Chapter 37 - 9 of 5
“As Kai be saying, we be living in a world of mind flayers, but floating water?” Kildo snorted as he placed his hands on his hip at the...

Chapter 36 - Blackrazor
“This be taken forever to drain. Let’s be opening that blasted door already!” Kildo said kicking and splashing in the foot of water on...

Chapter 35 - Carousel
“What in the nine hells be this nonsense?” Kildo muttered. The party had just swum through the flooded room with slippery walls and...

Chapter 34 - Wave
“Moon,” Kai said then quickly repeated himself. “The answer is the moon.” The bored female sphinx continued to rest on a large mound of...

Chapter 33 - Keraptis' House of Fun
“There be nothing fun in this room, but a dead demon, dead dudes, and-” Kildo began to say when he was interrupted. “And one secret...

Chapter 32 - White Plume Mountain
“Let us be hoping there be less dying from Odium’s cooking at lunchtime,” Kildo scoffed at the tiefling who was clearing the breakfast...

Chapter 31 - Aerisi Kalinoth, The Winged One
“I’ll not be touching that abomination of nature,” Kildo snorted as the party gazed at a perfectly rectangular doorway hovering in...

Chapter 30 - The Portal
“We be dealing with hobgoblins now?” Kildo bemoaned pointing his chin at the female leader. “I prefer Akri the Dagger of the 501st...

Chapter 29 - Hobgoblin Rescue
“I’m wasted on climbing stairs. We dwarves are natural sprinters. Very dangerous over short distances,” Kildo stated breathing heavily...

Chapter 28 - Miraj Vizann, the Earth Gnasi
“What’s that? You feel a disturbance ahead?” Guo Gan said talking to his jade staff as he pressed his ear near it. “You need to get rid...

Chapter 27 - Marlos Urnrayle, the Cult of the Black Earth Leader
“Barely eight hours of terrible sleep, awful dreams, and we be walking back down 1,576 stairs to this Temple of Ogremach,” Kildo...

Chapter 26 - Guess Who's Coming to Dinner
As Kildo slept, his dreams begin to fill once again with a framework of Green Flame. The fire resolves itself into an image of the Grand...

Chapter 25 - A Bridge Too Far
“So many stairs!” Kildo lamented as he descended back down the 1,576 steps to the lower level. Losing the best two-out-of-three games of...

Chapter 24 - 99 Problems and a Lich is one
“Fer a bunch of low down, evil scheming cultists, they be having good taste in brandy,” Kildo commented as he sat on a wooden box,...

Chapter 23 - The Black Earth Cult
“Do you hear the pitter-patter of feet?” Guo Gan asked and looked south down a long southern corridor that stretched into the gloomy...