Chapter 67 - The Tomb of Badr Al-Mosak
“Do you by chance have an impossible shovel in your tomb?” Guo Gan asked. “You shall be my slaves for all eternity in the tomb of Badr...

Chapter 66 - The Mummy Returns
“I must break you,” came a hollow and heavily accented voice deep within its helm. The living iron statue stood ten feet tall and was...

Chapter 65 - The Quest for the Impossible Shovel
“Captain, we are approaching the coordinates Captain Shatterkeel gave to us back on the Rock of Series,” Silas announced. Kildo nodded to...

Chapter 64 - Solving the Trolley Problem
“Gimme, gimme, gimme!” Scomatch called out as he reached for the scroll, which was part of the treasure recovered from the Klown tent...

Chapter 63 - Killer Klowns vs. Murder Hobos: Rumble in the Big Tent
“Odium! Evasive maneuvers! Guo Gan and Johnny One Bags! Be getting on that ballista!” Kildo shouted. What could only be described as...

Chapter 62 - The Return of the Scones
“My, aren’t you the juicy one?” spoke the mind flayer to Scomatch. The illithid’s head was the color of sickening mauve and had a...

Chapter 61 - Rock of Bral
“I be hoping what I be knowing what this be,” Kildo said, breathing deeply, as he put on the ring with a gold band wrapped around a...

Chapter 60 - Earth, Wind, and Fire
“Aye, the wrought iron staircase be sturdy enough. Yer all free to go up,” Kildo said, shaking the spiral staircase and kicking it a few...

Chapter 59 - Four Keys
“The key, or whatever it is, is magical,” Scomatch said as he handed it to Kildo. Taking the flat piece of metal with a circular end,...

Chapter 58 - Mind Your Step
“This place is trashed!” Scomatch exclaimed. “Let’s go somewhere else. What about Renwick’s brother? That might be fun.” “No, no, no. No...

Chapter 57 - Strange New World
“I think that gnome just blue himself,” Scomatch commented as he pressed his face against the port hole on Deck 1 of the Space Ghost....

Chapter 56 - The Hitcher
“Don’t ram the beholder with this ship!” Silas bellowed to Kildo as the floating spherical creature came within Kildo’s crosshairs. “It...

Chapter 55 - Captain Kildo T. Hammerhand
“We be needing to stop that ship!” Kildo shouted, pointing outwards from the top of The Spiral and the former home of the Feathergale...

Chapter 54 - The Return of Shatterkeel
“Time to burst Shatterkeel’s bubble,” Kai said, hurling the sentient weapon from the Black Earth cult, Iron Fang, towards the floating...

Chapter 53 - The Lurker Below
“That be a mighty far way down,” Kildo shouted over the rushing waves. The dwarven cleric carefully glanced over as the water rushed...