Chapter 82 - An Absolutely Fabulous Space Battle
“I am Haldon the Reigar, and my Star Children and I are here to kill you in the most absolutely fabulous space battle of all times. Even...

Chapter 81 - Commodore Krux
“Red alert!” Kai ordered. “Prepare for battle!” The crew raced to their stations. Kildo watched from the bridge. A panel next to the...

Chapter 80 - It's A Trap!
“More brains!” the neh-thalggu chittered in excitement. Kildo was instantly repulsed by the two monsters before him. The neh-thalggu...

Chapter 79 - Space Hulk
“Be taking the three space elves! I be taking the space monkeys!” Kildo called out as the star elf warriors drew their weapons. He...

Chapter 78 - We Really, Really, Really Messed up!
“Get to the chopper!” Kai bellowed. Kildo stared in disbelief at the sight before him. The gloom of a pale blue twilight encompassed the...

Chapter 77- The Reckoning of Captain Vanifer
“It be looking like some kind of perverse shrine to fire,” Kildo said. Leaving the gantry with the lava children behind, the party moved...

Chapter 76 - Children of the Lava
“Intruders! Sound the alarm!” An Elemental Flame Priest appeared in fiery, brownish robes on the southwest platform. He had a black...

Chapter 75 - Course Heading 0 - 0 - 0
“Great, more spaceship-jackers.” There were numerous murmurs in the crowd. Kildo and the rest of the party stood on the hammerhead...

Chapter 74 - Murder Hobos vs. the Volcano
“How we be out running a volcano?” Kildo asked as rivers of bright, orange magma continued to flow from the cone-shaped mountain. It...

Chapter 73 - Deeper into the Slave Lord's Pit
“What an incredible smell ye discovered!” Kildo lambasted Scomatch, standing behind the halfling. In front of them was an underground...

Chapter 72 - Underneath the Slave Pits
“Superhero landing! Superhero landing!” Scomatch called out, poking Kai and Kildo and pointing upwards. After somersaulting in the air...

Chapter 71 - Mind Your Step
“Crew, Captain, Country,” Kildo said as the party returned to the Space Ghost with the Impossible Shovel. They checked on Jimmy, and...

Chapter 70 - The Impossible Shovel
“They’re coming out of the pillars! They’re coming out of the god-damn pillars!” Kildo’s head snapped up, and he raised his arms to...

Chapter 69 - Through the Ancient Fissure
“There be something foul in the air to the north,” Kildo said, snorting and wrinkling his nose. “We should go north to investigate to...

Chapter 68 - The Rock of Martek
“By Belial’s blessing, we’ve arrived at the Rock of Martek,” Odium said. Kildo snorted awake and glanced at the tiefling cultist. The...