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Chapter 9 - Thousand Teeth

“Where in the nine hells have you been!?” Imago shouted as he rose from his seat on their beached sloop on Kyrox Island. Kai, Guo Gan, Zzee, and Kildo were shuffling heavily out from the jungle edge, like being chewed up and spit out of the maw of some beast. He kicked up sand as he ran to the group to help. Cuts, bruises, and occasional splash of dried blood, along with snot-like ichor was sprayed all over their bodies. The smell was not so nice.

“What attacked you?”

“Bullywugs,” Kai spat, as he approached the sloop, dropped to his knees, and rested a hand on it to stabilize himself.

“You were supposed to find lizardmen, not frog men.”

The rest of the group eyes narrowed and shot daggers at the ranger. Gulping, he then asked, “What do we do next?”

“We rest, we recoup, and we go back in.”

The sound of seagulls woke the group the following morning. The sky was clear blue, a few white clouds hung suspended and didn’t seem to be in a hurry to go anywhere as a cool breeze came off the water. Azure water lapped the shore and pulled back providing a soft, soothing rhythmic beat. The air felt clean, with a whiff and taste of salt. It was a beautiful day on the beach.

The party ate their ration of dry food, consisting of jerky, dried fruit, and nuts. Kildo ate in silence and crunched a nut in his mouth glaring at the jungle in the distance, which seemed all too eager to enjoy a dwarven nut of its own. If he was going to be devoured by that overgrown pile of weeds, he was going to ensure it would crack a tooth trying to eat him.

“Time to go,” Kai motioned to him. “Imago, stay with the boat.”

The party entered the jungle determined to discover the intention of the lizardmen. They saw their footprints leading in and also leading back out, which left a deeper imprint. Traveling, the bright, blue sky behind them was replaced by a dark green shadow of later afternoon. It was as if something had transported them to a different time and place. An hour in, they returned to the battle place with the bullywugs. A swarm of buzzing, biting, and stinging pests cover their corpses like a twirling cloud. Fortunately, the insects seemed too eager to dance, eat, and mate than bother the group. All of dead bullywugs had their legs missing. A few seemed partially eaten, something the insects couldn’t have completed in such a short amount of time. Long streaks of ichor covered a section of the worn path. Something large had dragged at least one of the bodies into the brush. The party gripped their weapons tighter and their eyes grew a little wider as the scanned the edge of the jungle for any returning and hungry threats.

Another hour passed and a jagged, rocky cliff rose out of the tropical rain forest and signaled the end of the worn trail. The rock wall had an inner twining and twisting, thick tree roots system covering most of the surface and rose up high along the cliff. There was a makeshift tall and stout wooden door, reinforced with a black metal design, which covered an entrance. An iron metal knocker was in the middle. It would be impossible to break through it without causing a lot of commotion. However, it didn’t seem to be locked in any way. In the distance, the party could hear waves beating onto the shore and likely very close to the underwater cave entrance Kai had previously explored.

Studying it for several heartbeats, Guo Gan asked, “Do we sneak in or knock.”

Kildo said, “I be thinking that we sneak in and be seeing what these geckos be about.”

“Zzee thinks we go in with a show of strength.”

Kai looked to his companions and said, “The lizardmen in the cave, while aggressive didn’t follow me when I retreated.”

“What about the three on the Zea Ghost? They were aggressive and smuggling weapons. They weren’t going to be using them for practice,” Zzee said.

Kildo then said, “True, but they also be thinking we be trying to change the terms of the contract. They also be thinking Zzee be the transformed pirate mage. Besides, that’s why we be here to find out what them weapons be for. It could be to attack Scarlet Peeks, be used for their own defense, or be used against an outside threat.”

‘Bam! Bam! Bam!’ Kai used the blunt end of his glaive against the wooden door.

There were several heartbeats of silence, when shuffling was heard on the other side. There was a lot of movement. The door pulled inward. The light from outside, melted the darkness within. Several thick, muscular lizardmen standing closer to 7’ feet tall than 6’ were gripping spears acted as a wall of scaled flesh. They were a cross between the burliest of barbarians and viciousness of a dragon. Their scales were deep green and striped with black and red lines down their body. Their razor-sharp teeth were surprisingly gleaned white and clean despite being carnivores by nature, which consisted of freshly killed meat. Their large yellow eyes with vertical slits for pupils were wider and they appeared confused at the party’s knocking.

The largest lizardman began speaking in a harsh, guttural language, which was directed at Zzee. The lizardfolk responded. However, it sounded like they could easily have been insulting each other or a friendly greeting.

Kildo gripped his hammer tighter expecting the former from Zzee.

“We can come in, but we can’t bring weapons into their house,” Zzee translated.

“Tell them we don’t mean them any harm,” Kai said.

Zzee and the lizardman had a brief deep, throaty conversation. “They said no. Apparently, another group of humans came around and attacked them,” Zzee translated.

Kai said, “See if it was a group calling themselves the Tomb Raiders.”

After a short husky exchange, Zzee said, “They don’t and can’t tell humans apart. You all look alike to them, except the dwarf and only due to his size.”

“Nice to be seeing that racism isn’t just a human trait,” Kildo snorted.

“If we leave our weapons they will take us to their leader,” Zzee continued.

Kildo asked Zzee, “Do they consider my shield a weapon?” The lizardfolk shook his head no. The dwarf then continued, “I still have me spells.”

Guo Gan then asked leaning on his quarterstaff, “They wouldn’t deprive an old elf of his walking stick, would they?”

Zzee hissed. “You’re not old.”

“I’m one-hundred years old. I’m older than anyone here.”

Kai eyed the lizardmen. His gaze focused on one of the smaller one, but to be fair it wasn’t more than an inch smaller than the leader. Pointing, Kai said, “We’ll give over our weapons to that one, but he stays near us.”

Zzee discussed the compromise. “Agreed.”

Handing over their weapons, including several hidden daggers, the lizardmen escorted them inside.

The underground lair’s corridors were hand excavated and larger than Kildo expected, but given their girth not entirely surprising. Not the best work, but seemed stable. The rocky walls were barren of any type of decoration or adornment. He was expecting to see them lined with skulls of defeated foes, so he was a little thankful for that. The deeper they traveled, he also noticed the temperature inside remained consistent. Turning a corner, there were several more lizardmen, just as big and muscular as their escorts. They looked on in curiosity as they passed. He felt through his boots the floor was slightly slanting. They were going deeper. They passed more and more lizardmen with some slimmer and possibly female as their scales were slightly more muted in color than the more vibrant color they typically saw in lizardmen. However, it was difficult to tell for sure, as they didn’t have the obvious feminine features of other humanoid races he was used to observing. Children were also playing in groups of four or five. They stopped and stared at them as they passed. An older, and heavily scarred lizardman with only one good eye slowly rose from a stone and like a guardian, ushered them away from the party.

Kildo nudged Kai and said, “Ye be right to be knocking. This would have been a slog and I not be one for killing youngins.”

Kai looked at the numerous lizardfolk they were passing and nodded affirmatively back to the cleric.

Turning a bend, the walls changed to a stone construction. It was old. A large chamber was in the distance. Entering, the room was 50’ feet wide and 70’ feet long with six evenly spaced pillars down the room. There were sixteen lizardmen armed with spears and shields, which were tempered and treated wood, making them very sturdy and could easily fend off numerous blows. Larger than their escorts these weren’t guards, but warriors. These fighters surrounded the party and edged in closer. Uncomfortably close, as they could feel their hot breath on them. They were sizing them up and talking amongst themselves and more than one pointing at Kildo.

“What they be saying?” Kildo asked.

“They are saying we are too skinny to eat, except for you,” Zzee translated.

“Uh, tell them dwarves be too hairy and not good for the digestion,” Kildo stammered.

A higher pitched voice in the common tongue with a heavy accent came from within the crowd. “Meat is food and you are meat. You would do well to tread carefully in my swamp. Not all of my kin are well fed and wouldn’t find you any less appealing a meal, than you would a fat pig.”

The warriors parted and four large lizardmen carried another on a throne carved from some large animal bone. The lizardfolk appeared female as her scales were slightly muted in color than the others. She also wore a headdress made of long blue and orange feathers. Sitting the throne down, she rose and sauntered towards the group.

“Greetings, various folk. I am Queen Threz of Kyrox Island. What brings you to my lair fortress.”

Kai nodded in respect and said, “Greetings, illustrious queen. We are here to determine the attitude of your powerful kingdom towards the Island of Scarlet Peeks.”

“Our attitude? We are different races yes, but this does not mean we will immediately attack intruders into our territory. We understand negotiations can bring us to a better position, than a quick meal by killing and eating them. However, the same can not be said of your kind, which attacked us on sight,” Queen Threz commented.

Kildo whispered loudly, “They must be meaning the Tomb Raiders group.”

Queen Threz turned her snout towards the dwarf.

Waiving the cleric off to remain silent, Kai continued. “I agree. The reason for my question is because we came across human smugglers that seemed to be supplying weapons to your people. So, we are here to confirm there are no plans to attack Scarlet Peeks.”

“We have no plans to attack your people.

“That is great to hear. May I ask, on the way to the island a Locathah surfaced and told us that their ambassador was here to speak with the good lizardfolk and to say Sam sent us. May we have an audience with him?” Kai asked.

“That is not possible.”


“Simple, he doesn’t breathe air. Also, some of your fellows might have difficulty breathing water,” Queen Threz said and looked pointedly at the dwarf.

“Don’t ye be worrying about me lass. I can be breathing water just fine,” Kildo said and knocked twice on his helmet.

“Interesting, an aqua dwarf.”

Kai then inquired, “So, would you mind telling us why you are making alliances with another sea race and purchasing weapons from human smugglers?”

“Simple, we need weapons for protection and for killing things. Again, not Scarlet Peeks. They are not our problem.”

Kildo asked, “What be your problem. We can be helping to foster an alliance between our two islands.”

“I would not be much of a Queen if I told complete strangers all my kingdom’s problems. However, if you prove yourself as allies, then share we will, as that is what allies do,” Queen Threz said.

“How can we help reassure your highness that we are allies?” Kai asked.

“Two ways. First, travel through my kingdom and convince my people that you are to be trusted.”

Kai, Guo Gan, and Kildo all turned to Zzee.

Kildo had been traveling, eating, drinking, and fighting alongside Zzee for a few months. His complaints were without end. He made a crotchety, irritable dwarf with sand in his nether regions a pleasant person to be around in comparison. On the best of days, his bemoans only lessoned when everything was going his way. One reason why he always ensured Zzee was blessed first in battle. Any other day, he thought the lizardfolk ‘at best’ tolerated their presence. That said, he couldn’t think of a braver and more loyal companion to be at his side. He knew despite all of his complaints, Zzee would always have his back and he his. However, the thought of convincing fifty or more Zzees that they were friends to be trusted with only a few minutes of interaction when the first thought likely through their snouts would be what part of this person do I eat first gave him pause.

“Ferget it. I don’t be liking that option. We be taking the second option,” Kildo said and then continued. “Uh, what that be?”

“Excellent. Then you’ll prove your virile and prowess by killing a legendary creature. I’ve lost several hunting parties to the beast. The bullywugs call it the Monster in the Marsh. Sea races, the Devourer in the Water. Religious zealots, the Demon in the Mists. Our people call it Thousand Teeth,” Queen Threz explained.

At the mention of the name, the lizardmen warrior’s bodies went stiff and there were hushed and whispered murmurs between them.

“Why Thousand Teeth?” Kai asked.

“Each tooth is a soul that it devoured,” Queen Threz answered. “Our bravest scouts will take you close to the known location where the creature hunts. If you emerge victorious, then we will know there is iron in your words, as well as your weapons.” “Can we go back to option one?” Kildo asked.

“No, why would you want to do that?” Queen Threz replied and then motioned to Zzee. She put her hand on his forearm and exchanged a few words in hushed tones. Zzee stepped back smiling as she continued. “If you are able to deal with this foe, we will discuss what is happening to my people.”

The party was escorted back outside where a half dozen lizardmen waited. They were handed back their weapons. As they were secured, Kildo noticed one standing behind the others, who was badly scarred. His left arm was missing at the shoulder and his face and side were horribly raked. His left eye was clouded over and blind. In his right hand he didn’t have a weapon, but a shield.

“What be happening to him?” Kildo asked pointing with his warhammer.

Zzee and the lizardmen exchanged words. There was a longer conversation between him and the disfigured lizardman. He then translated, “The maimed lizardman is called Thaxl the Lucky. He is going to guiding us near to the hunting grounds of Thousand Teeth. The rest are escorts as there are other dangers than just the bullywugs in the jungle.”

“Why he be called lucky?” Kildo asked looking up and down at the disfigured lizardman.

“He used to be the mate of Queen Threz. He and a group of a dozen of the Queen’s bravest warriors went out hunting. Thousand Teeth found them. They fought the creature and battled it to the last lizard. Thaxl had even buried his axe and sword in the creature, but it wasn’t enough. At some point in the battle, he was knocked unconscious. Thousand Teeth had devoured all eleven of his companions. The only reason he survived is that when he woke up, he was in the process of being eaten himself by Thousand Teeth. The creature had just bitten off his arm and raked his left side. Desperation set it. Without a weapon, he jammed his shield in its mouth and managed to get up and run away. It took Thousand Teeth some effort to eventually snap the shield, but then it couldn’t keep up with its prey apparently due to just consuming eleven lizardmen.”

“I’ve got a bad feeling about this,” Guo Gan muttered.

Thaxl the Lucky motioned for them to follow with his good hand. The group immediately went off the path and pushed their way through the jungle. It was hot, muggy, humid and wet. Everything was wet. After a few hours, they were deep in and there was no sense of direction. The lizardfolk stopped on a mound overlooking a swampy area below. There seemed to be few dry spots to walk. Thaxl the Lucky and Zzee had a short conversation. At the end, Thaxl horsed out a chuckle, which caused the other lizardmen to laugh too.

“Thousand teeth is down below in the swamp. They will wait here for two days. After that time, they will leave and assume we were devoured. Then they will call the creature, Thousand and Four Teeth,” Zzee translated.

Wincing in annoyance at the joke directed towards them, Kai asked, “Does it come out of the water or land?”

“Both,” Zzee translated. “You won’t know Thousand teeth is there until it attacks.”

“What does it be looking like?” Kildo asked.

After translating, Thaxl the Lucky took a stick and in a dirt mound drew a big mouth with a lot of teeth.”

“Lovely,” Kildo replied and gripped his weapons. “Let us be finding this creature and be knocking its teeth out.”

Kai, Guo Gan, Zzee, and Kildo slid down into the swamp. Guo Gan led ahead about thirty feet from the rest of the group. After about an hour, they entered a clearing where they spotted a giant frog. It seemed to be basking in the sun. It hadn’t seen them yet. Guo Gan motioned for them to back up. Attempting to back away, Kildo’s boot went through some marshy peat and sloshed into water. Water bubbled up under their feet. They were standing on lose ground. Their boots sunk about a foot into the mucky water.

Alerted, the frog spotted them and ‘croaked’ loudly. It leapt at the monk, its sticky, mucus covered tongue lashed out. It wrapped around Guo Gan’s waist and grappled him. Its numerous razor-sharp teeth bit into his arm.

Kai rushed and lunged with his longsword piercing the creature.

Guo Gan smashed his quarter staff into the frog’s eye destroying it. He punched through its eye socket and into the creature’s brain killing it. Extracting himself from its tongue, the sounds of splashing was heard to the east. Five more frog heads broke the surface of a marshy lake. Seeing the party, they sprang.

Zzee fired a hand crossbow and threw his trident, both striking one. That frog and another landed near the lizardfolk, while each of the other party members was assaulted by one of the amphibians. In midair all five lashed out their tongues in anticipation of an easy meal, but they all missed.

Kai thrusted with his longsword, but it mostly slipped off the frog’s wet membrane. Guo Gan helped with Kai’s opponent and bashed his quarterstaff into it, as his foot smashed into its side.

Zzee, fending off two frogs, missed with both his scimitar attacks and then shouted, “Dwarf, where is Zzee’s bless?!”

Kildo moved to Zzee’s side the help take some heat, but the creature was unaffected by his toll the dead spell.

The frogs all lashed out with their tongues, but all missed.

As Kai’s frog retracted its tongue, he shouted, “Eat this!” His longsword went through the creature’s mouth and out the top of its skull. It slumped dead.

Unable to find decent footing, Guo Gan slushed in the water and missed his opponent.

Use to fighting in ankle deep water, Zzee slashed with his two scimitars slicing two deep gashes. Its innards spilled out. It fell to the side and died. “That’s how you do it dwarf and I don’t even have bless on me.”

Snorting at the lizardfolk, Kildo changed tactics and instead of casting swung and bashed his hammer into the frog attacking him.

More tongues lashed out, missing Guo Gan, Kildo, but lashed around Zzee’s leg and bit into it.

Slushing through the murky swamp water, Kai sheathed his longsword and pulled his glaive and slashed at Guo Gan’s frog, striking a hind leg.

The monk bashed his quarterstaff onto the back of the creature, but it slipped off its hide. Guo Gan then kicked the hind leg wound, Kai had just caused. His foot went inside the creature. Raking it down, it tore ligaments and muscle. The wounded creature tried to move on one leg, but was crippled. The elf then made short work of it and put it out of its misery.

Zzee thrusted his two scimitars into his frog, but while penetrating the rubbery skin, the creature continued its hold on the lizardfolk’s leg and try to swallow him, but couldn’t get his mouth around Zzee’s massive head. “You aren’t going to eat Zzee, Zzee is going to eat you!”

Kildo’s warhammer smashed again and again into his frog. However, the creature seemed to believe it would still have its meal and lashed out with its tongue. The cleric blocked it, hiding behind his shield. The dwarf heard a croaking sound as he peered over his shield. Kai had come from behind and plunged his glaive into the creature, killing it.

Struggling in a tug of war of eat or be eaten, Zzee and the frog each gained and lost ground. Clawed feet and webbed toes gripped and slipped in the muck. That was until Guo Gan came up and bashed it in the skull with his quarterstaff. It collapsed into the mucky water and croaked.

“Oh, Zzee was winning!”

Kai checked on Guo Gan and laid his hands on the elf. Healing energy sealed the wounds the frog had left. “Alright, let’s…” The paladin’s voice trailed off as he saw Zzee had sliced some of the frog’s leg off and was eating it.

“What?! It’s a delicacy.”

Guo Gan studied the lizardfolk as he continued to eat. “That’s not a bad idea.”

“Exactly what Zzee said. It’s a delicacy.”

“No, no. Using some of these frog legs as bait for Thousand Teeth,” Guo Gan clarified.

Licking his fingers, Zzee used his scimitars to hewn a couple legs from the frogs, throwing them over his shoulder. Soon a whine began to fill the air. It came from everywhere and nowhere.

“What be that irritating noise!?” Kildo spoke out.

“I don’t know, but let’s get moving,” Kai said looking around and by the sun’s location headed in a southwest direction.

The drone continued to trail them even when they changed directions.

“Something’s following us,” Kai said as a bloated horse fly twice the size he’d ever seen land on his arm. He smashed it immediately. It exploded in red guts.

“Are those clouds?” Guo Gan asked pointing ahead of them.

The party turned and there were three black clusters heading their way.

“Swarms! Run!” Zzee shouted.

“Where be a frog when you need them!” Kildo shouted as he trailed behind the party. The dwarf’s shorter legs struggled in the sloshing water.

The party ran, but the flying pests quickly caught up. The party slashed, bashed, and smashed as the insects flew into their midst. The group was covered with them, but despite their attempts their armor kept out most of the bites and stings.

“They’re after the frog legs!” Kai shouted seeing a heavy concentration around the lizardfolk.

Zzee dropped them and ran. The majority of the swarm broke up and went after the legs allowing the party to flee the area. They killed any pests that still had the arrogant notion the party was a possible meal.

Continuing on in the swamp, it was getting in the afternoon and Kildo thought if they didn’t find Thousand Teeth in the next hour or so, the reality would be they’d be sleeping in this marsh. Something he thought would be the most miserable night of his life. Noting the rest of the party, they seemed to be in a similar plight, except Zzee. He seemed to be enjoying the humid weather and heat. While the dampness of the swamp washed over Zzee’s scales, it clung to his dwarven skin and saturated his beard. He was concern he’s never get rid of the marsh’s musty smell out of his red mane without cutting it off. He’d like nothing more than to burn this swamp, but that wouldn’t happen because all of the damn water!

“Did you say something Kildo?” Kai asked. “You were grumbling quite loudly.”

“No, except I be missing me hills. This swamp is not as nice,” Kildo replied.

“Agreed, I can’t-” Kai began before being cut off as he stepped on something squishy.

The entire ground before them slithered to life. Two pairs of black eyes with slits rose from the muck, snorting water from their nostrils. Emerging from the swamp, they had thick necks and narrow, but mammoth sized heads. Their mouths opened to reveal a toothy maw that curved inwards to pierce and anchor their pray, while gigantic forked tongues tasted the air. Both moved in on the party. While their entire bodies where coiled around itself they were easily 30’ feet if they were an inch. Each easily was capable of swallowing a full-grown man.

Striking on instinct Guo Gan swiped with his quarterstaff hitting the creature and performed two quick kicks in rapid succession knocking its head back. It only seemed to anger the creature more.

Zzee’s scimitars, slashed, Kai longsword lunged and Kildo’s hammer bashed into the nearest constrictor.

The unwounded snake striked at Zzee who twisted away at the last second. The wounded one lashed out at the monk. Guo Gan spun his quarterstaff vertically. Clamping down, the staff became wedged in the constrictors mouth. It thrashed its head trying to dislodge it, but the elf twisted turning it towards Zzee. The lizardfolk leapt into the air, bringing his scimitar down in a powerful slash. The power of the blows was devastating as the snake’s head was hewed from its body. The decapitated creature thrashed around wildly, not knowing it was dead yet.

The party began to encircle the last snake. Kai plunged his longsword into its body, as Kildo smashed a section with his warhammer. The constrictor snapped at Guo Gan, but the monk dodged out of the way.

Kildo then saw something in the corner of his eyes. To the east the ground sloped downward into a marshy pool shaded by a canopy of thick trees with twisting branches and wild growing vines. Ghostly mist clung to the surface of the brackish water. A gurgling sound began to erupt on the surface disturbing the mist that retreated, as if knowing something terrifying was coming. A massive surge rose from the water’s edge. A crocodile of unusual size erupted out of the water. Its long snout the length of a man. It protruded hundreds of teeth, not in neat rows, but chaotic, growing in wherever there was room and, in some places, where there wasn’t. Each tooth discolored and covered in waste and slime where the slightest scratch could cause an almost incurable infection or disease. Its eyes glowed green, as if possessed with a voracious hunger. Covered in thick, leathery scales, which would rival a dragon, protected its entire form. No stranger to battle, there were two swords and an axe buried in the back of the creature. They were unable to penetrate its dense hide. It clawed the ground on four legs with three toes each that sprouted claws the size of short swords. It lunged with uncanny speed towards the raging battleground. Its throat rumbled in a perception of excitement. Thousand Teeth had emerged.

“Life is death. Death is rebirth. Rebirth is life. Let’s fight!” Kildo chanted as Zzee, Kai, and Guo Gan glowed with his bless spell.” He then yelled, “Look out Zzee!”

The lizardfolk dove to the side as Thousand Teeth rushed past, but was hit by its massive tail. He slashed with his scimitar, which knocked off a few scales. It turned and snapped at him, but missed as he scampered back.

Too hotly engaged, Guo Gan smacked the snout of the constrictor. It attempted to lunge at the elf, but missed as the monk kicked it in the throat causing it to rear back.

“Guo Gan! Take care of the snake!” Kai shouted and began to chant and channeled divinity. At the base, his longsword began to brighten and glowed. The light traveled down its length.

Thousand Teeth turned and faced Zzee. The lizardfolk had hurt it. The legendary creature opened its jaws wide and lunged forward. As before, Zzee dove into a roll and back onto its feet. He felt a solid impact against his legs, like a maul had smashed into his thigh. His head hit hard on the ground. Thousand Teeth’s tail had whipped back in expectation of the dive. The lizardfolk had been knocked off his feet.

Guo Gan continued to distract the snake, as he smashed his quarterstaff into the creature’s face. Leaping into the air, his legs glowed as the monk unleashed a bone-crushing kick of incredible power knocking out a few of the constrictors curved teeth.

Bracing his hands on his knee, Zzee stood back up. “Nobody saw that!” Hissing at the titanic crocodile, Zzee’s scimitars glowed from the bless spell, as both of his slashing weapons sliced off more scales off its back.

Thousand Teeth glanced around and spattered blood was on its back. Its blood. The crocodile’s long snout turned menacingly towards the lizardfolk. Its vicious claws gripped the ground.

“Uh oh,” whimpered Zzee.

Thousand Teeth launched into the lizardfolk. Its jaws clamped down on his midsection. Thrashing wildly and shaking violently, a mist of blood erupted from Zzee. The crocodile threw its opponent several feet away. Zzee did not get back up.

As Thousand Teeth was distracted with is victim, Kai charged and lunged with his longsword. The blessed and enchanted glowing weapon penetrated its tough hide, causing more scales and more blood to spew. The crocodile whipped its tail. It smashed into the legs of the paladin, knocking him prone. Then as if smiling, Thousand Teeth launched itself at its downed opponent. It snatched him up. The teeth crunched on the plate armor, which provided some semblance of protection. Shaking the paladin violently, it also flung Kai’s limp form into the air. He fell to the ground and did not rise.

Meanwhile, Guo Gan and the giant constrictor battled. The snake was well aware of Thousand Teeth emergence and recoiled when it burst from the water. Even among the denizens of the swamp, the crocodile was legendary. It striked at the elf and clamped down. It wasn’t a solid hit, but enough. It yanked and was trying to pull its prey out of the area where it could swallow it without worry of being eaten itself by Thousand Teeth.

Guo Gan resisted being pulled from the battlefield, but the constrictor flexed his muscled down the length of its body and was too strong. Instead, he jammed his quarterstaff through the snake’s mouth, shattering a few teeth. Then rammed the staff as far as he could into the back of its mouth. The snake seemed to gag a little, but still held his mouth closed. Changing tactics, only the end of the quarterstaff stuck out. Pulling his fist back, he one inch punched the butt. The front of the quarterstaff exploded out the back of the giant snake. If the creature had eyelids, they would have grown wide at the turn of events. It collapsed to the ground. The monk pried the dead creature’s mouth open with his hands and feet. Retrieving his quarterstaff, the elf charged the side of Thousand Teeth. He smashed it into the crocodile’s side and thrusted it into the ground and using it as a leaver, flipped the creature. However, instead of the monk flinging it onto its back, it did a legendary barrel roll and landed upright.

Kildo rushed over to Zzee who was bleeding profusely and began chanting, “Life is death. Death is rebirth. Rebirth is life. Get up!” Healing energy flowed into the lizardfolk. The bleeding stopped and the most grievous wounds closed.

“Zzee thanks you cleric.” Rising up, a massive tail the size of a tree ‘whooshed’ over the dwarf’s head and smashed into the lizardfolk sending him flying several feet away. The fighter was down again.

“The nine hells,’ Kildo muttered. He then grabbed his ankh holy symbol of Rigga and prayed. “We really be needing you’re help here! I can’t be doing it without your help!” A wave of healing energy sprang out from the ankh and struck Zzee and Kai. Both fighter and paladin stirred.

Guo Gan alone squared off against Thousand Teeth. The monk bashed with his quarterstaff on its snout and followed up as his leg smashed outward, kidding with tremendous force into the creature’s left eye.

Behind the crocodile, Zzee’s slashed with his two scimitars. One glowed with the cleric’s bless spell and twisted into a tremendous cutting attack slashing the creature’s tail. Thousand Teeth spun with uncanny speed. Its jaws clamped around the lizardfolk and threw him into the air. He summersaulted midair and crashed hard into the ground. He did not get back up. The legendary creature also saw Kai. It burst forward with supernatural speed and snatched the paladin’s plated legs. Knocking him to the ground, it shook his head violently and flung him away into the muck.

The paladin landed next to Kildo. The cleric began chanting and casted; Healing Word.

Kai’s eyes fluttered open and asked, “We won? Is it over?”

“No, this still be happening,” Kildo informed him. The dwarf didn’t have time to unpack and load his crossbow. They’d all likely be dead and in that creature’s gullet long before then. While it likely wouldn’t do any good, he began casting; Toll the Dead.

The sound of a dolorous bell filled the air around the legendary beast. It tilted its head in annoyance. However, it was enough to gain Thousand Teeth’s attention. It lashed its tail at the dwarf, but unlike most of its opponents, the dwarf wasn’t as tall, and it sailed over his head. Turning its attention back to the main threat, Thousand Teeth charged the elf. He snatched him up and like a thousand meals before, shook until its prey stopped moving and dropped it to the ground for consumption.

It was now just a seriously wounded triton and a dwarf left against an almost unkillable creature of legendary status.

“Get Zzee and Guo Gan back up!?” Kai yelled.

“What ye be thinking I be doing?! I be getting them up, but that cursed beast be keeping knocking them back down. I be telling even Rigga be getting frustrated with me,” Kildo shouted back. “I be almost out of healing spells, did ye run out of muscles or something?! Get in there and kill that blasted thing!”

“What are you going to do then!?”

“I be changing tactics!” Kildo said and began casting; Spiritual Hammer. A ghostly blue war hammer materialized over Thousand Teeth. The magical weapon smashed into the creature’s already wounded eye. It roared in pain.

On instinct, the crocodile swung its tail at the dwarf, but landed short of its target. Its depth perception hindered by the hammer’s attack.

Kai used the distraction and ran straight towards the back of the beast. Leaping on it, he ran a short distance and dove around the neck of the legendary creature. His glowing longsword plunged into its thick hide. Radiant light exploded from the weapons and out Thousand Teeth’s mouth. The creature twisted and turned trying to knock off its assailant. However, the paladin clung on with his legs, like riding a mad bull, and held onto the hilt of his longsword as an anchor.

Thousand Teeth charged forward blindly and snapped at Kildo, but he was able to dodge and spin out of the way. His spiritual hammer continued to pound into the creature’s wounded eye as it ‘whooshed’ passed with Kai riding it and digging his sword deeper into its head.

Thousand Teeth, unable to dislodge Kai, turned and charged Kildo again. The terrain was too thick for him to run. He saw the paladin twisting and digging his longsword into the creature, as his ghostly spiritual hammer continued to pound away. The beast wasn’t slowing its charge. Its mouth and its numerous warped teeth came at him. It was going to swallow him whole. He ready his war hammer to bash it and he gripped his shield. Wait, his shield. Thinking back to the maimed lizardman, he brought his magical kite shaped shield to bear. The titan crocodile roared in pain and also in anticipation of the kill. Bracing himself, the creature clamped down. Its jaws stopped cold. The shield was holding. He could feel the massive bite force bearing down. The strength of the creature was immense. It took every ounce of his dwarven fortitude to hold his ground. It was pushing him back!

“Anytime ye be wanting to kill this thing be good with me!” Kildo bellowed straining to hold his shield upright and preventing its collapse or torn away by the beast.

Kai shouted, “Die you son of a b-!”

There was an explosion as Kai’s longsword went through the base of Thousand Teeth’s skull. Radiant light burst from the creature in all directions as the paladin smoted its ruin upon the swamp. The legendary Thousand Teeth’s echoing death bellow traveled across the entirety of the swamp.

“Ah ha!” Kai bellowed in excitement.

Kildo peered around his shield and Kai rose and stood on the remains of Thousand Teeth. Only the hilt of his longsword was visible. The blade was deep in the creature. The dwarf’s spiritual hammer continued to bash away at the skull of the massive crocodile. “Away with ye, ya stupid hammer. Can’t ye be seeing it’s dead.” The ghostly blue spiritual hammer stopped, turned to the cleric and faded into the air. He then turned to address Zzee and Guo Gan, when he noticed something in his shield. It was a massive tooth sticking out that his shield had pulled from the creature’s maw. He examined the curved tooth in his hand before pocketing it. “I be keeping that.”

After getting the party back up, the battered and broken group rested for the next hour on the remains of the creature. Surprisingly, no denizens of the swamp, including insects, came to feast on the legendary creature. It was as if none would ever think Thousand Teeth could be defeated.

As the group rested, Kai and Kildo, using his help of his Helm of Underwater Action, searched for the lair of Thousand Teeth. The brackish water was murky, but after an hour of searching and to their disappointment, there was no gold, no weapons, no treasure at all. Just old yellowed bones and indigestible remains of prior victims. They even found a dead bullywug wedged under a log, which Thousand Teeth must have been saving for later. They specifically checked for any nests containing eggs for the next generation of Thousand Teeth, but there were none. The assumption was it was male, which might be worse depending on how many female crocodiles there were in the area.

Using a make-shift raft and stretcher, they party was able to roll Thousand Teeth onto it and pull the massive beast back towards where the other lizardfolk were waiting. At first, they stared at them as if trying to understand what they were pushing through the water. After several heartbeats, realization set in and they all began to ‘whoop’ and ‘holler’ in excitement. They all came down the embankment and marveled at the corpse of Thousand Teeth. They started to dance and celebrate all except Thaxl the Lucky. He stared at the legendary creature and Kildo wasn’t sure if it was the humidity, but it seemed a tear streaked down his one remaining good eye.

An eager conversation erupted between the lizardmen and Zzee. By their wide-eyed expression and pats on the lizardfolk’s back, the group was pretty sure he was taking all the credit for the whole thing, and we were there as his assistance. The six lizardmen eagerly assisted the party to haul Thousand Teeth back to Queen Threz’s throne room. They didn’t even demand the party’s weapons and let them carry them in. More and more lizardfolk shouted in excitement, joined, and helped carry the trophy, so much so, that the party no longer needed to help. Some of them even hoisted Zzee and carried him through the tunnels as a hero. He was thoroughly enjoying himself.

Entering the throne room, it was filled with excitement, talking, and cheering as they entered. The throng of lizardmen sat the corpse of Thousand Teeth in the middle of the room. Several started to dance around it, while some children jumped on top of it. The den was deafening.

The party then saw Queen Threz enter the room with her warrior escorts. As her presence was known, the banter quieted, until the room was encompassed in silence. Queen Threz walked to the front of Thousand Teeth and examined it. One of their escorts from the swamp excitedly whispered into her ear for several moments. She nodded and waived him back.

In the common tongue, Threz said, “I am suitably impressed. Your prowess and bravery are without question for now and forever. Share our feast as our most welcomed guests…and allies.” Another lizardman translated the queen’s words to the masses. At her last words, the chamber erupted in excitement.

Walking to the back of Thousand Teeth she waited. A lizardman emerged from the crowd with a massive greatsword, which blade gleamed in the light. It was razor sharp. Raising it over her head, the heavy blade ‘whooshed’ down and cut the tail from the crocodile.

“It is the time of the feast!” Queen Threz said and her translator translated.

The masses cheered, as several lizardmen swooped in and carried the tail off. Then several banquet tables were set up for the Queen, high nobles, and where the party was asked to join. In short order, lizardmen brought out plates made of wood with heaping’s of cooked meats, which gave off the surprised aroma of spices. A cook presented each dish in front of the group and Queen Threz, who nodded her approval, before they bowed back and left to set the food on another long table. Around each of the main courses were plants, like salad, and wild vegetables from the jungle. There were even various plates of fruits mixed in.

“I be surprised the meat be cooked,” Kildo said.

Zzee then explained to the party, “Lizardfolk do cook and flavor their food with what they can find in the area. It’s called Rak’Ta and some of the best cooked meats in the lands using generational techniques to season the food.”

“What kind of meat it be from,” Kildo asked. “Wild boar, pigs, goats?”

“Whatever, the jungle provides,” Zzee explained as a tray with what looked like massively cooked frog legs passed by.


“Zzee finds it best not to ask.”

Another lizardman carried several pitchers and wooden cups. Some of the container’s contents splashed out. There was a very strong smell of alcohol.

“Now, we be talking,” Kildo said and reached for a pitcher. He declined when offered a cup. Sniffing it and snorting, he asked, “It be smelling of fruit, rotting plants, in stagnant water.”

“Yes, that be Rak’Ta,” Zzee explained. “It’s as strong as the strongest dwarven ale.”

“Wait, I be thinking Rak’Ta was what seasoned meat being called?”

Zzee shrugged his shoulders. “Rak’Ta is Rak’Ta.”

Lizardmen served the queen and party a variety of meats, plants and vegetables. It all ranged from what one would consider garbage on the side of the road at the end of a market day, foliage picked up in the woods, to others that appeared somewhat recognizable.

Zzee grabbed an entire plate of raw fish wrapped in seaweed. He didn’t seem inclined to share. When he saw the rest of the group hesitate, he motioned for them to dig in.

Nibbling on a few pieces, the group realized how hungry they were and became more adventurous with the food in front of them. As their bellies started to become full, Queen Threz spoke. “My people are gracious for putting an end to Thousand Teeth. Crocodiles are sacred to this tribe and we originally regard its presence as a good omen. Some of my people began to leave offerings to it for protection. We did not perceive it as dangerous. However, our complacency was shattered when patrols started to go missing and matters only grew worse. We only realized it was Thousand Teeth when Thaxl the Lucky managed to survive an attack and returned to warn us. So, since it was a crocodile and these creatures are sacred to us, we couldn’t kill it. We’d be inviting calamity to the tribe. So, when you arrived and didn’t immediately attack us, it posed a possible solution. There would be no spiritual violation, if an outsider were to kill the beast.”

Guo Gan asked, “When you say we didn’t immediately attack you, was there another human group that your encountered calling themselves the Tomb Raiders?”

“Yes, very likely. You see and no disrespect, but we can’t tell you all apart, except the dwarf. So, when they came in and attacked my people, we responded in kind and killed them.” The queen then looked over the plates of meat in front of her. “Here we go.” She grabbed a specific fileted piece and popped it in her mouth.

Kai, Guo Gan, and Zzee saw the plate she picked the piece from and noted they had taken some too. They pushed their plate away. Zzee shrugged and took a bite.

“Wait, so the weapons were not for killing Thousand Teeth?” Kai asked.

“No, your group was just solving one problem for us,” Queen Threz replied.

“Then ye be using us?” Kildo snorted.

“Yes, it was for mutual benefit. We’d be rid of a creature eating my people and you’d learn the information you sought,” Threz explained.

“Then what be your problem where ye be needing weapons?” Kildo asked.

Queen Threz cleared her throat before saying, “My people have not lived here long. This was an old abandoned outpost. So, we are crammed here and preparing to go back and retake our underwater fortress.”

“From who?” Kai asked.

“We were run out by an army of sahuagin. We are gathering up other underwater allies to help drive them out. Merefolk, Locathah, and the warrior race Koalinth.”

“So where are the sahuagins now?” Kai asked.

“Along the other side of the island. We would appreciate any help you and your town council could give us. However, to be clear, this isn’t a raid, but a war. Now, Zzee tell the tale of how you overcame Thousand Teeth with the aid of your fellow travelers.”

Kai, Guo Gan, and Kildo turned their stares at the lizardfolk.

Zzee chuckled in nervousness under the weight of their stares. He got up and went to the middle of the chamber. Gaining the multitudes attention, Zzee began his tale. As he proceeded telling the epic battle, the crowd laughed, gasped, and cheered in all the right places.

There was a commotion at the end of the room. Several lizardmen entered with steaming plates of cooked meat. The congregation ‘whooped’ and ‘cheered’.

“Ah, the guest of honor and the main course!” Queen Threz said motioning to the entourage in with excitement.

The long line of cooks separated and placed the plates on different tables. One was brought before the queen and the party. She grabbed a chunk in her clawed hand and stood. She then motioned to each of the group to take some too. After each had acquired some, she toasted before ripping off a bite saying, “To Thousand Teeth!”

Kildo studied it for a moment, sniffed, and took a bite. It was soft, meaty, and chewy with a hint of spice. If anything, it tasted like chicken.

* * *

The celebration went well into the night. The lizardmen, along with the party all fell asleep in the throne room. Kildo wasn’t sure how much time had passed, but it was several hours. His muscles were sore from the prior day’s combat. Stretching, he saw Zzee and the Queen walk into the room. She had her arm through his. He had a tired, but pleased grin on his face. She also smiled with delight and moved with renewed energy. The two touched heads and she left the room.

“What ye be about?” Kildo queried as he drew near.

Zzee stared at the Queen, who glanced over her shoulder, and he said, “Oh, nothing. The Queen asked for my personal assistance to help with the future of her people, so I gave it to her.”

Late in the morning, the party returned to the sloop with the waiting Imago. After relaying the events of the past day, they returned back to Scarlet Peeks towing Howland’s boat behind the town council’s sloop. The Howling Hatred was still anchored in the bay. Coming alongside the Emerald Eel, they climbed up the ladder. The sahuagin Ghald Fourarms was standing with them all folded as Imago, Kai, Guo Gan, Zzee, and Kildo boarded the Emerald Eel. Looking them up and down, the first mate said, “So, you’ve finally returned. Did you kill the lizardmen and collect the bounty?”

“No, we did not do that. Apparently, they are in a war with a group of sahuagin, which took over their prior lair and making life difficult for the lizardmen. They are preparing to take back their ancestral home, so this was the reason for the smuggling of weapon.

“I see. Therefore, they are at war with the locals. Um, did they say anything about me personally?” Ghald asked.

“Nay, we be thinking it best not be saying we be sharing company with a baron sahuagin,” Kildo replied.

Kai added, “We didn’t choose sides, but several local group of aquatic Merefolk, Locathah, and Koalinths have allied with the lizardmen.”

Captain Quint Halfbeard exited his cabin and headed towards the party. “So, ye talked with the lizardmen, the town council and be unloading all of the goods and of course ye be getting rid of that blue gem?”

“Uh, no. We still have the blue gem,” Kai responded.

“It’s a curse, I tell ye. That’s why I want ye to be getting rid of it,” Halfbeard complained. “If we be sailing out with that blasted thing, there’ll be people following us. Even that cursed Captain Shatterkeel be asking about it.”

Kai said, “We could give it to one of the council members.”

“That be a good idea. Give it to Lex Luther or one of them others. I be hearing that Copperlocks be at the Salty Miner Pub. Now, get it off me boat!” Halfbeard barked.

Taking the sloop and Howland’s boat to the docks, they informed the dock master to return the craft to Howland, they then made their way towards the dwarven tavern. They found her in the back, where she had set up a small office.

“Hello again! How ye folks been? How it be going with them lizardmen?” Copperlocks asked.

“Apparently they are not a threat to Scarlet Peeks. They are acquiring weapons to deal with a sahuagin problem,” Kai replied.

“Aye, those Devils of the Deep be a pain in the arse. Them be very territorial. They move in and kick everyone out. The sahuagin view the entire aquatic realm as their kingdom and the creatures in it be blood sport for their hunting parties,” Copperlocks commented. “Never trust a sahuagin. That’s all I gots to be telling ye.”

“Yeah, that is known,” Kai said.

Guo Gan then asked, “We have this blue gem.”

“Yes, what can you tell us about it?” Kai inquired.

“Humm, I be knowing the least about it other than it be Sholar’s. It wasn’t allotted for in his will. It was given to the town council as something nice to give away as a tournament prize,” Copperlocks said.

“Do you know why it generated so much interest?” Kai questioned.

“Nope. It’s just a gem that be giving off bluish light. Not that impressive of a magic item if he be asking me. I don’t be knowing the interest everyone has, but it not be useful to me. There be a lot of things in life like that. One dwarf’s rock ore be another’s treasure. However, Lady Cameal might be knowing. She be having a long history of adventuring.”

Kildo asked, “Where be Lady Cameal?”

“Hillside Manor.”

After asking for direction, Kai, Guo Gan, Zzee and Kildo arrived at Lady Cameal’s home. A butler met them at the door and escorted them in. The walls were made of stone, while a set of wooden stairs went up to a second story with two arched doors on the lower level. A small table with chairs on either side with decorative red throw pillows gave a splash of color to the room. A few minutes later, the elderly lady and the head council member and the announcer of the scavenger hunt descended the stairs.

“Welcome, Emerald Eels. What have you learned?”

After relaying the story of the lizardmen’s plight, Lady Cameal paused in thought. “First, I want to thank you for coming to me first. Second, we need to make arrangements immediately to help the lizardmen against those vile sahuagin. Is there anything else to report?”

Kai said, “There seems to be a lot of interest in the tournament prize of the blue gem. We are trying to figure out what all this means. In fact, quite a few unsavory individuals are asking about it.”

“Who has been asking about it,” Lady Cameal asked.

“Captain Shatterkeel of the Howling Hatred.

“Yes, I’m aware of that low life out there in my harbor.”

“He has an impressive warship.”

“I’ve seen bigger,” Lady Cameal snorted and winked.

“Anyway, Captain Halfbeard doesn’t want to be molested by him out at sea if we leave,” Kai replied.

“I’ve never said it’s not fun to be molested out at sea, so I’ll assume you don’t want to get killed. So, you can certainly pawn off the gem. Do you want me to take it off your hands?”

Kai replied, “Thank you, but I’d like to know what it is. I think there is more to it.”

“Well, then I suppose we’ll need to do some research on it. Sholar had a library, but all of his belongings have been disbursed to the poor and what not. So, I guess it’s a bit of a pickle. We need to find you someone that can find the secret of the gem, if there is one. Who do I know…Who do I know,” Lady Cameal turned her eyes up in thought and tapped her finger. Possibly, the lunatic hermit. It’s rumored he’s some sort of magical. Another option is there is library on the Spire Island with those hippogriff riders.”

Guo Gan spat, “Not those guys. They are a big sack of d-!”

“True,” interrupted Lady Cameal and then continued. “Now, not that I’m condoning this, but if a group of hearty adventures went out and wondered out that way to their dwelling on Spiral Island, stormed up their staircase and looked at their secret lore, there might be something there. If I were younger, I’d go with you. So, being a responsible member of the town council, I can’t tell you that if you want, go at night, hidden by fog, and you could get up close without them knowing and arrive at their island undetected.”

“Thank you for that advice that we won’t follow,” Kai winked and asked, “Since we are on the subject of ‘sacks’, have you ever had any dealing with Captain Shatterkeel of the Howland Hatred?”

“No, I met him briefly the other day. He’s an unpleasant fellow. I suppose living on a boat with all those men will do that. Present company excluded of course.”

Kai concluded, “Lady Cameal, thank you very much for you time. We’ll take our leave.” Exiting the dwelling, the party discussed their next course of action and headed back toward the hermit, calling himself the Gardner. Arriving a few hours later, there was no activity outside.

Guo Gan picked up a dirt clod and threw it. It hit the wall and shattered making a loud noise.

Gardner came out and looked around and saw the group at the forest’s edge. He rolled his eyes and said, “Alright, come on in.”

As the group entered and sat, Gardner asked, “What are you guys up to now?”

Kai replied, “We were told that the hippogriff riders might have some information about the blue gem on Spire Island.”

“Perhaps, we know the gem is powerful and some of the various cults have an interest in the gem. However, I don’t know what they know, but would not be surprised if they know the answer or knows someone who does.”

Kai asked, “Do you know anything about their goals of their organization? Do they worship some creature or deity?”

Guo Gan then questioned, “Do you put it on a weapon?”

“Not a normal weapon. It’d have to be a sacred weapon to an extra dimensional deity or being,” Gardner replied.

“Do ye be knowing how many of them riders there be or do they be following any sort of patterns?” Kildo questioned.

“No, but I’d be surprised if there are more than two dozen of them.”

“Maybe if we talk to them, they be telling us what they know,” Kildo said.

“Talk to them? Sure, why don’t you just invite them down for dinner?” Gardner said, but by the tone was more rhetorical.

“That be a great idea! We be having a roast on the beach. That’ll be drawing them hippogriffs to us,” Kido exclaimed. “That be our plan.”

08/14/2021 – Treasure

· 4 teeth from the Legendary crocodile; Thousand Teeth




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