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Do we dream of D&D when we sleep?

Dream #1 – Chapter 3 – Level 2

Another surge of flames, faster this time, and you see yourself inside a dark chamber. Six cloaked figures stand around a table. You step forward into the empty seventh space. The figures begin speaking, but the words are broken:

The brown cloak waves it's arm, pointing at you " The replacement has arrived at Scarlet Peek!"

The black cloak nods, "Has he revealed himself to you yet?”

The yellow cloak holds its hands together "Can we delay him until the prize is claimed?”

The red cloak " Oh do you think your team can win the hunt?"

The green cloak looks to where you are standing, "Do you think Gardner knows your secret?"

Dream #2 – Chapter 8 – Level 3

Another surge of flames, faster this time, and you see yourself inside a familiar dark chamber. Six cloaked figures stand around a table. A seventh figure, clad in a blue cloak, steps into the space you remember standing in last time you had this dream. The figures begin speaking, but the words are once again broken:

The brown cloak waves it's arm, pointing at the blue cloak " So, you are the replacement for Shoalar?”"

The black cloak nods, " Now we are a complete table once again.”

The yellow cloak holds its hands together " What does our newest member bring to the alliance?”

The red cloak " Enough, which one of you holds the key stone.”"

The green cloak looks to where you are standing, "It is too soon to expect anyone to answer that question."

Dream #3 – Chapter 12 – Level 4

Another surge of flames, faster this time, and you see yourself inside a familiar dark chamber. Seven cloaked figures stand around a table. The figures begin speaking, but the words are once again broken:

The brown cloak turns to the yellow cloak, "Having trouble at the Spire, Kalinoth?""

The black cloak nods, "I hope Merosska was not your keyholder."

The yellow cloak snaps back at this remark, "The location of my key is none of your concern!"

The red cloak interjects, "More importantly, which of us did this?"

The green cloak winks in your direction, "Why do you assume it was one of us?."

The purple cloak speaks, "The Keystone flared."

The blue cloak looks left and right, then says, " Really? None of you knows who they are?"

Dream #4 – Chapter 16 – Level 5

Another surge of flames, faster this time, and you see yourself inside a dark chamber. The now familiar seven cloaked figures stand around the same table.

The Brown cloak shouts angrily, "This behavior is completely unacceptable!""

The Black cloak calmly responds, "My forces acted completely within the confines of the Covenant."

The Yellow cloak adds, " As have mine! Perhaps someone just doesn't know what we both know.""

The Red cloak slams the table, "Your smug coyness is far too telling. We will reclaim the Abbey in the name of my Master!"

The Green cloak quickly reacts, "Are you mad, Vanifer?! We will destroy you on the beach!"

They begin to bicker loudly amongst themselves as the green fire sweeps over the scene in an instant.

Dream #5 – Chapter 26 – Level 7

You find yourself inside the now familiar meeting hall of the seven robed figures.

"…attacking my Temple! I'll be back for whichever of you is responsible!" The Brown cloak storms out of the chamber.

"I suppose our missing Kalinoth is to blame for that." The Black cloak looks smugly to the empty Yellow space next to them.

"Perhaps someone needs to burn your Black ass from the race, like I have done for our missing Green friend." The Red robe challenges.

"And how are things at the Abbey?" the Purple robe prods, "Did you find what you were looking for?"

"I'm starting to think that none of you even has a key," the Blue robe observes, "Fortunately, I have just the tool to find out." He holds up a pincered hand which is holding a purple gem. Your focus zooms in on it. There is a figure inside, a dwarf-shaped person, banging on the sides of the crystal.

Dream #6 – Chapter 31 – Level 8

As you dream, you sense the green flames begin to coalesce around your vision. The fire resolves itself and once more you find yourself in the familiar meeting hall of the strange robed figures.

"I felt it when the Medusa died," the Blue cloak says, as he enters the room.

"It will be too long before he can be replaced at the Brown position," the Purple cloak responds, "The cult of Ogremach is no longer a viable contender."

"Then we can stop hiding our eyes under hoods," the Red cloak responds, freeing her Tiefling head from its constraints.

"I never felt it when Yellow and Green stopped coming," the Blue cloak continued, also removing his hood to reveal the warty visage of Captain Shatterkeel.

"Just because we are absent," the Green cloak entered the room, "Does not mean we are not busy. I, for example, have been busy retaliating against Captain Vanifer's followers at the Shrine."

"What!" The Tiefling stood up, outraged.

"Ladies, remember," the Black cloak stood between them, "No violence here in the Fane."

"Oh, let them," a yellow cloaked figure strode in, pulling back his hood to reveal Thurl Merroska.

"Merroska? I thought you were dead," Shatterkeel stated.

"And where is your High Priestess?" the Purple cloak inquired.

"Lady Aerisi has wisely chosen to bow to a much more effective leader," Merroska replied, "That being myself. The rest of you should follow her excellent example."


The green flames close in quickly, cutting off any further observation. But instead of receding as they normally do, you feel yourself drawn closer to the fire. The flames seem to be studying you briefly, before a voice resonates from them:

Wizard, we keep getting interrupted! I am adding your colleagues dream states to help solidify the connection. Time is growing shorter every day! As I said previously, I can not hold back the Rhed Lohebs for much longer. One must be chosen from the contenders I outlined to you in our past discussions if we are to have any hope to contain them! Here is what you must do. First, travel to the Island I told you about, and recover the

The flames burst open and the voice is cut short. You are looking up through some water at a trio of warty women, who are looking down at you.

"No more, no more," one of them cries out, "The Green Flame weakens! Soon the True Masters will be free to return, and place you all in glorious servitude!"

You hear them cackling in perverse glee as you slowly awaken.

Dream #7 – Chapter 40 – Level 9

Your dreams are once more interrupted by the inrush of green flames, which quickly part to expose the now familiar meeting room of the robed conspirators.

The Black robed figure is just finishing a line of commentary, " obviously, with our sacred weapon stolen by adventurers, we must agree to follow your ascension to leader."

"Thank you," a smug Thurl Merroska, unhooded in his Yellow robe responds, "Now that you ALL submit to my superior position ABOVE the lot of you, I suggest new hobbies are due for the lot of you."

"Careful," Captain Vanifer, in her Red robe warned, "Your rank is not secure until you complete the summoning. And I'm the only one at this table who will always come at you from the same position."

"My dear child," the woman in the Green robe, her hood still over her face, condescended, "How dreadfully boring your life must be in just the one position."

"When," the Purple robed figure quietly intoned, "Will the ceremony commence, Merroska?"

"In other words," the Blue robed Captain Shatterkeel reacted, "How long do we have to find new intelligent weapons?"

Reading between the lines. Why do you tarry?

Deliver the book to me.

I can reward you with knowledge.

Or I can punish you... sharing knowledge with others.

I await you beneath the waves.

You see the green flames slowly roll over the scene. As they do so, you notice sparkles of red amongst the green. The flames cover everything in view, and once again you here the voice resonate from them:

Heroes, where have you been? The Rhed Loheb grow more aggressive with each passing day! Have you selected a replacement for the missing Divinity? The solstice is nearly upon us! The fate of the world depends on the actions you take in the next few weeks! The most important part to remember is your chosen ally must

Reading between the lines. 'Help me'

The wall of green flames bursts open, and little flickers of green fire sputter out across your vision. Before you now stands a vision of an endless void of darkness, with tiny star-like lights far off in the distance.

All things come to an end. That is the cycle of life. We can only help others to reach that end as soon as possible. Then there can be peace - the peace of knowing your enemies are gone forever. Wield me. We can bring that peace together.


* Yellow Cloak = Feathergale Society - The Spiral Isle – Cultist leader is Thurl Merosska who was until recently alive.

Green Cloak = Followers of Belial – Leostone Isle - Female leader - At War with the Red Cloak. Qiekamis is the cult's weapon.

* Red Cloak = Cultist leader is Captain Vanifer, a tiefling. Her ship is called the Fire Prophet and her base of operations. Her base is at a shrine under attack from the Green Cloak.

Blue Cloak = Captain Shatterkeel of the Howling Hatred - Replacement for Shoalar = Original owner of the Blue Gem. Possibly Wave is the cult's weapon.

Brown Cloak = The Black Earth Cult at the Sacred Stone Monastery. The leader was the Mandusa, Marlos Urnrayle - No longer in contention. Iron Fang is the cult's weapon.

* Purple Cloaks = The Human Qhaarlex. Has a Spelljammer ship until recently called the Damselfly.

* Black Cloaks = Akinoth. An extremely old person, and by extremely old, I mean exceeding a normal, natural lifespan.” - Possibly Black Razor is the cult's weapon.

* White Cloaks Portal = Unknown.

* Rhed Loheb = Beholdehr (the 'h' is silent). Rhed Loheb were powerful masters of all they surveyed, but they were removed.

Green Dream Text - Possibly the Gardner, who was disintegrated. Possibly by a beholder.

* New information since the last dream.




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