Chapter 7 - The Sea Ghost
“I be having a bad feeling about this,” Kildo muttered as Guo Gan, Mufi, and Imago pulled up next to the sailing vessel, the Sea Ghost,...

Chapter 6 - The Sinister Secret of Haunted Hill
“I feel like a new dwarf,” Kildo Hammerhand said as he woke up and stretched underneath the nighttime sky on the island of Scarlet Peeks....

Chapter 5 - The Philosopher's Stone
“So, you be one of them ranger fellows?” Kildo Hammerhand asked Imago as they walked back to the House on Haunted Hill. “Yes.” “Ye ever...

Chapter 4 - The House on Haunted Hill
“You’re in a cult!” Kildo Hammerhand pointed accusingly at Gardner. “No, I’m not.” “Exactly what I be expecting a cultist to say,” Kildo...

Chapter 3 - The Blue Gem
As Kildo Hammerhand slept, dreams filter their way into his mind. Green flames flicked around the edges his vision, and then burst forth...

Chapter 2 - The Scavenger Hunt
“That’s some massive bush,” Kildo the dwarven cleric exclaimed. “It be thicker than an elder dwarf’s beard.” “Yes, I haven’t seen bush...

Chapter 1 - The Emerald Eel
“Life is death. Death is rebirth. Rebirth is life. Let’s drink,” Kildo Hammerhand mumbled under his breath. Touching his amulet around...

Do we dream of D&D when we sleep?
Dream #1 – Chapter 3 – Level 2 Another surge of flames, faster this time, and you see yourself inside a dark chamber. Six cloaked figures...