“Shadowspire at last.”
“Finally, I’d never thought I’d be so glad to see the city,” My‑re said, fully opening her eyes. Late at night, she and Vomarian had spent the day walking back through the Rirorni Plains after their two mere dragon mounts scampered off.
“It’s another hour or so back to the Unsinkable III,” Vomarian said.
“Forget that. I’m sleeping in there,” My‑re stated, jabbing her thumb toward the main gate. “I’m not walking another hour just to sleep in a cramped ship full of smelly Shagornan Elves.”
Scoffing, Vomarian said, “We don’t smell.”
“Alright, I’ll give you that. How is that possible? Is there something I can do?”
“It’s hereditary and unattainable.”
Rolling her eyes, My‑re continued, “The point is we have a perfectly good city, perfectly good gold, and they have perfectly good beds. I'm not stopping you if you need to return to the ship. Me, I’ll be in there.”
My‑re trekked toward the closed city gates. She didn’t care if the Shagornan Elf followed her or not, but she let slip a smile when she heard him following her. Approaching, she banged on the closed door.
A small window door opened. My‑re recognized the old veteran sergeant from before. “The hour is late, and the gate is closed. What brings you to Shadowspire?”
“Pleasure,” My‑re said.
“Ah, I remember you two. Still celebrating your honey mead moon celebration, I see. Why are you two out so late? The gates were closed hours ago.”
“We were out sightseeing and lost track of time,” My‑re said.
“May we come in now?” Vomarian asked.
“I get it. You were doing the Shadowspire crawl.”
“I’m sorry, the Shadowspire crawl,” My‑re echoed.
“No need to worry lass. It’s nothing to be embarrassed about. I was young once, and we visited all the famous sites and christened them during our honey mead moon celebration. My wife and I were also exhausted and crawling back to the city after all the se-”
Interrupting the guard, My‑re said, “Yes, we are also tired from all of the…you know what.”
“May we come in now?” Vomarian snapped.
“Alright, alright. I know you two love birds need your energy for tomorrow night’s activities.”
“Thank you,” My‑re said, exasperated, walking through the gates.
When they were out of earshot, Vomarian asked, “That guard seemed fixated on procreating.”
“Yup, creepy,” My‑re said. Continuing inward for several minutes, she mumbled, “I know I saw it when we were here the last time. Ah, there it is, the Grub and Rub Bistro. The costs are outrageous, but it’s where the wealthy clientele stay to avoid being targets of the local thieves’ guilds. Besides, I always wanted to stay in one.”
Elaborately decorated, the main floor had the finest leather furniture and furnishings. It had a bar and an eating area that served food and drink, and the upper floors were for rented rooms, with the main area empty due to the late hour. A manager behind the front desk looked up and smiled when they approached.
“My lady and lord. Welcome to the Grub and Rub Bistro. What can I do for you?”
My‑re slapped two gold coins down on the counter. “We’d like a nice room.”
Pulling the two gold coins toward him, the manager continued, “A lady of refined taste. Our Knightly Lord Protector rooms will fit your needs perfectly.”
“However, our Lady Greywand grand suite is available for only two more gold coins. Where you will suffer the best hospitality this establishment has to offer.”
“Define this suffering?” Vomarian questioned.
“Yes, good sir. Not only does it include our spacious room with the finest silk linens the Rirorni Empire can spin, but it also includes breakfast in the morning, a nightcap from our vintage stores, and a before bedtime, individual hot baths. Also, our most highly skilled bathing attendants, both male and female, are available based on preference. For an extra cost.”
“We’ll take the grand suite,” My‑re said, pulling out two more coins and clarifying. “Just the suite.”
The manager showed them upstairs and showcased the room. Before leaving, he lit several candles and a small fire under the two individual copper tubs located in a side room next to the fully tiled bedroom. Wooden benches went around the room for sitting and storing clothes. “The copper conducts the heat nicely. And as an extra feature, the fire will burn itself out. Enjoy your stay.”
After the manager left, Vomarian unhooked his ring mail armor, pulled it over his head, and removed his padded undershirt used to prevent chafing. The Shagornan Elf was muscular and lean enough to show his chest, deltoids, and arm muscles. His body had a ‘V’ shape as his shoulders tapered to a narrow waist.
Staring at him, My‑re said, “Wow, you’re shredded. So, that’s what a strength twenty-one looks like.”
“What? You read my overview sheet?” Vomarian asked, holding his arms awkwardly in front of him.
“Yeah, I did. I wanted to know a little about whom I’m traveling with and your abilities in a fight. It’s not like I read your diary or anything. Here, so we are even,” My‑re said, and unfastened her ring mail armor and removed it. She turned from side to side in front of him. “I’m rated a sixteen. Not bad, eh?”
He stared at her. There was little left to the imagination. Vomarian’s face turned red. He looked away and said, “You’re sixteen years old?”
“What? No, I have a strength rating of sixteen. Don’t make this weird,” My‑re scoffed and quickly stepped into the bath, turned away from the elf, removed her remaining clothing, and submerged her body under the water. Muttering, she continued, “You Shagornan Elves and Alastarians have too many anxieties about your bodies.”
Vomarian also stepped into the bath. He didn’t glance at her and seemed hurt and embarrassed at the same time.
The minutes passed in silence. Things felt awkward between them now, like a heavy presence in the room. Great, My‑re sighed, thinking to herself. Alright, this is stupid. She had to break the ice now between them.
“What do you think we’d be doing if we were back on the Isle of the Eye?” My‑re probed, turning in her tub toward him.
“I don’t know. Training in the arena,” Vomarian said. “You’d probably be style leader by now.”
“Me? Doubt it. However, I’ve seen you fight. You’re really good and more likely to be the Wall of Steel style leader by now.”
She watched him. Vomarian seemed to relax in his tub at her comment. He appeared deep in thought. A pleased smile crept across his face. “Perhaps.”