted out asking, “Are you a slaver?”
The entire group turned and stared at the elven monk. Kai eyes shot daggers.
“No…that would be illegal.”
There were several heartbeats of silence. The door then opened and Marci entered. She was carrying a large tray. There was a pitcher with five mugs. In the middle was a bowl of small, snowy white butterfly and mushroomed shaped fluffiness. They had a light crispy texture giving off the pleasing aroma of salt and hot, melted butter that filled the room.
“Apologies, but there are no more cases of Death Head brew. The last of our stock was shipped out a few days ago to an arch-wizard in Phandalin,” Marci said.
“Ah!” Kildo exclaimed in excitement as he took a mug and a handful of popcorn. Chewing, he asked, “What ye be knowing about lizardmen around here?”
“Rumor is a community arrived recently, but the council is keeping an ear to the ground about them,” Luthor replied.
Kildo asked, “Do you know how many lizardmen there are?”
“Dozens, hundreds possibly. It’s a swamp over there and I don’t care to get my feet dirty,” Luthor said.
“Have they made any threats or attacked any nearby islands?” Kai asked.
“Not that I’m aware of?”
“Any reason why they might be hostile?” Kai asked.
“Based off of your lizardfolk, they all seem hostile,” Luthor replied.
Zzee shrugged his shoulders not denying the logic.
Luthor then continued, “There are indicators they don’t want any visitors. However, I understand one of your rivals, the Tomb Raiders, went over there a few days ago. Not sure who hired them and no one mentioned it in the last city council meeting. However, there are other things more important at the moment then a bunch of lizardmen on another island.”
“Like the Howling Hatred anchored in the bay?” Kai probed. “What are they doing here?”
“Unknown. They arrived yesterday. Some of them came over on shore leave, but it’s a big vessel, so if its shore leave they want, they’ll be here for some time to rotate the sailors in and out,” Luthor said.
“They haven’t made contact with the council?” Kai asked.
“That would be city business and they haven’t said they want anything from the city. Some of the sailors in the taverns asked about the scavenger hunt tournament, which was odd as they were extremely late for it,” Luthor replied.
“Where they informed on who won. That we won?” Kai asked.
“Most certainly. It’s a small island and not a lot of new things to talk about. You see, everyone knows everything about everybody,” Luthor explained.
Kai said, “Thank you for your time. Is it possible to talk to the town council? There might be a connection between the smugglers, the lizardmen, and the Tomb Raiders going out to their island.”
“You are in luck. Copperlocks is in town. She and her crew typically hold up and spend their silver at ‘The Salty Miner Pub’, so I’ll get something set up for tomorrow morning.”
After asking for directions, the party found the tavern. It was a wooden building a little larger than the surrounding structures. Warm light illuminated the windows covered by canvas awnings. A large sign on the front entrance read “The Salty Miner Pub.”
The four entered and the yeasty smell of ale and other hard liquors permeated the air. To the left of the room, a curved bar with recessed shelves held small kegs and bottles. To the right a burning hearth with a crossed shovel and mining pick mounted over it. A circular metal chandelier suspended by chains lit the room. Eighty percent of the customers were dwarves. The tavern was a burst of talk and laugher with the tinkling of plates and glasses. They saw Copperlock sitting at one of the back tables. She wore thick leather clothing and had braided, copper colored hair, but didn’t have a beard. She was flanked by two powerfully build dwarves.
The group approached Copperlocks with Kildo leading. “How ye be doing lass?”
“Ah, them tournament winners ye be? Congratulations.”
“Thank ye. We be coming across a crate of mining tools and be wanting to ask if ye be interested in purchasing them,” Kildo said as he pulled a pick shoved through his belt behind him.
“Where ye be getting them?” Copperlocks asked examining the tool.
“From a bunch of smugglers on their ship,” Kildo replied.
“I’m not familiar with the markings on them. So, they be stolen?”
Gulping loudly, Kai said, “Liberated, but they are good quality.”
Kildo and Copperlocks both shot offended glances at the paladin.
“Of course they be good quality tools, otherwise Kildo wouldn’t be offering to sell them to me. He’s not a thieving human,” Copperlocks shot back. Scoffing, she turned her eyes slowly back to Kildo. “How much ye be selling them for?”
“They not be dwarven, but quality make, so they be worth 200 gold pieces says I,” Kildo said.
“I be taking them off your hands for 250 gold pieces,” Copperlocks said.
“Wow, that’s very generous! Thank you,” Kai exclaimed.
Snorting, Kildo motioned for Kai to come down. “These dwarves be miners, not tool makers, so they be buying any tools they be needing from the mainland. These tools be costing them twice that amount, so she be in fact low balling the price on us,” Kildo explained whispering into his ear. “Ye need to be backing up, as she be thinking you be insulting her for being cheap. Not a wise thing to be doing in a tavern full of drunken dwarves.”
Kai looked up, Copperlocks and her two associates seated next to her were glaring daggers at him. Glancing around, the other dwarves were motioning to each other. They added their heavy stares. Gulping hard, Kai cleared his throat and said, “You drive a hard bargain. I can see why you’re their leader.”
Copperlocks pushed her mug towards Kildo, who took it, drank, and handed it back. The dwarf female then took it and drank too. Her demeanor relaxed as she said, “Deal. Payment on delivery.”
Breathing a sigh of relief, Kai asked, “I’m sure you’ve noticed the Howling Hatred in the bay. Have you heard if they’ve had any dealings on the island?”
“Nah, their sailors be on shore leave. I be having no interactions with them.”
Guo Gan asked, “Do you know if someone hired them?”
“I be knowing very little about them. Their captain been in and out, but don’t be knowing much about him either. As long as they stay away from me mine, I don’t be caring what they do. Speaking of what they do. What else have ye and yer group been up to?”
“We be hired by Anders to be checking the house on haunted hill. We be finding some undead that need to be reminded that they be dead,” Kildo explained.
Kai asked, “Why does Anders care about that house so much?”
“He be an idiot that be caring about idiot things. He’s always be like that, so he might be the dumbest person on the council or the cleverest. Ye never know how that one be voting on anything,” Copperlocks scoffed.
Kai asked, “Have you heard anything about these Tomb Raiders and why they left the island?”
“I figured most of these scavenger hunt groups would have been leaving this island by now, including yerselves. All I be knowing is they rented a rowboat and left for Kyrox.”
Guo Gan asked, “Are the lizardmen at war with anyone?”
“Not that I be knowing. Should I be aware of something? Zzee be nosy and really wanting in me mine,” Copperlocks said turning her stare at the lizardfolk.
“Nah. Speaking of nosey, ye be seeing the hippogriff riders lately?”
“Yah, the pests be flying around and be looking down at us, even when they be on the ground. Most of the time they be coming from out from the sun, so we can’t be seeing them. Annoying as they be, they be expert riders, so be cautious.”
The party then headed back towards Hillside Manor where they approached Ander’s dwelling. A servant escorted them into a room where they found Anders. Scaren was present too. He was swapping documents in and out for him to sign.
Looking up, Scaren said, “What can we do for you gentlemen.”
“We have some questions,” Kai said as they all stared folding their arms at Scaren.
“Of course,” Scaren said and grabbed the documents and led them out of the room.
Kai glanced at the papers as Scaren passed, which appeared to be various legal documents. Scaren led them into another room filled with shelves of books and a few comfortable couches to sit.
“Now, what can I answer for you?”
Kai asked, “Why did you really send us to the haunted house. Did you know about the smugglers and the undead there? Why the interest in the house?”
“I didn’t think you’d find undead. Anders was just interested in the ghosts. He finds the concept of them fascinating, at a safe distance of course. However, I suspected something else was going on.”
Guo Gan asked, “Then why did you send all of the idiot groups up there?”
“I wasn’t sending any ‘idiot’ groups up there. I’ve been telling Anders that he was hiring the wrong people to investigate. When you won the tournament and didn’t have any connections to the island, is the reason why I hired you,” Scaren explained.
Kildo asked, “What ye be knowing about them Tomb Raiders leaving toward Kyrox. Who be hiring them?”
“I didn’t know they left and don’t know who hired them.”
“What ye be knowing about the Howling Hatred in the bay then?” Kildo questioned.
“Ah, that is an interesting one. It does seem like something is starting to rev up.”
Guo Gan asked, “Any wars expected to happen soon?”
“No, but there’s always secretive groups and secretive battles for control. I’m just concerned about keeping things running smoothly around town,” Scaren said. “I’ve found there has always been a healthy rumor mill at The Broken Swords Taverns. One can hear many things, but digging maybe needed to find the truth among them, as it is not always clear.”
Later in the evening, they found the Broken Swords Tavern. A post held the bar’s sign, which displayed two crossed-but-broken, long swords. Even before they entered, they heard the din of boisterous claims, drunken toasts, and unrestrained laughter.
Entering, smoky lamps lit the interior room with dingy yellow light, revealing a tavern full of patrons. A bartender and three barmaids weaved throughout to take and fill orders. Sweet smelling, thick wooden logs fueled the hearth, which also acted as an insect repellant. It was an expensive, but welcome commodity on the island.
The group decided to split up and mill through the tavern.
Kildo walked past a table of human who hushed has he passed. Noticing their uneasy quietness, he walked around a support beam and attempted to appear out of ear shot. Within a few heartbeats, he heard the following.
“I’m worried about those damn dwarves. Mark my words, they are going to dig too deep and unleash something horrible on this island.”
On the other side of the room, Guo Gan listened in on two humans talking between sips of their whisky. “I tell ya, them dwarves are doing all the sabotage on the boats. They aren’t just doing digging in that mine. They are trying to take over this town.”
Zzee had a more difficult time. Everyone stopped their conversations and stared at him. The lizardfolk then changed tactics. He went to a corner and stood as perfectly still as he could. Within thirty minutes, it seemed he had blended into the surroundings. He then heard two humans talking. “Sometimes if you go out on the docks on a moonless night, you’ll meet the ghost of a sailor who drowned. If you guide him home, he’ll grant you a wish. However, if you bring him to the wrong one, he’ll strangler you. That’s what happened to him.”
Kai walked up to the bar. There was a human drunkard talking very loudly to a companion. “It’s true, I tell ya! If you ever see someone on the docks in a red cloak, give them a copper piece and they will hook you up to smugglers from another world and sell you stuff you’ve never heard of before.”
“What can I get for you?” the bartender asked. He was young, maybe late teens early twenties. He had short, brown hair parted in the middle and wore an off-white shirt and leather pants.
Kai said, “I’m looking for information about a group calling themselves the Tomb Raiders.”
“Yeah, yeah, yeah. They were in here the other day. They were talking to someone, but I didn’t see who it was they were wearing a cloak with their hood up. They stuck out and it was odd, seeing that it was a warm night. The cloaked fella pushed a coin purse across towards them, so they got money for something. Shortly afterwards, they were buying drinks and asked me if I knew someone that they could rent a boat from.”
“Who’s boat?”
“I told them about Howland. He’s been hung up on a broken leg, so he’s been renting it out to make some extra coin.”
“Where does Howland live?” Kai questioned.
“Down by the docks. Fourth house on 2nd street.”
“What’s the word on the Howling Hatred?” Kai asked.
“Nasty looking fellas and the type that would cause trouble. They drink and they are loud, but haven’t caused any problems, except being intimidating. However, it almost seems like an act, like they want people to know what they are doing. I didn’t ask any questions as they always paid for their drinks. So, whatever business they have, I hope they do it quickly, quietly, and leave.”
Arriving at the fourth house on 2nd street, the group found a middle-aged woman was tending her garden, using the moonlight to guide her.
“Does Howland live here?” Kai asked.
“Howland! You have visitors!” the woman yelled and pointed towards the door.
Inside, a middle-aged man sat on a chair with his leg up in a tight splint. Looking up Howland asked, “Hello, what can I do for you?”
Kai said, “I see you are laid up and heard you rented out your boat to a group calling themselves the Tomb Raiders.”
“Yes, they were going to take it for a spin around the island to go fishing.”
“Did you find that credible?” Kai asked.
“Their gold was credible and being an optimist, they’ll return my boat.”
Kildo asked, “How ye be breaking yer leg?”
“Oh, I was helping some dwarves on a boat and the rigging snapped.”
Kai moved towards Howland and bent down. Laying his hands on his leg, healing energy coursed up and down. He then started to remove the splint.
“Wow, thank you, sir.”
“Welcome, now, and say your life would depend on you remembering, who sent them?”
Howland turned his eyes up in thought and said, “If I had to guess someone from the Broken Swords tavern. That’s where most people find out information. That’s how you found out about me, I reckon.”
“Thank you. Good luck with your two healthy legs and watch for the riggings,” Kai said.
“I’m not worried. You see, things have always worked out for me. My leg breaks, someone rents out my boat. Then a paladin comes in and heals my leg,” Howland explained.
Leaving Howland’s dwelling, Kai said, I think we need to go back to the Broken Swords. Entering, the group noted that there was a new bartender.
“Hey, where is the old bartender?” Kai asked elbowing his way to the bar.
“Johnny? Said he wasn’t feeling well and left a short time ago,” the new bartender said and then peered around Kai and stared at Zzee and stammered, “You’re the group that won the scavenger hunt with that lizardfolk.”
“Obviously,” Zzee hissed.
“Why is that important?” Kai asked.
“Johnny always kept talking it up that someone should be looking into them lizardmen on the next island over. He really started going off when you came in with a lizardfolk and won the scavenger hunt.”
“Where does Johnny live?”
“Second house on 4th street.”
* * *
“He’s inside alright, alone,” Guo Gan said as he returned from peering inside Johnny’s dwelling, which was small and not more than a couple interior rooms. “He’s shoveling stuff into a single bag. He looks like he’s about to leave.”
The party went to the door and finding it unlocked, opened it and bursted in. “Going somewhere Johnny?” Kai asked.
“I’m just taking some time off. Now, if you don’t mind get out,” Johnny said holding his one bag.
“We know you’ve been talking about those lizardmen and we are pretty sure you are the one who paid the Tomb Raiders to go to Kyrox. So, you are going to tell us why and then we’ll leave you alone, or you may find yourself going for a midnight swim,” Kai explained.
“Look, the Tomb Raiders were looking for some work. A guy in the bar said that someone should check out to see what the lizardmen were doing. I agree with him. He gave me the money to find someone to send. I don’t know what the big deal is as they are just dirty lizards and you know how dirty lizards are,” Johnny said.
“Who gave you the gold to pay them?” Kai asked.
“They are going to kill me if I talk about them.”
“What makes you think you will walk out of this house alive, if you don’t tell us?” Kai inquired.
“You guys won’t kill me.”
Kai rose up above Johnny and said, “Tell us what you know and we’ll take care of the problem. If you don’t tell us we are going to find out, take care of them, and then come back and take care of you.”
“They’ll feed me to the hippogriffs, if I say anything!”
Guo Gan then stepped between Kai and Johnny and said, “If you are running for your life, we’ll get you off the island, so pack everything you have tonight.”
“I already have. It’s all in my one bag.”
“Alright, Johnny One Bags, come to the docks tomorrow morning. You’ll see a four armed sahuagin named Ghald Fourarms. Tell him that Guo Gan said to give you a job on the Emerald Eel,” the monk said.
* * *
The following morning, Kai, Guo Gan, Zzee, Imago, and Kildo were motioned into the town council chamber. Zzee and Kildo carried in a tarped, wooden box. It was heavy from their strain. Seated at a half-circle table, sat Anders, Copperlocks, Lex Luthor, and an older woman who presided over the scavenger hunt. A nameplate in from of her read, Lady Cameal. The last person, was the guard who had helped them fight off the mud mephits at the award ceremony where they received the blue gem. The nameplate in front of him read, Sherriff Eliander.
He motioned and the doors to the room were closed, so they were the only ones present. No other civilians were in the room. “Emerald Eels, we’ve been told that you have import news to present before the Council of Scarlet Peeks?”
Kai stepped in front of the group and began, “Yes, we’ve investigated the House on Haunted Hill. The hauntings were a mask for a smuggling operation working out of the mansion. We’ve disrupted their activities and commandeered their ship. Among their stolen items were bolts of cloth and casts of brandy and wine, which were returned to Mr. Luthor.”
Lex Luthor looked to the council members who glanced his way and nodded to Kai in thanks.
Kai walked over to the covered crate they brought in. Pulling back the tarp in dramatic fashion, Kai kicked the side of the wooden crate and armaments spilled out across the floor. “As you can see, they were also smuggling weapons.”
The council members rose from their seat to get a better look. Sherriff Eliander walked around the table and examined a few of the weapons. He asked, “Who were these for?”
“Onboard the smuggler’s ship were three lizardmen, who were to receive them upon arrival at their destination, which we believe was Kyrox,” Kai explained. “Another group, the Tomb Raiders, were paid to go to Kyrox with the thought of seeing what they were up to, too. However, they have not been heard from. So, the lizardmen could be a threat, so we wanted to bring it to the council. We’ll also leave these weapons in your capable hands.”
“We should be selling them weapons,” Kildo said, but a little too loudly.
Sherriff Eliander quickly said, “It would be better if these weapons stay off the streets. We have a buy-back program, which we’ll be glad to pay you one gold per weapons.” Counting with his fingers and muttering to himself, he continued, “That’s 10 morning stars, 10 longswords, 20 javelins, so 40 gold.”
Zzee then hisses, “Those 10 zhields can be used as a weapon.”
Sighing, Sherriff Eliander said, “Alright, 50 gold.”
Kildo nudged the lizardfolk playfully, nodded and beamed in excitement.
Sherriff Eliander continued, “Now, if you’ll give us a few minutes in private to discuss the matter.”
Ushered out of the room, the party could hear them discussing the situation, but couldn’t make out their muffled conversations. After about thirty minutes, Lex Luthor motioned from them to return.
Lady Cameal addressed the group. “We are all very troubled by this turn of events and news of the lizardmen on our doorstep. We wanted to request that you go over and determine, discretely, what they are doing. Be our mediators.”
“Us?” Kai asked. “Wouldn’t more experience people be better to attend to matters such as these?”
“Well, you do have a lizardfolk with you and thus would be perfect as an intermediator,” Lady Cameal explained.
“Yeah, if I could stick my hand up his arse and move his mouth for him,” Kai mumbled.
“In addition, we have a sloop ready and can slip you out the back, as there is also the concern about a certain vessel in the harbor,” Lady Cameal said .
“So, it’ll be kept confidential among the council?” Kai asked.
“Of course. It does sound like secrecy is of importance, since we haven’t heard back from the Tomb Raiders,” Lady Cameal replied.
“This will also inconvenience our current employer, Captain Quint Halfbeard, so we are hoping the council will make up for our temporary absence,” Kai probed.
“Of course we will.”
* * *
Kai, Guo Gan, Zzee, Imago, and Kildo sat on the sloop provided by the Scarlet Peek town council. It had one mast and a jib, which was a triangular sail that sat ahead of the foremast of the vessel. It was making good speed across the waves.
They were an hour out from Scarlet Peeks, when a fish creature popped its head out of the water and swam next to their craft using fins, which were small compared to its size. Its body was round and plump with pale green scales with a dull white underbelly. Big black eyes stared at them and its mouth was shaped making it appear it had a perpetual grin. It was a Locathah.
It spoke, as if someone was gargling water, “Hi, fellow triton. How’s it swimming and why are you on top of the waves?”
Kai answered, “My companions don’t do well in the water. Especially, that one.” The paladin then pointed to Kildo.
“Hey, that be how stereotypes be getting started,” Kildo snorted folding his arms and mumbled, “We can swim if we want to.”
“Where are you heading?” the Locathah asked.
“The island of Kyrox. We understand there are some lizardmen over there. Have you had any contact with them?” Kai asked.
“Yeah, maybe we’ll see you over there.”
“Have you seen them attack anyone,” Kai questioned.
“No, they have some other problem, but our ambassador is over there. You should tell them Sam said hi,” the Locathah said.
“We understand they are being led by a queen. Do you know anything about her?”
“No, you know lizardmen are half-in and half-out folk. We are all about the sea,” the Locathah said.
“Have you encountered the hippogriff riders out this way?” Kai asked.
“No, don’t have much to do with things in the air.”
“There may have been some earlier surface dwellers on a boat coming across a few days ago. Did you happen to run into any of them,” Kai questioned.
“No, I wouldn’t have said ‘hi’ to you if you weren’t a triton.”
Kai nodded and asked, “How’s the water between here and the island?”
“Wet and clear. Take care triton and try not to get dried out,” the Locathah replied and he dove under the waves.
The party continued to sail on and made good time. Before long a large island came into sight. They didn’t see anyone walking along the coastlines. On the north side of the island was a sea cave, but the mast of the sloop wouldn’t fit through. There was a cave on the rock face above the water and a path half way up the rocky area that led off into the interior of the island. It was possibly they could find it inland, but they’d have to find someplace to land. At the moment, there was nowhere to pull the sloop in, as it was all a rocky cliff.
Weighing the options, Kai said, “I’m going to check out the cave area. You wait here.” He then dove overboard and headed for the water level entrance. The light from outside was the only source of illumination. Swimming in thirty or more feet, there was a set of steps heading up out of the water. However, it was guarded by three lizardmen armed with spears and nets.
Surfacing, Kai said holding up his hands, “I come in peace. I don’t mean you any harm.”
They gripped their crude weapons tightly as one hissed, “Surrender.”
“I’m not your enemy. When you say things like surrender, it makes me think I’m your enemy,” Kai said and seeing that they were not buying it continued. “So, I’m going to leave now and hope we can meet under better circumstances.” Swimming away and looking over his shoulders, the lizardmen were not pursuing. He safely made it back to the sloop.
Guo Gan asked, “How’d it go?”
“There was a walkway structure carved into the rocks. There were some lizardmen guards and they were pretty hostile and demanded that I surrendered. It seemed pretty dangerous, so I got the hell out,” Kai answered.
“Just like Johnny One Bags,” Guo Gan commented.
The party sailed to the east and in the distance saw a small boat pulled onto the shore. Maneuvering towards it, they landed the sloop next to it. There was no sign of anyone onboard. Someone, presumably the Tomb Raiders, had dragged it up and wedged it on the shore. Inside it was some fishing gear, but nothing seemed out of place. However, footprints from the boat could be seen heading into the marshy interior.
“I think we should explore the island,” Imago said.
Kai responded by saying, “Right, what he said. Imago, stay with the boat. We are going to explore the island.”
Working their way inland, the group found a worn trail leading in the right direction of the path they saw along the cliff. The jungle canopy was thick and dense. An entire army could be fifteen feet away and you wouldn’t see them. Sunlight intermittently penetrated through the trees, obscuring the time of day. Everything was a different shade of green. Rocks or remnants of ancient ruins were in the process of being reclaimed and eaten by the jungle. Nasty, biting, and stinging insects were a concern, but Kildo lit some repellant, which had a sickly-sweet smell.
An hour in and the party was completely engulfed by their surroundings. The only way they could tell they were heading straight was the worn path. Otherwise, if they were in the bush, they easily could have been going in circles.
As their feet crunched along the ground, Kildo had also noticed the other sounds of the jungle had stopped about five minutes ago. “Kai, I be believing something be following us.”
The group stopped and looked around. The jungle was quite, too quiet.
Zzee then bellowed forth several, deep-throated hoarse calls. He held his weapons high in the air. The sound carried on for some distance before being absorbed.
“What be that?” Kildo asked.
“I’m calling out a challenge to fight.”
“Ugh!” Kai exclaimed. “Hopefully, no one heard it.
There were a few heartbeats of silence, before a loud, angry croaking sound challenged Zzee’s call. There was rustling in the brush ahead of them to the southwest. Six frog-like humanoid bullywugs sprung from the jungle. They had green, gray, or mottled yellow skin, which seemed to shift through shades of gray, green, and brown, allowing them to blend in with their surroundings. They wore crude armor and wielded simple spears as they hopped and charged and were getting ready to throw.
Guo Gan moved up and threw two daggers, one hit the third bullywug and the other pinged into a tree.
“Life is death. Death is rebirth. Rebirth is life. Fight!” Kildo chanted as Kai, Guo Gan, and Zzee’s forms began to glow from the bless spell.
Zzee immediately charged into the trees and was lost from sight in less than six seconds. One of the creatures, stabbed Kildo in the chain shirt, but its second attack struck his shield. Four spears flew at the group, but landed harmlessly.
Kai countered and struck the first approaching bullywug. His glaive glowed with Kildo’s bless as it went straight into its belly. Casting divine smite radiant damage coursed through his weapon. The frog exploded. Only its legs remained intact and fell to either side.
Guo Gan swung with his quarterstaff smashing it into the second and right between the eyes. The creature’s brains exploded out its ears and fell dead.
Kildo moved up to engage the bullywug and swung, but missed as it leapt backwards out of the dwarf’s shortened reach. It then charged and the cleric blocked its attack and instinctly pulled back as the frog snapped its sharp teeth at him, but only caught the tail end of his red beard.
A deep-throated hoarse call proceeded Zzee emerging from the tree line slashing with his scimitars and killing the third bullywug.
The frogs thrusted their spears and both Guo Gan and Zzee were struck. Blood spirted from their wounds.
Kai pulled his glaive out of his opponent and slashed the fourth bullywug. It slumped dead as the blade cleaved through its slimy form.
Another quick bash from Guo Gan’s quarterstaff smashed a fifth bullywug in the face, killing it. The monk then used his staff as a pole and kicked the sixth and last one in the face.
The bullywug stumbled back and spat a wad of slime.
“Surrender!” Kai shouted.
Whether the bullywug could understand the paladin or not was unknown. However, its action gave an indication it wasn’t going to comply. It charged the paladin.
Kai slammed the back end of his glaive into the ground. The bullywug flung itself at the paladin impaling itself on the weapon. It slid down the weapon dead, as it croaked.
However, before the party could tend to its wounds or see who was seriously hurt, a strange burping sound came from within the trees.
“Ruue gag! Ruue gag! Ruue gag!”
Three larger bullywugs armed with nicer spears and large shells for armor sprung into their midst. Also, an enormous frog hopped on the road to the south. It carried an even larger bullywug with more highly decorated shells and wore a semblance of a crown on its head.
The first bullywug’s spear struck Kai, but the other two thrusted and missed Guo Gan.
Due to the close quarter combat, Kai dropped his glaive and drew his longsword.
Zzee slashed with both his scimitars, but they missed as the bullywugs kept him out of range with their spears.
Twirling his quarterstaff, Guo Gan struck the second bullywug and kicked the third, knocking the creature prone.
Seeing the downed creature, Kildo took a tremendous swipe at it with his warhammer, striking it in the chest. The weapon smashed its shell armor, protecting it, and preventing a lethal blow.
However, Kai them moved up and stabbed the downed creature, killing it as its guts spilled all over the road.
Zzee pushed himself into harm’s way to get at his opponent. He slashed striking the first bullywug as his second scimitar glowed, as it also slashed into it.
The slash caused the creature to spin into Guo Gan path, who used his special, ‘one-inch-punch’. There were several bone crunching sounds, as several ribs shattered and shot from its slimy body. It fell to the side dead.
The last bullywug leapt onto Kildo and bit into the dwarf’s chain armor. It began to shake its head back-and-forth to get to the dwarf’s innards. Kildo swung his warhammer into it, but it mostly slid off its slimy skin failing to do much damage.
Kai and Zzee charged in. The paladin stabbed the creature, but it held on. Zzee then slashed twice with his scimitars. The back of the bullywug opened up. It slumped to the ground.
“Does Zzee need to do all the work around here?” Zzee asked rhetorically.
“Ruue gag! Ruue gag! Ruue gag!”
The party turned, as the toad with its rider leaped towards them. It looked down at them haughtily, but from its barring of its teeth, it was angry.
Kildo began casting; Spiritual hammer. A floating spectral hammer, similar to the one he was carrying materialized next to the toad mount striking the creature. The dwarf then followed up with casting; Toll the dead. The sound of a dolorous bell filled the air around the toad. It tilted its head in annoyance.
The royal bullywug threw its spear, but missed Kai. Then the giant toad’s mouth opened. A thick, sucker-like tongue lashed out and wrapped itself around Kildo. It was looking for a tasty snack. Kildo struggled against its grip, but it was too strong. He mentally commanded the spiritual hammer to continue to smash into the royal bullywug’s mount.
Fog then billowed in the area. Its center point was Kai as the paladin casted; Fog cloud.
Zzee attacked, slashing two gaping wounds along the toad’s side. However, it was Guo Gan who thrusted his quarterstaff like a spear into its mouth and through the roof into its brains. It collapsed under its own weight. Throwing its rider in the last of its death throws.
The royal bullywug rose from being dismounted and began a croaking sound. “Glaar-Pat!”. It grew painfully louder. It was casting a song of marshy doom. The sonic wave struck everyone. They all cringed in pain.
Kildo called on Rigga, as a wave of healing energy, healed Zzee, Guo Gan, and himself. He ordered his spiritual hammer to attack. The spectral warhammer struck with pile-driving precision.
Disoriented, Guo Gan and Zzee attacked, but only the lizardfolk hit once.
The royal bullywug continued its croaking song of marshy doom. “Glaar-Pat! Glaar-Pat! Glaar-Pat!”
The party continued to take more damage.
Kai cringed and pushed through the noise and imbued his longsword with channeled divinity. His longsword glowed blue and became a sacred weapon. He then thrusted. The blue weapon then turned a green color, as along with Kildo’s bless, struck the royal bullywug.
Seeing the creature continue to take the party’s punishment and the party on its last legs and likely wouldn’t last another round under the croaking marshy doom, Kildo changed his tactics to defensive. He casted; Silence.
The entire area went numb. Not even the ringing in their ears could be heard. It was like they were all encased in a bubble.
The royal bullywug most effective attack negated, Zzee slashed and struck the creature. Guo Gan also recovered and struck and hit the frog prince.
Understanding no one could hear his ‘Glaar-Pat’ call, it stabbed at Zzee, but missed. It then quickly lashed out and bit the lizardfolk.
Kildo smashed his warhammer on the creature’s snout, along with Guo Gan quarterstaff, causing it to let Zzee go. Zzee in turn slashed the frog with his scimitar.
As the royal bullywug attempted to bit the lizardfolk again, Kai’s glowing longsword burst through the front of the creature. The weapon then was retracted back through. The royal bullywug’s eyes rolled back into its head, as its tongue flapped out, as it gurgled its last, which no one heard, due to Kildo’s silence spell, as it croaked.
Kai’s eyes then went wide as he looked to all of the party members. He was saying something angrily, but was absorbed by the cleric’s spell.
Dropping it, Kildo asked, “What did you say.”
“Enough is enough! I have had it with these mother-fucking frogs in this mother-fucking place! I’m going back to the boat.”
08/07/2021 – Treasure
· 500 gp – Reward for the 50 bolts of silk, 40 casks of brandy, and 40 cases of wine.
· 250 gp – For selling the 10 boxes of mining tools.
· 50 gp – For turning in the Lizardmen’s smuggled weapons.
· 325 pp - Royal bullywug’s chest
· Helm of Underwater Action – Royal bullywug’s helmet. Magical Helmet with a Jesus fish on the side. While wearing this brass helmet, you can breathe underwater, you gain dark vision with a range of 60 feet, and you gain a swimming speed of 30 feet.
Party Split:
· 325 pp / 4 = 81 pp.
· 800 gp / Ship share / 4